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My Nintendo ( Club Nintendo Successor )


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If the Wii U didn't have folders, or home screen organisation, or friend popups, or an activity log


Friends pop ups is definitely something that Nintendo needs to add to the next console. I presume it's too late for the Wii U to get any.

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:confused: I don't know if you're talking about me but I've never seen this behaviour you mention.


*looks at Ronnies join date*


You joined in 2009 (were you not around before then? Thought you had joined earlier than that ) so you probably missed the Xbox theme mocking that went on, considering it launched in 05/06 and then the update to NXE happened in 08.


I don't ever want a smartphone, if I can avoid doing so then I will. ;)


I'd rather have access to a full-size physical keyboard where possible. :heh:


Of course I have a "phone" but it's really just for emergencies, the way in which a lot of apps - including Miitomo - drain the battery proves that they really aren't meant to be running for as long as they seem to be.


Miitomo is fine for messing around, I wouldn't call it a must-have piece of software though - or anything on a smartphone for that matter - but I can understand why Nintendo has chosen to go down this route as it will obviously drive their business further.


If they don't forget their console fanbase in favour of a smartphone based one then all will be fine, as I understand it the smartphone part of the business if intended to drive their existing business anyway so having it all linked in with My Nintendo is a clever move but no matter what Nintendo does, I seriously doubt if it will be able to get a smartphone into my hands... if they can then I will be impressed but also disgusted. :blank:


Let's hope it doesn't come to that. : peace:


To be honest Sam, I feel your pain. I've avoided having a social media account up until now and i'm not happy i've had to create one just to use the software. I'm really only playing it to get access to the Zelda Picross and other goodies and would have liked the option to just buy it.


Greg on Radio Free Nintendo was saying how he probably won't be using the game either as he doesn't do social media. Gui also joked how his device chugged along while using the app and it would be ironic that Nintendo forces him to upgrade his phone. :D


To be honest i'm surprised my iPhone runs the thing. I only have a 4S. I got it when it first came out ( my first smart phone ) and have kept it ever since. I have no need to get a new one as it does everything I want and I have no desire to up the payment of my contract just to keep up with what's in fashion at the time.


Hopefully when the NX arrives an achievement system will be in place on the console/handheld. This will come in handy for those who don't want to or can't use Miitomo.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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When people disagree with you you mean? ;)

Direct experience isn't necessary to draw conclusions and form ideas.

For example, a person who has played a video game, played with local multiplayer, played online and, finally, has experienced telephone calls, does not have direct experience of voice chat.

But they have direct knowledge of how they feel about these individual experiences and can come to an approximation in their head of what voice chat may be from those experiences.


A bigger problem is when people are too scared to chime in, just in case they get shot down. Then you tend to get a situation where the most polarised and stubborn voices are the only ones to really be heard... anyway... wrong thread right?


I'm liking My Nintendo, though without owning miitomo, really it's pretty much just like the stars catalogue of old (just logging in weekly instead of daily).


That's not usually what happens though - it's people with no experience of a particular feature (e.g. voice chat, mobile) saying it isn't good/necessary (in some games, like team FPS games, I'd say voice chat very much is). Then when a feature comes along for these players (e.g. mobile with miitomo), turns out people don't mind it.


I suppose my point is that what people reckon and what people truly think when confronted with the feature are two different things. It's all fine and well stating your own thoughts but I would certainly defer to someone with experience of the thing. As I am doing with VR currently - as I have had no experience with VR as yet. I'm not going to trash talk VR until I've actually played it and seen if it's amazing or not.

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If anything, the opposite to what you say is true IMO. Nintendo get far less leeway on this board than Playstation/Xbox. If the Wii U didn't have folders, or home screen organisation, or friend popups, or an activity log then that'd account for another 50 pages of complaints and whinging on that console's thread, whereas those missing features on PS4 get barely more than shrugged shoulders.


Maybe its due to Sony getting a lot right with the PS4 this generation and therefore has resulted in the reduced amount of complaints. The general consensus on here is that things like friend pop ups and and an activity log are worth less to people than things like party chat.

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To be fair has anyone said voice chat is unnecessary? People not finding it a deal breaker isn't the same thing as saying it's unnecessary, and I doubt there's anyone who thinks it wouldn't be better to have it.


