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So it's like the sleepy cycle apps for phones, but more advanced. I presume that this will also be linked with an alarm clock to try and wake you at the optimal point of your REM cycle (although I don't know if that is a face or just a theory/baloney).

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I actually think that this isn't too bad of an idea. Maintaining good health is quite an in-thing at the moment and there probably is a market there waiting to be tapped into. Sleep is obviously important and the fact is that the vast majority of the population won't be getting enough of it for a multitude of reasons. Having a family, long hours at work, stress or financial worries, partying, staying up all night gaming (that's us) or other things.


I don't know if people would be on board with this type of device though. Most of us probably don't get enough sleep and we know that already, we don't really need a device to tell us that. WiiFit was the right idea because it came with exercises and it was fun. A lot of people knew they wanted to lose weight and just need something to engage them in order to do so. It's interesting to see where they go with this.

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Hmm, it is along the lines I was thinking, but I'd be more interested if it was about dreams, rather than just "sleep". I don't feel I need any help with sleep on its own, to be honest, and I wouldn't fancy something bathing me with extra radio waves every night either.

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It's like Nintendo take two steps forward by embracing DLC and then two back with something like this dreadful QoL idea. Thniking about the general public, who is going to pay for something like this when they can just download an app for free on their phone? It's baffling how out of touch they seem to be with Western culture.

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It's like Nintendo take two steps forward by embracing DLC and then two back with something like this dreadful QoL idea. Thniking about the general public, who is going to pay for something like this when they can just download an app for free on their phone? It's baffling how out of touch they seem to be with Western culture.

Think of it like this


For gaming, there's a market for dedicated devices and a market for smartphone games. Smartphone games are typically not overly intensive, and nothing on full games. People often say "Who will buy a handheld for games when they have it on the phone?" and "Who will buy a console for games when they have it on the PC?" etc., but those devices and games for them still sell.


With QoL, it's somewhat similar. The apps that do things similar to what they propose are by no means accurate or as in-depth as what is being proposed. There is likely a market for it.


Also note that this is separate to their gaming division, and is a new division in general. It's not really "two steps back".

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Interesting stuff.

For the past few years I've been using the Nintendo DSiWare app, Sleep Clock: Record and analyse your sleep patterns. And my DSi (which would otherwise be boxed-up in a cupboard somewhere) has become my main alarm clock. :hehe:


Not sure how many people on here have used that app (probably none :heh:) but it's actually pretty cool.

If this new take on the idea is reasonably priced, I'll definitely check it out.


This pic caught my eye too:


Hopefully we'll finally get cloud storage for our video game save data with Nintendo's next gen systems then.

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Interesting stuff.

For the past few years I've been using the Nintendo DSiWare app, Sleep Clock: Record and analyse your sleep patterns. And my DSi (which would otherwise be boxed-up in a cupboard somewhere) has become my main alarm clock. :hehe:


Not sure how many people on here have used that app (probably none :heh:) but it's actually pretty cool.

If this new take on the idea is reasonably priced, I'll definitely check it out.


I actually completely forgot that even existed! I wonder if that will form the basis of this new QoL product, with Mr Sheep making a return? (well, that and their ideas they had with the Vitality Sensor that never came to fruition)


This pic caught my eye too:


Hopefully we'll finally get cloud storage for our video game save data with Nintendo's next gen systems then.


Well don't forget, they've already dabbled in cloud storage of save data with Pokemon Bank. I reckon that there's a good chance that they'll make it a system wide feature either next time or in a future Wii U/3DS system update.

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It's like Nintendo take two steps forward by embracing DLC and then two back with something like this dreadful QoL idea. Thniking about the general public, who is going to pay for something like this when they can just download an app for free on their phone? It's baffling how out of touch they seem to be with Western culture.


Or maybe you just have no vision... you'd have said the same about a set of scales for wii fit. We barely know anything about of one, and how it will be used for games and apps. But also, those apps which you speak of, which I have used regularly, is problematic in that they rely on the movement of the bed, you share a bed with someone you can't really use it. And maybe people don't want a mobile phone next to their heads for 8 hours...


I also don't understand how it can be two steps back when this is a completely different idea. Whether this is a success or not, amazing or not, has no impact on how good their games are!

Edited by dazzybee
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Because they decided to do it this year/last year?


Roll it out systems wide not just one game that was designed with this in mind. Older games wouldn't have an option in game to save to a cloud server, new games going forth could though. But maybe work around that by backing up the save files in system settings and sending them that way to a cloud server from an option in there.

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Roll it out systems wide not just one game that was designed with this in mind. Older games wouldn't have an option in game to save to a cloud server, new games going forth could though. But maybe work around that by backing up the save files in system settings and sending them that way to a cloud server from an option in there.

Erm. This is not a game nor is it a cloud service...

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Erm. This is not a game nor is it a cloud service...


I think you're confused, I'm not talking about QOL. I was referring to this.


