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Street Fighter V ( PS4 & PC Exclusive )


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I can understand the logics behind Capcom make the game exclusive to PS4 but I can't understand why it's also exclusive for Window PC. Does PC gamers actually plays the fighting games on their PC?


What's the logic on Capcom's side (other than a moneyhat) to make it a PS4 exclusive?

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I can understand the logics behind Capcom make the game exclusive to PS4 but I can't understand why it's also exclusive for Window PC. Does PC gamers actually plays the fighting games on their PC?


It's probably a case of Sony stooping to Microsoft's level and paying Capcom to not release on Xbox One.

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It's probably a case of Sony stooping to Microsoft's level and paying Capcom to not release on Xbox One.


I think it will be a timed exclusive but its not the worst thing. Moneyhatting has been a thing for years and contrary to the myth it didn't begin or end with Microsoft.


Remember the reaction to Tomb Raider being XB1 exclusive. People were going on as if MS were the devil.


If this was revealed as an XB1 exclusive you would of seen the same reaction again. I personally see as a thing of the industry but good to see the sony fanboys are gonna have to accept sony do infact moneyhat as well.

Edited by liger05
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This is obviously a case of Sony filling holes in their gaming portfolio. They have no exclusives on Microsoft when it comes to fighters, whereas Xbox has Killer Instinct. Sony have smartly gone after Street Fighter and it's a great idea because PS4 is going to be plastered all over EVO and the like.


Yeah, it sucks for Xbox owners but fuck them because Tomb Raider it makes sense from a business standpoint and you can still play it on PC unlike Tomb Raider if you really need.

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Remember the reaction to Tomb Raider being XB1 exclusive. People were going on as if MS were the devil.


If this was revealed as an XB1 exclusive you would of seen the same reaction again. I personally see as a thing of the industry but good to see the sony fanboys are gonna have to accept sony do infact moneyhat as well.


Would *have*.


I'm really not that bothered because of the kind of game it is, but even if I care for it then it's also on PC. If Tomb Raider was also on PC then I wouldn't care nearly as much because I could still play it.

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It's a good move for Sony to get this exclusive, probably a timed exclusive in the same way Tomb Raider is at present. I can't remember if Streetfighter was revealed on all platforms before Sony went for exclusivity or not. I guess if it wasn't revealed, then Tomb Raider certainly was for all formats before being laundered "exlusive" for Microsoft. And that is where the heat came from.


Fighter games don't really bother me anyway, so i'm not too fussed.

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Boooo. You had insider information. Your prediction is now void. :D


I had my suspicions when he tactically used a space in 'Street' and brutalized the spelling of 'exclusive.' A shifty bugger for sure, keep your eyes peeled.


With regards to this news - a wank move on Sony's part, but what can ya do?

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To be fair i doubt this was a tough exclusive to get SF4 sold more on PS3 in the west anyway. With the Ps4 japanese games are probably even less of a factor. There is a ton of stuff which technically are not exclusive(but not announced on Xbone).

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Tomb Raider is on PC. It's just that nobody is allowed to talk about it until after the XB1 version is out.


Problem with Tomb Raider was that it was unveiled without platforms, had a crappy non teaser, then a crappy CG teaser and then at Gamescom had some sort of exclusivity but also its coming to everything(including 360/Ps3).


I seriously have no idea what the details of the game are. Its coming to PC at some point anyhow. SF4's announcement is crystal clear though despite this being a leak.

Edited by Choze
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That's a pretty big name pickup by Sony! :o


Though it does beg the question of why? Unless it's a Bayo 2 style situation where the funding just wouldn't exist otherwise (and I doubt that when you consider that SF4 sold very well and that SF5 is also coming to PC), I can't see why Sony would bother buying exclusivity here; timed or otherwise.


The game would sell the most on PS4 anyway, Sony are the ones in a position of power here. They have the best selling console and having SF5 come to Xbone as well as PS4 wouldn't change that either way; so this gesture seems kind of pointless really unless it was either the only way the game would be made, or if Microsoft was threatening to swoop in and pick it up as an exclusive themselves and Sony did this to block them...


This is the kind of move that Microsoft would make, not Sony...

Edited by Dcubed
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I literally explained why on this page.


I think there's more to it than that though. Is there any real threat of the Xbone stealing away the Fighting game market? Yeah it has Killer Instinct, but PS4 is still by far the most popular console and is getting multi platform releases of every single major fighting game series (as well as Guilty Gear Xrd, which is exclusive to PS3/PS4).


To buy SF5 as an exclusive just feels so unnecessary. It's a move that would make sense for Microsoft to do, not Sony. They're already the runaway winner and already have almost every single relevant traditional fighting game series under their belt, so why bother spending more money on something that will bring about minimal benefit to you?

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Has that 'minimal benefit' rating come about through detailed number-crunching?

It seems like another worthwhile measure Sony are taking to ensure they stay ahead. Would be silly to get complacent. The hardcore appeal of the franchise also fits in well with their whole marketing strat #4theplayers

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