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N-Europe GOTY 2015

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@Happenstance about the MGSV story, the game ended four chapters early. The unfinished cutscenes were found in the PC version.


They weren't found, they were included in the special edition as videos. It wasnt some big secret that was found out. Either way though, it was the entire game that was light on story, not just the ending.

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Here goes...


This War of Mine was my favorite game I've played this year that wasn't released this year. Addictive, great mood, and the kind of game that makes you feel like an arse for taking immoral (/easy) routes.


Honorable mention - Geometry Wars 3 - Still a blast to play and a great looking game but rather too many levels and power ups to really addict me in the way that the streamlined GW2 did.


5 - Sunless Sea

Unexpected, oddball surprise on Steam. Kind of point and click adventure where you pilot a ship across a.. sunless sea. All kinds of weird places to explore in an odd kind of text adventure style.


4 - Fallout 4

Fun crafting system and sense of progression, satisfying weight to the shooting, and a great atmosphere sneaking around creepy old buildings and the like. Could yet improve in my standing, but for now ultimately suffers by comparison to my number one from this year...


3 - Rocket League

Sometimes I truely loathe this bastard of a game sometimes but it's great to have such quality local multiplayer these days. Unbeatable with a stack of beers and a buddy.


2 - N++




Sadly flown right under the radar but this is one of the most perfectly constructed games I've played in years. Being one of only eight people in the world to have finished the hardest co-op levels is one of my biggest gaming achievements in ages! Amazing local co-op in general, perfectly refined platforming dynamics and controls, and hard as nails on the higher levels. A must buy if anyone spots it in a PSN sale in future.


1 - Witcher 3




Truely an astounding achievement, and everything I've wanted games to evolve to since completing Ocarina of Time fifteen years ago. Beautiful world, characters, and politics; some truely memorable storylines playing off each other, and every single side quest is a fleshed out story within itself. Gwent is also probs my favorite meta-game to boot. Masterpiece!

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Well, here we go!


Remember guys, I only own a WiiU and a 3DS, so keep that in mind before shouting at me.


Oh, and like last year, I'm not counting games that came out December 2015, nowhere near enough time to play those, (Not that I own any).

But I will be counting games from December 2014, so it all evens out.


And just for the hell of it, obnoxious spoiler tags for everyone!



Hold on, I have that 3DS theme... Is that my 3DS!?


Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is pretty much a straight-up port of the Wii game.

And that's a good thing!

Xenoblade Chronicles is easily one of my favourite Wii games, and luckily, this version delivers. Xenoblade on the bus can't ever be a bad thing.

With great exploration, a fun battle system and glorious British voices, you can't go wrong. Unless you don't own a New 3DS...



Well, they're pretty psyched...


The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes got... mixed impressions when it was revealed earlier this year. Not from me though, multiplayer online Zelda? Sign me up!


And it's delivered some of the most hilarious gaming moments (Mostly with other N-Europe dudes) this year.

If you have access to 2 other people who like a great laugh and surprisingly difficult situations, you need this game!



You know, for dealing with a Pirate's Curse, she sure is happy!


Shantae and the Pirate's Curse came out last year...

But not in Europe! So it counts!


You like Metroidvania games but think they could probably use more laughs and more outfits that skirt the kinky line. Then look no further!

This game has so many good points to it that I don't have time to list them all.

But I will say it's insanely fun to speed run!





Majora's Mask 3D is a very special remake of a very special game. My favourite Zelda game, actually.

It's got a lot of neat little tweaks (And some, not so neat, but ignorable) that help to make the world of Termina a little bit different to how you might remember it.

Still has some of the best side-quests in gaming history though.



Not even the least bit threatening!


I'll admit it, I haven't actually finished Yoshi's Woolly World yet. Mainly because I was playing it with @Ugh first aid. We need to carry on with that...


But anyway, this game is fun, pleasant and all just so squishy and soft and cute! You'd have to have a heart of stone to not smile at this game. In fact, if you don't smile, you might be clinically dead. You should get that checked out.

