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Growing Up


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Adulthood is about responsibility of your own actions and inactions. Responsibility does not mean being able to act by oneself - I'm talking merely about being able to take blame and to give credit. The most adult people I know are the reasonable, rational ones who are able to comprehend differing points of view.


An adult is someone that children go to when they need help. Are you an adult or a child, in this respect?


EDIT: so just to clarify the "you" above is not directed at any specific individual, but just a general question aimed at any/everyone.

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My challenge to you and Serebii - be arseholes. Go out late, slam doors, come home at 3am and put the TV on loud. Bring groups of friends around during Emmerdale and tell your parents that you need the living room to watch Pointless which you recorded earlier today (delete everything of your parents recorded on their TiVo's/whatever). See if your parents stand for you exploring your 100% freedom.


Go out late- I do anyway. Sometimes I come back at 1am from a friend's house or wherever but I don't usually like staying out that late anyway. However, the point is, if I really wanted to, I would.


Slam doors- I'd never do it even if I had my own place for two reasons: 1. I hate the sound of doors slamming. It's just unnecessary and stupid. There's a handle on the door, fools, use it. I hate my neighbours when they slam doors sometimes and 2. I wouldn't do it because I'm considerate for my neighbours, even though they aren't to me sometimes, and people who live in the house. I know that it's slowly becoming a dying breed but I'm actually a great neighbour. I wouldn't do this at all.


Come home at 3am- As said above, I could do if I wanted. The latest I think I was ever out was 2am-3am anyway and that was on my 21st when I went out with my mates.


Put the TV on loud- I have problems with this too. I'd rather wear headphones. My TV never has sound on. Everything I've recorded on video even has been through headphones. Again, consideration of neighbours and because I hate it myself. Why do motherfuckers need the TV or their music on so loud? Like, have some decency. I don't want to hear your shitty chav music, thank you. I wouldn't do this in my own place anyway through choice.


Bring groups of friends round during Emmerdale- Done it before. They just record it and watch it later or I go out. I'm rarely in anyways due to work or just going out.


Tell your parents you want to watch Pointless which you recorded earlier today- We don't have Sky+ or any of that shit, just Freeview but when we did, I used to be able to in the evenings. At night though, we usually watched the same shit anyway or I just wanted to play games in my room.


I get what you mean with the whole 'sole decision' when it comes to painting walls or what have you but for me, living with my parents is like living with roommates, which is cool. When you live with roommates, surely you'd all ask each other about different shit before just impulsively doing it, right? I know I would if I were to live with other people anyway. We understand each other. We rarely argue at all and we get on really well. My food gets cooked for me but I'm not a fussy eater at all but if I wanted something different, I'd ask and get it.


Today, for instance, they both had a chicken dinner and I said I wanted a quiche with salad and that's what I got. We're just chill as fuck like that. I wouldn't change my relationship with my dad and step-mom at all. :):)

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I think you may have missed the point by taking those suggestions literally. The point was to consider how those things would be received by your respective homeowner against in your own household, regardless of your opinion on them. Not that I particularly agree with the experiment, just... yeah.


The whole grown up thing has gotten sidetracked hugely, it's not as though it's solely defined by your home status. Although you will do a lot of growing up when you only have yourself to rely on, plenty of people live alone and use that independence to behave irresponsibly, although whether there's a correlation between behaving well and behaving like a grown up is another question anyway.


"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

~ C. S. Lewis

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I think a big stage of me "growing up" was when I got a car/passed my driving test. I could (and often did) go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Road trip to Germany with no hotel booked, road trip to Cornwall where I slept in the car, random trips to theme parks. All were great experiences where I relied solely on myself.

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I think you may have missed the point by taking those suggestions literally. The point was to consider how those things would be received by your respective homeowner against in your own household, regardless of your opinion on them. Not that I particularly agree with the experiment, just... yeah.


The whole grown up thing has gotten sidetracked hugely, it's not as though it's solely defined by your home status. Although you will do a lot of growing up when you only have yourself to rely on, plenty of people live alone and use that independence to behave irresponsibly, although whether there's a correlation between behaving well and behaving like a grown up is another question anyway.


"When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

~ C. S. Lewis


Ah, okay. Thanks for clearing that up! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Thought I'd bump this thread with a story of old bastardness.


Yesterday I went shopping for lampshades with a worrying amount of enthusiasm. I was even delighted when my other half chose these over a not so nice shade with elephants on:




I didn't even giggle when I saw that it was called "Albacas Ball Shade".



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I've been excited about moving.


Decorating and interior design are my thing. If I could find a way to do it as my job easily - I would. Man, 6 more weeks til house hunting.


Its a shame its only renting, but maybe in the next few years I can buy an actual house of my own.


I feel very much like an adult every time I go hunting for houses.




Today I feel much more of a child than I have in quite a while. I just sent my partner home, my housemate is currently in America and of course my family are living abroad.


I feel a bit lost in this stupid apartment :( do not want to adult.

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Had a mortgage for 3 years, Married for a year, posting threads about contraception, paying £41 a month for a boiler for another 3 years and paying off a car for another 4 years....


But still been to McDonalds once a week for the past 3 buying kids meals to collect the mario toys that come with them and getting game vouchers for birthday pressies from work colleagues and family.


Growing up sucks cause dealing with 2 day hangovers is just terrible, but I love being able to afford £160 on a batman lego tumbler because fuck it I wanna build a batman lego tumbler at my age.


Can't see my age stopping me from doing what I enjoy, and I can't see me changing what I enjoy as I get older. If anything I'm going to do more childish stuff and buy more things I want now I can afford it.

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