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Nintendo Direct - April 1st - 11pm BST


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Enjoy what there is, get another console if your needs aren't being fulfilled
Yeah, there are so many story driven titles available on the other platforms/PC, and that's where anyone who's into that kind of gaming should be looking for those experiences.


That's not to say people shouldn't enjoy and anticipate Nintendo's take on it every so often, but they shouldn't be expecting the same quality or amount of narrative focused games being made by Nintendo or appearing on its consoles. :nono:

Never been what they're primarily about, hopefully never will.

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Yeah, there are so many story driven titles available on the other platforms/PC, and that's where anyone who's into that kind of gaming should be looking for those experiences.

That's not to say people shouldn't enjoy and anticipate Nintendo's take on it every so often, but they shouldn't be expecting the same quality or amount of narrative focused games being made by Nintendo or appearing on its consoles. :nono:

Never been what they're primarily about, hopefully never will.


That's basically what we're saying though, we'd like to see some more (even if it's only a little bit more) of what Nintendo can do here. From off the top of my head, Metroid Prime had a very clever way of doing the story through back-logs, Eternal Darkness had one of my favourite stories to ever appear on a Nintendo system, the same with Xenoblade. So, they've proved that this stuff can be done, even if it does require some collaboration with others (Retro, Silicon Knights, CiNG, etc)

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That's basically what we're saying though, we'd like to see some more (even if it's only a little bit more) of what Nintendo can do here. From off the top of my head, Metroid Prime had a very clever way of doing the story through back-logs, Eternal Darkness had one of my favourite stories to ever appear on a Nintendo system, the same with Xenoblade. So, they've proved that this stuff can be done, even if it does require some collaboration with others (Retro, Silicon Knights, CiNG, etc)


Fire Emblem's another one. Zelda. But not much more!

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Again - as has been said many, many times - it's not a point of either or.


Nintendo has the capability to create awesome games. So why not use it to create something like @Fierce_LiNk mentioned and still make the annual Mario games, etc.


I guess it's because it's not what interest them too much, they don't want to do story focussed games. It's like attacking Pixar for not making live action films. They do what they do, if you want something else, look somewhere else.


Not saying I wouldn't want more story driven games, but just understanding why they don't.

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I guess it's because it's not what interest them too much, they don't want to do story focussed games. It's like attacking Pixar for not making live action films.


Well, Pixas are successful with what they do. So... :p


I'm looking for story focussed games somewhere else, that's why I have a PS4 and will soon sell my Wii U to finance an Xbox One.


Still, I'd love to see Nintendo try and do another Metroid with a little bit more focus on story.


But I'll stop here. I don't want people chasing me with pitchforks and torches just because I say something slightly negative about Nintendo.

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I guess it's because it's not what interest them too much, they don't want to do story focussed games. It's like attacking Pixar for not making live action films.


John Carter was from a Pixar director, but released under the Disney banner.


It was also pants, but that's by-the-by.

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Again - as has been said many, many times - it's not a point of either or.


Nintendo has the capability to create awesome games. So why not use it to create something like @Fierce_LiNk mentioned and still make the annual Mario games, etc.


That's the thing though, they are already creating awesome games!


In terms of the 'awesome games' you want, Xenoblade is on the way, as is Zelda eventually, we don't know if they're making a Metroid, but it's probably likely. Retro are up to something which we don't know about yet.


These types of games you want typically take longer to make, and Nintendo are spread thin as it is anyway. If they were to focus even more on these types of games, the release calendar would look even more barren.


You also have to take into account that Nintendo are pretty much single-handedly supporting two consoles, and as much as you may want more narrative-focused games, their main audience would probably say Mario etc. is a more important priority.


Of course, nothing wrong with dreaming about more of these types of games, but with Nintendo, it's never going to be their priority.


We were never going to get anything new like that in this Direct anyway. Wait until E3 and there may be some more exciting things. These typically focus on the smaller projects, additional news on previously announced stuff, release dates, etc. For what it is, it always seems to reveal some nice stuff for Nintendo fans, even if it isn't the mindblowing stuff you may want.

