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  drahkon said:
Just ran 6.3km in 45 minutes. It's a start.


Will probably take part in a 5.5km run in July. Not sure what goal I should set myself...

Anybody have any idea what time is realistic with a bit of training (i.e. 3-4 runs per week...2 longer/slower runs and 2 high intensity interval runs)?


  MoogleViper said:
I've managed to bring my weight down to over a stone less than my maximum, which is 8 pounds since the start of the year.


I can definitely see a difference. Still work to go though, mainly getting rid of my love handles.


Now I've moved job and city I've lost my exercise routine (as it was largely based around playing football). So I need to be careful not to put it back on and try and find my routine again (I've already joined the casual footy at work, and I'm signing up to the work gym (£70 a year - bargain) next week so I need to work out a routine for that.


I reckon I could have my beach body ready by December.


Good going, guyssss. Well done. Keep going.


I overhead pressed 49kg for 2 sets of 5 last week and managed 3x5 this week. Could've had 4x5 but my shoulders and tris couldn't do it.


Just dead lifted 148kg. :) New best. Found it easy today and felt I could have gone for more. Grip was so much better.

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  Jon said:
I've been looking into StrongLifts of late. He recommends to start at 50% of your five max rep if you've been weight training for a while. That seems really small to me and almost like going backwards. I do like the structure of the program though and although the weight seems small, it's probably building that foundation strength.


I do StrongLift and it's brilliant. The app is so easy to use and it compliments your work out well.






Here are some fitspos of me. The top one was made by a reader of my blog and the bottom one was made by my friend. I've packed just a bit of weight on but I don't look THAT different, really. People say I've lost more weight though I don't really feel it though...


I feel I'm really doing fine at the moment, even though I occasionally still feel my groin injury. Thus I've cut down on doing WODs with explosive movements and am doing a lot of strengthening instead, which is great.


Backsquatting 5x8 at the moment with 75 kg. Did it today and had enough energy left for one more round but didn't do it as I had some overhead squatting and other things left in my programme. OHSquatting is hard but such a nice exercise! Next week it's 5x8 again but with a 2 second pause in the bottom of the squat. This is killing me so I'll be doing it with about 70 kg instead of the prescribed 75 kg.


After this I did some deadlifting, not following a specific programme here, just inspired by stronglift so I did 7x5 today: (1)95-(3)98-(2)100-(1)102 kg. Really feeling good about it, my grip is getting really strong - did all of them without any locking in my fingers.


Didn't do this today, but I'm also rehearsing my clean & jerk. Squatcleaning 5x5 is about 55 kg, and my 3RM split jerk is 60-62 kg. I don't really like the split jerk as much because it's asymmetrical but other than that it's a really awesome lift!

  • 3 weeks later...

Had a lightbulb moment a fortnight ago.


I ensured I consumed on or less than 1500 calories a day with the odd "have what I fancy" meal in now and again. Done weights on a 5 day split and have ran 3 times a week.


Ive lost 9ib and 3% body fat in two weeks :D

  • 2 weeks later...

Your lightbulb moment was that calorie deficit and exercise = weight loss? :p


Well as long as it helps you lose err... "ibs" then it's all good ;)


I tease out of jest, high five bro.


I skipped leg day for the first time on Saturday. I'm not proud, but I was having a really bad day. I'll make up for it tonight! Dropped nearly 2st in the last 6-8 mo. Bought myself a size "S" hoodie. Feels good man.


Last week I managed to hit 92.5kg on bench doing 5 sets of 5. Yesterday I did it for the third time and found it had become much easier. Think I'll stick with it when I do bench on Friday before having a massive cheat day on Sunday and going for 95kg.


I've hit over 100kg on bench before but with not great form and nowhere near 5 sets of 5 (now I think of it, might even have been one set of three reps, yikes). I'm so much happier getting close to 100kg now with solid form and endurance.


  Blade said:
Had a lightbulb moment a fortnight ago.


I ensured I consumed on or less than 1500 calories a day with the odd "have what I fancy" meal in now and again. Done weights on a 5 day split and have ran 3 times a week.


Ive lost 9ib and 3% body fat in two weeks :D


If you want to strip weight, fast a lot. I don't eat breakfast and now on Tuesday and Thursday I don't eat until dinner (and I have a massive dinner). Every other week I have a cheat day where I eat a crap load.


Cut out all alcohol, fizzy drinks and especially fruit juice and you'll be golden.


In terms of looking at calorie intake, what really worked for me was looking at your intake over the whole week as opposed to day-to-day. I found that made food tedious and I tended to not eat as much as I do now...strangely enough.


Put on 2.5kg whilst being away on holiday. Whoops! Haven't swum once in over 2 weeks, not good when training for a 5k swim!


Back to it tonight, going to be very tough...


Is it possible to reduce body fat without lifting weights (i.e. something like the strong-lift-program) but still get a lean body (of course not a super muscular body)?


I run 3 times per week and do abs workout, push-ups, and dumbbell excercises for biceps and triceps every other day.


