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What a fecking coward this person is - making a new account because they're too scared to post what they really think. Pretty darn pathetic!


No clue how anyone could call Ashley obnoxious, and Rummy is obviously trying to help here (props to whoever predicted Godwin's Law a few pages back though). As far as I know, multiple accounts are not allowed anyway. They're probably proxying but it would be great to find out who made this post as they're clearly part of the problem here. People are clearly so bitter about this place to go to the extent of multi-accounting.


It was fucking Gizmo.


Now go look @Gizmo's signature.


Also I was about 2 minutes slow in being able to post this before Rummy locked it....

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I did a Google search for BillyBobJimBob and the first image that popped up?




Maybe they did use a different computer or ip address but I'm sure @Shorty could put a block on their ip address or is it possible to see who uses the same ip address?

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It was fucking Gizmo.


Now go look @Gizmo's signature.


Also I was about 2 minutes slow in being able to post this before Rummy locked it....




Everybody should just listen to me all the time and there'd be no issue.


Edit: Just edited my sig for the first time in ~4 years.

Edited by Gizmo
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I want to know who BillyBobJimBob is! Surely the phrasing is like someone's here? Damn it I hate unsolved mysteries this is that song I can't remember all over again


I protected @Rummy on night two, so I know he's good.


@Gizmo is fooling nobody by having that quote in his sig and then this BillyBob character turning up.


Vote: Gizmo. Fucking mafia scumnag.

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I protected @Rummy on night two, so I know he's good.


@Gizmo is fooling nobody by having that quote in his sig and then this BillyBob character turning up.


Vote: Gizmo. Fucking mafia scumnag.


Aww man...I should start playing mafia games again. I won't be too out of date on the tactics and psychology of the whole thing if I come back now will I?


To keep this post on topic: God damn @Ashley stop being hitler and shit.

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I've said it a couple of times now in this thread but never get a response from those doing it. If you stop "defending" Nintendo and just try to "discuss" Nintendo then 90% of these problems we talk about would just go away. Stop viewing every negative post as an attack or a troll post because if thats your default view then of course the conversation will go straight to crap every time.


Believe me, it doesn't. It gets worse. Youd think it WOULD get better, but that's only from those with genuine critisisms, from which it gets better. Those deliberately trolling get worse. At least that's what experience tells me.


Because the discussion was about the Wii U screenshots. All it does it once again make you look defensive. Posting a reply immediately comparing them to PS4 screenshots means nothing because even if it was true and all PS4 games did look alike, so what? Would that make my observation about the Wii U screenshots any different?


Im not saying dont post your opinion that all PS4 games look the same. I'm saying do it in the relevant place and context.


It may not have been specific to the exact part of the topic, but it was specific to the back-n-forth Ronnie has been having about the topic of the blandness/saminess of PS4/XO games with certain other posters so technically was relevant to that. It depends if personal retorts between users on specific themes is allowed to spread between topics...?

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It depends if personal retorts between users on specific themes is allowed to spread between topics...?


Not if its going to constantly derail topics and cause arguments. You just have to look at Ronnie and the voice chat stuff for that. He was complaining about people talking about that so much that he started bringing it up elsewhere when it wasn't even being talked about.

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Not if its going to constantly derail topics and cause arguments. You just have to look at Ronnie and the voice chat stuff for that. He was complaining about people talking about that so much that he started bringing it up elsewhere when it wasn't even being talked about.


It was on topic, the only reason it was derailed was because over-sensitive PS4 fans kicked off and threw a hissy fit. You have to get it into your head that it was in the "General Wii U discussion" thread, by it's very nature you should expect discussion to veer off to the rest of the industry every so often.


As for the voice chat stuff, I was getting frustrated that the previous dozen pages of the Splatoon thread were dedicated exclusively to that and not the game itself. No one was adding anything new, it was just the same words over and over. I tried posting trailers or screenshots, zero discussion, it was just "this game needs voice chat!" "Nintendo are pathetic" "If this doesn't have voice chat, I'm not buying it"


I brought it up elsewhere once or twice as a mild joke, @Rummy banned me from the thread or gave me a warning. Meanwhile half a dozen other posters were doing the exact same thing, also for a laugh, and obviously received no such warning for baiting. Wii for instance brings it up all the time as an attempt to stir.

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Oh good you've said all you need to say about me and now want to talk about other people with issues. Good luck with that. If you're going to keep bringing me up as you did above, don't be surprised when I respond to defend myself.

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Wow, this was certainly an interesting read while I was in the car back from Glastonbury!


It's been an interesting discussion, but I get the impression that the same people arguing in other threads are going after each other in here. Doesn't help a lot! I don't want to go into specific details, as there's well considered points on the cause of these arguments from all parts of the spectrum, but I do want to single out that I feel that Serebii gets an unfairly hard time on here. He's not perfect, of course, his manner isn't always the best, he says some ridiculous stuff and I don't always agree with him, but some of the behaviour towards him on here I feel is unwarranted. He clearly just loves Nintendo. If he wants to defend them, let him! No need to be vindictive and rude (and before anyone says he does it too, doesn't make it any better.)


