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Ok, so this is turning into a "shit on Yooka-Laylee" situation and destroys any kind of possible discussion people may have.


And who's responsible for this...?


Your first contribution on the last page was a snarky attack, so you're in no position to talk about stifling discussion. It's not my problem if you can't stand criticism of things you like.

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Your first contribution on the last page was a snarky attack, so you're in no position to talk about stifling discussion. It's not my problem if you can't stand criticism of things you like on a message board.


Oh I can stand criticism and I appreciate any form of constructive criticism but with you it's always disruptive. And we both know that my "snarky attack" was the truth. It always ends like this with you. Case in point: Your post after mine was typical...something to destroy any kind of discussion.


Let me show you something:


"Hm, looking at the videos I think this game could use a little more work."

"Yeah, in parts it could, but as a whole I think it looks great."

"Fair enough, it's not really up my alley, though.


See? This is great. Something I would appreciate a lot.


"Yeah, what's not to love..." ends the conversation before it even started.


Give me an official warning but I'm calling it again: Ronnie has to be banned. It is always the same with him.

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You attack me out of the blue, and then have the balls to call my complaints about the visuals "disruptive". You're the one who's derailed this thread, not me. This is the Yooka-Laylee thread, I backed the game so was obviously interested in it, forgive me for sharing my complaints about the visuals on a discussion board made for that sort of thing.

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Personally I do think screen grabs from Yooka-Laylee do look bad.


I don't think it's fair to say Nintendo games don't look any better than this (first party MARIO titles, to be exact) as they most definitely do to my eyes.


The more I see of this game the more I don't really like. But that's just me.

I'm not a fan of how much like Banjo it is, considering it isn't Banjo, if that makes sense. Because I don't really want a clone


Having said that, I know I'll enjoy it as I love these types of games, but that casino level in particular looks pretty bad to me.

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Oh, I will. I know that my post wasn't the best dicision.


I actually didn't want to post because I knew I would be getting a shitstorm when I say I like something more than Mario. My post was just a defense mechanism. In hindsight not the greatest idea to put it here.


Says a lot when I not only think about posting in these boards but also have develped a defense mechanism...


Oh, and that "attack" was not against you personally...but you seem to like to think it was.

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The thing is, anyone can find a poor screen-grab, especially from when it was in the development stages. They're not akin to the final product though!


All you need do is look at the latest shots and vids @Ronnie


The game has gone gold, and that's a new just-released video so that's as good as it'll get. I didn't scour the video and pick the worst screenshots I could find, I literally clicked anywhere and capped what I saw.


It's a new vid but apparently from an earlier build of the game, as mentioned on the last page by Glen-i. I think an old video was sent in error by Playtonic to IGN.


Nowhere do they suggest it's an old video or from an earlier build of the game.

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What's not to love.




Who needs lighting, shadow, a tasteful colour palette, decent geometry etc


Go on Ronnie, pick those cherries! Pick them good!


And it doesn't look THAT bad. Typical internet exxageration again.

Sure, not it's finest moment, but I've seen footage of other worlds and I know those look lovely.


You're developing a bizarre hatred for this game. Most people would go "Eh, not for me" and move on to a different game.

You're starting to make my Pokemon Gen 1 pandering rants look like a mild hissy fit.

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What's not to love.




Who needs lighting, shadow, a tasteful colour palette, decent geometry etc


This is a Kickstarter game, made by around 15 people, looking to make a game that evokes the look, feel and gameplay of N64 era Banjo Kazooie with modern tools and technology.


You're comparing it to games made by Nintendo, with multimillion dollar budgets and teams of anywhere from 75-150 people large.


Nobody here is attacking your precious Nintendo games. Instead of moaning about why it doesn't look as high end as AAA titles, why not look at it for what it is? A modern day Banjo Kazooie, made by an N64 dev sized team made up primarily of people who worked on the original BK/BT games.


That alone is reason enough to get excited by this game! Let alone the fact that it looks like a ton of fun!

Edited by Dcubed
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So defensive Ronnie. Always out to defend Nintendo at every opportunity.


Don't understand the complaining about the visuals of this game in relation to Mario. Did you see Mario Odyssey? The city in that looked like it was ripped from a sonic game circa 2000.

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So defensive Ronnie. Always out to defend Nintendo at every opportunity.


Don't understand the complaining about the visuals of this game in relation to Mario. Did you see Mario Odyssey? The city in that looked like it was ripped from a sonic game circa 2000.


Not targeting you, per se. But go with it for a sec.

Because to be fair, that's another case of cherry picking. Because the parts of the Mario Odyssey trailer that didn't show the city world looked great.


See @Ronnie, that's what you're doing here.

It's hardly fair. Especially with @Dcubed's point about the very small dev team.

Expecting a game along the same budget as a Mario game is naive beyond belief!

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Not targeting you, per se. But go with it for a sec.

Because to be fair, that's another case of cherry picking. Because the parts of the Mario Odyssey trailer that didn't show the city world looked great.


