Shorty Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 Watch it here: Or here: Discuss it here! If anybody else is still up, that is.
drahkon Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 Oh, I'll be there. : peace: Let's hope that Ustream won't fuck shit up.
Glen-i Posted June 9, 2014 Posted June 9, 2014 (edited) I know no-one is really doing E3 Bingo here, but I made this and it's come out so well, I had to share it! I'm ready to go! Edited June 9, 2014 by Glen-i
CoolFunkMan Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 We're you watching a different conference?! That was fucking incredible!! One of the best conferences of recent memory. Sony wins.
Cube Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 The first hour was brilliant, and there was a big lull until Uncharted.
Debug Mode Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 That was fucking awful. The first half was pretty good, but the second half completely ruined it and it's actually very disappointing how despite their huge success, it was totally average. I'm genuinely surprised that I've come out feeling more impressed by Microsoft's presentation. Sony definitely did not do the worst, but there's just.. It just seems weird after last year for them to have so many multiplats and no big exclusive later on this year. It doesn't seem like they're interested to keep pulling the punches and the momentum. I can't even think of what to score this.. Uncharted not even having any gameplay was just the weirdest way to end it too. We know Uncharted was coming, why is every one excited about a slight peep of a pre-rendered scene? I don't get it.
CoolFunkMan Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I do admit, the middle part was way too slow, but the first hour and closing 15 mins made up for it!
Cookyman Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Way way too overlong but how fricking pretty was Arkham Knight
bryanee Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Bah Sony killed it, best show by far even with that god awful middle. When they showed the games it was outstanding. I damn near ejaculated when they showed Batman.
Debug Mode Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Cookyman said: Way way too overlong but how fricking pretty was Arkham Knight Agreed, that took me back a bit. I initially wasn't too interested as I was still trying to maintain consciousness after the near Xbox 2013 conference levels of irrelevant shit they were showing, but despite being a multiplat, it really does look gorgeous on the PS4.
Hero-of-Time Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 It started so well but then died a complete death. Even the Uncharted teaser didn't excite me because that's all we got, a teaser. What are their big games for the end of the year then? LBP3 and Drive Club? I did like the white PS4 though. Looked sexy as hell. Nothing in the show made me want to rush out and buy the console though.
dwarf Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 They had to talk about the PS Now stuff etc at some point but yeah, the second half dragged. No substantial exclusive this year either, if I'm not mistaken? The Order looks a bit more interesting. The winner of E3 this year was No Man's Sky in my opinion. If the footage isn't all smoke and mirrors then that team of four needs to be hired by Sony. Fantastic. Had there been gameplay footage of Blood Borne at the end, people would've been praising the conference. Alas, no such luck. Also, not keen on Sony's trend to make all these backhand DLC/content deals. That's what MS used to do, and it was infuriating back then. I'm all for their indie support, but not that. Invest in IPs guyz.
Debug Mode Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 dwarf gourami said: The winner of E3 this year was No Man's Sky in my opinion. If the footage isn't all smoke and mirrors then that team of four needs to be hired by Sony. Fantastic. You've got that right. The sense of adventure you got from just looking at gameplay footage was amazing. I may not have liked the conference that much, but No Man's Sky is a killer game to have on the platform. - Collecting my memories from it all, the first half was immense once they got the initial Destiny shit out the way. It started heating up with the bundle, alpha test announcements. The Order looks very pretty, kinda sceptical about it being gameplay footage as the reticle only conveniently showed up at the end and we couldn't see any one playing it. Entwined and LBP were a treat to watch, Grim Fandango was a monster of a surprise but is most probably coming out on PC as well and then whatever they did after they said that Morpheus was playable at the event has been pushed out of my head because it was mind numbingly boring. Tooting their own horn a little too hard (you guys did fucking good, we all know that, no need to waste time telling us what we know), focussing on entertainment waaaaaayyy too much (it's like they didn't get the memo about what every one hated about Xbox last year) and multiplats nearly every where with that real weird cock tease for Vib Ribbon only for it to amount to a Mortal Kombat (yawn) reveal. It just felt messy and really disappointing. Gonna score it a 5/10, would have been 6 if they actually revealed some gameplay footage of Uncharted or didn't focus so much on bloody TV/Movies. One thing they did do fucking awesome in my view was the oh snap moment when they announced 360 owners of GTA IV can opt for a PS4 copy when it comes out. Loved that.
