Ike Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 Not sure if I'll go with Shopto or the Nintendo Store.
Pestneb Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 Please note: the price has not yet been confimed by Nintendo meaning a placeholder of £9,999.00 will show in your pre orders section. You willl be notified when the price is confirmed and will not be charged anything until dispatch Obviously it wouldn't be permanent, but imagine if they cock up and charge you that sum? I'm kinda sad not to be pre-ordering this myself, but it does save me the dilemma of where to pre-order from. Last console I pre-ordered was the Wii, I have to admit the excitement factor goes, I love the wait for the post, but actually the immediacy of getting the console post launch window and knowing the library (rather than speculating) for me is well worth the loss. I'm just hoping splatoon/mario don't come out on switch too early on, because they may break my resolve prematurely
killthenet Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 The placeholder release date on Shopto is 01/01/2050 too. I'm happy to wait but 43 years is a bit of a stretch.
Ashley Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 The placeholder release date on Shopto is 01/01/2050 too. I'm happy to wait but 43 years is a bit of a stretch. Good thing its 33 (or 34 if you're including this year), much more reasonable
killthenet Posted October 28, 2016 Posted October 28, 2016 (edited) Good thing its 33 (or 34 if you're including this year), much more reasonable My passive maths clearly need work. 33 years is perfectly reasonable amount of time to wait. Edited October 28, 2016 by killthenet
Dcubed Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 There's 2 million Switches allocated for launch month. There won't be mass shortages. Don't waste your money at GAME.
Fierce_LiNk Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 The lack of faith that some of us are showing in GAME seems to highlight just how poor our high street options are these days. I'm more than ready for somebody to come along and challenge GAME. We used to have GameStation, who were always amazing to me. CEX seem to be the only other alternative, but they specialise in second-hand gaming. Too bad we don't have a Grainger Games near us.
nekunando Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 The lack of faith that some of us are showing in GAME seems to highlight just how poor our high street options are these days. I'm more than ready for somebody to come along and challenge GAME. We used to have GameStation, who were always amazing to me. CEX seem to be the only other alternative, but they specialise in second-hand gaming. Too bad we don't have a Grainger Games near us. We have a Smyths in town, which is generally quite poor as far as game prices go, but I suspect that's where I'll preorder my Switch I'll probably be waiting until after the January presentation before I commit to anything, though!
Nicktendo Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 The lack of faith that some of us are showing in GAME seems to highlight just how poor our high street options are these days. I'm more than ready for somebody to come along and challenge GAME. We used to have GameStation, who were always amazing to me. CEX seem to be the only other alternative, but they specialise in second-hand gaming. Too bad we don't have a Grainger Games near us. Had there been a Grainger close to me, I would have pre-ordered there, but there isn't. It really is a shame the current state of our high street. The Gamestation in my home town was one of the first in the country back in the mid to late 90s, the staff were always really great and would chat about Nintendo for hours, they let you try games before you bought them and always gave great recommendations back before the Internet took off. As the years went by it all became a bit more corporate and the trade in prices got worse as Game eventually took them over. CeX is great, and I loved working there while I was at uni, but as you say it only deals with the second-hand market. Maybe there is just no money to be made on the high street these days, and people prefer to use the cheaper online services.
Pestneb Posted October 29, 2016 Posted October 29, 2016 (edited) Slightly interesting interview... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-28/nintendo-s-big-switch-q-a-with-president-tatsumi-kimishima Is the Switch part of a bigger hardware plan? The part we've shown this time is just a conceptual image of how the Switch is different from the Wii U and previous systems. Going forward, of course, in terms of what kind of accessories will come out, we want to show this in January and later. By no means was that everything. What would you say is the core concept or technology behind the Switch? Is what we saw in the video the main device or is there more? I'm afraid that will get into the hardware specs, so I'd like you to wait until January. What you saw is the core. Sorry if this has already been covered, but reading through the interview, those bits stood out - there's more? I'm just remembering about that patent with the additional computing hardware... and that mystery button on the left joy con. Intriguing. Edited October 29, 2016 by Pestneb
Pestneb Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 (edited) Double the Wii U's and half the PS4/X1, right? I know there is more to Ram than the Gb number.. but the ram would need to be pretty impressive elsewhere to make it comparable to the home consoles from the competition (like 4 Ghz.. better bandwidth etc). So this, if it turns out to be accurate, places the Switch between the Wii U and PS4/X1 in terms of power. Pretty impressive from a handheld. Again an assumption, but if Nintendo stick to pure hybrid, the Switch 2 should hopefully be around/maybe slightly better than PS4/X1 power when the PS5/X2 are released (assuming Microsoft don't step out). I'm really hoping Nintendo hold back splatoon and mario from the launch window! Edited October 30, 2016 by Pestneb
david.dakota Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 (edited) The OS's on these consoles use hhalf their RAM, right? If Nintendo can develop a super slim OS requiring very little RAM, they could get to a comparable level. Do people still use GAME? The only time i'll entertain the idea of buying from them is when I can get a good deal on a trade in. That's all their good for (and even that's debateable, as it's not unheard of for the manager at the Shhrewsbury store to refuse to pricematch because he won't be able to sell it at a profit). I'll probably get my Switches from Nintendo UK Official Store - I think that's the only place to offer the two year warranty. Edited October 30, 2016 by david.dakota
