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Weight Loss and Fitness 2015


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I think there are quite a few missing from there. It's a good chart though generally.


But I'm not sure which muscle group I'm really meant to be focusing for an imbalance with my chest. From my attempts at googling, I think bent over bar bell rows is one of them. Just can't really find any others.


I think it's my middle-back that needs work? I dunno. I'm confused.


I'm going to guess, these.


Bent over rows will work wonders for gaining strength in your back. Along with pull-ups you can't really go wrong.

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Working your chest too much will pull your shoulders forward so you need to work the muscles that pull them backwards, i.e. the upper and middle back. Working on the lower back is obviously mandatory as well but that's more for the purpose of life itself.


If, on the other hand, you had been working your abs too much, you would need to work on the lower back.


Pull-ups are also very good for upper and middle back. Actually, any kind of pull works.




I have just got home from work, before leaving work I was ready to go do some arms and chest. But then it started raining, like.. seriously! I got quite wet on my way home (bike) and now I can't find the willpower to go out in the rain again. Damn weather! At home I only have a 10 kg dumbell...


Bent over rows will work wonders for gaining strength in your back. Along with pull-ups you can't really go wrong.


Upper and middle back it is. I'm pretty good with my lower back. And I'll add some pull ups. Do you reckon wide grip ones?

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Pull-ups should be done with a "just wider than shoulders"-grip. The wide grip works the muscles below the arms more. But you can perhaps alternate between "normal" grip and wide grip.


You can also do high pulls, they work the biceps and traps quite well.

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High pulls are awful and I hate them with a passion :heh: They're a big part of oly training, usually the weakest part of anyones clean and snatch as the muscles tend to get underused if you have a lifestyle of sitting down a lot. They also are the worst for doms EVER because they are so hard to stretch out. Usually involves bending yourself in ways you would not want to do in public lol


Ahhh I'm so excited for you flinkeeehh. Lift dem weights br0! Those big ones look awesome :D

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Me after finishing the Great Scottish Swim 5km in 1:40:41. 4 minutes and 19 seconds ahead of my target time of 1:45. Looking back, I could've gone quicker but pleased nonetheless.



Edit - I can't do maths.

Edited by Charlie
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Deliveroo now serves Sheffield, Twisted burgers and shakes straight to my door. Welp, that's the healthy eating out of the window. Nice knowing you, abs.


Too late!!


Sounds amazing!!


I had a really stressful week last week with work and ended up comfort eating. Fucks sake! I was doing really well and lost a stone in the past month.


Back on it today. Just finished a run on my dinner break and will go to the gym in the morning before work for some weights :D

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Me after finishing the Great Scottish Swim 5km in 1:40:41. 4 minutes and 19 seconds ahead of my target time of 1:45. Looking back, I could've gone quicker but pleased nonetheless.



Edit - I can't do maths.

For the record, I thought your storylines went a bit shit when you left military school and went to work on that ranch.

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Had a bit of a weird gym session. Did 105kg on bench for five, with the fifth rep needing some assistance. Then dropped to 100kg, same thing, needed help on the fifth. Then did 100kg again and only managed three. Then dropped to 90kg for 6. And then did 80kg for 10 (I think – might even have been 70kg – at that point I just felt bad for having ballsed up my third set and just not being able to push through at all).


I'm happy with hitting 105kg, even if the final rep was a bit lacking. I'm happy that I haven't compromised my form at all. I'm always touching the bar to my chest, which kind of pains me because sometimes I do it knowing I'm going to fail on the push up. BUT, I've become so insistent on maintaining good form that that is what is important to me, it's just frustrating, too.


Spent the rest of the session doing biceps and triceps. Which wasn't the plan but I wasn't n the mood to suck at chest any more.


How s everyone else doing with chest? Any similar issues? Or some advice?

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I had one of those days where I did what I needed to do, but it was a struggle to get there.


Teaching and then lifting is exhausting. May have to start getting some more food in me as I feel I need to start eating more to compensate for that.


Fucks sake. Why can't life be all "stay home, play games, lift weights" and then get paid a lot of money for doing that?

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I had one of those days where I did what I needed to do, but it was a struggle to get there.


Teaching and then lifting is exhausting. May have to start getting some more food in me as I feel I need to start eating more to compensate for that.


Fucks sake. Why can't life be all "stay home, play games, lift weights" and then get paid a lot of money for doing that?




Life sucks lol

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It makes for really long days; we only just finished our dinner! D:


I've started lifting again too. Am on poverty weights haha.

Do cardio (cross trainer) on the days where we are not lifting. Need to shed the weight!


If anyone has tips for weight loss, feel free to share! I currently wait to eat until noon, when I usually have some toast or sometimes a salad, then a yogurt for a snack and whatever is for dinner (usually involves chicken and rice in some form).

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I had one of those days where I did what I needed to do, but it was a struggle to get there.


Teaching and then lifting is exhausting. May have to start getting some more food in me as I feel I need to start eating more to compensate for that.


Fucks sake. Why can't life be all "stay home, play games, lift weights" and then get paid a lot of money for doing that?




Life sucks lol


I'm off work this week (:yay:) and it was really nice to be able to spend a whole just-over-an-hour at the gym this morning. Normally I get in about 40 minutes before thinking "shit, I need to go to work".

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At work some of my colleagues bring in candy and puts it on the table in the middle of the office. Like.. 2 metres behind me. I hate it. :/ I've actually complained about it but some of the others don't see the problem - even though they eat it at least as much as I do. I'm trying to hold myself back but I have the backbone of a snail in this regard.

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It makes for really long days; we only just finished our dinner! D:


I've started lifting again too. Am on poverty weights haha.

Do cardio (cross trainer) on the days where we are not lifting. Need to shed the weight!


If anyone has tips for weight loss, feel free to share! I currently wait to eat until noon, when I usually have some toast or sometimes a salad, then a yogurt for a snack and whatever is for dinner (usually involves chicken and rice in some form).


Maybe consider a proper breakfast to kick start your metabolism, and then if need by reduce the calories of your following meals as the day goes on. If you skip brekkie then you're spending your morning still coming out of the low metabolic state you're in while sleeping.


Also train before your evening meal if possible so as not to feel hungry again after your evening meal.


For cardio I wouldn't bother with the long distance/duration stuff unless you specifically want that type of endurance. For weight loss I would go for short and sharp, more intense stuff, complexes, sprints, hill sprints, tabata, bodyweight circuits, carries etc.


For example a variety of carries until your upper body fatigues, then finish off the legs with a set or two of bodyweight leg exercise to failure. Wouldn't take you very long and would build more fat burning muscle than jogging.

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Not been to the gym since Monday because I've been out of the country. Going to do shoulders today. Can't wait. The few days off should have done me good, too.


At work some of my colleagues bring in candy and puts it on the table in the middle of the office. Like.. 2 metres behind me. I hate it. :/ I've actually complained about it but some of the others don't see the problem - even though they eat it at least as much as I do. I'm trying to hold myself back but I have the backbone of a snail in this regard.


In a weird way this made it a little easier for me. I'd just look at the food and say NO! (In my head) And that made it easy to not eat. But then I'm a stubborn fucker.

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I say no to myself all the time. But then I get a little hungry or tired from working...


I'm not that bad, though, I don't eat more than 2-5 pieces but still, it's a bad habit.


I've also been eating more carbs in the form of spaghetti and potatoes over the last weeks. It might be my imagination but I can definitely see the results of it on my abs.

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