Serebii Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I'm a bit disappointed by Sony's Positives No Man's Sky <3 Good god that looks good LittleBigPlanet 3 looks pretty ace I lol'd when Vita TV was announced as Playstation TV. Bloodborne looks pretty cool Negatives Like with Microsoft's, it was ridiculous in that games were announced and shown with no gameplay. Seriously, get it together. Too many third party titles for show They have destroyed their momentum by only really having cross-gen ports They spent too much time on Destiny and LittleBigPlanet 3 The amount of time spent on TV/Movies etc. Urgh And, like Debug Mode said, there was too much self congratulatory. Tread carefully, Sony, this sort of arrogance is what caused you to screw up with the PS3's first four years. Still no massive desire to run out and buy a PS4. Will get one eventually, but nothing seen here (except No Man's Sky, but that's coming to PC too, isn't it?) is making me rush out to get one.
Mokong Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 (edited) Is the whole thing on youtube yet? Edit found it on IGNs youtube Edited June 10, 2014 by Mokong
dazzybee Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Didn't watch it. I've heard it was pretty bad, but looking at the announcements it doesn't SOUND too bad. But my big concern has always been - what games are out this year? Genuine question, everything seems 2015. And also, what are exclusive. Currently, and I never ever thought I would say this, but from launch to 2015 Xbox One has a superior line up. But then that doesn't have Uncharted and that's the ONLY game that truly gets me wet.
Serebii Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 dazzybee said: Didn't watch it. I've heard it was pretty bad, but looking at the announcements it doesn't SOUND too bad. But my big concern has always been - what games are out this year? Genuine question, everything seems 2015. And also, what are exclusive. Currently, and I never ever thought I would say this, but from launch to 2015 Xbox One has a superior line up. But then that doesn't have Uncharted and that's the ONLY game that truly gets me wet. Last of Us, GTA V, Drive Club (lol), Little Big Planet 3 this year if memory serves.
dazzybee Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 That is AWFUL. But why lol at Drive Club? A year in and the Xmas games are two ps3 games, a game which was supposed to be a launch game and little big planet 3, while exciting for people who like the series, I detested them...
drahkon Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Not many exclusives, yeah. Sucks. But there are a couple of multiplat titles coming which look good so far. Destiny - September 9th Sports games (FIFA, Madden, etc) Alien: Isolation - October 7th Dragon Age: Inquisition - October 7th FarCry 4 - November 21st (there are probably more, can't recall) Not a bad lineup, but exclusives are needed.
Daft Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 (edited) It was good. There are loads of games that they didn't even mention that are out soon like Alien Isolation and Shadow of Mordor. Here's a round up. Quote And the Sony info will go below this: **Destiny** CGI trailer, astronauts on Mars, find a floating sphere, narrator talks about how finding the sphere, called the "traveler" helped to advance humanity. Breaks into a montage of gameplay and cutscenes, feels very Halo-esque which coming from Bungie is sort of to be expected heh. This is another game that has had a lot of press-coverage already so I won't dwell on it too much. Playstation getting Destiny beta first, July 17th. PS4 from Thursday to Sunday will have access to the Destiny Alpha from Also announced white 500gb PS4 bundle that includes Destiny and 30 days PS+. EDIT: Unique weapons, gear, ships, and an exclusive "Strike" on Mars? Sounds like an exclusive multiplayer map. Lots of exclusive content for Destiny on Playstation. **The Order 1886** 3rd person, lantern used to light up the rooms, very dark and horror-filled atmosphere. ~~Zombie~~ General consensus seems it's a new take on werewolves that can mutate from the looks of it, definitely a 3rd person horror game. Not much more is shown besides setting up the atmosphere. **Entwined** Very colorful clip, bright orange and blue birds, spokesman says it's about 2 souls in love that can not be together. Audio keeps cutting out and levels are a bit weird, so it's hard to hear. Says each level you have to bring the 2 souls together to form a dragon? Looks pretty interesting, I'd like to hear more if the audio would cooperate. PS4 version available now for $9.99, Vita/PS3 part of cross-buy **Infamous First Light** Female protagonist, purple illuminated powers, sounded like "Ms. Walker"? Very short teaser, not much shown that I could pick out. Character clarified to be Abigail "Fetch" Walker thanks to /u/InvalidZod **Little Big Planet 3** New character "Oddsock", faster and can walljump. Second new character "Toggle" stronger than other characters, can also become the smallest character to fit through small areas. 