That light-blue Yarn Yoshi amiibo will be mine someday...



Go ahead, laugh! But you wait until I smack you in the face with so many numbers, you'll break your calculator!


Puzzle and Dragons Z is one of the...


What? Yes, I said Puzzle and Dragons Z. What about it? It's a marvelous game.

Huh? You played the Mario Bros version of Puzzle and Dragons and dismissed both games because of that?



Puzzle and Dragons Z is easily my surprise hit of the year.

It is so disgustingly good, it is an utter travesty that @Ugh first aid and I are the only people on N-Europe who played the damn thing!


The worse thing about that is that more than a few people actually bought the game, only played the infinitely inferior Mario edition and didn't even give this a chance!

You know who you are and you should be ashamed.


I still play this. That goes to show why it deserves spot 5.



BUGGER! Not again!


Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is certainly tricky to get to grips with, but there's that one moment where you're playing and suddenly, things start to click into place, and then you're hooked!


This happened to me in Monster Hunter Tri, but that didn't stop this game from whittling away hours of my year!

I can't really explain it, there's something absolutely satisfying about finally nailing that one monster that's been giving me trouble with my favourite Sword and Shield!


It's been 26 years.


Earthbound Beginnings is a NES game that only just came out in Europe this year. So naturally, it counts in this list.


It is probably my favourite NES game. And that's saying something. The sheer amount of charm this game exudes is amazing. Sure, it has flaws, but what NES game doesn't? Look past them, maybe consult a guide if you get lost, and you're in for a special kind of game you'll struggle to find anywhere else on that console.



Whoever made this is the worst kind of person.

On the other hand, BOOS!


I'm genuinely surprised at the lack of Super Mario Maker so far. (One number 5 spot? Really!?)

I'll just have to put it down to the levels that most people make being utterly dreadful. But what did you expect? Didn't LittleBigPlanet teach you anything about how much people suck at level design?


Being the more creative sort, I adore this! It's so easy to make levels and playing through other people's (not terrible) levels is so much fun.



Really? Because I'm not...


Undertale, a quirky, indie little RPG on Steam that has managed to barge it's way to the number 1 spot on my top 10 through sheer determination.


I'm not gonna explain why it's such a masterpiece, because that would ruin the experience for anyone who hasn't played it. (Most of you)


If you have Steam, you need to play this game. It's seven quid, you have no excuse. Do it now!


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@dan\-likes\-trees I imagine N++ flew under the radar because it was just on PS4. I loved N+ and would love to play the new one. The new Tomb Raider has received nowhere near as much attention as it probably deserves for the same reason.

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It's been a fantastic gaming year for me, one that has introduced me to a new favourite franchise, changed my opinion of an entire genre and provided loads of online multiplayer laughs! :yay:

Difficult to put them in order, but I've given it a go:


Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash (3DS)


Yep, the Chibi-Robo game that bombed spectacularly, reviewed poorly and pretty much everyone hated!

Tell you what though, I had a lot of fun with this game. Sure it's by no means perfect (far from it) but the zany vibe of Cheebo and Co. kept me entertained, the music was awesome and despite being super simple and very much on the easy side, I genuinely did enjoy the gameplay.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS4)


Technically I suppose this should be the Nathan Drake Collection, but it ain't because I wasn't a fan of Uncharted 2 at all, and Uncharted 3 while better than 2, overall isn't as good as 1. :heh:

Yeah, as far as I'm concerned they got it right the first time. Great locations, characters and humour, and the least annoying gameplay of the series too. If Uncharted 4 is more like this, then bring it on!

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)


A game that I was absolutely dying to play on home console, but instead had to endure on the 3DS (thanks, Capcom :indeed:). There's no denying it's a great game though, and of course very generous on content... Plus it's got lots of cats in it, which instantly makes it awesome!