Personally, I have no problems with people being fanboyish. This is a fan site, after all. You can be a Playstation or Xbox fanboy too, but be aware that because this is a Nintendo site, some will want to say why they feel Nintendo is the best and why they don't think the other platforms hold the same appeal for them. As quite a few people have said, it comes down to showing more respect to others with different opinions. It gets way too personal and I think people need to look at the tone of their posts, and if it's getting a bit too heated, step away.


One thing I haven't seen suggested - perhaps we need a couple more mods appointed? No slight against those who are already mods, because on the whole you do a great job with what must be very difficult. But the Nintendo board only has 3 mods appointed - Rummy is around a lot, and I think you do a great job overall but I think you've got a little overwhelmed with all the squabbles and have ended up being dragged into them a little too much and end up in arguments with some of the main arguers yourself. With a bit more help I think you'd be a bit more relaxed in this place! No offence meant, of course, I thoroughly enjoy reading most of your posts :) Demo has 3 posts in 2015, and Ike is still around but is a little more hands-off. There's quite a few people around that I feel are balanced posters, yet still big Nintendo fans, who could help make this a better place if they were helping to keep an eye on things as well.


Hope my feedback was the sort of thing you were looking for, @Rummy :)

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Personally, I have no problems with people being fanboyish. This is a fan site, after all.


As I mentioned earlier, I have major issues with people being fanboys.


A fan is someone who you can have a reasonable discussion with, can see different points of view and can actually see any bad cases of the things they are a fan of. A fanboy doesn't do any of these things.


A BIG part of why a lot of people listen to Radio Free Nintendo podcast is that, yes they are Nintendo fans, but they will quite happily tear the company a new one if they step out of line. This leads to much more interesting topics being debated, rather than thinking that the sun shines out of Nintendo's backside.


There's a difference between trying to be positive and blindly defending something you're a fan of.

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As I mentioned earlier, I have major issues with people being fanboys.


A fan is someone who you can have a reasonable discussion with, can see different points of view and can actually see any bad cases of the things they are a fan of. A fanboy doesn't do any of these things.


A BIG part of why a lot of people listen to Radio Free Nintendo podcast is that, yes they are Nintendo fans, but they will quite happily tear the company a new one if they step out of line. This leads to much more interesting topics being debated, rather than thinking that the sun shines out of Nintendo's backside.


There's a difference between trying to be positive and blindly defending something you're a fan of.


Oh of course you can go too far in blind faith. But you can be a fanboy and have a reasonable discussion. I guess it depends on your definition of fanboy. While being completely balanced in discussion is a great ideal, I do think there should be a bit more tolerance to those who are more biased in Nintendo's favour, unless they're being really unreasonable.


I know most of us are adults around here, but imagine if a kid/teen who is really into Nintendo stumbles across this place right now. They probably will see quite a lot of ridicule about Nintendo and be put off, both from joining and discussing what they really love, and maybe from Nintendo overall as the vibe they'll get from the net is that it's uncool. I know it's not our job to recruit new fans, but surely we'd get more new members if there was a bit more of a positive atmosphere? While this should be a place to have a reasoned discussion about Nintendo and the wider games industry, we mustn't forget that it should also be a place to celebrate Nintendo and all there is to love about their games :)

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I know most of us are adults around here, but imagine if a kid/teen who is really into Nintendo stumbles across this place right now. They probably will see quite a lot of ridicule about Nintendo and be put off, both from joining and discussing what they really love, and maybe from Nintendo overall as the vibe they'll get from the net is that it's uncool. I know it's not our job to recruit new fans, but surely we'd get more new members if there was a bit more of a positive atmosphere? While this should be a place to have a reasoned discussion about Nintendo and the wider games industry, we mustn't forget that it should also be a place to celebrate Nintendo and all there is to love about their games :)


When did this happen? :D


Agreed and I do think this still happens, especially when people are enjoying a game they are playing. A lot of the separate game threads are quite positive most of the time.

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When did this happen? :D


Agreed and I do think this still happens, especially when people are enjoying a game they are playing. A lot of the separate game threads are quite positive most of the time.


Indeed, I agree. It's the general threads where it tends to get more heated, but hopefully this thread has given people a chance to reflect a bit and maybe things will get a bit better :)

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we mustn't forget that it should also be a place to celebrate Nintendo and all there is to love about their games :)


Sadly it's become more of a place to whinge about everything they do wrong. Though I do agree with HOT that the separate game threads are quite positive, which says something about the quality of those games more than this place itself.

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we mustn't forget that it should also be a place to celebrate Nintendo and all there is to love about their games :)


Oh absolutely. I think its just that unfortunately Nintendo are in a bad situation so people have more to complain about these days so these things will pop up.


I doubt you will find any of the people complaining shouting down those being positive. Its the defensive ones that cause the issues, not the positive ones.

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How dare we get a bit defensive on a Nintendo board. Clearly a ban-able offense.


The problem is Nintendo receive unfair criticism, criticism that could easily be leveled at the competition, but isn't.


I think a lot of it is fair.


Take the voice chat crack for instance. Machines last generation and even earlier had it. The vita, a portable machine has it, yet Nintendo don't. People give Nintendo a lot of flak when it comes to their online games because of the lack of it and quite rightly so.

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