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WiiU Sticker Achievements


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First post taken from another thread: Out of curiosity, which games actually support this sticker achievement system? I've got a fair few WiiU games and I'd say that the vast majority in my collection don't have any connection to this. How do you even access these stickers so you can see what you've got? Genuine questions because I thought this was just something that only 3D World supported, I didn't realise it was actually THE achievement system for the WiiU.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Off the top of my head


NES Remix

NES Remix 2

Super Mario 3D World

Mario Kart 8

Bayonetta 2


Think there may be a few more. They need to implement in all their titles and add a "Stamp Book" that logs them all on the OS level, and allows you to use them outside that game.

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The Wonderful 101 has the stamps too, but they're not unlockable - they just get added automatically depending on which character you use to post on Miiverse (in fact it was actually the very first Wii U game to support them!)


Bayonetta 1 also has the stamps as well.


Mario Kart has it. But the whole system is rather pointless if it's meant to mimic/challenge trophies and achievements. I will still buy my multi platform titles on the PS3/4 because of this.


It isn't. It's it's own thing. Nintendo purposely avoid those kinds of systems because their designers are philosophically opposed to them.

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It isn't. It's it's own thing. Nintendo purposely avoid those kinds of systems because their designers are philosophically opposed to them.


And rightly so IMO. If Nintendo implement them in a system wide sort of way, they would be far better than the meaningless achievement awards on Xbox and PS.

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It isn't. It's it's own thing. Nintendo purposely avoid those kinds of systems because their designers are philosophically opposed to them.


Those stamps from SM3DWorld work as system-wide achievements? If so, what makes them so different (functionally), other than the fact that you can use them on Miiverse? Are they just opposed to empty rewards in general (whereas stickers have utility)?


Genuine questions, those. It's a pretty cool idea to do "achievements" like that (seriously, there's barely any reason to do the Steam ones unless the challenge sounds appealing in itself), but I'm afraid I'm missing something in this discussion.

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And rightly so IMO. If Nintendo implement them in a system wide sort of way, they would be far better than the meaningless achievement awards on Xbox and PS.


I don't really see how the trophies/achievements are meaningless and the stickers aren't. It's in fact the other way around. Also, both the trophies and achievements are system wide and every game seems to link in to it...every PS4 game that I've got up to this point (including the ones from PS+) are linked into the system.


I think it's brilliant. You can see which games your friends really, really enjoyed just by looking at their trophy collection. For example, if I were to look at Dazzybee's collection, I could see that he has collected lots of trophies for X game, showing that he's got a lot of playtime out of it. There's also the competitive element because you want to outdo your friends on certain games. @drahkon is quite competitive with this, if I remember rightly.


It's basically there if you are into that sorta stuff, so you at least have the choice. I enjoyed hunting for trophies when playing Watch Dogs and it did give me that extra incentive to keep going with certain minigames whereas I might have overlooked them before.


Yeah they need to have Sticker Albums as their achivement system, with the foils being the harder achievement and a main gold one as their platinum, perfect! But yes, we also need a way to look at everyone sticker albums!


Yeah, if they're going to do it, they need to do it properly. I don't understand how the system works and what exactly is the point of it whereas it's self-explanatory on the other systems. I'm also a bit confused why it wasn't there from the beginning of the WiiU, because it just seems random to start doing it now without any sort of introduction about what it is exactly. Seems half baked when it could be this great thing. Collecting stickers was part of almost all of my mates' childhood. PREMIER LEAGUE STICKER ALBUMS hnnnnnnnnnnggg.

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Exactly, people love collecting stickers and a much more fun way of doing it! Just need Nintendo to embrace it fully!


Posted this on Bayonetta but more relevant here actually:


"Agree with Kav, I love these stamps, (though DO think they should be stickers as mentioned in the other thread), they have personality and USE in miiverse (which is also amazing), they do need to be better integrated though. Like a stack of sticker albums on your profile of all your games. Imagine the design they could put into the sticker albums too!!


As for seeing other peoples, well I actually think seeing them on Miiverse IS WAY BETTER than trophies achievements, which I have NEVER EVER looked at someone else, but so many times have I seen stamps on miiverse and though they looked great or can't wait ti I unlock that one etc, it's used as a form of expression and creativity and that is always a good thing.


Saying that, why not have the ability to have a look at other peoples "sticker albums", best of everything. Next console ninty, sort it!"

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Exactly, people love collecting stickers and a much more fun way of doing it! Just need Nintendo to embrace it fully!


Posted this on Bayonetta but more relevant here actually:


"Agree with Kav, I love these stamps, (though DO think they should be stickers as mentioned in the other thread), they have personality and USE in miiverse (which is also amazing), they do need to be better integrated though. Like a stack of sticker albums on your profile of all your games. Imagine the design they could put into the sticker albums too!!


