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So... Splatoon! That's what this thread is about, right?


I'm enjoying it. The single player is short but very sweet. And yeah, it is largely a platformer, Nintendo's speciality! The multiplayer is a lot of fun - I was underwhelmed during last week's global test, I shared many of @Hero\-of\-Time's concerns but it has grown on me a lot. It is quite a lone affair though, you need to react to what your teammates are doing and the situation on the map rather than directly working with them. I'm usually coming at the top of the leaderboard each time now! It is really quite different to anything else. I haven't managed to get a game on Splat Zones yet, which seems like it is probably a bit more of a team based affair, so we'll see.


The game has its flaws and limitations, which should hopefully improve over time. It is a shame it is being released "incomplete", its main challenge is holding onto people until it has been expanded on. In terms of the taboo topic - voice chat - I don't think it's really that needed tactically - it may be more beneficial on Splat Zones - but it would be more fun and hold people's attention longer if you could chat to your friends during it. I reckon when the August update comes and you can have fully friend lobbies, they'll bring in Smash and Mario Kart's implementation of it.


My play log has told me I've had 22 hours on it so far. A fair chunk of that is probably waiting in online lobbies, I'm looking forward to it actually being released and being able to actually get an online match without waiting an age!

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So the single player is 7 hours, but what about the quality of those 7 hours? Some of my favourite games on the Wii were short ones - Metroid Other M, Silent Hill Shattered Memories, Sin and Punishment and Ghost Squad.


A short game is fine, if what is there is good.


But there's also a multiplayer suite, which granted is limited at first, but is constantly going to be added to and built upon with major updates coming within the first three months of release.


It also happens to be what everyone has been crying for - a brand new Nintendo IP, that isn't a platform game and doesn't include Mario.


To top it all off, it is a budget release and is available on day one for £25.


I am not seeing the reason for the tears myself...

I don't think the media comparisons to the single player having a Mario Galaxy esque feel to it have helped at all. It makes you think you'll be getting a 10-15hr adventure, which of course [and even more so with the absence of a Mario game like that] everyone has been wanting on Wii U.


I dunno why peeps are kicking off/unhappy with the feelings and thoughts of those who aren't exactly hyped. I think I gave valid thoughts as to why my preorder is wavering.
You did, unfortunately many just glossed over it. As always seems to be the case, people would far better just talk in extremes.


How long is this going to keep going on? I know its mentioned quite often but this forum has gone to shit over the past few years. Its just the same arguments from the same people over and over again and its ruining threads. At some point we are going to have to accept that certain members in this place will never change and are toxic to the community. I have no problem admitting that I've had arguments and made comments about members in the past but you know what, I decided to just leave it alone and either start avoiding the certain people and rarely posting in the Nintendo section. I think its a worrying thing that I keep seeing posts every now and again from members saying how they had to leave the forum for a while because of the way its going, I myself have done that.


EDIT: Just to clarify, I dont want to be the one calling for bans. I used to think this place handed them out far too easily but I think enough is enough.

I still read the forum almost as much but my interest and activity has greatly decreased. I do still enjoy being active under the right conditions, with those you can have a decent conversation with.
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Just to defend myself then I'll shut up...


when people come in here criticising your opinion, spreading lies and posting photos of crying babies, what does that contribute?


Rich coming from you, someone who posts similar pics all the time for the purpose of antagonising. Also, enough with calling people liars please.

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In terms of the gsmes length, it's relative. For an online focussed game, it seems like a good chunk of time for me. What I was expecting.


Cheers for the impressions @Mr\-Paul glad the games grown on you. I already loved it. Thoigh I'm not that judgemental on games (I save that for films) - game length, post gsme free DLC, amiibo support etc etc Ultimately it's a budget price, one of the most fun games I've played in years, looks incredible, and seems to have loads of content coming over the next few months to keep me playing. That is all that matters!


I just hope there's enough in here still positive to get a skype group going!

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...I just hope there's enough in here still positive to get a skype group going!


If I see it on the cheap, second-hand or something, I'll pick it up if people are skyping. Skype was talked about with MK, Smash and MH4U but nobody bothered so I'm not sure about people using it for this too.

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If I see it on the cheap, second-hand or something, I'll pick it up if people are skyping. Skype was talked about with MK, Smash and MH4U but nobody bothered so I'm not sure about people using it for this too.


Mk and smash is a bit different as its competitive and does have a little voice chat. But this is essential! Absolutely essential!

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If I see it on the cheap, second-hand or something, I'll pick it up if people are skyping. Skype was talked about with MK, Smash and MH4U but nobody bothered so I'm not sure about people using it for this too.


A bit of an exaggeration. I know I have asked you to game whilst on the phone and I know Zechs has tried to game with both of us by suggesting Skype but you were not that bothered.


In regards to MH4U we were all on PS4 but you didn't want to use it :)

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A bit of an exaggeration. I know I have asked you to game whilst on the phone and I know Zechs has tried to game with both of us by suggesting Skype but you were not that bothered.


In regards to MH4U we were all on PS4 but you didn't want to use it :)


Bit of an exaggeration yourself. I did game whilst on the phone and we tried Skype but it wouldn't work if you recall as the iPhones hadn't had the conference call update at the time. For MH4U it just wouldn't work with my PS4 as it kept disconnecting me whilst both were on so it was t that I couldn't be arsed. Skype worked ok with it, you lot just wouldn't use Skype.

