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The talk of DKR is making me nostalgic. One of the best games ever, close to perfect - the island, music, weapons, air/land/sea and arena modes made it superior to Mario Kart in many ways (although I love both). Shame Donkey Kong Racing got canned as I wanted to see more of the universe.


Changed my Yooka-Laylee format from Wii U to Switch. Happy to wait a bit longer to get it on there.


Been playing Banjo-Kazooie a bit on Xbox Rare Replay recently, it has aged surprisingly well and has got me in the mood for Yooka-Laylee.


Definitely. Mario Kart 64 was still great - and possibly a bit more fun in the multiplayer stakes but I wonder sometimes if that's just because it was more ubiquitous too.


DKR - with its single player mode, overworld, bosses, and most of all secrets(secrets, in a racing game, wat?!) really was more than just a racer. It was almost as if they tried to take some platformer/SM64 inspiration but make a racing game from it instead. They did very well in that attempt, imo. I'd love to see another like it with a wider range of items/weapons/tracks variety/vehicle variety/mechanics etc. I've said it before and no doubt will again, but can you just imagine what the Rare of the old days could do with the power of the modern era in their hands?

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I've said it before and no doubt will again, but can you just imagine what the Rare of the old days could do with the power of the modern era in their hands?


Indeed. The closest we might get to see this is with Yooka-Laylee. With any luck if it turns out to be as good as Banjo Kazooie and sell, I'd like to see them make Yooka-Laylee Racing in the spirit of DKR. Mario Kart is always so incredibly successful surely there is a market for a top quality multi-platform rival.

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I'm sure they mentioned the idea of creating another 'universe' of characters similar to DKR in an episode of the Kongversation when they were being interviewed but quickly played it down and said they need to focus on completing Yooka-Laylee before getting too far ahead of themselves :p


I hope this does go well for them though, it'd be great if it allows them to develop whatever they like without the need for kickstarter (though I'm sure that's already the case after this successful campaign)


As for wanting to see the Rare of old days in the modern era, I think we could still see that from Rare themselves. The last 15 years have been full of some great games from them just overshadowed (and perhaps also a cause of the slow output) due to a number of things such as Kinect development, Nuts & Bolts (which I'm sure would have been received really well had it not have had the Banjo name) and being thrown onto new hardware constantly (Gamecube to Xbox, porting Xbox titles in development to 360, moving to Kinect)


Hopefully Sea of Thieves turns out great and the Rare of old will be back on track as well as Playtonic, leading the way for two modern day Rare developers.

Edited by Josh64
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The team isn't the same, and in fact the very things you mention kind of make them not the same either imo. Sure, if they were allowed to work without those pressures we'd probably still see some great stuff from them - but for me Playtonic are the real successors as they ARE being allowed to work without quite such pressures or constraints - and tbh I'm glad for that because it also means I might be able to get all their content on my PS4 too!


I'll freely admit I haven't seen much of their offerings though, or generally been nonplussed. I think the most I've played from them since their MS days is probably Viva Pinata(a great new IP imo), Kameo and the PD-HD upgrade on 360.

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@Rummy I don't know too much about the inner workings of Rare so you are probably right about the team being largely different as I've heard a lot of people left (a lot of them making up Playtonic) but there are still some very talented people at Rare who were in the thick of it in the 'good old days' such as Steve Mayles who is currently heading Sea of Thieves having previously been one of the main creators of Diddy Kong as a character, the DKC series and Banjo Kazooie.


So while the classic Rare may have been diluted somewhat, I still hold out hope there's chance for them to revive themselves alongside Playtonic.


And you're right about Viva Pinata, that game was great :D It's also one of the first I played in HD so I was blown away by the graphics, dem textures.

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Haha, was one of my first in HD too! I'd certainly not mind if Rare came up - the only problem is being a non-Microsoft gamer now I'd pretty much miss out on their stuff unless Microsoft(somewhat sensibly) opted to let them release multi-platform. They could make a killing form the PS4 install base.


Or maybe if Playtonic really take off we might see a few more from the Rare team move over - I wouldn't be surprised if it's something some of them are considering or thinking about on either side. Obvs I'm not saying it'd be good for Rare or Microsoft for all of Rare's old talent to leave - but if the more of them back together in a team again the more excited I get!

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Haven't really been too involved with this other than a 3d platform game and lots of buzz. Watched the 13 minutes on IGN yesterday and am I the only one who think it looks really dull?! I'm also playing ratchet and Clank on ps4, and while I"m enjoying it, it's not in the same league as Mario... can sort of see why no one makes them; no one can close. Shame as I love the genre.

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Watched the 13 minutes on IGN yesterday and am I the only one who think it looks really dull?!


I completely agree with you. I've never seen the appeal throughout development and it's the reason why I'll probably ask for a refund. The collect-a-thon gameplay just seems so dated and I think basing your entire game on nostalgia and out of date mechanics is a bad move. 3D Mario this is not.

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I completely agree with you. I've never seen the appeal throughout development and it's the reason why I'll probably ask for a refund. The collect-a-thon gameplay just seems so dated and I think basing your entire game on nostalgia and out of date mechanics is a bad move. 3D Mario this is not.


Different strokes for different folks? I'd say 3D Mario is largely based on nostalgia.


It's nice that we're getting something a bit different after primarily 2D/2.5D platformers across the board the last few years. It may suck, there may be a reason these games stayed in the past, but god damn it I'm curious to find out.

