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Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)


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Man, it's getting butchered by reviewers.


Nintendo World Report said:




Two Nintendo stinkers in one day.....watch me buy them both. :D


I've bought them both :) I think I'll enjoy this game a hell of a lot still in all honesty, I aint bothered about single player filler like the other games (though i did love all the costumes for your mii player on 3DS) and just want it for a good game of tennis. I'm still confident they'll patch in online play with friends :)


Mad they didn't use the 3DS game as a starting point and build a little on that, the fact it's even worse than the 3DS version is absolutely utterly bonkers!!!!


Ha! I clearly forgot one of the many reasons why this game has scored so badly.


Any one fancy connecting online on Friday day time and hoping for a shot in a million chance we might be paired in a match together? ;)


I'll give the absolute comedy of it a go. What's funny though, is as the game is so so so so so stupid, even if we got paired up, you can't rematch, so we'd have to hope again that we bump into each other :) Oh nintendo....

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I'll give the absolute comedy of it a go. What's funny though, is as the game is so so so so so stupid, even if we got paired up, you can't rematch, so we'd have to hope again that we bump into each other :) Oh nintendo....


At this rate, the NX won't even have online.. and it'll have less storage space than a Wii Remote :blank:


Maybe Nintendo are gimping their current online efforts on purpose so that whatever they achieve on NX will seem mind-blowing..


Can't wait for them there Friend Codes : peace:

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So, we've gone from not being able to chat to your friends to not being able to play with them at all.


At this rate, I hope Nintendo don't do another F Zero or Wave Race or something like that, because I don't trust them to be able to deliver without bollocksing it up. This game is a really lazy effort. Disappointed, as I loved the original Mario Tennis but nothing has lived up to it since.

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The N-Europe review is here!




For those keen to skip to the end, I gave it a whopping 5/10. Seems I wasn't alone in wondering just what on earth Nintendo are playing at with it. Still any questions or, indeed, attempts at some form of online play welcome!


All I'll say is if you have to get it, buy eshop so you get the 64 game with it!

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Cheers for the review. Good to know that there is at least a good game of core tennis hiding there.

I am already committed to the pre-order - but it was cheaper than the eshop anyway. :)


So, we've gone from not being able to chat to your friends to not being able to play with them at all.


At this rate, I hope Nintendo don't do another F Zero or Wave Race or something like that, because I don't trust them to be able to deliver without bollocksing it up. This game is a really lazy effort. Disappointed, as I loved the original Mario Tennis but nothing has lived up to it since.


This had better be a blip due to the game being rushed rather than a general direction. Surely.

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So, we've gone from not being able to chat to your friends to not being able to play with them at all.


At this rate, I hope Nintendo don't do another F Zero or Wave Race or something like that, because I don't trust them to be able to deliver without bollocksing it up. This game is a really lazy effort. Disappointed, as I loved the original Mario Tennis but nothing has lived up to it since.


Buy it on the eShop and you'll get the original Mario Tennis :p

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Buy it on the eShop and you'll get the original Mario Tennis :p


Why re-buy an old game which you already own and have played to death? :confused:


I used to love Mario Tennis (loved how the N64 one and GBC one tied in together), but they never really improved on the series with its sequels. This one just sounds like it was quickly put together to try and get something out there. Such a shame. :(

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In terms of multiplayer, all my friends and I ever really did with previous Mario Tennis titles was play with normal rules and no gimmicks for a few sets, either in singles or doubles. In that regard, Ultra Smash will have that covered for when I eventually do pick it up from the bargain bin.


It'll still be fun :grin:

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This had better be a blip due to the game being rushed rather than a general direction. Surely.


Well, it's not like the online functions are stellar to begin with. It's lazy and, even without the online, seems very barebones and limited. It's just very disappointing.


Buy it on the eShop and you'll get the original Mario Tennis :p


Why would I pay full price to buy a shit game in order to get the free game when I can pay a fraction of that price and just buy the better game? Or, better still, just play the original game for nothing as I already own it. I'm looking at my N64 right now. :heh:


I'm quite unsympathetic towards the argument that Nintendo had to rush this out to fill out the schedule. That just reeks of poor planning and organisation.

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Played two games and it's even worse than I expected; I wasn't cruelly bothered bout the lack of content, the online issue I'm naively expecting to get fixed, but I thought the game would play great, even if a Rip off of the 3ds one... But no. It's even worse. First;y I played honest expert comp and never lost a game. Way too easy. And everyone can return ev3rything and a lob or a power shot has to win, boring.


The worst thing though is they have simplified the controls, on the 3ds one, y0u had to charge up a shot then press it again when you wanted to hit the ball for extra power, on this you can't do that, you just press the button once and that's it, y0u can press it seconds before the ball arrives. Or as it does, timing makes no difference, doing it early doesn't seem to give any extra power to the shot either.... So no skill at all. Plus I tested it and there's so much leeway y0u can be pretty far away from the ball and it still reaches it.... It being so simple allows for no skill variation really, doesn't matter what shots y0u do really except the chance shots, and the players can get to most balls pretty much all the time y0u need smash or a lob.... Fuck me sideways... Now I've only had two matches, couldn't play anymore, maybe there's more to it than that, but it seems staggeringly simplified, even over the 3ds version...