As for seeing other peoples, well I actually think seeing them on Miiverse IS WAY BETTER than trophies achievements, which I have NEVER EVER looked at someone else, but so many times have I seen stamps on miiverse and though they looked great or can't wait ti I unlock that one etc, it's used as a form of expression and creativity and that is always a good thing.


Saying that, why not have the ability to have a look at other peoples "sticker albums", best of everything. Next console ninty, sort it!"


Tbh, I don't think we should even be thinking about the next console at all. They should have had all of this stuff figured out and gone in hard with the WiiU with this sticker system. Also, I agree totally about it being stickers instead of stamps. Even the association of both of those words conjures up certain images.


"Want to see my stamp collection?"

"How old are you? 60? Who teh fuck collects stamps?"


"Want to see my sticker book?"

"Hnnnnnng, shiny stickers."


Just changing that one word alters so much. Anyway, at least now I know what this is, even if it does sound pretty lame at the moment. Let's hope that they fix it and actually make it worth while. Sticker books and some sort of way of being able to view your own/your friend's albums is absolutely essential. I'm constantly checking people's trophies on the PS4 and comparing them to mine...I'm still a newb.

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To be honest, stamps or small images of trophies - they're both pretty darn pointless to look at purely at face value. I don't have an inner 9 year old girl with a glitter kit wanting to apply these things liberally to my posts. But it is enjoyable, for me, to compare whether your friends managed to earn difficult achievements, or what games they've really put time into. I'd take substance, which in this case is information, over the style if stamps.

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There's also the competitive element because you want to outdo your friends on certain games. @drahkon is quite competitive with this, if I remember rightly.


Yup, for certain games I like to be the first to get the platinum. Not in the world of course, but on here :p

Won't be possible any longer, though, as I rarely find the time to play :(


I enjoyed hunting for trophies when playing Watch Dogs and it did give me that extra incentive to keep going with certain minigames whereas I might have overlooked them before.


I think that's the edge that achievements/trophies have over stamps.

As long as they aren't secret you can see what you have to do. And mostly it's side quests/missions, certain challenges, etc. They add to the game.

And with that comes the competitive side: "Finish game on ultra, mega, super hard".

Do that, compare with your friends and then rub it in their face.



Nintendo needs to give us a screen where you can see what you have to do to get the stamps and let us compare them.

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I still think the stickers are better than the stamps, even if I don't use them on Miiverse, I never actually have as of yet. It's just as FLink says, having a sort of "sticker album" epsecially with Mario et all is much better than trophies/achievements with a few stats. I guess I don't have an inner obese smelly basement-dwelling statto within me.

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Trophies for achievements in games ala Smash would be far better than stamp. If you could view other peoples collections and the harder trophies could be placed higher in the trophy cabinet. Click on them for a bit of trivia and how they're earned. Stamps are $h1t€. Don't think I'd ever use them, great for kids maybe. You can't see others collections and you've no idea when you see them on Miiverse how you earn it. And they're plain boring black and white on MK8 at least. And they can't be used outside of the game. And...and...half-@rsed!

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I still think the stickers are better than the stamps, even if I don't use them on Miiverse, I never actually have as of yet. It's just as FLink says, having a sort of "sticker album" epsecially with Mario et all is much better than trophies/achievements with a few stats. I guess I don't have an inner obese smelly basement-dwelling statto within me.


It was me who said that, but yeah exactly. It wouldn't take a big fix to turn it into something a bit more substantial. I'm still genuinely believing that Nintendo will have learnt from all of their mistakes and slowly fix the this gen ready for the next consoles where they'll absolutely nail it!

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It was me who said that, but yeah exactly. It wouldn't take a big fix to turn it into something a bit more substantial. I'm still genuinely believing that Nintendo will have learnt from all of their mistakes and slowly fix the this gen ready for the next consoles where they'll absolutely nail it!


Just like they learnt the lessons about online last gen. It is now the air that we breath. :blank:

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I must be missing something with the stamps because I don't see how they are in any way better than the trophies/achievements systems that are already in place.


The trophy system in particular is great, imo. For many reasons:


  • Virtually every game supports it. I've yet to come across a game on the PS4 that doesn't. The opposite to the sticker achievements where the majority of games don't support it.
  • It is made absolutely clear how to earn the trophies and you have a list of the things that you need to do to achieve them.
  • The tier system of trophies means that everybody and anybody can earn at least some of them, with bronze being the easiest and platinum being the hardest.
  • The platinum is quite old school and you actually then know that you have "completed" the game 100%. A throw-back to part of my childhood where we used to aim to 100% games all of the time and help each other to do so.
  • It's easy to know which trophies you have already got thanks to the lists.
  • You can compare trophies with your friends and see which ones you have in comparison to them.
  • The "trophy" count is easy to see, so you can identify very quickly how many platinums you have collected, how many golds, silvers and bronze trophies.
  • You get a notification every time you earn a trophy and the notification section on the PSN tells you exactly what you earned it for and when.
  • All of your trophies are added together to give you a level. You instantly know what level you are and can compare this to your friends.