Anyways, I think my nintendo and miitomo is a decent look into a possible future for nintendo, it's promising. A few worrying signs here and there, but bodes well for NX

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Anyways, I think my nintendo and miitomo is a decent look into a possible future for nintendo, it's promising. A few worrying signs here and there, but bodes well for NX


Indeed. The achievement system has me the most excited, obviously. :D Iwata highlighted it a while back and you can see the results in Miitomo.


We will start a new point program as well, which not only involves Nintendo’s dedicated game systems but also smart devices.

With the Club Nintendo membership service that was ended on September 30, 2015, you earned points when you purchased software. With this new point program, you can earn points by playing games as well.


Whether you have played the software for dedicated game systems or our applications for smart devices, you can earn points that can then be used on our dedicated game systems or on smart devices.

Naturally, you can also earn points by purchasing software.

With the new points, you can obtain digital add-on content, which will make the game you are playing even more fun, original merchandise or a coupon, which can be used as a discount for new software.


It will be interesting to see how they balance it out, though. Obviously they don't want to give too many points away but they need to keep people interested at the same time. I guess this is also kept in check with the 6 months expiry date of the points.

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I want Party Chat.

I want folders.

I couldn't care less for trophies/achievements but for those that do, I want it in (I'd just turn notifications off).

I want friend notifications.


This goes for any system and I've stated so in both the WiiU and PS4 threads.

Edited by Kav
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Indeed. The achievement system has me the most excited, obviously. :D Iwata highlighted it a while back and you can see the results in Miitomo.




It will be interesting to see how they balance it out, though. Obviously they don't want to give too many points away but they need to keep people interested at the same time. I guess this is also kept in check with the 6 months expiry date of the points.


Yeah, personally I think nintendo need to think generous as get nintendo fans firmly locked into their eco-system. Plus if platinum points are just for digital goods so how much would they really be losing out on.


Though imagine if their platinum were gold coins which was money off games... could really get people playing through their games and keeping them hooked.

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so assuming 90 a week just for going on my Nintendo, eshop and miiverse, I should be able to buy picross in 3 weeks :| Oh well.. I guess it's better than Nintendo V.I.P.. 5 points a day for logging in and then how many thousands to get a game?

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Start of the week so you can easily get 120 Platinum coins


Sign into Miiverse

Sign into eShop

Sign into Nintendo.co.uk (Automatically adds them)

Sign into My Nintendo


Do you get points for my nintendo and nintendo.co.uk log in? They don't seem to be on the missions.

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so assuming 90 a week just for going on my Nintendo, eshop and miiverse, I should be able to buy picross in 3 weeks :| Oh well.. I guess it's better than Nintendo V.I.P.. 5 points a day for logging in and then how many thousands to get a game?


You should be able to get 120 a week without using Miitomo.


Yeah, personally I think nintendo need to think generous as get nintendo fans firmly locked into their eco-system. Plus if platinum points are just for digital goods so how much would they really be losing out on.


Though imagine if their platinum were gold coins which was money off games... could really get people playing through their games and keeping them hooked.


I'm hoping they reward those players who buy physical goods. I don't see why those who only buy digital games should be getting points, while those who buy physical get sod all.


I'm hoping for a few lesser known games to get reductions or offered as rewards. Getting the likes of Super Mario 1,2,3 on offer I imagine is useless for most people as they will probably already own them.


Do you get points for my nintendo and nintendo.co.uk log in? They don't seem to be on the missions.


If you go to your points history it shows you there.

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Do you get points for my nintendo and nintendo.co.uk log in? They don't seem to be on the missions.

Yeah. They're hidden.


NUK ones are automatically added when you log into there.

My Nintendo ones are found as simple coins by your Mii on the My Nintendo page.

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I'm hoping they reward those players who buy physical goods. I don't see why those who only buy digital games should be getting points, while those who buy physical get sod all.


There's a page to redeem codes, it's just a question on when are they going to start including them with physical copies. Maybe starting from Starfox?

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There's a page to redeem codes, it's just a question on when are they going to start including them with physical copies. Maybe starting from Starfox?


Yeah, this is my hope. I guess we don't have long until we find out if they will start to be in packaged goods.

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There's a page to redeem codes, it's just a question on when are they going to start including them with physical copies. Maybe starting from Starfox?


They can give them out in other ways - I got a points code from an email.