See @Ronnie, that's what you're doing here.

It's hardly fair. Especially with @Dcubed's point about the very small dev team.

Expecting a game along the same budget as a Mario game is naive beyond belief!

Well exactly. He's cherry picked to make his argument, and with cherry picking you can just as easily topple that argument.


Arguments around screenshots in his case are usually pointless affairs in which he has picked whatever unrepresentative screenshot necessary to make a point.

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To be fair I started it... But I guess Ronnie is the big target on these forums...


Why is it okay to rip into anything on these Nintendo boards; but Ronnie slags off Yooka Laylee and everyone lynches him? I don't understand it; what is wrong with that? Who cares if it's just an indie, or had 15 people making it? Aren't people allowed to express their opinions?


And I think it's really insulting to the debs to say they're not as big or has less money so they should be deemed immediately lesser. Such a weak, patronising argument. Shovel Knight is better than any Assassins Creed ever made. Also; you're missing out the reason the comparison was made is because other people talk about this game in such grandiose heights.


This forum becomes increasingly unbearable by the week...

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To be fair I started it... But I guess Ronnie is the big target on these forums...


Why is it okay to rip into anything on these Nintendo boards; but Ronnie slags off Yooka Laylee and everyone lynches him? I don't understand it; what is wrong with that? Who cares if it's just an indie, or had 15 people making it? Aren't people allowed to express their opinions?


And I think it's really insulting to the debs to say they're not as big or has less money so they should be deemed immediately lesser. Such a weak, patronising argument. Shovel Knight is better than any Assassins Creed ever made. Also; you're missing out the reason the comparison was made is because other people talk about this game in such grandiose heights.


This forum becomes increasingly unbearable by the week...


Have you actually read his posts? His argument is poor, centering around a cherry-picked screenshot. If you make poor arguments you will be called out. It's that simple.


And if you do ever feel that the forum has become too 'unbearable', there's always the option to log out.

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Have you actually read his posts? His argument is poor, centering around a cherry-picked screenshot. If you make poor arguments you will be called out. It's that simple.


And if you do ever feel that the forum has become too 'unbearable', there's always the option to log out.


He made a sarcastic post with a particularly bad screen shot. Don't see the problem. People do it all the time! If this wasn't Ronnie I don't believe so many people would have jumped on him like they have. This place is so playground, I find it quite embarrassing to be honest.


And thanks, I had no idea I could do that....

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@Sheikah already stole the post I was gonna make...


@dazzybee, the difference between your post and @Ronnie's is that you stated an opinion. You thought the latest footage looked dull. That's what you think and that's fine.


Ronnie started using a particular unflattering screenshot to try and suggest the game is poor in terms of visuals.

I know for a fact that he has seen other trailers from this game. Which I'm pretty sure everyone here would agree looks more visually pleasing than this (Likely out-of-date) footage.


That's my issue with his argument. I'm sure if I looked hard enough, I could find some crummy shots of any game.

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What's not to love.




Who needs lighting, shadow, a tasteful colour palette, decent geometry etc


You're perfectly entitled to think it looks bad, but at least use a full resolution screenshot to make your point! This is only 800x449, so of course it isn't going to look perfect!

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He made a sarcastic post with a particularly bad screen shot. Don't see the problem. People do it all the time! If this wasn't Ronnie I don't believe so many people would have jumped on him like they have. This place is so playground, I find it quite embarrassing to be honest.


I don't buy that.

It's hard to recognise sarcasm when he's been consistently negative about this game for quite a while now.

And don't go suggesting I'm somehow targeting @Ronnie. That's insulting.


I'd call anyone out if they did the same thing.

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@Sheikah already stole the post I was gonna make...


@dazzybee, the difference between your post and @Ronnie's is that you stated an opinion. You thought the latest footage looked dull. That's what you think and that's fine.


Ronnie started using a particular unflattering screenshot to try and suggest the game is poor in terms of visuals.

I know for a fact that he has seen other trailers from this game. Which I'm pretty sure everyone here would agree looks more visually pleasing than this (Likely out-of-date) footage.


That's my issue with his argument. I'm sure if I looked hard enough, I could find some crummy shots of any game.


Fair enough. But I took it as he was just making a joke about it; just a sarcastic response and used a dodgy screenshot to say "yeah, looks great". I guess it's also just how people treat him in general, feels like he can't post anything without someone having a go at him; plus he starts loads of threads and posts news and important info on games; just think people should appreciate it more.


People are allowed to slag off Nintendo, let people love them too!

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Fair enough. But I took it as he was just making a joke about it; just a sarcastic response and used a dodgy screenshot to say "yeah, looks great". I guess it's also just how people treat him in general, feels like he can't post anything without someone having a go at him; plus he starts loads of threads and posts news and important info on games; just think people should appreciate it more.


People are allowed to slag off Nintendo, let people love them too!


Ronnie reaps what Ronnie sows.

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