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Nintendo 2015 Predictions


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but not a hand drawn or 2.5D platformer like Wario Land.


My suggestion never said RetroStudios!Wario had to be 2D :wink: Wario World was a thing, surely Retro could also make a 3D Wario.


Maybe an open world where you can wreck everyone's shit with your shoulders and buttocks. You know, in case there's jewels in there.

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My suggestion never said RetroStudios!Wario had to be 2D :wink: Wario World was a thing, surely Retro could also make a 3D Wario.


Maybe an open world where you can wreck everyone's shit with your shoulders and buttocks. You know, in case there's jewels in there.


Why not make it in the style of Wario Ware, as in have it set in the city where all of the other crazy characters live but make it with some really impressive stylised cel-shading; or at the very least have the city as the hub world with portals to other dimensions for the main game worlds.


Plus you could have side-missions in the city which would slot in between the main game, by day you'd play as Wario and at night...











Hmm this actually has some potential... :heh:

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Nintendo will team up with Pixar to create the ultimate animated Nintendo movie.

This is de real reason there's no story in Smash 4: all the material is used to make one big connected Universe movie.


Today's kids will love the movie to death (like the Cars, Planes hype), Amiibo will crush the succes of Skylanders because of this.


Nintendo open up two amusement parks: one in the US and one in Japan.


Nintendo realise they have the potential of Disney and should do so much more than just videogames. :indeed:

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2.5D is a waste of their talents..


Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze are not a waste of anyone's talent :heh:


Having said that, I feel the Wii U needs a new 3D Metroid.. not in terms of selling more hardware, as I find that unlikely, but more to do with me feeling like there's a big Prime-shaped hole in my Wii U collection : peace:

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  • 1 year later...

I was searching for another thread the other day and came across this beauty. Looking back there were some really sound predictions, with some coming true and many of them not.


Some of these posts are hilarious looking back at them. I've picked a few of them out. :D



So 2015 has arrived and here's what Nintendo have said will be in store for us this year.


1. Either Xenoblade X or Zelda Wii U will be pushed back into 2016.


I just can't see both of these launching this year. If they do then great, but i'm not optimistic. Out of both of them I imagine Xenoblade will be the one to miss the boat.


2. A new Metroid will be shown and be exclusive to the new 3DS.


Nintendo are going to have to give people a reason to upgrade to the new model. As it stands it doesn't offer anything substantial in terms of getting people to buy the machine again. I think a new Metroid would be perfect. It could even have first person sections now that the 3DS has to sticks.


3. Diddy Kong Racing will return.


There were rumours of this being in development last year. Of course nothing surfaced and it could have all been rubbish. Still, I think it's a fair shout that it may still happen but I would probably think it's a 3DS title given that Mario Kart 8 is still going strong and will continue to do so with the second batch of DLC.


4. Nintendo still won't do voice chat properly.


With Splatoon heading our way soon, this is another chance for Nintendo to allow gamers to actually talk during an online game. With Splatoon being the kind of game that it is, it looks like it will require team work, which requires communication. Anyone who has played online shooters, or even something like Monster Hunter, know just how important talking to your team is.


I think they will either not allow voice chat, have some messages like in Mario Kart or allow voice chat but has to be through the GamePad which just wouldn't cut it.


5. No new hardware news this year.


I'm talking gaming stuff, not QoL rubbish. The new 3DS is launching this year for the western market so I can't see Nintendo talking about their next handheld yet. The Wii U seems to have a pretty good line up so far and I think we won't here about their next console until at least next E3.


So, there's a few of mine to get things started. Anyone else care to look into their crystal ball and spit out a few predictions?


Well, I got the Zelda, the hardware talk and the voice chat predictions right. :) Although I did favour Xenoblade getting pushed back over Zelda.


I still think Diddy Kong Racing is coming, just for the NX now. BELIEVE!


Zelda Wii U will get delayed till 2016, Xenoblade X will comfortably make it for 2015 though.


Yoshi's Wooly World will be a March/April release worldwide.


Dcubed also called the Zelda delay, although Xenoblade just made it in time. The US would be angry if they saw your Wooly World prediction.



- X and Zelda to be released in 2015. The latter for sure, they wouldn't have made a big point of saying so otherwise.


Aonuma a few weeks ago: "it's released next year"

Miyamoto: "wow, you'll really have it out next year?"

Aonuma: "yes, absolutely"


They didn't have to say any of that, but chose to make a point of it. No way will Zelda get delayed.


Ronnie was adamant that Zelda Wii U wasn't getting a delay.


Pikmin 4 is coming.


Wii U dropped by more retailers.


Nintendo will want to get to 2016 as quick as possible and forget the Wii U ever existed.



Fair guesses by Wii.


They'll announce something I'll like but generally continue to disappoint me with their attitude to online/voice-chat.


You were spot on.


4. New 3DS Zelda - Based on the Link Between Worlds engine. Enhanced for New 3DS.


Great shout by Grazza!


With Witcher 3 coming out this year, not a chance. :p


Sheikah said Splatoon wouldn't be GOTY. Proven right, given the amount of awards The Witcher nabbed.


For some reason I can't help but think Starfox will be an eShop title or a disappointment. As much as I want a classic Starfox I just know they'll throw some new mechanic in there to mess things up.


I think it's fair to say that most of us were disappointed with the reveal.


Nintendo predictions 2015?


I'll probably be buying a PS4.


And you did.


- Animal Crossing unveiled for Wii U :blank:


And it wasn't what any of us wanted or expected.


Nintendo open up two amusement parks: one in the US and one in Japan.


Nintendo realise they have the potential of Disney and should do so much more than just videogames. :indeed:


These two are certainly on the cards now.

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Well, I got the Zelda, the hardware talk and the voice chat predictions right. Although I did favour Xenoblade getting pushed back over Zelda.


Don't forget your Metroid prediction was mostly correct - they did show off a new Metroid for the New 3DS, it's just not exclusive.

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And you did.


Y'kno, I'm sure I thought I was being hilariously flippant or something when I made that post and was actually surprised to see it back now! My ultimate desire to buy the PS4 almost did literally happen overnight - I never saw it(read Destiny) taking me as much as it has though.


Definitely glad I didn't make any Nintendo predictions though - don't think I could have seen most of what came out of them last year coming at all. The Zelda delay I really didn't want to believe, and Xenoblade was a bit of a sting too.

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