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If you click on the listing now the product is called 'Nintendo NX WII U'. Snappy name that.


I think if it does turn out to be £350 for the standard console bundle then it will be dead in the water unless its on a par with the other consoles power wise. It really needs to be £250 or less at launch to stand much chance.

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Yeah, can't really see £350 being a sensible price point, especially with a non-holiday release where itchy impulse buying will be lowered.


If it were this price whilst still being below the power of a PS4, I assume it would be all the hardware that drove the price up and at that point I would start wondering if Nintendo did actually learn anything with the whole Wii U Gamepad debacle.

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It might not have been a good idea when the 3DS launched, but nowadays this "expensive bit of hardware" is so common that even 3-year olds have them. Which is why kids don't have consoles anymore.

It would enable NX to push way better graphics for the price than if it had its own speakers, screen, camera, motion sensors and so on. It would also improve battery performance.

Also, Nintendo wouldn't need to make an NX, an NX XL and an NX Mini. They'd make one device and then people would hook up whichever smart device they want depending on what experience they want, whether it's an iPod Touch, a ridiculously big phone, or a massive tablet.


Also, if Nintendo would use this value for money to bring the price down instead of bringing the graphics up, this would enable the NX to be an option instead of buying a brand new phone, as they'd be able to play games with greath graphics on their slow, old smart phone. Which is great for families where smartphones are handed down from parents to kids.


And finally: it would enable the NX to have features it otherwise wouldn't, such as GPS and internet on the go.



So lots of reasons, even if I can imagine there would be some downsides, such as me finding it difficult to imagine a clip that can hold all phones on the market well enough.


3 years don't have them (well I"m sure some day) but they have access to them. Very different. These aren't logical reasons, nintendo won't demand an expensive piece of hardware to be needed to play NX, it's such a huge barrier of entry. Even if people have one people don't want to need one to play console games.


I can't believe you've thought about it and still think it's a good idea, it's literally one of the worst ideas I've ever heard :D


As for tesco, I'd imagine they just put it high so they don't ending up paying for it with preorder price promises.

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Its not worry, its debating the different possible scenarios, which is pretty much all we've been doing for the last few years with this NX myth. ::shrug:


By last few years do you mean 1 year and 6 months? It's pretty clear Nintendo didn't intend to announce NX quite as soon as they did. Iwata only did it to quash potential suggestions they were moving exclusively to mobile development.

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By last few years do you mean 1 year and 6 months? It's pretty clear Nintendo didn't intend to announce NX quite as soon as they did. Iwata only did it to quash potential suggestions they were moving exclusively to mobile development.


Well then they shouldn't have announced it then and should have bucked up their ideas with the Wii U.

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It would be interesting to see a different timeline where Nintendo didn't partner up with DeNa and start developing for mobile. I wonder when they would have first announced the NX if that timeline played out?


I honestly can't see it being that different, given that the Wii U has arguably been on life support for over a year now, Nintendo probably would have had to answer some questions as to why there had been very little support for the console over this period.


It was a smart move to announce it at the same time as their mobile initiative.


I wouldn't say it was smart move, just more of a necessary one.

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Because of the predicament they now find themselves in - An existing console prematurely on its deathbed and a proposed console which we are to expect in 6 months but know absolutely nothing about.


With the PS4 Slim & Pro, XBOs & Scorpio and VR all on the way... all of which we know more about than we do the NX.

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With the PS4 Slim & Pro, XBOs & Scorpio and VR all on the way... all of which we know more about than we do the NX.


The PS4 Slim is a smaller PS4.


The PS4 Pro was revealed a grand total of two months before release.


The Xbox One has been out for three years.


The Scorpio is powerful, that's basically all we know about it.


PSVR is out in two weeks. Of course we're going to know all about it.


Because of the predicament they now find themselves in - An existing console prematurely on its deathbed and a proposed console which we are to expect in 6 months but know absolutely nothing about.


My point is what difference does it make? The NX was always being released in March whether they announced it 6 months in advance or a year and a half in advance.


They've done all they can given the Wii U's failure. If they didn't announce NX 18 months ago everyone would have declared they're giving up console and handheld gaming.

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Wow, way to dissect a post! :indeed:


I know people who want a PS4 Slim, PS4Pro, an XBOs (note the "s"), a Scorpio, VR... I don't know anyone who wants an NX because nobody even knows what it is!


It's having mindshare that Nintendo needs.

I even know people who don't even know that the NX is coming! These are people that game too, not avid fans who scour Internet forums etc but gamers none the less... but Nintendo are so out of touch with them that they don't even know what the NX is (in that it's Nintendo's next hardware)... and that's bad for Nintendo!

Edited by Kav
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Wow, way to dissect a post! :indeed:


I know people who want a PS4 Slim, PS4Pro, an XBOs (note the "s"), a Scorpio, VR... I don't know anyone who wants an NX because nobody even knows what it is!


My point is, all of the things you mention are either out or coming out in the next couple of weeks and months. Of course we're going to know all about them. PS4 Pro was revealed two months before release, if anything that should show that a shorter reveal > release window is best, no?


It's having mindshare that Nintendo needs.

I even know people who don't even know that the NX is coming! These are people that game too, not avid fans who scour Internet forums etc but gamers none the less... but Nintendo are so out of touch with them that they don't even know what the NX is (in that it's Nintendo's next hardware)... and that's bad for Nintendo!


Mindshare? You can't go five minutes without someone mentioning NX on gaf. The audience in the Ubisoft conference gasped when Aisha Tyler mentioned NX. I'm sure your mates will know all about it when it's revealed. Nintendo haven't said three sentences about it and it's still mentioned every day in gaming, the hype and anticipation is crazy. Patience!

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We all know I've not got patience @Ronnie :p


With these consoles and VR on the horizon, would you not think it best Nintendo announce the NX to detract from people putting down pre-orders etc. though?

People may well find out about the NX but it may be too late for some by then as they've put money down on the others.


Internet forums are only a small percentage of the gaming population don't forget.

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I don't think VR is going to be much of a factor this year though as PS VR will likely be impossible to buy this side of January unless you put in a pre-order straight away. That rules out the people who were casually interested in it, and the price of entry for the Oculus and Vive is so expensive that I think VR is going to be relatively niche for a while yet.


Scorpio is also in the same boat, not many people in the general population will even know it exists at this point so I don't think it's going to grab people's attention until we find out more next E3.


The one thing that Nintendo do have to worry about is people who have been on the fence about buying a new Playstation or Xbox investing in the cheaper variants that are coming out this year. There are a lot of cheap Xbox One S deals around at the moment, so the price of entry for top of the line gaming machines is only £200-£250 now. Those people who can only afford one console are far more likely to buy one this year than wait for the NX, even if Nintendo had already shown it off.


For me it doesn't matter too much now business wise when they show it off because they're not going to be on store shelves for Christmas and Black Friday so competing for the attentions of the average consumer is not really necessary for them right now. What they need to do is ensure that the console has a really competitive price point, probably cheaper than the competition, when it launches in March. Their marketing needs to be more ubiquitous than the Wii U was and needs to start in earnest on boxing day so that the average consumer is fully aware of it by the time it launches in March. Its such an awkward time to launch a console so they're going to need to make sure they hit every target to make it work and then have really aggressively priced bundles available next Autumn and Winter.

Edited by killthenet
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