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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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The Wii U version is being released because they promised it.


It'll also be the only version you can play on your TV when it releases as well ;)






The plot thickens.


And like I've been telling you guys before, this console will be treated as a third pillar at first. It's being released like the DS was. Eventually it'll take over from the 3DS and the NX console will take the place of the Wii U though.

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It'll also be the only version you can play on your TV when it releases as well ;)


If that's the case, then Nintendo will be dead to me for the foreseeable future.


The Wii U is dead and Nintendo need a home console presence. The 3DS is still doing fine.

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So the Wii U ended up getting a 5 year lifecycle after all (because there's no way the NX console is coming out before November 2017 now). Nice :)


Yeah maybe. Bit of a stretch though seeing that hardly any major retail games have been released for the thing for the past 4 months and probably for the next 18. The console has been slowly dying since the 3rd year if its life unfortunately.


I'm hoping e3 reveals a range of major titles for the Wii U.

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No NX at E3 is a very, very odd decision


Indeed. That's the biggest surprise takeaway here!


Why on earth they're still keeping mum about it is beyond me. Could we be seeing the return of Spaceworld?


This announcement also gives us a bit of a hint about the NX itself as well. It must be capable of handling the Wii U Gamepad's featureset if Zelda Wii U is coming to it, so it probably means dual screens. But if it's a handheld, then will it necessarily be done in the same way as 3DS? Hmm...

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I was always of the belief that Nintendo should ride out the Wii U, support it as much as possible and get a new console out by 2018 so it is nearer to any new generation from Sony/Microsoft rather than being an awkward mid-gen failure. However, the news of PS4K made me feel that they needed to get it out sooner, and possibly go for parity with these new revisions from Sony/Microsoft to get third parties on board and muscle their way back into the public mindshare.


Who knows what to think now. We don't even know what NX is, but I have to say I'm not feeling great about the position that Nintendo are in right now. And if it is to launch in March, I think it's a real shame they couldn't get it ready for Christmas and have it possibly become one of the must buy gifts.


Not showing NX at E3 is just an awful decision, though.

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Hmm... Looks like Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing are getting some sort of mobile entry...


I wonder if that means that we might see a Wii U Animal Crossing after all, where this mobile app ties into it somehow? (Design houses on mobile, import them into the Wii U game?)

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So the Wii U ended up getting a 5 year lifecycle after all (because there's no way the NX console is coming out before November 2017 now). Nice :)


I don't think anyone thinks that's nice when you consider its support towards the end of its life!

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Isnt it a bit strange that they will show Zelda at E3 which could amaze us but we won't know anything about the platform it's running on?


They'll probably just show the Wii U build.


What gets me is that we will finally see the game and then have to wait another 9 months to get our hands on the thing.

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Eh? Why is that being a dick?


You are hoping for the Wii U to blow you out of the water and Nintendo to showcase killer title after killer title at E3 for a console that is doomed and at best has stuttered along?


Here's this year's E3 weather report:


A largely barren sky is occasionally clouded with major disappointment, missed opportunity and a seemingly a total lack of direction! This will be followed by sadness, anger and resentment leading to lower than forecasted sales!


The fact Nintendo aren't even showing the NX tells you what state they are in. Zelda has slipped to next year, really leaving the Wii U with nothing of major note left this year and we're only in bloody April!


Oh and before people point to Paper Mario and the weird Fire Emblem game, they aren't going to set the masses on fire.


Prepare for a dire E3 and most likely for Nintendo to be practically dormant until next year sometime when they finally show the NX and Zelda comes out of the oven!

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You don't release a console without showing it at the preceding E3. NX is looking like the first console that won't be shown at the world's biggest gaming event before its launch.


Nintendo, you aren't Apple. You need to take E3 seriously.

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I don't think anyone thinks that's nice when you consider its support towards the end of its life!


Pikmin 4, Paper Mario Colour Splash, Retro's new game. Hmm... this lineup seems familiar...








In fact, 2004 was one of the greatest years ever for games and so far, Nintendo is copying it to a T this year with Wii U! Why don't we settle down and wait till E3 before judging their Wii U lineup this year? It's less than 2 months away now :)

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