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Alien: Covenant


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I'm not going to watch any trailers or previews for this. I thought Prometheus was ok/decent, but the trailers for it were outstanding. Had I not watched the trailers, I may have been in the "It was awesome" camp. Who knows.


No trailers crew 4 lyf.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I finally got around to watching this yesterday and saw it with a friend who is also a huuuuuge fan of the Alien series.


We all virtually agreed that it was a bit shit.


I'll spoiler tag it just in case:


First off...when you have an actor with the calibre and star quality of someone like James Franco, having him in the film for a max of 45 seconds is just...a bit random and a bit shit. Don't know what the whole point of that was. See Interstellar for how to do unexpected/surprise cameos.


The CGI in this film is dire, notably the scenes with the Neomorphs (whut?) and finally the Xenomorph chestbursting scene. Also disliked how the creatures moved.


The character development in this film is woeful. This is it summed up:


Character A is in love with character B. B has died, therefore A is now sad.


That's it.


It's also predictable as fuck. You know when exactly each character is about to die (when they decide to "wait here" or "go there alone") and each death scene is just underwhelming and a bit shitty. Zero tension throughout the movie.


I don't know what Ridley is trying to achieve with these films. Is he really going to all of this trouble of creating 3 or 4 films just to answer the question of how the pilot ended up where it did in that derelict in the original Alien? Because if he is...then he's a fucking idiot as sometimes mysteries are good in film. Explaining every little detail shatters that illusion.


Overall, I wouldn't really recommend it. Fans are either crying out for a film like the original Alien, or Alien V. This is neither. I don't know what this is. There are just as many bad Alien films as there are now good ones.


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I finally got around to watching this yesterday and saw it with a friend who is also a huuuuuge fan of the Alien series.


We all virtually agreed that it was a bit shit.


I'll spoiler tag it just in case:


First off...when you have an actor with the calibre and star quality of someone like James Franco, having him in the film for a max of 45 seconds is just...a bit random and a bit shit. Don't know what the whole point of that was. See Interstellar for how to do unexpected/surprise cameos.


The CGI in this film is dire, notably the scenes with the Neomorphs (whut?) and finally the Xenomorph chestbursting scene. Also disliked how the creatures moved.


The character development in this film is woeful. This is it summed up:


Character A is in love with character B. B has died, therefore A is now sad.


That's it.


It's also predictable as fuck. You know when exactly each character is about to die (when they decide to "wait here" or "go there alone") and each death scene is just underwhelming and a bit shitty. Zero tension throughout the movie.


I don't know what Ridley is trying to achieve with these films. Is he really going to all of this trouble of creating 3 or 4 films just to answer the question of how the pilot ended up where it did in that derelict in the original Alien? Because if he is...then he's a fucking idiot as sometimes mysteries are good in film. Explaining every little detail shatters that illusion.


Overall, I wouldn't really recommend it. Fans are either crying out for a film like the original Alien, or Alien V. This is neither. I don't know what this is. There are just as many bad Alien films as there are now good ones.


Well i saw Covenant and i'm disappointed, it had a decent enough cast of main characters (aside from the Cannon fodder), well maybe two good actors, the sets and props seem brilliant and in keeping with the universe (aside from mother being more advanced) and Fas is always good to watch - but it felt disjointed, like scenes were created before a plot to tie them together.



I was left with far too many questions, far far too many

Why were the scientists complete idiots - no hazard protection on an unknown world? no scans of pathogens and caution around plant/wild life? Christ they seem like they were in left over rebel soldier costumes from Rogue one, just wandering around on an alien world having a piss in the woods trampling big bulbous mushroom pods, what can go wrong?


The pilot locked the other woman in the room with the backburster? no "his back exploded leave the room i'm getting a gun!" nope, just lock the door and then listen to the protests, could have let her out and then locked it again!


Why the hell was all the glass on windows, doors and space vehicles so weak a headbutt could crack it? Single glazing in space?


Why didn't we explicitly find out how Shaw (the more interesting heroine) actually died? she seemed ill in the promo, did she die and David went over the edge deciding when the only person who showed him love and kindness died revealing the fragility of human life it should all die? or did he just snap and rip her jaw off (as depicted in a hand drawn picture)


What did he use her body for? was she used as a host to create the Xeno eggs? the first 'Alien Queen'?


