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E3 2015 Rumours

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That would be interesting, as from what I've heard from the Gametrailers team playing Bloodborne it's very difficult to go back to Dark Souls 2 simply because of how fluid Bloodborne is in comparison; it felt like a proper evolution.


How would they then handle Dark Souls 3? Keep the 'clunky' mechanics to keep the feel of the series?

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I think they know it would have been a pretty flat announcement whenever they did it. It's almost by way of an apology for Uncharted 4 getting delayed, and I imagine them to present it as much either side of the Uncharted 4 showing during their press conference (presuming we see it).

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Can I put non rumor E3 wishes here?


I'd really like for Chair to announce something to do with Shadow Complex. It's been 5 years and 3 fucking Infinity Blade games. Sadly Infinity Blade seems like a mobile cash cow for them, but I can hope right?

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Another TLG rumour pops up.


So, I was listening to the PS Nation Podcast (Episode 427: PrE3) and about 1:02:00 in, Stewart Gilray (of Just Add Water) heavily implied that Mark Cerny's team (the team that built Knack?) might be the team finishing development on the The Last Guardian.


Apparently Cerny'e team helping out has been mentioned a few times before from various people.

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ZombiU was a fantastic Wii U launch title, but one which sold poorly and didn't generate any profit for publisher Ubisoft. Its dismal commercial performance put the brakes on the development of a sequel, but it would appear that the French company is now looking for alternative ways of generating more revenue from the game.


Unseen64 has been told by a reliable source that Ubisoft is working on porting the game to Xbox One and PS4, turning this Wii U exclusive into a multi-format affair. Naturally this would involve changing many elements of the gameplay - you won't be able to scan rooms using the Wii U GamePad on the PS4 and Xbox One, for starters.


While it might be tempting to take this rumour with a pinch of salt, Unseen64's track record on this kind of thing is faultless, and we actually heard rumblings of a very similar variety earlier in the year ourselves. Could ZombiU be revealed in its new guise at E3? Time will tell.


Interesting if true. I know a few people who would gladly snap this up if it was on the PS4.

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Interesting if true. I know a few people who would gladly snap this up if it was on the PS4.


Oh man, I'd be all over it.


Still can't get over the fact that the Wii U Gamepad actually makes my wrists hurt which made me stop playing. :shakehead



Edit: Just caught up on some gaming news since I haven't been able to really check video game sites in the past few days...all I have to ask: Is there a need for E3 now? So much has been leaked/revealed ahead of the show, I fear there is nothing more to see next week :blank:

Edited by drahkon
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Oh man, I'd be all over it.


Still can't get over the fact that the Wii U Gamepad actually makes my wrists hurt which made me stop playing. :shakehead



Edit: Just caught up on some gaming news since I haven't been able to really check video game sites in the past few days...all I have to ask: Is there a need for E3 now? So much has been leaked/revealed ahead of the show, I fear there is nothing more to see next week :blank:


Your anti wii u ways are hilarious... :D Your wrists hurt playing this? really? You must staggeringly weak.


The gamepad is what absolutely MAKES Zombi U. I'd be interested to see how they make it interesting without it. Would prefer a sequel so there'd be no direct comparison and to make something that fits the machine.

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Your anti wii u ways are hilarious... :D Your wrists hurt playing this? really? You must staggeringly weak.


The gamepad is what absolutely MAKES Zombi U. I'd be interested to see how they make it interesting without it. Would prefer a sequel so there'd be no direct comparison and to make something that fits the machine.


Dude, if he doesn't like the pad, he doesn't. No need to give him flak for it.


I know at least one person who holds controllers differently than me, and he says that the Dualshock makes his wrists hurt (my personal beef with that controller is that the D-pad hurts my fingers after prolonged play, and the joystick placement is cumbersome). And this is a controller that has been praised multiple times.


Preferences exist, no need to diss.

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