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Bit of an exaggeration yourself. I did game whilst on the phone and we tried Skype but it wouldn't work if you recall as the iPhones hadn't had the conference call update at the time. For MH4U it just wouldn't work with my PS4 as it kept disconnecting me whilst both were on so it was t that I couldn't be arsed. Skype worked ok with it, you lot just wouldn't use Skype.


Problem is with Skype is that you need someone to have a laptop/desktop to start the group chat. As far as i'm aware, you can't set up a group call just using your phones.

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Problem is with Skype is that you need someone to have a laptop/desktop to start the group chat. As far as i'm aware, you can't set up a group call just using your phones.


Really? That is a bugger... google hangouts?


Though my computer is in my living room so I could easily do that actually..., but could I then move it to my phone?

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Really? That is a bugger... google hangouts?


Though my computer is in my living room so I could easily do that actually..., but could I then move it to my phone?


No idea. If only there was an easier way to do this....:heh: Could always just do the old Party Chat on the PS4 like a few of us done for Monster Hunter.

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No idea. If only there was an easier way to do this....:heh: Could always just do the old Party Chat on the PS4 like a few of us done for Monster Hunter.


Yeah that is an option, but I'd imagine there'd be quite a few people without PS4's. Maybe just see who's got it and up for getting together.


Personally, I'd prefer to set a Splatoon night, just playing willy nilly never quite works I don't think... But I'd imagine some people would hate the rigidity

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Problem is with Skype is that you need someone to have a laptop/desktop to start the group chat. As far as i'm aware, you can't set up a group call just using your phones.


Really? That is a bugger... google hangouts?


Though my computer is in my living room so I could easily do that actually..., but could I then move it to my phone?


If you've an iPhone you can start them, others can join from any Skype app.

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If you've an iPhone you can start them, others can join from any Skype app.


Interesting. Is this a recent thing? I know a while back You couldn't start a group chat/conference call on your phone and the limit was one on one.


Having a quick look seems that is no longer the case.




It's limited to 4 people ( perfect for this, although you're not always on the same team ) but it's better than nothing.

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Decided to listen to NWR this morning for some reason(still listening now) - they have quite a lengthy discussion about Splatoon and it's been a good listen(it's a short episode at an hour for some reason I forget, and it was recorded sooner than normal so is a bit shorter, but perfect for a bit of Splatoonery)


I'm a bit gutted they're doing another round of the demoblast thingy that I'm going to miss again - away at a wedding this weekend so absolutely zero chance of me playing, but at the same time I don't really see myself buying this game without getting some sort of hands on with it. I'm really hoping that even with it soon coming out they might open up demo options to those of us without it, and I think it'd be the most sensible way to get more sales on board from the apprehensive people such as myself. I can understand the limited demo atm for the server stresstests, but I'm hoping that'll be something they both get on top of and then open it up again later too - with so few people I know with WiiUs I can't see any way of me actually getting a chance to get impressions of this otherwise, and so far what I'm hearing is generally mixed across such a spectrum that I just can't decide where I stand on it.

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Well @Rummy to mix it up a little more and make your choice maybe even harder:


This games does for me what Goldeneye once did on the N64: it makes me love a game in a genre (FPS) that I normally don't like that much at all.


It has a really great pick up and play feeling to it and you instantly "get it".

The short sessions and great music also make it really, REALLY, addictive.

For me it's a very long time ago that I felt something this fresh (in the multiplayer realms).

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Interesting. Is this a recent thing? I know a while back You couldn't start a group chat/conference call on your phone and the limit was one on one.


Having a quick look seems that is no longer the case.




It's limited to 4 people ( perfect for this, although you're not always on the same team ) but it's better than nothing.


Well let's get it on!


The game looks fantastic. Instead of just complaining about what's not in there, lets get some games on, get Skype going and just enjoy it.


It's £25, it's worth a blast for that! I spent nearly that on Saturday on coffee and cake with my bird and mate, it's hardly big money.


If we end up on separate teams we can still chat and laugh when we take each other out!

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New Splatoon Splat Charger Trailer




This is a portion of a Nintendo UK interview with Nintendo UK’s marketing manager Chandra Nair.


Why a new IP was created...


''If that idea is best realised with an existing set of characters and an existing universe then perhaps that’s the direction the project will go in. It’s all about the idea and how it’s best turned into a great game. With Splatoon it just so happens that the mechanic of travelling through ink before bursting out and shooting begged for Inklings and Octopians, and for a very different premise to what other Nintendo IP could provide. And so, we have a brand new IP.''


How Nintendo UK will market Splatoon...


''And by that I mean everyone. We have TV campaigns for kids, 12 to 25 year-old boys, Nintendo gamers and the wider gaming fraternity. We’re targeting Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros owners but we’re using this opportunity to talk to lapsed Nintendo fans, too. Wii U has a fantastic software line-up and there really is something for everyone. There are a whole load of non-Wii U owning, lapsed Nintendo fans out there who will be tipped over the edge by Splatoon.''


About amiibo...


''I genuinely don’t know what the magic element is. It’s classic Nintendo though, that spark of magic that you can’t quite explain but just is. As soon as I saw the Inkling Amiibo I wanted them in the same way that I wanted the Yoshi’s Wooly World Amiibo; the same way I needed Charizard and Toon Link… and all the others. Aaarrgghh, damn you Amiibo.''


On Splatoon's single-player offerings...


''But there will be a satisfying single-player aspect that sees characters taking part in more traditional challenges. Three Amiibo also unlock a further 60 challenges. Splatoon is a game that you can enjoy on your own or with a friend in the same room. But it comes into its own online.''


Full interview in the link below.



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