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Nintendo NX - Prediction Thread


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When does everyone think the NX will be announced?


I think a proper reveal around E3 time but I have a feeling that we'll have a Nintendo Direct sometime in... mid-March perhaps? Which will at the very least allude to more details. :)

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When does everyone think the NX will be announced?


I think a proper reveal around E3 time but I have a feeling that we'll have a Nintendo Direct sometime in... mid-March perhaps? Which will at the very least allude to more details. :)


Initial details will come out in March, just right after Miitomo and My Nintendo launches worldwide.


After that, no more details until E3, where the NX handheld gets a full reveal and it's release is announced for either late this year or early next year (probably won't be more specific than Q4 2016/Q1 2017 though). Some details on the NX console might be shown, but no final hardware or specific details (and probably no games shown, but maybe some tech demos...)

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When does everyone think the NX will be announced?


I think a proper reveal around E3 time but I have a feeling that we'll have a Nintendo Direct sometime in... mid-March perhaps? Which will at the very least allude to more details. :)


They talk a bit about this on this weeks NVC. Jose mentions that if they plan on launching the NX this year then they have until March to get things moving. Anything after that and you're leaving it far too late to drum up interest and hype. I agree with everything he said.

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I'd be pretty surprised if the NX was revealed in any real capacity in a Nintendo Direct, I imagine we'll see something at E3.


I wouldn't. A Direct timed with some press events at the same time seems logical to me.


Though E3 is a safe bet, too :)


They talk a bit about this on this weeks NVC. Jose mentions that if they plan on launching the NX this year then they have until March to get things moving. Anything after that and you're leaving it far too late to drum up interest and hype. I agree with everything he said.

Thing is, I disagree a bit. If this was 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago then I would absolutely agree but nowadays, with how fast information is disseminated across the world, I don't think you need that long. They could easily do it at E3 with a launch in November and still have ridiculous levels of hype (or disappointment, depending which way they go) and buildup.

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I reckon they'll announce some details in March with a Direct of sorts... in time for a rise in share price for the end of the fiscal year meetings/reports etc. with the full blowout at E3.

Edited by Kav
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I wouldn't. A Direct timed with some press events at the same time seems logical to me.

To clarify, I don't mean that they won't talk about it or even discuss little bits of info, but I don't think we'll see it, or get clear cut representation of what it is or when it's coming. That kind of thing has to be on a far more public stage. When consoles are announced at E3, you hear about them on the BBC news, non-gamers start buzzing, that hype is important.

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If NX is planned for 2016, I think we'll hear information by March with first game reveals and hands on impressions at E3. I actually think we'll find out a lot less than we're expecting this year and that we won't have the next home console until well into 2017, with a few more 'filler' titles for Wii U to fill the sizeable gap, though Starfox Zero, The Legend of Zelda and Pikmin 4 wouldn't exactly constitute a TERRIBLE year :heh:


Personally, I feel like I need the rest of this year to catch up on things before I'm fully ready for a new system :grin:

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To clarify, I don't mean that they won't talk about it or even discuss little bits of info, but I don't think we'll see it, or get clear cut representation of what it is or when it's coming. That kind of thing has to be on a far more public stage. When consoles are announced at E3, you hear about them on the BBC news, non-gamers start buzzing, that hype is important.

True, but as we discussed before, having a Direct and press events is really no different than a press conference except in people's heads. Same reach. Same stuff, just done differently.

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True, but as we discussed before, having a Direct and press events is really no different than a press conference except in people's heads. Same reach. Same stuff, just done differently.


But as discussed, it IS different, because people do view them differently. That it's "in their heads" is proof alone.

Mindset is a huge thing Serebii, it's one of the biggest reasons Nintendo home consoles don't sell anymore.

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True, but as we discussed before, having a Direct and press events is really no different than a press conference except in people's heads. Same reach. Same stuff, just done differently.


How many press conferences have you held and organised for a large organisations? Presumably you have significant experience in event and conference management?

