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Shenmue 3 (Kickstarter)


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The thing is, gamers aren't stupid. If AAA titles start showing up on Kickstarter, there's no way they'll be funded when gamers know full well it's just a scam. People only back projects they are passionate about and feel won't be made without their help. If COD came on there, I doubt anyone would back it, because they know it would probably be released anyway if it doesn't reach its funding.


Plus putting AAA games on Kickstarter would be silly. Sell it at retail for £50 or a much cheaper pledge on Kickstarter? Which do you think would make more money?

Edited by Goafer
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Again people said this would be the way of Hollywood if Veronica Mars was successful and two years later and no other studio has tried it. Individuals within Hollywood have (with varied success), but no studio (to the best of my knowledge anyway). Let's not jump to brimstone just yet. Let's see how this plays out.


Is it stated anywhere what E3 is actually for other than showing stuff about the video game industry? I can see how it being annual would make people assume it's stuff that's coming out in the next year, but AAA titles can take years. Why not show it off when you can? What if the game ends up coming out in August 2017. Should they have not shown it until June 2017 just because it would come out between E3s?


Shenmue 3 has met it's funding goal. There is as much chance of it not appearing on the PS4 as many other games shown at E3 that never materialised.


I'm in gaming for the long haul, I truly hope the Sony (Shenmue 3 Kickstarter) conference changes nothing, like I said earlier, time will tell. I only shared my concerns for the future, not stating that it will happen, merely could.


BTW I had to google Veronica Mars, yes I do live on Mars :P Popular culture passes me by where I am.


I'm not pointing out, or focussing on, the yearly aspect of E3 showings and game releases, sorry if it came across that way, just the way Kickstarter seemed to be abused at a conference. It just seems like the wrong place for it.


I completely agree that Kickstarter is being abused for this project. Was absurd to announce it at an E3 conference.


So succinctly put. You expressed my sentiments in one sentence far better than I did in 7 posts. I do tend to ramble and get sidetracked.

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I am quite excited about this! Good to see them finally going ahead with this game, it has been too long.


I wonder if I will get to play 1 & 2 somehow before this one gets released though. I only ever played 1 and that was years ago, so would love to play it again somehow, but doubt it will happen as we don't own the games. :(


Love that theme music though, mmmm.


Also for those discussing the funds, this is what the FAQ says on their Kickstarter page:


Can you make an open world game for just $2 million?


No, we cannot make an open world game for $2 million. Shenmue will be produced using both the funds raised from the Kickstarter and through other funding sources already secured by Ys Net Inc. We are very sorry, but due to contractual obligations, details of outside investments will not be disclosed.

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I'm in gaming for the long haul, I truly hope the Sony (Shenmue 3 Kickstarter) conference changes nothing, like I said earlier, time will tell. I only shared my concerns for the future, not stating that it will happen, merely could.


BTW I had to google Veronica Mars, yes I do live on Mars :P Popular culture passes me by where I am.


I'm not pointing out, or focussing on, the yearly aspect of E3 showings and game releases, sorry if it came across that way, just the way Kickstarter seemed to be abused at a conference. It just seems like the wrong place for it.


It was never really big, it just got a fair bit of attention as it was the first Kickstarted movie that was also backed by the studio (with the creator and stars wanting to do it for years) and the closest parallel I can think of to Shenmue III.


Sorry, just with some people saying Nintendo has done E3 "better" because they focused only on what's coming out in the next twelve months it's made me question what is the purpose of E3? Is it just to cover us until the next, or should we expect studios to show off whatever they're working on that they wish to show off.

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Sorry, just with some people saying Nintendo has done E3 "better" because they focused only on what's coming out in the next twelve months it's made me question what is the purpose of E3? Is it just to cover us until the next, or should we expect studios to show off whatever they're working on that they wish to show off.


Given that games often take well over a year to develop, I'd say the latter. E3 is a great place to reveal what they're working on, and if they want to reveal it as soon as they start work, then that's their choice.

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Given that games often take well over a year to develop, I'd say the latter. E3 is a great place to reveal what they're working on, and if they want to reveal it as soon as they start work, then that's their choice.


Mhm and nobody moans about Pixar talking about films that aren't due for three years at the annual Disney event (whatever it's called, I forget).

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As much as Im nostalgic about Shenmue... I remember it to be pretty boring at times, with some cruddy voice acting and cliche story. I went back to it at several points but couldn't get over these things. (Though complete No.1).