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I'd say there's possibly a bit more variance and character in the Rare games of old(BK, DK64) compared to their counterpart of say SM64. Don't get me wrong, there certainly was character in SM64 with some of the bosses, bob-ombs, toads scattered around, the rabbit(s), Bowser's little speeches through the castle, secrets etc - but I think when I consider SM64 vs say BK64 the latter felt more of a 'story' sort of feel; almost like a little bit of a fairy tale. SM64 almost felt rather like just the means to the end - a mechanic for the sake of it. I liked them both for different reasons - and whilst I didn't appreciate Rare's offerings quite as much back in the day with time I've grown to like them a bit more with time. SM64 felt possibly a bit more clinical - but for what it did it did it very well.

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Haven't really been too involved with this other than a 3d platform game and lots of buzz. Watched the 13 minutes on IGN yesterday and am I the only one who think it looks really dull?! I'm also playing ratchet and Clank on ps4, and while I"m enjoying it, it's not in the same league as Mario... can sort of see why no one makes them; no one can close. Shame as I love the genre.


Looks like we're not alone, the casino gameplay video is getting slaughtered on gaf.

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Haven't really been too involved with this other than a 3d platform game and lots of buzz. Watched the 13 minutes on IGN yesterday and am I the only one who think it looks really dull?! I'm also playing ratchet and Clank on ps4, and while I"m enjoying it, it's not in the same league as Mario... can sort of see why no one makes them; no one can close. Shame as I love the genre.




I played Ratchet and Clank last year and it was by far one of my favourite games. It was amazing.


Although I didn't really compare it to Mario as I don't think they have the same feel at all.


I thought R&C was close to platform perfection!


Regarding that Casino level though, I watched it and thought it looked terrible personally.

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I haven't watched this footage myself because I want to go in as blind as I can manage, but I find it difficult to grasp somebodies opinion on something when they use words like bland with little to no explanation on why that is.


I mean, for all I know, this could be a Grunty Industries situation, where one of my favourite worlds in Banjo-Tooie is considered 'confusing' and 'boring'


EDIT: A member of Playtonic posted this on GAF.


Hi all,


Andy from Playtonic here.


There was some miscommunication on our side which meant that this video went up not quite as we intended (absolutely no fault of IGN’s) and doesn’t really offer the full picture of the level.


However, later this month media will have the opportunity to capture the first few hours of the near-final game, so you should get a much more representative look at what the whole Yooka-Laylee package has to offer :)


Make what you will of that. Looks to me like some out-of-date footage got shown that wasn't supposed to.

Edited by Glen-i
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I played Ratchet and Clank last year and it was by far one of my favourite games. It was amazing.


Although I didn't really compare it to Mario as I don't think they have the same feel at all.


I thought R&C was close to platform perfection!


Regarding that Casino level though, I watched it and thought it looked terrible personally.


To be fair I'm only a few worlds in and I am enjoying it; I think it's because a lot of people on here said it's one of the best 3d platformers in years (well in my head I remember reading that) and was just surprised as like you say, doesn't feel close to that kind of game.


Different strokes for different folks? I'd say 3D Mario is largely based on nostalgia.


It's nice that we're getting something a bit different after primarily 2D/2.5D platformers across the board the last few years. It may suck, there may be a reason these games stayed in the past, but god damn it I'm curious to find out.


When you say 3D Mario is based on nostalgia do you mean 3D world? Or just 3D Mario in general? Either that is slightly insane, News user Mario bros was based on nostalgia, but I don't think any of the 3D games are, though I could sort of see 3D work as it's trying to appeal to fans of two different series in some ways.... But how is Sunshine nostalgic? or Galaxy? Odyssey certainly doesn't look like it. Be interested to know what you feel is nostalgic about them.

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When you say 3D Mario is based on nostalgia do you mean 3D world? Or just 3D Mario in general? Either that is slightly insane, News user Mario bros was based on nostalgia, but I don't think any of the 3D games are, though I could sort of see 3D work as it's trying to appeal to fans of two different series in some ways.... But how is Sunshine nostalgic? or Galaxy? Odyssey certainly doesn't look like it. Be interested to know what you feel is nostalgic about them.


Yeah I didn't understand that suggestion either. Makes no sense. Galaxy didn't rely on nostalgia. Nor Sunshine. Odyssey certainly doesn't seem to. You could argue 3D World does a bit with the flagpole but regardless, the difference is the gameplay is top notch in all of those. Yooka-Laylee seems to rely on it exclusively. Dated visuals, dated gameplay, dated puzzles but it's getting hype because it feels like a beloved game from twenty years ago.

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Dated visuals..? Coming from a Nintendo fan, off the back of Wii and WiiU, really..?!


Also, it looks great...


First party Nintendo games are some of the best looking in the industry so I'm not sure what your point is. 3D World, MK8, Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, Captain Toad, Yoshi's Woolly World. None of these visuals are dated, most are timeless and beautiful.


This, on the other hand...



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I like Yooka-Laylee's look much better than anything I've ever seen in a Nintendo game...


"LOL, you haven't seen much then." - Yes, I have.

"What the fuck? You have no taste." - I have a different taste.

"Your taste sucks." - Great comment. Superb foundation for a discussion.

"Look how awesome [insert Nintendo game] looks." - Looks good, I like Yooka-Laylee's look better.

"What the fuck? You hav..." - Yeah, we've been there.

And for me Ratched and Clank as a whole is miles ahead of any 3D Mario.


"OH MY GOD, ridiculous." - Ok.

"Mario is the pinnacle of gaming." - Not to me.

"Ratched and Clank is boring". - Not to me.

Different strokes.

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