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They have to do a press conference. Their major failing atm is buzz, mindshare, and relevance. A press conference would provide all three. Nintendo have the opportunity to dominate this E3 and destroy Sony and Microsoft's stage shows. They HAVE to be there, live.

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They have to do a press conference. Their major failing atm is buzz, mindshare, and relevance. A press conference would provide all three. Nintendo have the opportunity to dominate this E3 and destroy Sony and Microsoft's stage shows. They HAVE to be there, live.


I couldn't agree more.


The only thing that worries me is Nintendo themselves, this generation was very much a generation of missed opportunity... I just hope they don't repeat their mistakes.

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As for the NX itself the gimmick better be a good one because I still don't know who's going to buy a powerful £300 ish console mid generation, apart from Nintendo's hardcore fans. Especially when that 300 ish quid could be put towards a VR headset.

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As for the NX itself the gimmick better be a good one because I still don't know who's going to buy a powerful £300 ish console mid generation, apart from Nintendo's hardcore fans. Especially when that 300 ish quid could be put towards a VR headset.


I think you're absolutely right. And this is also my dilemma; do I buy a new Nintendo console, after not really enjoying the last one? Or invest in some new tech that I've waited almost my entire life for.


Actually I just think I answered my own question. lol : peace:

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I think we'll hear the name before they unveil it properly, so hopefully they'll tell us what it's called in a direct near to the release of Miitomo & My Nintendo, announcing that a press event will take place where Nintendo will reveal the NX.


I think it definitely needs to be shown off before E3 if it's going to come out this year. I know most of you want a proper press event, would you be happy for Nintendo to do one outside of E3, maybe in April or something, and then just use E3 to give more concrete details on pricing & gameplay? Or do you think it would make a bigger impact if they announced everything at E3?

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...would you be happy for Nintendo to do one outside of E3, maybe in April or something, and then just use E3 to give more concrete details on pricing & gameplay? Or do you think it would make a bigger impact if they announced everything at E3?


I'd be happy, if prior to E3, we see the console and controller, we are told about what it is and what it will do. Why it is needed and what the OS is like.

What it's capability is and why third parties will be making games for it. Show off one game to show it's relevance and then at E3 just hit us with a slew of games, release date and pricing.

Edited by Kav
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True, but as we discussed before, having a Direct and press events is really no different than a press conference except in people's heads. Same reach. Same stuff, just done differently.


I like how you say 'as discussed before...', as if a consensus was reached and you are just helpfully passing on said information.


Well as the rest of us discussed...there is a reason why taking out an advert in the paper does not incur the same cost to the advertiser as an advert on TV during prime time. To say that all information dissemination methods are equal because it all gets out on the internet anyway is sheer fantasy, easily up there alongside some of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard you say on here.


Anyway. I agree that if they want to release this year (which just feels weird to me) that they need to get moving. Saying that, I do not believe they have given the Wii U a long enough run to ward away the sense of 'I got spanked for buying the thing'. I honestly can't see myself buying one for a long time.

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I like how you say 'as discussed before...', as if a consensus was reached and you are just helpfully passing on said information.


Well as the rest of us discussed...there is a reason why taking out an advert in the paper does not incur the same cost to the advertiser as an advert on TV during prime time. To say that all information dissemination methods are equal because it all gets out on the internet anyway is sheer fantasy, easily up there alongside some of the most ludicrous things I have ever heard you say on here.


Anyway. I agree that if they want to release this year (which just feels weird to me) that they need to get moving. Saying that, I do not believe they have given the Wii U a long enough run to ward away the sense of 'I got spanked for buying the thing'. I honestly can't see myself buying one for a long time.


What they need to do is get it out to the press and press event or press conference is exactly the same in the overall finish. The mass public don't give two shits if it's pre-recorded or a conference. It's only the happy hardcore, a very vocal minority, who care if it's press conference or not.