Don't have the time/money to invest into a gym, sadly, but would love to reduce body fat. I'm not fat by all means...my girlfriend keeps saying that I don't need to burn fat but it's something I'd like to do...


In the past few weeks I haven't noticed any real change...my girlfriend said that I lost weight, but this may be muscle and not fat...


  Daft said:
If you want to strip weight, fast a lot. I don't eat breakfast and now on Tuesday and Thursday I don't eat until dinner (and I have a massive dinner). Every other week I have a cheat day where I eat a crap load.


Cut out all alcohol, fizzy drinks and especially fruit juice and you'll be golden.


When you eat launch/dinner do you eat anything you like but a limited amount?


Fizzy drinks...does this include fizzy water (if so, why is this bad?) or only lemonade?


And: I don't intend to become a really muscular guy with very low body fat, so the occasional night of drinking alcohol is nothing too bad, is it? :p


"Weight loss happens in the kitchen not the gym"


When Daft says fizzy drinks it's just the British word for sodas, and it's those with high calories, eg Coke, nothing to do with it actually being carbonated. Zero calorie fizzy drinks are fine like Coke Zero (although bad for your teeth, water is better!).


The main way I lost weight was cutting out fizzy drinks, beer, cider, sweets, crisps. I have cheat days and I still drink, but I drink red wine or spirits with zero/low calorie mixers instead.


You could try something like Keto or IIFYM if you're just trying to get rid of a small bf%

  Shorty said:
When Daft says fizzy drinks it's just the British word for sodas, and it's those with high calories, eg Coke, nothing to do with it actually being carbonated. Zero calorie fizzy drinks are fine like Coke Zero (although bad for your teeth, water is better!).


The main way I lost weight was cutting out fizzy drinks, beer, cider, sweets, crisps. I have cheat days and I still drink, but I drink red wine or spirits with zero/low calorie mixers instead.


Thanks for the clarification. Sometimes translating English words into German confuses me :laughing:


I haven't eaten sweets/crisps in quite some time (well, last Sunday was the exception...I was at a festival and there were crisps :D), so that's good.


Thinking about looking at and measuring my calorie intake, so that I can basically eat what I want but in a limited amount. I'm not really disciplined when it comes to: "eat lots of salad" and the likes :blank:

  drahkon said:

Thinking about looking at and measuring my calorie intake, so that I can basically eat what I want but in a limited amount. I'm not really disciplined when it comes to: "eat lots of salad" and the likes :blank:


Definitely check out IIFYM then, and get the My Fitness Pal calorie counter app, it's the perfect accompaniment.


The app counts for you, tells you how much more you can have etc.


The only difficult bit is keeping on top of it and measuring everything.

Posted (edited)
  drahkon said:
When you eat launch/dinner do you eat anything you like but a limited amount?


Fizzy drinks...does this include fizzy water (if so, why is this bad?) or only lemonade?


And: I don't intend to become a really muscular guy with very low body fat, so the occasional night of drinking alcohol is nothing too bad, is it? :p


Basically what Shorty said.


But things like Zero drinks aren't good either, I don't think. From what I've read, they contain crap, too. It's not really about the calories in those drink, instead the issue is how the chemicals effect your body. Aspartame, what they use to make the bubbles, affects your appetite and generally inhibits you insulin sensitivity - which is bad because that's how you body knows what to burn and how much to burn. That's also why people advocate fasting, because it increases your body's insulin sensitivity. I definitely recommend Intermittent Fasting. (At least, from what I understand - someone correct me if the can.)


When I eat lunch and dinner I usually eat pretty clean. I generally avoid fried foods (including oven chips which are soaked in oil before being frozen). I avoid processed foods as much as I can. I eat stuff like spelt pasta and couscous. I use turkey mince for bolognese instead of beef, tastes amazing and it's leaner less fatty meat.


I generally don't eat junk which is a massive pain since I have a big sweet tooth. But sometimes I have to destroy a cake or a packet of those Taste the Difference cookies that are awful for you. No big deal, sometimes you need to feed your mind food.


Quantity wise, I tend to eat according to my routine. If I've just had a really good routine I'll go to town and stuff my face. I'll eat REALLY big single meals. If I'm doing a particularly strenuous routine the next day, I'll also eat bigger than usual the night before.


As for alcohol, that's why I mention watching your calorie to Blade, I felt it was better to look at it weekly instead of daily. A night of drinking isn't going to set you back much at all, but you can always actively make up for it. Also, drinking isn't about what you just do to yourself over the night it takes a day or two to fully shake of a night of drinking.

Edited by Daft
Cleaned up the terrible English
Posted (edited)

Thanks, guys : peace:


  Daft said:
I definitely recommend Intermittent Fasting.


Have been reading up on that a bit just now.


There are several Intermittent Fasting Schedules. Think I'll give the following one a go:




I don't breakfast at all so that's basically a perfect foundation.


  Shorty said:
Definitely check out IIFYM then, and get the My Fitness Pal calorie counter app, it's the perfect accompaniment.


The app counts for you, tells you how much more you can have etc.