dazzybee Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 I'm completely ignorant to ram, what impact could this have for the system and third parties? With regards to the OS, I'm happy with simple, I just want it fast. I always though that system would be more of a nintendo and indie box, but that trailer and third party stuff made me think just maybe... but actually it really ins't is it
Pestneb Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 (edited) I'm completely ignorant to ram, what impact could this have for the system and third parties? With regards to the OS, I'm happy with simple, I just want it fast. I always though that system would be more of a nintendo and indie box, but that trailer and third party stuff made me think just maybe... but actually it really ins't is it As I understand it Ram is basically where in game data is stored for quick access for the cpu/gpu. Bit random but hope this analogy helps. You have 10 draws full of files for your job, but you are in a small office and only have floor space for one filling cabinet, and the filing cabinets only have 3 drawers each. When you need a file from a different filing cabinet, you have to call a colleague, ask him to wheel out the filing cabinet and replace it with the one with the required file. Whereas if you had space for a single filing cabinet with 10 drawers/a couple of 5 drawer filing cabinets, that step could be skipped and you could work faster. Gb = how much space there is in the office for filing cabinets Ghz = how fast you and your colleague are Bandwidth = size of the door (therefore how big a cabinet your colleague can pass through to you) I also had another thought - with game data on a cart, would the Rom be usable directly by the cpu? so that could also reduce the need for dedicated ram, although I guess to keep costs down they'll be using cheaper chips hence slower read speeds at a guess. But still, they may be able to use that rom to take some of the strain off the Ram... As for third parties, it's always nice to have plenty of ram because it lets you develop more complex code. think of it like a book... if you have one page it's impossible to write a novel, give someone 500 pages and suddenly that possibility opens up. Look at Hyrule warriors on the 3ds vs new 3ds. They had to have fewer on screen enemies on the 3ds version because there just wasn't the space on the Ram. There are tricks to use Ram more efficiently, but those are generally already being used on more ambitious games! But basically it means the game code can be a lot more complex. As for o/s savings, the PS4/X1 have about 5Gb after the o/s. So while Nintendo can make some ground with the o/s they'll need to work out something else to pick up an extra Gb or two for parity! Edited October 30, 2016 by Pestneb
killthenet Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 The OS's on these consoles use hhalf their RAM, right? If Nintendo can develop a super slim OS requiring very little RAM, they could get to a comparable level. The PS4 and Xbox One have 8gb of RAM but games can use 5.5gb and 5gb of it respectively. If Nintendo employ faster RAM and their OS only utilises 1gb or so, which is quite likely because the OS features for the other consoles are pretty media heavy, then the Switch could theoretically come quite close to them in terms of raw power if they can use 3gb. Especially when you factor in the comparatively weak CPU architecture in both current gen consoles I think the Switch will be far closer to them in power than the Wii and Wii U were to their competition.
liger05 Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 I think the switch will miss out on those huge AAA titles simply because titles need to run in mobile mode and its likely going to be asking to much to get games optimized for that.
liger05 Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 How does this amount of RAM bode for Party Chat? I wouldn't be surprised if nintendo go with the barebones OS. Quick, efficient but minimalistic
killthenet Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 How does this amount of RAM bode for Party Chat? Xbox 360 did Party Chat with only 512mb of RAM for the entire system so I'm sure it's a negligible amount of RAM required for a service like Party Chat.
Mr-Paul Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 It's a bad sign for there being enough RAM for the top third party games when you consider how sluggish the Wii U OS is and that uses 1GB of RAM.
Ronnie Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 How does this amount of RAM bode for Party Chat? Obviously I'd like you to get what you want, but a small part of me would love to see the fallout if it was announced no Party Chat
liger05 Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 (edited) It's a bad sign for there being enough RAM for the top third party games when you consider how sluggish the Wii U OS is and that uses 1GB of RAM. It's not just the ram. Say this is as powerful as the wii u or in between wii u and xb1 is that enough for graphic intenive multi platform titles? 4gb ram and that kind of power for a handheld is more than enough but if people see this as a home console wanting parity with the competition I feel they may well be disappointed. Edited October 30, 2016 by liger05
Mr-Paul Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 It's not just the ram. Say this is as powerful as the wii u or in between wii u and xb1 is that enough for graphic intenive multi platform titles? 4gb ram and that kind of power for a handheld is more than enough but if people see this as a home console wanting parity with the competition I feel they may well be disappointed. I had hoped that perhaps that while it would have a slower processor/graphics card than the competition, it would match it on RAM so it would be able to run the same games, just at a lower graphical level. I fear that the lack of RAM will hamper it more than not having a top of the line processor will. Saying that, I'm not an expert on these matters, but it is a bit worrying if you're hoping for multiplatform games.
killthenet Posted October 30, 2016 Posted October 30, 2016 I think you can still run the same games with less RAM if the CPU and GPU are capable enough. It's just a case of having lower-res assets so the entire game can be loaded into 3gb of memory rather than 5gb of memory. As the Switch is rumoured to be just below Xbox One in terms of raw power, I can certainly see this being a possibility if the more taxing multiplatform games are limited to 720p on the Switch and I think that's a compromise most people would accept if it meant they also had the advantage of portability. There's also the argument that data compression has become a dead art in terms of video games because of the derth of disc space on blu ray and the amount of RAM modern consoles have, if NVIDIA include clever compression tools in their Switch SDK then that might be enough to get around the comparatively little RAM available to developers.
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