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Indeed. The achievement system has me the most excited, obviously. :D Iwata highlighted it a while back and you can see the results in Miitomo.




It will be interesting to see how they balance it out, though. Obviously they don't want to give too many points away but they need to keep people interested at the same time. I guess this is also kept in check with the 6 months expiry date of the points.


What achievement system? Has Nintendo actually released one? Signing into miiverse on a weekly basis and buying software are not achievements.


Has Nintendo released something to similar to trophies then? Stamps do not count as they don't apply to every game and there isnt a tally showing the total etc.

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What achievement system? Has Nintendo actually released one? Signing into miiverse on a weekly basis and buying software are not achievements.


Has Nintendo released something to similar to trophies then? Stamps do not count as they don't apply to every game and there isnt a tally showing the total etc.


Yeah, that's what I meant. Little tasks to do. In Miitomo there are a few things like this, as well. While it's not the trophy/achievement system we are used to, it's nice to see they are giving us optional tasks to do and hopefully it's a sign of things to come.


Saying that, they are bound to cock it up/over complicate it somehow. :D

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I find stamps very clever and far more interesting and useful than meaningless achievements. The former is something that has a practical use in (another Nintendo innovation this gen) Miiverse, whereas trophies don't actually amount to anything but checkboxes on a list. Some sort of amalgamation of the two + rewards would be ideal , which sounds likely to happen on NX.


What achievement system? Has Nintendo actually released one?


Yes there are achievements in Miitomo. If you want ones you're more familiar with maybe wait until they release an NX game and not a mobile phone social app.

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To be honest Sam, I feel your pain. I've avoided having a social media account up until now and i'm not happy i've had to create one just to use the software. I'm really only playing it to get access to the Zelda Picross and other goodies and would have liked the option to just buy it.


Hopefully when the NX arrives an achievement system will be in place on the console/handheld. This will come in handy for those who don't want to or can't use Miitomo.


I already have social media accounts, I just never used to use them that much until recently when I started signing up to game groups on Facebook, plus people keep adding me on there for some reason... you add say one person from work and then gradually it seems lots of other people add you, I suppose that's the way it works though ::shrug: I mean I don't mind, so long as people aren't posting inane rubbish because if they are then I just unfollow them or if an account becomes "Inactive" on there which I just use as code for "you're not Facebook friends with me anymore" to which I just think... :blank: OK... *deletes* no problem. :p


I have just over seventy people added on Facebook and even that feels like too many to me :p I get that it's used for networking and all that so people might have hundreds of friends on there but part of me just doesn't really get it at all... as for using it for Miitomo, I still don't quite get that either, do I need to add people from both Facebook AND Twitter or just choose one? I'm not too fussed about the whole thing but in the meantime if anyone from N-Europe wants to add me on Facebook then they can by all means but until Miitomo is available on other Nintendo devices or even as a web-based app - that would work surely? - then I'm out but I'll keep collecting what coins I can. ;)


@S\.C\.G There's a nice +30 platinum bonus coin next to your Mii on the My Nintendo site. Every little helps.


Oh! Speaking of which...


Broadcast Yourself


Coin get! :D

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I already have social media accounts, I just never used to use them that much until recently when I started signing up to game groups on Facebook, plus people keep adding me on there for some reason... you add say one person from work and then gradually it seems lots of other people add you, I suppose that's the way it works though ::shrug: I mean I don't mind, so long as people aren't posting inane rubbish because if they are then I just unfollow them or if an account becomes "Inactive" on there which I just use as code for "you're not Facebook friends with me anymore" to which I just think... :blank: OK... *deletes* no problem. :p



I've never really cared for them. I'd go as far as to say that I hate them. So many problems are caused by things like Twitter and FB.


I added RedShell and Ike to get my Miitomo friends list started and that's all the activity my Twitter account will be getting. :D

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I agree. I just want Nintendo to now fully implement it as an achievement system


If they do an achievement system of any sort, this is the type of one if want. Something with practicality rather than the "check-list" type of other's.

I'd use stamps on occasion.


I'd love Nintendo to really beef up their game with the NX. The should have an App that links to your console, Miiverse and Miifoto!

It'd be cool to use Miifoto and Stamps to post on Miiverse. I'd love that!


Save a screenshot of a game on Miiverse, use Miifoto and Stamps on the App on your mobile to edit it and re-post to Miiverse.

Something like that would be a laugh.

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