Does the app count calories/day or calories/week? I'll probably follow Daft's advice and count calories per week.

Edited by drahkon

That's the fast I do. I got to the gym before breaking my fast at lunch having had some BCAAs to avoid screwing my muscles up.


You breakfast at lunch then? :p

  drahkon said:
Does the app count calories/day or calories/week? I'll probably follow Daft's advice and count calories per week.


It has a week view under more > nutrition.

Posted (edited)
  Daft said:
Aspartame, what they use to make the bubbles, affects your appetite and generally inhibits you insulin sensitivity - which is bad because that's how you body knows what to burn and how much to burn. That's also why people advocate fasting, because it increases your body's insulin sensitivity. I definitely recommend Intermittent Fasting. (At least, from what I understand - someone correct me if the can.)


There's no evidence that aspartame spikes insulin levels or that is affects weight loss or your appetite. Diet drinks in general are not related to any health issues other than dental.


However, it's probably sensible to limit your intake of diet drinks as it is with anything.


For those unaware, http://www.Examine.com is an extremely reliable source and only publishes information taken from reliable sources which are listed at the bottom of all articles.


In regards to Intermittent Fasting, I actually do this but unintentionally. I don't eat breakfast as I'm just not hungry in the morning before work. I tend to have my dinner around 6-7pm and then have lunch at 12:30-1pm.


And @Daft, good effort demolishing an entire packet of Taste the Difference cookies. I get regular cravings for them too and can't help myself sometimes.

Edited by Charlie

I think I read recently that because of rumours and controversy, aspartame has become one of the most thoroughly tested food additives ever. So far, nothing's been found to prove it's unsuitable for consumption (despite people spreading the idea it causes cancer....)


Unrelated point, it's actually the sweetener in drinks without sugar/HFCS.


I think I remember reading that aspartame caused cancer in rats when they gave them what amounted to the level of aspartame in 10 litres of Coke Zero a day for a year or such. So just drink responsibly and there is no problem! :D


Yeah, I don't really know the deal with fizzy drinks but I just avoid them as a rule. Coke Zero containing no calories weirds me out. I just avoid it.


Anywa, I thought fuck-it today at the gym and hit 95kg on bench for 5 sets of 5. Happy with that./ The guy spotting me for the penultimate set threw me off when he said to do a sixth when I explicitly said I was only doing five that set but whatever.

  • 2 weeks later...

I felt quite ill last week, and I really think it was due to what I eat, as well as the amount.


This week, I'm trying something different. I haven't ordered the stuff for my "usual meals", and I've ordered a lot more salad/veg stuff. I'm going to work out what to eat during the week (although I'm going to attempt a chicken dinner tomorrow).


Also, my meal plans have been largely dictated by use-by dates, so I figure it would be a good idea to get slightly more meat than usual this time (different types) and cut it up into potions and freeze a good chunk of it. That way, I won't think "oh, I need to use this up quickly".

  • 3 weeks later...

Feeling good about my running after a couple of months of slogging through it.


At the start of April I tore my calf muscle on a run (felt like someone flicked me hard on the back of my leg and it went twang), but wasn't sure what I'd done. The next day I tried to run on it to see if I could "run it off." I couldn't and it went twang again, then I couldn't walk for a week (fun week). Since then I've been building up the miles again, but my leg's always felt not quite right, like it was about to fail me again.


On Saturday I went to a place called Running Bear in Alderley Edge to have my gait analysed. They sorted me out with some new shoes, and helped to see how my running style was flawed ("you are a lazy runner - lift your knees and get off your toes").


Since then I've done more miles than I've been able to do over the last few months and my legs have never felt better. Excited to up the miles some more!


Have been using MyFitnessPal to keep myself to 1600 calories per day, done the couch to 5k programme and am on the last day of it and I've been gradually increasing how many laps I do of the swimming pool at the gym. Have lost around 1kg per week, been able to run 6.5km non stop and swim 1500 metres so I'm really glad with the way I've improved my fitness from basically doing nothing. Have lost nearly 9kg so far.


Things are going well :)


I only realised how far I'd come over the past few years when its gone.


I used to be huge in a muscular sense and now I'm just huge in a belleh sense :blank: I've been good at maintaining my weight, if anything I've lost weight since I was seriously athletic.. That's what chronic illness does to ya :blank:


Tip of my fitness about a year ago I could have easily deadlifted my own weight (120kg) and threw the weight of a small person over my head (about 60kg)


And at the moment I can't even clean 45kg...


I miss my muscles.... And even though I did ZERO cardio I had some serious endurance which has also gone down the sh*tter lol


As I posted in the purchases thread, I've gone and bought some bumper plates, and already had my own olympic bar, so its happening dammit!


We've got a holiday coming up in just over a week and it's coming at the wrong time. I'm making good progress and could have done to carry on for a few months longer.


I'm happy with my squat form and I've noticed a big improvement with my legs compared with last year. I got a huge rush earlier and a good pump when squatting earlier today. Feelsgoodman.


Hoping that I won't have to back track too much when I get back.

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