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I get what you're saying and I could respond to most of this, but to be honest I don't really want to.

This isn't about you, though. :)


It's just that I don't want to get attacked again by some people. That's why I'll leave it at that and simply live with the fact that I've moved on from Nintendo.

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I get what you're saying and I could respond to most of this, but to be honest I don't really want to.

This isn't about you, though. :)


It's just that I don't want to get attacked again by some people. That's why I'll leave it at that and simply live with the fact that I've moved on from Nintendo.


Of course, I wasn't trying to attack :)

Just kind of pointing out that Nintendo have never been overly narrative focused, so it's hard to expect them to suddenly switch their focus to it. I love the type of game you're after too, The Last of Us is one of my favourite games of the past few years, but I couldn't miss out on what Nintendo are providing, either :)


Horses for courses, and all that, everyone has their own preferences : peace:

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Finally having a release date for the final Mario Kart DLC, and that course looks sweet. Charging £3 odd for 1 character is a little off putting, should do a bundle for Lucas and Mewtwo for that price. I do suppose it's lucky those whom registered Smash for both 3DS and WiiU get Mewtwo for free.


N64 games on the Virtual Console, yes. And being able to play Donkey Kong 64 again without either using an emulator or digging out an N64, well i'm happy that's for sure. Also wondering why DS games are appearing on the WiiU Virtual Console, surely they'd be better on the 3DS (same as the GBA games).


Other than that, not fussed on the rest. Not a bad Direct from Nintendo, but seeing as E3 is round the corner i can't complain too much.

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N64 games on the Virtual Console, yes. And being able to play Donkey Kong 64 again without either using an emulator or digging out an N64, well i'm happy that's for sure. Also wondering why DS games are appearing on the WiiU Virtual Console, surely they'd be better on the 3DS (same as the GBA games).


I can field that one.


3DS is not capable of accurately emulating GBA to a degree that they feel is appropriate for selling. Closest they can get is how they did the ambassador games where they tricked the 3DS into running it in DS mode, and that had issues as it is. They had no Sleep Mode or Virtual Console features, and glitchy sound and/or graphics.


DS games would only be possible by doing it similar to that and having it download as DSiWare, but most DS titles would need recoding to adapt for saving to the hardware and the 3DS only has a small amount of space for DSiWare titles.


Doing it on the Wii U through emulation is far more logical, especially as the next handheld and console will absorb Wii U architecture and it has been implied/stated that VC will be there day one due to this.

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Nintendo focus on gameplay, then add a storyline on top of that when relevant.


Other publishers focus on storyline and cutscenes and then try and find gameplay in there somewhere.


I know which method of game design I prefer.

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What I would absolutely LOVE to see is Miyamoto teaming up with Kojima.


Now THAT, would make for an interesting game and an even more interesting Iwata Asks.

Konami seem to be kicking Kojima out, so with any look Nintendo will employ him.


Then again, knowing Nintendo, they'll miss the opportunity completely. Like they did with Free Radical Design, Bizarre Creations, Factor 5 and god knows how many others...

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Konami seem to be kicking Kojima out, so with any look Nintendo will employ him.


Then again, knowing Nintendo, they'll miss the opportunity completely. Like they did with Free Radical Design, Bizarre Creations, Factor 5 and god knows how many others...


Add Vigil Games, Cing Inc. and Clover Studio to that list.

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There are plenty of examples, Ronnie just chooses to ignore them.


You only need to look at Mario Party 10, Wario Ware U, Sticker Star, for examples of where Nintendo also recently missed the boat. It happens. We just don't all get hung up on it.


Not sure how that relates to...


Nintendo focus on gameplay, then add a storyline on top of that when relevant.


Other publishers focus on storyline and cutscenes and then try and find gameplay in there somewhere.

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I assume he meant those games show Nintendo don't focus on gameplay/didn't do a good job with gameplay.

Well, if we're being pedantic


Mario Party 10: ND Cube

Paper Mario Sticker Star: Intelligent Systems

Game & Wario: Intelligent Systems


Nintendo didn't develop them


Though really, Game & Wario is a massive laugh with friends.

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