Well don't forget, they've already dabbled in cloud storage of save data with Pokemon Bank. I reckon that there's a good chance that they'll make it a system wide feature either next time or in a future Wii U/3DS system update.
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Is there any reason why they couldn't do it this generation? I don't need it, it's not a big deal but it would be handy none the less as a backup.


No nothing at all. They could easily do it via a system update if they wanted to.


Would make for a nice way of making a bit more money out of people who pay for it too...


My initial reaction was why on earth would I want this. But after think about it, why on earth would I want this?


But seriously, if ResMed already make a similar device to this...what's the point?


Because of (and I know this is gonna make you want to roll your eyes and hurl), but it's because of... The Nintendo Difference :indeed:


It's those little touches that elevate it to being a different kind of product. It's the difference between Brain Training and its many many knockoffs.


Something like Wii Fit isn't great because of its minigames alone, it's because it's a really good motivator. It's really really good for tracking your progress and encouraging you to meet your goals. It's like saying that Wii Fit is nothing more than a bathroom weight scale. The tech alone isn't what's important, it's the application of the tech that matters.


That's what Iwata is referring to when he talks about Nintendo's "hospitality" in that Investor Briefing.

Edited by Dcubed
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I don't think anyone buys phones for apps to see how well you sleep. What's your point?


Think of it like this


For gaming, there's a market for dedicated devices and a market for smartphone games. Smartphone games are typically not overly intensive, and nothing on full games. People often say "Who will buy a handheld for games when they have it on the phone?" and "Who will buy a console for games when they have it on the PC?" etc., but those devices and games for them still sell.


I read this as implying people buy smartphones for their gaming capabilities you sarcastic little runt :)

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Because of (and I know this is gonna make you want to roll your eyes and hurl), but it's because of... The Nintendo Difference :indeed:


It's those little touches that elevate it to being a different kind of product. It's the difference between Brain Training and its many many knockoffs.


Something like Wii Fit isn't great because of its minigames alone, it's because it's a really good motivator. It's really really good for tracking your progress and encouraging you to meet your goals. It's like saying that Wii Fit is nothing more than a bathroom weight scale. The tech alone isn't what's important, it's the application of the tech that matters.


That's what Iwata is referring to when he talks about Nintendo's "hospitality" in that Investor Briefing.


I get that with WiiFit because its active, it exists in the living room space. But this? It's passive. It's not actually fun, it's a tool. I don't think you can literally motivate someone to sleep better; "sleep harder!!" I get what your saying but I don't think half of the things that gave Wii Fit momentum are applicable to this device - it's pretty different.


On a basic level, lots of people want to get fit by any means necessary. How many people have you heard say 'I really want to be better at sleeping?' You'll find people say 'I can't sleep', which is a real deferral of responsibility. With fitness, people say they'll go to the gym tomorrow, or go for a run. There is something tangible to go for. No one says, I'm going to learn to sleep better, just that they need more sleep and that they'll go to bed earlier in hopes that they'll feel more rested. Yeah, writing that, I've now completely unsold myself on this idea.


Fitness equipment has always been popular, there's always been a market. I suggest there's a reason why this sleep instructor gimmick isn't anywhere near as widespread.


Not to mention it is not going to have the momentum of the Wii or 3DS behind it.

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I don't know what this sensor includes, but if it links how deeply you appear to be sleeping to other factors, it may be able to give you practical suggestions.

For example, at 3am there is regularly enough noise outside to disturb your sleep, although not wake you up. The monitor can give a number of tips on how to better sound proof your environment.

During the summer the light in the morning causes you to start waking up prematurely, so the monitor advises you invest in black out curtains perhaps.


etc etc.


And people have said "I wish I could get a better nights sleep". The act itself is passive, but there are active steps you can take to help yourself sleep. I find if I have had a particularly lazy day, I will be restless and get a really crap nights sleep. I can make that link on my own, but in some people it may be a number of factors that are less acute individually, but altogether add up to a semi serious issue. So say they also need to exercise, but they ate too late, or the room is too bright. They exercise, still have a crap nights sleep and figure that exercise isn't the answer. The monitor can show them empirically that they did sleep better, even if they didn't sleep well....


Again, it's a bit unknown, but if the platform is set up correctly, it could be compelling.

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I think what Daft was getting at is if people want that kind of advice ("my sleep quality sucks, I need to improve this") they will seek it out. From what (little) we've seen so far, this device is purely monitoring your sleep. I can't see how they can try and gamify sleep improvement, so what is Nintendo bringing to this (other than brand name)?


@Pestneb what you suggest is all speculative yes? And even so, it seems to only be the tail end that is getting caught by this device as opposed to the competition. There are devices out there already (yet alone what will exist by 2016) that you can wear all day and it will monitor your exercise, diet and sleep and then advise you on how to improve it. Your suggestion (although I'm aware it's just a suggestion) only guesses what the cause of bad sleep may be, while these devices will have a better understanding of your life to make suggestions.

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