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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D


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So, I got right back into this game and remembered why I love it. In many ways, it's the "stripped back" Zelda that some desire. Only the best items - Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow, Light Arrow, Hookshot, Bombs and Mirror Shield - are included.

Despite what I said earlier, I've always considered Majora's Mask one of the "Three Great" 3D Zeldas. That's not to say it's perfect though. My opinion is exactly the same as ever - the dungeons just don't suit the time limit. Most of this game's genius revolves around the sidequests and mini dungeons, and of course, they are enhanced by the 3-day cycle. In all honesty, however, I can't say the same about the four full-length dungeons.

Of course, you can do them within the time limit, but they're much faster when you're familiar with them. The whole point about Zelda, I thought, is that it's sometimes slow and ponderous, giving you time to work out the puzzles. When you set that against the clock, you do lose something. As with every time I've played this game in any of its forms, the only one I outright cannot do first time is the Stone Tower (far too complicated for a time limit, I feel), but I had to comb them all twice for the fairies.

As with Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, Grezzo has done an excellent job with the remake. Most of the changes are extremely welcome, such as permanent saves at owl statues. Others, such as changing the bosses, are highly questionable, but to me do not detract from the game. As far as I'm concerned, Majora's Mask 3D is easily the definitive version for now. That doesn't mean there should never be another remake. There's still more to be done, I feel, such as taking these brilliant character models and running them at 1080p/60fps. Also, I personally would go further with the revisions, letting the player keep all fairies and significant items (such as keys) from the dungeons.

Grumbles aside, I got a real thrill from completing this 100% (possibly the only Zelda I've done this with). Normally I avoid the mini-games, fearing I'll fail at them. I was pleasantly surprised, however, at being able to succeed at them within a few tries.

By the time I was taking on Majora's Mask - first normally, then as Fierce Deity - I had truly remembered what this game is all about, and why it's quite rightly so revered. The Grezzo-specific credits are set to brilliant, remixed music, and I parted with Majora's Mask 3D feeling the true spirit of the Zelda series once more.

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Edited by Grazza
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@Rummy since I know you were looking to buy MM, it's £27 here.


Looks like the backlog's gonna be backing up again!


As someone with some extra cash to spare for a 3D Zelda game, which one is the more compelling buy? OoT or MM? I can only purchase one or the other at the moment.


You've played both or at least OoT before right? I always feel one should play OoT before playing MM, due to the heavy reliance of the latter on the former's assets.

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As someone with some extra cash to spare for a 3D Zelda game, which one is the more compelling buy? OoT or MM? I can only purchase one or the other at the moment.


If you haven't played OOT, I'll say get that.


While MM is a great game, OOT is more of a complete, typical Zelda adventure. More dungeons, more bosses, more themes, time-travel.


MM is a different experience and one for a Zelda vet IMO.

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I've gone back to tinkering with Ocarina of Time 3D, and honestly, Majora's Mask is the better game. OOT feels so slow and plodding without the Bunny Hood to zip around in! The warp system is also incredibly incoherent compared to MM (and indeed Wind Waker) - different songs warp you to different places, and by no means all the useful places. It's really quite hard to remember which song's which. Then there are several fixed camera angles, which make it feel quite outdated.


I'm doing the sidequests, and the Big Poe one is crazy! You have to ride over ten very specific spots to get them to appear. That said, I've just collected them all, which is nice considering it's something I never achieved before on any version. Then there are the Gold Skulltulas - the reward for collecting all 100 is a rupee! This remake could really do with a Notebook system to keep track of all the sidequests and Heart Pieces, like MM.


Don't get me wrong, I have had the utmost respect for OOT since it was released in 1998 (and I agree with the comments that MM is for those used to 3D Zelda), but it's now starting to feel outdated in a way that MM doesn't.

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Don't see what the problem with the warping mechanic in OOT, they take you to outside the dungeon entrance. The overworld is so small warping isn't exactly a necessity anyway. I don't like when games dumb themselves down so much to allow instantaneous travel to anywhere you want. Are you sure you don't just like challenging games Grazza? ;)


Also the reward for collecting 100 skulltullas is basically infinite money. The guy fills your wallet every time you go in.

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By the point you have all the skulltulas, money is essentially worthless in OoT. In MM, you get the Mask of Truth, letting you get a heart piece more easily, and the biggest wallet, needed to get the all night mask and another heart piece. I get what he's saying - it's more thought through.

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If you haven't played OOT, I'll say get that.


While MM is a great game, OOT is more of a complete, typical Zelda adventure. More dungeons, more bosses, more themes, time-travel.


This is exactly why I'm torn between the two.


I've played both games as a kid, and I only have $50 to spend in the eShop. OoT has more content, but MM has the appeal of being the newer release.


It's either that or I split the money to buy Snake Eater 3D and Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies.


By the point you have all the skulltulas, money is essentially worthless in OoT. In MM, you get the Mask of Truth, letting you get a heart piece more easily, and the biggest wallet, needed to get the all night mask and another heart piece. I get what he's saying - it's more thought through.


I felt the same way with some other 'upgrades' in OoT. There's the fairy fountain outside Ganon's castle that you can only reach once you have the Golden Gauntlets (which also become obsolete after you use them). The upgrade you get to your health isn't used after the final battle with Ganon either since you've already beaten the game, so it felt just as useless in that regard.

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I'd say go for OoT. It's not the per se better game but if you haven't played that recently, MM is going to be hard. It relies much on the mechanics from OoT so if they aren't really fresh in memory, you might have to do some of the dungeons twice. Besides, many characters from OoT return with new names or habits which is perhaps more fun to experience if you've had the chance to meet them in their "original" setting.


Then, when you get more money, buy MM3D. It's great!





I experienced a little framerate drop at the coast outside Fisherman's Hut today. Just a little, barely noticeable but still.

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First 72 hours done. It looks lovely, and I'm loving playing MM again! Before even playing I could hear the observatory theme in my head, which I heavily associate with those first few days. Sadly, whilst not a gamebreaker, I am not appreciative of the dumbing down I've seen so far - the deku scrub aiming reticule and landing reticule too, possibly because I can't trust myself not to use them, but it's taking an edge of challenge off the game for newcomers imo, as well as the save system. Gonna try my best to not utilise the latter, and hopefully the former too.


Think I'll attack another 72 hour cycle this eve! Hoping the bow and arrow won't be the same when it comes to aiming though...

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There's a landing reticule for the Deku Link?


Holding R lets you look below in a "bomb bay door view" camera which pits a reticule over your shadow, which makes it easier for those long drops where your shadow would be tiny.....in fairness its hardly noticeable


The changes that bugged me were the blatant sign post at the start of the game explaining controls & Song of Time not saving as well (seriously it should do that too)

Everything else so far seems fine

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