3rd new character "Swoop" can fly, again the audio is completely out of whack and I can't hear anything the announcers are saying. Sack boy can now climb certain walls, looks like a lot of new ways to get around levels, "Swoop" can carry characters if they fall. Reminds me a lot of the different mechanics between character types in the Lego games. Usual Little Big Planet themes and art styles, good lighthearted co-op game from the looks of it (who doesn't like LBP?). Stream is cutting out, but it sounds like you can play original LBP and LBP2 levels on the new one with updated graphics. **Bloodborne** New FromSoftware game, looks very much like old London imo, a lot of either undead creatures and people or very diseased. Everything is pretty hidden or barely onscreen, but one character has a large axe/cleaver and the trailer ends with a large creature- likely to have big boss fights? Says it's aimed for 2015. **FarCry 4** Navigating a mountainside, looks like you can have grappling hooks/climbing hooks, shows a bit of wildlife. Character is using what looks like a double-loaded crossbow. C4 planted onto an explosive barrel which he kicks down onto a group of enemies and detonates, pretty cool. Steals a jeep, able to shoot in front of him while driving, takes down another jeep- a nice addition that would have come in handy in FC3. Ends up going over a cliff and using what looks like a wingsuit to navigate a canyon, then a parachute to land. Co-Op, second player flies in on a mini gyrocopter, first player climbs on with an LMG and they strafe a compound before landing on one of the roofs. Elephant rampaging into buildings and enemies, always good. Elephant then takes down a jeep and detonates it while 2nd player is flying gyrocopter and firing an SMG. Looks absolutely ridiculous and I'm totally excited haha. PS4 members can invite friends to play even if their friend does not own the game, only available to Playstation consoles. **Dead Island 2** Live action/CGI trailer showing a jogger running down a pier, city being destroyed behind him. Pretty lighthearted, sounds like Jack Black towards the end? Not much to say since it doesn't show anything game-related, almost felt like its own thing rather than an advertisement for Dead Island 2. **Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition** Getting Last of Us themed dungeon with enemy types. **Battlefield: Hardline** More gameplay montages, beta exclusive to PS4 (for consoles, beta also available on PC), no word on whether it's fully exclusive to PS4 or if it's only the beta. **Disney Infinity** Avengers characters exclusive to PS3/PS4. **Magicka 2: Learn to Spell Again (Could be the slogan)** Live action trailer showing one of the wizards living a normal life, light hearted comical, short gameplay montage. Will have to wait longer for more info. **Grim Fandango Remastered** Exclusive to PS4/Vita through Disney. No release date said yet. **Devolver Games Coming to PS4/Vita;** Broforce, Hotline Miami, Not a Hero, Titan Souls, Talos Principle(?) **Let It Die** Live action trailer, showing off maces, axes, lots of gore... No idea what this is. Lots of metal music and violence but no context as to what we're seeing. **ABZU** New game from the ~~studio~~ main artist (Thanks for clarifying) that made Journey, lots of great look environments; underwater, caves, and what look like alien mountain ranges? Not sure. Could be pretty cool. **No Man's Sky** Bright orange/red landscape, vivid colors, space ships, alien/dinosaur life, fly from planetside to space, destructible asteroids, dogfights, seamless transition from space to planet. Infinite procedural universe, each player starts on a new planet so everyone has their own start. Underwater zones, forests, caves, oceans, asteroid fields, man-made structures, hand-weapons, all looks really cool. I'll be keeping an eye on this one. **Post-Game Discussions** -Talking about "Project Morpheus"? Virtual Reality, looks quite a bit like the Occulus, not heard of it yet, but I'd imagine this is their equivalent. -Youtube being brought to PS4 later this year, one-button upload from console to Youtube. Friends' youtube videos will be available on your feed. -Twitch Ustream, allows viewers to interact with players who stream... This seems... Odd? Could be cool, but will likely lead to griefing. -Free to Play showcase, nothing new here from the looks of it. All things that have been on PS3, or known to be coming to PS4. **PlayStation Now** -Available in US/Canada as an open beta July 31st, shortly after it will