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What they need to do is get it out to the press and press event or press conference is exactly the same in the overall finish. The mass public don't give two shits if it's pre-recorded or a conference. It's only the happy hardcore, a very vocal minority, who care if it's press conference or not.


Once again, do you have any experience in organising press conferences for large organisations? Because factually speaking, reach is always much larger with conferences because you have an accreditation process which lets you control who is invited and it guarantees that the content is talked about beyond the 'core' market (who will cover it anyway). With a online video, it's very difficult to get anyone to buy in to it and cover it outside of the core gaming market because there's no incentive to.


The hardcore Nintendo fan will watch if it's either, and so will the avid gamer who follows E3. The problem with those is that they are simply fans, who aren't important influencers.


Big announcements are all about influencers and ensuring press coverage/maximising the reach of your announcement. Nintendo need to sit down and write a list of their biggest influencers (which includes all media, not just gaming media) and figure out the best way of getting coverage from them. This will not happen from an online video.


Oh, and I'm speaking from experience here. I happen to work for a fairly large Motorsports organisation that does this every week!


If you have facts and stats from previous conferences that you've worked on, I'd like to see it, because your opinions seem to go against what every other organisation in the world can back up.

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A press conference with a live audience and real reactions to an unveiling is always going to generate a bigger buzz than a pre-recorded sizzle reel. There is a huge spectacle to a live event and a buzz that surrounds it.


It doesn't matter what Nintendo show on the Directs, it doesn't feel alive in the same way a press conference does.


The E3 Directs are well produced and I like the humour, but Nintendo stepping back from proper conferences gives all the wrong messages and makes them look like they are failing and falling behind.

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Once again, do you have any experience in organising press conferences for large organisations? Because factually speaking, reach is always much larger with conferences because you have an accreditation process which lets you control who is invited and it guarantees that the content is talked about beyond the 'core' market (who will cover it anyway). With a online video, it's very difficult to get anyone to buy in to it and cover it outside of the core gaming market because there's no incentive to.


The hardcore Nintendo fan will watch if it's either, and so will the avid gamer who follows E3. The problem with those is that they are simply fans, who aren't important influencers.


Big announcements are all about influencers and ensuring press coverage/maximising the reach of your announcement. Nintendo need to sit down and write a list of their biggest influencers (which includes all media, not just gaming media) and figure out the best way of getting coverage from them. This will not happen from an online video.


Oh, and I'm speaking from experience here. I happen to work for a fairly large Motorsports organisation that does this every week!


If you have facts and stats from previous conferences that you've worked on, I'd like to see it, because your opinions seem to go against what every other organisation in the world can back up.


And the general populace have no idea about the spectacles of the conferences to which you reference, they just get the news via the media etc.


As I said, Nintendo doing press stuff, even with high spectacle, with that list of influencers is fine and something I said they should do, but for the people at home it's irrelevant.


Directs aren't aimed at the media, but people at home. Media can have their own event, probably at the same time and Directs are for people at home.


It's not one or the other. They can have both so easily, at the same time, that way they can actually control the message rather than risk media misreporting as seen with the Wii U reveal.

Edited by Serebii
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And the general populace have no idea about the spectacles of the conferences to which you reference, they just get the news via the media etc.


As I said, Nintendo doing press stuff, even with high spectacle, with that list of influencers is fine and something I said they should do, but for the people at home it's irrelevant.

Not sure why you're still taking this angle even after Goron has put it so eloquently. There is clearly a world of difference between the 2 delivery methods.


Regarding the bolded, let me ask you. Who do you think influencers influence?

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Not sure why you're still taking this angle even after Goron has put it so eloquently. There is clearly a world of difference between the 2 delivery methods.


Regarding the bolded, let me ask you. Who do you think influencers influence?


The general populace, who don't give two craps how Nintendo presented it.


They're not mutually exclusive things. Event for press at the same time as a Direct. Why is that such a hard concept for you to grasp?

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