Rocket League (PS4+)


What's better than a ridiculously fun online multiplayer game where you get to play football by driving a car? A ridiculously fun online multiplayer game where you get to play football by driving a car that's free! Yeah, this is a game I got to play for "free" via PS+, but I'd happily have payed for it. A multiplayer classic.

Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX (3DS)


Going to assume not many people will have even heard of this one (also judging by activity in the thread I made for it :hehe:) but yeah, being a huge fan of the rhythm genre (and quirky Japanese stuff in general) meant I loved this game! It features a great selection of super cheesy songs, and is also jam packed with additional content! Continue to play it every so often, and have lots left to collect/do.

Splatoon (Wii U)


Anyone that owns a Wii U, but didn't play Splatoon has in my eyes made a really bad decision. It's one of the most interesting, unique and of course FRESH video games in recent times, and it completely reinvigorates the third person shooter genre! The game looks amazing, sounds even better and is so much fun it ought to be illegal!

Oh, and it's a brand new IP... you know... from Nintendo. ;)

Just Cause 3 (PS4)


I haven't finished this game yet, but have played it enough to know that it belongs on my list, so here it is. By far my most anticipated PS4 title this year, and it's certainly lived up to expectation. While there are some technical issues here and there, I'm surprised there aren't even more! The sheer amount of chaos this game is capable of presenting on screen is nothing short of incredible, a gigantic and visually stunning open world, really impressive physics based destruction and ludicrously large explosions, all wrapped up with bonkers characters and cheesy dialogue.

It's impossible for me to play this game and not have a good time. icon14.gif

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)


This one literally came at me from nowhere. I had zero intention of buying it as I despised the stealth genre, but MGSV ended up being not only one of the best games I played in 2015, one of the best I've ever played, completely changing my opinion of stealth based gameplay in the process!

This game is simply magnificent. The attention to detail in all areas of its design is phenomenal and the way it allows for such varied gameplay in an open world setting is something that I still cannot get my head around.

The mechanics are so deep, it's a game that you could potentially play forever, yet still not experience everything that it can offer.

Super Mario Maker (Wii U)


This game lets me pretend I'm Shigeru Miyamoto. This game is therefore amazing. :D Seriously though, I strongly believe that had Super Mario Maker been released much earlier in the Wii U's life span, it would've made the world of difference to its fortunes. I had so much fun making my own Super Mario courses on this, and will continue to do so for as long as possible. The game is timeless, a never ending celebration of the legendary Miyamoto and Super Mario Bros. series.

The Witcher 3!






Just kidding. :p

Yakuza 5 (PS3)


What's this?! Not only have I included another game that I haven't even finished playing (barely scratched the surface actually, even after 20 or so hours ;)) but it's number 1 on my list! Well, that should speak volumes about what I think of this game and my confidence that it will continue to be great until the very end.


Yeah, 2015 has been one of the best gaming years in recent memory thanks in no small part to it also being the year I finally discovered the Yakuza franchise. Starting with Yakuza 4 back in February, and then Yakuza Dead Souls in April, these games have entertained me immensely and Yakuza 5 is now doing the business too.


I've mentioned this before, but playing these games really does feel like playing something that has been tailor made for me. The way they play, the vibe they create, the humour... man, especially the humour :laughing: it just couldn't be anymore perfect. In a time where the gaming industry is changing rapidly (and not necessarily for the better) the Yakuza series is a wonderful reminder of things that made video games great in the first place.


Oh, and did I mention it's the perfect Christmas game too, 'cos it is:








Honorable mentions:

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)

Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (Wii U)

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (3DS)

The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3DS)

Worst/most disappointing game:

Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water (Wii U)


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My top 5. (I've only played Nintendo based stuff this year)


5. Box Boy (3DS)

4. Pokemon Shuffle (3DS... sorry!)

3. Majora's Mask (3DS)

2. Triforce Heroes (3DS)

1. Splatoon (Wii U)


Haven't played many of the 2015 Wii U releases as I've been busy on the 3DS. Mario Maker was a disappointment though, didn't enjoy that at all.