Even though I am by no means a trophy hunter, I can instantly see why it's such a good system. It's well thought out, it works and it's already there. With the stamps, we are talking about why it could be a good thing if certain things were implemented, but it's currently not there. There's a LOT of work that needs to be done to make it a great system.

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I must be missing something with the stamps because I don't see how they are in any way better than the trophies/achievements systems that are already in place.


The trophy system in particular is great, imo. For many reasons:


  • Virtually every game supports it. I've yet to come across a game on the PS4 that doesn't. The opposite to the sticker achievements where the majority of games don't support it.
  • It is made absolutely clear how to earn the trophies and you have a list of the things that you need to do to achieve them.
  • The tier system of trophies means that everybody and anybody can earn at least some of them, with bronze being the easiest and platinum being the hardest.
  • The platinum is quite old school and you actually then know that you have "completed" the game 100%. A throw-back to part of my childhood where we used to aim to 100% games all of the time and help each other to do so.
  • It's easy to know which trophies you have already got thanks to the lists.
  • You can compare trophies with your friends and see which ones you have in comparison to them.
  • The "trophy" count is easy to see, so you can identify very quickly how many platinums you have collected, how many golds, silvers and bronze trophies.
  • You get a notification every time you earn a trophy and the notification section on the PSN tells you exactly what you earned it for and when.
  • All of your trophies are added together to give you a level. You instantly know what level you are and can compare this to your friends.


Even though I am by no means a trophy hunter, I can instantly see why it's such a good system. It's well thought out, it works and it's already there. With the stamps, we are talking about why it could be a good thing if certain things were implemented, but it's currently not there. There's a LOT of work that needs to be done to make it a great system.


I think people are saying if the stickers did those things it'd be great and also that it's just a different system, and the idea of using them to litter posts is a fun creative use of them rather than just another soulless stat. The talk has been IF not IS.


Personally as is I engage with the stamps way more, I like seeing them in posts and I like using them a lot when I play though games. I don't take any notice of trophies in the main. If the stamps/stickers did what the achievements did it'd be a perfect system!

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I love the sticker book idea, and I like what Dazzy said about the shiny ones being the harder difficulty, and the normal flat ones being the general 'jump on 10 goombas heads' type one.


Regarding trophies, I enjoy a good trophy hunt, but much prefer the achievement system. Some people are the other way around, and love working to that Platinum, but I prefer the gamerscore totalling than how many platinums I've got. But that's probably because I only ever got like 2... :heh:


I do like the added touch of 'rarity' Sony have added with trophies though. That was a good addition.


But yeah, Nintendo should look at adding this! There are loads of completionists out there who love to work towards things like that in a game. If I've really loved a game, it often spurs me on to get all of the achievements (or as many as I can) and that adds longevity to a game. If it's a game I enjoyed, then I'm all for that.

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I think people are saying if the stickers did those things it'd be great and also that it's just a different system, and the idea of using them to litter posts is a fun creative use of them rather than just another soulless stat. The talk has been IF not IS.


Personally as is I engage with the stamps way more, I like seeing them in posts and I like using them a lot when I play though games. I don't take any notice of trophies in the main. If the stamps/stickers did what the achievements did it'd be a perfect system!


It's all ifs and buts though, isn't it? Essentially, we're comparing what a system "could" be like to two systems that are already in place (and that have been in place for years) that already work. For me, there's no comparison.


There's tons of possibilities with this, but there were also tons of possibilities with WiiMotion+ that never ever got realised, for example. In my opinion, the time for "possibilities" is over and we actually need to start seeing results now. If this is the system that they're going with, then good, let's just hope that they go in full throttle and actually see it fully fleshed out.

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It's all ifs and buts though, isn't it? Essentially, we're comparing what a system "could" be like to two systems that are already in place (and that have been in place for years) that already work. For me, there's no comparison.


There's tons of possibilities with this, but there were also tons of possibilities with WiiMotion+ that never ever got realised, for example. In my opinion, the time for "possibilities" is over and we actually need to start seeing results now. If this is the system that they're going with, then good, let's just hope that they go in full throttle and actually see it fully fleshed out.


But it's just a discussion... any anyway, I'm also saying I prefer the current stamps system to them as well, just that if it took some of their features it'd be EVEN BETTER!

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Stamps are useless, well they're not for me at least. The trophies sound much better. I don't know how old most people are on this forum, most I'd say aren't old enough to remember "fancy paper"? That's what the girls in school would collect and swap, that's what stamps remind me of. No thanks.

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