Was that actually the Engineer homeworld? the aliens didn't seem the same as the Engineers, they were human sized (or their corpses were), so was the architecture, so was it just another of the Engineers experiment worlds? only they had been visited by the Engineers? (it looked like they were worshiping the engineer ship).


If it was the only Engineer world, then how did the Juggernaught ship end up on LV-426? with a chest burst Engineer no less! Hell even if it wasn't then how did that happen? are we expected to learn more in the next sequel?


Why was the Alien not quite right? it wasn't as mechanical looking as it was in Alien (back spikes, pipes etc) are we to assume/expect David will experiment more and perfect the Alien? will he himself integrate his own Synthetic life into them? it seems inevitable that they will turn on him and no longer ignore silicone life (Bishop didn't get a pass did he?)


Maybe he'll create a queen to allow the Alien to reproduce using his DNA and her will and control over the Xeno's will superceed his own (Motherhood/Fatherhood themes) and he'll meet his demise at the hands of his creation, paralleling his own fall in regards to Engineers>Humans


How was it not immediately obvious to them it was David near the end? he wasn't healing and he'd freaking just shown he healed quick, the crew must have known?


and Why even have Noomi and James Franco in the film?


ehh its a solid 6/10 movie that whilst i enjoyed it, it just needed work or a lot of plot is on the cutting room floor


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I found it entertaining, but it was blockbuster crap (although streets ahead of the gash that was Prometheus). David spoke like he just read the GCSE English syllabus.



I still don't understand why David dropped the goo on the Engineers.

Edited by Daft
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Typo in your post, you missed off "since Alien and Aliens obvs".


Those films were completely ruined for me by knowing pretty much everything about them (not intentionally) before I saw them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why i keep watching these, knowing that the more they explain the backstory, the less scary the series becomes. I remember when i first saw the pilot, i wasn't even sure what i was looking at. It was this bizarre spectacle with no explanation and that's what made it creepy. The more you see it and the more it's explained away, the less scary it gets. Same with the aliens.


Also, David fell flat somehow. They set him up in that first scene, but for me he didn't compare to Ash or Bishop.


Some of the visuals were interesting, but that's about it.

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I found it entertaining, but it was blockbuster crap (although streets ahead of the gash that was Prometheus). David spoke like he just read the GCSE English syllabus.



I still don't understand why David dropped the goo on the Engineers.


The way I see it is that the engineers have been trying to create "the perfect species". They created humans which were a failure of this process.

The humans (Weyland), in-turn, created David and gave him thoughts/self-consciousness (the big error).


After coming to understand what the engineers were up to, David thought that he was created by Weyland for the same reason the engineers had created humans (given that he is superior to humans)... and so he felt he must carry on that work... and got a bit of a god complex in the process.


Given that the engineers had failed, he saw them as unworthy and so eradicated them, then carried on their work to create the xenomorph... ::shrug:

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I don't know why i keep watching these, knowing that the more they explain the backstory, the less scary the series becomes. I remember when i first saw the pilot, i wasn't even sure what i was looking at. It was this bizarre spectacle with no explanation and that's what made it creepy. The more you see it and the more it's explained away, the less scary it gets. Same with the aliens.


Also, David fell flat somehow. They set him up in that first scene, but for me he didn't compare to Ash or Bishop.


Some of the visuals were interesting, but that's about it.


Ridley Scott is messing up his own legacy by making these films. The engineer in Alien was just there as a plot device and to add a bit of a mystery as to how the Alien eggs actually got there in the first place on that planetoid.


He's fucking up the mystery behind this by explaining it all away. Also, he's fucking up his own mythos with the gestation period of the xenomorph, which is horrifically skewed up now. In Alien, it takes hours from Kane becoming face-hugged, to losing the facehugger, to giving birth. In Covenant, it takes place in a matter of minutes now. Those neomorph/white retarded alien-fake things had a lifecycle from inhalation to birth in minutes. It's woefully inconsistent now. Even more so with the xenomorph that David implanted on Oram, in which he gave birth in next to no time.


Scott is explaining away the intricacies of his universe. He's effectively having his midichlorians/Lucas-prequel trilogy moment.

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  • 3 months later...

I have terrible terrible news. I've met someone that legit thinks Alien Resurrection is a good movie, and that Alien and Alien 3 are basically awful. In addition he also likes AvP and Predator 2. 

I of course insulted his mental faculties. But I also had to share the news with the thread. 

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