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Miiverse redesign is July 29


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Lots of cool stuff in here, but also some not-so-cool stuff


•As the Play Journal feature is a replacement for posting to your activity feed, you won't be able to post to your activity feed after the redesign.

•After the redesign, the limitations on posting quickly in succession will become less strict. You'll be able to post a combined total of 30 posts or comments per day. (In-game posts are not included in this total.)


What the frak, Nintendo?

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The 30 post limit is a bit restrictive, but not too bad. Personally if I was going to put in a limit to prevent spam, I would not count comments towards the limit and just count newly made posts, but either way, I don't see myself hitting the ceiling very often, if at all...


(BTW, if you're wondering "in-game" posts are the ones that you make with an ingame Miiverse posting option - like the Miiverse mailbox in Splatoon)


I do like the new organisation layout. Miiverse really needed a better way of shifting through posts, rather than having everything lumped together. The screenshot album is also a very welcome feature :)


Making screenshots mandatory is also a good idea; at last, we'll see an end to all those posts of people asking "how does I take screenshot?" that crop up all the time!

Edited by Dcubed
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The 30 post limit is a bit restrictive, but not too bad. Personally if I was going to put in a limit to prevent spam, I would not count comments towards the limit and just count newly made posts, but either way, I don't see myself hitting the ceiling very often, if at all...


(BTW, if you're wondering "in-game" posts are the ones that you make with an ingame Miiverse posting option - like the Miiverse mailbox in Splatoon)


I do like the new organisation layout. Miiverse really needed a better way of shifting through posts, rather than having everything lumped together. The screenshot album is also a very welcome feature :)


Making screenshots mandatory is also a good idea; at last, we'll see an end to all those posts of people asking "how does I take screenshot?" that crop up all the time!

I think it's to stop people turning posts into massive arguments etc.


A lot of Miiverse is actually trash and I guess Nintendo want to stop that

Edited by Serebii
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Loving the sound of the Play Journal. It's essentially what I do anyway, when starting a new game. :D


I don't think i've ever posted 30 things in one day on Miiverse, so that limit doesn't really bother me.

Anything that makes Miiverse less of a mess is fine by me. Yesterday, before I messaged you, I was trying to see if Miiverse had anyone with the same Yoshi issues but it was impossible to find

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I struggle to see how anyone could be posting over Miiverse 30 posts a day anyway; I know at the peak of my Miiverse career I was only posting 2 or 3 at most. The only people I can see being really affected by that limit are the spammers and people that use it as some kind of chatroom, who I guess are the people that Nintendo are trying to weed out here. And if anything helps reduce the amount of irrelevant memes and knobs you see on things like the Smash Bros. Miiverse stage, then I'm all for it.


When they say you can't post to your activity feed, though, I assume that the feed itself will still exist? I hope so, because checking out the posts of people on my friends list is one of my most used Miiverse features.

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I hope the screenshots get bumped up to full size, with easy download options form a browser. At the moment, Miiverse is 480p screenshots and you can't right click so you have to use a work-around.


You can upload 720p through a browser, but most decent image upload sites seem to be making more complex sites that the Wii U browser can't handle.

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I reckon the 30 posts per day limit is fine, especially as it doesn't include those made while in-game.

Don't think I've made 30 non-game posts on Miiverse since I started using it, let alone in a single day! :heh:


Me neither. But I could imagine someone hitting the ceiling if they got into a conversation with someone through commenting on someone's post though.

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30 posts a day, i barely manage 30 a month. This doesn't bother me, but hopefully it will reduce the spam/junk that appears on the site. Ninty abandoned Letterbox for this, and from my experience of Miiverse, it's slow to do anything. I only tend to post stuff when in-game, and as that's not in the 30 post restrictions then it doesn't phase me.


Still, some nice stuff coming on Wednesday.

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Pointed out that you repeated what HoT said...?


Woops, that was me. I moved the post here from Wii U General rather than end up splitting a conversation into two places - didn't check times or anything(was in a slight daze).

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