With the likes of GTA, Im guessing the budget on this will skyrocket - and being released such a long time ago, surely they would have to re-release 1 & 2 to get the newer generation involved?


Its going to take a lot of work, something tells me this won't happen..

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Its going to take a lot of work, something tells me this won't happen..


I think that it will, but it will be shit. At least in terms of being an actual game. Fans (and I) won't care though, as they'll finally know how the story ends.


Reviews will be difficult, as it's not about the gameplay or anything other than the story. I imagine it will be absolutely slated by critics, but fans will love it.

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Shenmue was, is and always will be about finding sailors.


I wonder if they'll do a movie retrospective like they did with the Xbox remaster thing.


A movie of the first two's storylines? It was the first stretch goal, so hopefully it will come to light.

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Looks like Shenmue prices have jumped on eBay. I got 1 and 2 for £40 together last year. Just saw 2 on eBay already up to £90 with time left.


I can still weirdly remember the day I got Shenmue. Went shopping in Birmingham and was going to get the train home when there was an announcement apologising for the delay "because we do not currently have a driver" so I left and went around the Pallisades and ended up picking it up.



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I can still weirdly remember the day I got Shenmue. Went shopping in Birmingham and was going to get the train home when there was an announcement apologising for the delay "because we do not currently have a driver" so I left and went around the Pallisades and ended up picking it up.




I ended up returning my original copy after a few days. I just didn't get the appeal when it first came out.

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Sorry to derail again...


Why? Why's it any different to getting another investor involved in a product to help fund it?


To be honest a company with a fuckload of money asking for donations from the public is just being cheeky. Especially when there's indie devs (with other projects, not just video games) who actually need the money. Should the campaign be unsuccessful, which is probably unlikely since they used a rather large platform to announce it from, they could just fund it themselves anyway. Others could not.


Kickstarter isn't just donations though - people ARE investing(as I addressed in dazzy's post). It's half investment/half pre-order and a little bit extra too. Why, just because they have money, should they wholly fund a project? Many things in business are jointly funded - and it isn't usually just due to a lack of money, but both a spreading of risk and reward and sometimes avoiding giving too much power to one entity.


I have to admit I don't know much about the financials around all of this, but I just don't see Kickstarting as some horrible evil charitable abuse - I back Kickstarters too, but I don't do it out of the kindness of my pocket - I do it for a return.


(replied here and deleted from zelda thread to keep it clean)


EDIT: This seems to suggest also that their involvement isn't necessarily that huge - http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/141291-Sony-Will-be-Involved-in-Marketing-and-Production-for-Shenmue-3

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Kickstarter isn't just donations though - people ARE investing(as I addressed in dazzy's post). It's half investment/half pre-order and a little bit extra too. Why, just because they have money, should they wholly fund a project? Many things in business are jointly funded - and it isn't usually just due to a lack of money, but both a spreading of risk and reward and sometimes avoiding giving too much power to one entity.

I would actually say yes to that, if they have the monies and truly believe in their product they should fund it themselves and take the risk. I see Kickstarter as a place where people with ideas but lack the funds get kickstarted into a (hopefully) profitable career/project. I get what you're saying but with a company like Sony they could afford to take the hit if it bombs, they're not Tale of Tales.

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Shenmue is also going to come to PC though according to the Kickstarter - is that in Sony's interest? Should they fund that? What if the developer told Sony they want to do certain things that Sony aren't interested in - is it fair for them to wholly fund a project that will deliver ends that aren't all theirs? I still don't know a lot about this whole thing - but for me on the surface it looks a bit like a moneyhat for console exclusivity(something I read the developer was actually thinking along the lines of years ago) rather than funding the project for their own ends.

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I would actually say yes to that, if they have the monies and truly believe in their product they should fund it themselves and take the risk.


Everyone talks about this like it was an option - like they could have funded it all and it would have been a great business decision.


They may not have had the option to fully fund it (because they wanted to release it to more people), or the cost of fully funding it and getting complete exclusivity may have been too high/not considered good value.

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I can still weirdly remember the day I got Shenmue. Went shopping in Birmingham and was going to get the train home when there was an announcement apologising for the delay "because we do not currently have a driver" so I left and went around the Pallisades and ended up picking it up.




My brother got ours on Boxing day or the 27th Dec on import. The shop we used to go to had it in a few days before the official Japanese release and after seeing the screenshots and videos waiting until Nov 2000 wasn't an option.


He said people in the shop were watching it on the screen calling him crazy lol as he wouldn't be able to understand it.


It was kinda strange watching my friend play it almost a year later and hearing the English voices.

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