No yes, I tried chance and actually simple controls, both as wank as each other.


Absolutely gutted really. I expected shit. Just not this shit. Looks nice though.


I'm off to play battlefront.


Played it some more. Still atrocious. Mega mushroom is beyond bad. Th3 gameplay though is just awful, truly truly awful, you can barely hit winners unless it's a smash. Drop shots aren't drop shots they drop in the middle of the court so again it can't be used as a weapon really, it's staggeringly bad. I'm quite shocked. And this is after all the reviews and the online and the lack of content, and it's STILL far worse than you can imagine... I ain't keeping it. I own some shit. But even this is too far for me.

Edited by dazzybee
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Err... it looks pretty and I like the jump shots...


That's about it :(


The loss of the charge return mechanic is a big blow :(


And I've already seen and done practically everything in the game in less than an hour :(


Man, this is not a finished game. This is an alpha, through and through.


Amazingly enough, there's a built-in player banlist feature for online, but no friends option. Incredible! How!? How did this happen!?


Amiibo support is a complete waste. Outside of online, you can only use it in Knockout Challenge and even there it's only 2v1! What's the point?! The computer is brain dead easy as it is! Even on the hardest difficulty!


What a miserable little game :(


It breaks my heart to say it, but I really can't recommend it. I'm a diehard MT fan, but even I have to recommend you avoid this one :(


I'm not even going to get the physical one. I don't want it on my shelf :(

Edited by Dcubed
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What a miserable little game :(


It breaks my heart to say it, but I really can't recommend it. I'm a diehard MT fan, but even I have to recommend you avoid this one :(


I'm not even going to get the physical one. I don't want it on my shelf :(


Oh man, that's damning.

A Mario Tennis game you don't even want anymore! I never thought I'd see the day.

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Looks like I'm going to have to find some other gift for my parents to get me this Christmas, what a crushing blow for my dusty Wii U!


If your Wii U is that dusty, a blow is exactly what it needs :heh:


This is probably exactly the sort of game I wouldn't actually mind getting as a gift but I'd feel awful for whoever spent the money on it!

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Some last minute work popped up yesterday so couldn't get on, I take it I didn't miss much online then? (Not that I'd be able to find any of you anyway :p )


From what I can gather the online wouldn't change the score dramatically anyway. Still so disappointed in this, we haven't had a brand new home console Mario Tennis for yonks, you'd think it would be jam packed with all your favourites and even more to make the most of its release. I was genuinely excited having seen it during the E3 Digital Event!


And now...:(

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Played two games and it's even worse than I expected; I wasn't cruelly bothered bout the lack of content, the online issue I'm naively expecting to get fixed, but I thought the game would play great, even if a Rip off of the 3ds one... But no. It's even worse. First;y I played honest expert comp and never lost a game. Way too easy. And everyone can return ev3rything and a lob or a power shot has to win, boring.


The worst thing though is they have simplified the controls, on the 3ds one, y0u had to charge up a shot then press it again when you wanted to hit the ball for extra power, on this you can't do that, you just press the button once and that's it, y0u can press it seconds before the ball arrives. Or as it does, timing makes no difference, doing it early doesn't seem to give any extra power to the shot either.... So no skill at all. Plus I tested it and there's so much leeway y0u can be pretty far away from the ball and it still reaches it.... It being so simple allows for no skill variation really, doesn't matter what shots y0u do really except the chance shots, and the players can get to most balls pretty much all the time y0u need smash or a lob.... Fuck me sideways... Now I've only had two matches, couldn't play anymore, maybe there's more to it than that, but it seems staggeringly simplified, even over the 3ds version...


No yes, I tried chance and actually simple controls, both as wank as each other.


Absolutely gutted really. I expected shit. Just not this shit. Looks nice though.


I'm off to play battlefront.


Played it some more. Still atrocious. Mega mushroom is beyond bad. Th3 gameplay though is just awful, truly truly awful, you can barely hit winners unless it's a smash. Drop shots aren't drop shots they drop in the middle of the court so again it can't be used as a weapon really, it's staggeringly bad. I'm quite shocked. And this is after all the reviews and the online and the lack of content, and it's STILL far worse than you can imagine... I ain't keeping it. I own some shit. But even this is too far for me.


Brah, that's bad. Such a shame it's turned out to be an awful game.


I'm still surprised we actually didn't get a proper Mario Tennis on the Wii with motion controls. It was the one game that I thought was a dead certainty. After playing WiiSports, I thought to myself, shiiiiiiit, Mario Tennis is going to be epic.


The wait goes on.

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I think Nintendo should add all of the stuff they took out or didn't make due to time constraints and add it as free dlc.


Then when the NX comes out - assuming it's a home console - they should re-release it with everything plus new online setup etc.


After that, another proper Mario Tennis title should be made, one which isn't rushed out this time.


Or something along those lines. ::shrug:

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