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I haven't played many games from 2015, as mentioned in another thread. The games I have played include The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water, both of which I'm yet to finish, Yoshi's Woolly World, Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, a game I think I can just about include this year as it was supposed to be released at the beginning of January :grin:


I've certainly had fun with all of these games, to varying degrees, but it's tough to pick my favourite. As much as I enjoyed cooperative play with my wife in Yoshi's Woolly World, the designing aspects of Super Mario Maker and the fresh experience that was Splatoon, I may have to opt for Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker as my surprise hit of 2015 :smile:


Had my internet connection not have prevented me from further exploring the joys of Splatoon, I'm almost certain it would have been my winner for the year but it's hard to fairly appraise it when I'm so frustratingly missing out on so much of the new content :sad: The final boss fight in single player, though, was AWESOME :yay:


Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was a game I finished 100% and loved every second, even when pulling my hair out during 'Mummy Me Maze Forever' :indeed: In fact, I enjoyed it so much that I'm planning to pick up a Toad amiibo eventually in order to give myself an excuse to play through the levels again in order to hunt him down :hehe:

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@dan\-likes\-trees I imagine N++ flew under the radar because it was just on PS4. I loved N+ and would love to play the new one. The new Tomb Raider has received nowhere near as much attention as it probably deserves for the same reason.


Yeah that's true for sure. I believe they're working on bringing it to Steam, which will hopefully help it get the wider audience it deserves.


I'd read it's done so poorly (despite good reviews) that the company are struggling to recoup the money from development. Quite sad given the whole thing was made by three people!

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I've only got a top 5 games list this year, as I haven't really played enough games. I'm a bit gutted I missed out on so many this year. Still, I loved what I played! Here's part 1 of my list:




And part 2 (which is basically a massive write-up on my no.1 choice...)



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Just so you know @Glen\-i, I still play a bit of Pokemon Shuffle everyday, and since it came out I've been eyeing for P&DZ+M at a cheap price - your post has made me look and I'm almost biting...keep pestering me!


Thinking off the top of my head to topic and the games I've actually played, top 5 would be...

5. Mario Maker(by default virtue of actually having been played by me)

4. Majora's Mask(see above, would be higher but it IS a remake)

3. Rocket League - cracking game. Wondered if I'd get my moneys worth, this is a dangerous time sink and I wish I could check my playtime somewhere to see how much I actually have. Has occasional updates that have stopped it feeling too stale.

2. Splatoon - cracking game, absolutely cracking idea and execution on the basic gameplay front; infrastructure and some other decisions seriously flawed, but for a game that easily nabbed more than 100 hours off me this year it's well worth its spot.

1. Destiny:TTK - The one that stole Splatoon's crown. Did NOT think I would like Destiny as much as I have. Can't stop playing it, daily/weekly changes and excellent online infrastructure(at least on PS4) plus both my friends and much of the community here having it on the same platform have absolutely made this game for me. The wealth of content and variety is fantastic, and I very much enjoy it doesn't have to all be PvP or PvE - you basically choose how you want to play this game, and just keep on running with that. Cannot wait for what its future holds.


*Yes, I have played Witcher, but I have not played it enough to place it suitable on the list here. Hell, I'm not sure I could even say the same of Mario Maker, but its own limitations on unlocking tools held it back for me rather than me not putting the time in, so Witcher for now has a pass.

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Just so you know @Glen\-i, I still play a bit of Pokemon Shuffle everyday, and since it came out I've been eyeing for P&DZ+M at a cheap price - your post has made me look and I'm almost biting...keep pestering me!


It's a shame you didn't jump on the Black Friday eShop sale. It got a pretty decent discount.


But that's in the past now.


I don't know how similar Pokemon Shuffle is to P&D, but I can guarantee it'll keep you busy if you like Match-3 kinds of games.

I sunk over 200 hours into it.

It just got an update as well, no idea if it did anything meaningful though.

EDIT: I think it's adding new transformations and enemies to the Mario edition, if only it retweaked the difficulty...

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