come to PS3/Vita. -Will be available on select Sony Televisions if you purchase a DualShock 3 controller. -Open Beta will have 100+ PS3 games. Games noted: Dead Space 3, God of War: Ascension, MGSV: GZ, Ultra Street Fighter IV **PS Vita** -Minecraft coming to Vita as the full console version (Already announced?) -Keeps saying they're innovating the handheld, almost seems apologetic, not much to say about the Vita. **Playstation TV** -Pairs with PS4 to play games via remote play on a 2nd TV in your home. -Can play "most" Vita titles. -Disney Infinity 2 Coming to PSTV/Vita next year? -Available for $99 **Mortal Kombat X** Environments are nice, but don't seem to play a major role in changing the arena, just make for good backdrops. Mainly fighting montages, showcases some brutal fatalities. Not much else shown, or at least that could be easily described over text. **Powers** TV show based on a graphic novel, follows homicide detectives who investigate super-powered murder cases. Available to PlayStation users in December, first episode free, PS+ subscribers can watch the whole series for free. This whole segment feels really out of place. **PlayStation Plus** -190% increase in Plus subscribers (Feels a bit insincere considering the adaptation of it being needed for multiplayer) **Ratchet and Clank Movie/Remaster** Aiming for "first half" of 2015, art style matches up with the games well, creator "heavily" involved in the film. Remaking original game for the PS4, updated visuals, also releasing in first half of 2015. **Last of Us HD** Sorry, skipping this bit, I still have yet to play the game and don't want to spoil any of it for myself! But there is indeed the upgraded remake with better visuals and it includes the DLC, available July 29th (Thanks to /u/Taravangian) **Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain** New trailer, burned camp, lots of bodies, funeral with lots of caskets holding "Diamond Dogs" flags. Looks to be rendered in-game and has a nice polish on it, I've not played through the MGS series so I'm sure I would do it complete injustice if I try to summarize what's going on here. There IS a new trailer though, so if you're a fan go check it out here: **Grand Theft Auto V** Upgraded graphics, coming to PS4 this Fall. Gameplay trailer captured on PS4, 360 and PS3 users can transfer their online characters/progress to the PS4. Bit skeptical about how good it looks considering the promos we saw before the initial release and how it actually looked, but this could be true. **Arkham Knight** Overlooking city, beautiful skyboxes, city backdrops, weather system. Glide/Flying through the city, looks open world and amazing. Driving the batmobile down the streets, activated weapon systems, really nice animation as the guns pop out. Can eject out of the batmobile at high speeds and fly away from it, movements and transfers from flying to walking, or climbing down a ladder all seem really smooth. I want to say, Scarecrow(?) overtakes the presentation and gives a speech, seems to be the main antagonist. Exclusive Scarecrow missions on PS4. **Uncharted 4: A Thief's End** Cutscene graphics are incredible. Drake waking up cut up on a beach at night, seems to have a bit of grey hair. Narrative with him talking to Sully, doing a job "one last time". Good mood setter, not much shown, if you're a fan check out the teaser. Apart from Brian Bendis, it was great. Destiny looks great. TLOU next month. October is rammed (Alien Isolation, Shadow of Morodor, Drive Club, etc). Not needing a copy of Far Cry 4 to play co-op with a friend is huge. LBP looks great. GTA V also looks great. Infamous DLC, awesome. New Ratchet & Clank game AND film, cannot wait. Mortal Kombat X also, awesome. Battlefield Hardline isn't a military shooter - Fucking A! Abzu and No Man's Sky look really special, too. Edited June 10, 2014 by Daft
Serebii Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 dazzybee said: That is AWFUL. But why lol at Drive Club? A year in and the Xmas games are two ps3 games, a game which was supposed to be a launch game and little big planet 3, while exciting for people who like the series, I detested them... Because it was meant to be a launch title, and now it's looking to be a year after launch if we're lucky.
Daft Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 (edited) If we're lucky? They've only delayed the game once. And what does that actually matter? Why would you want them to release a game unfinished just because it was meant to be a launch title? If it had been a launch title it would have been forgettable and lost in a host of other mediocre launch games. Now it has had time to actually be a good game and it has space to get attention. It might be unfortunate that the game was delayed at launch but it's been for nothing but good reasons. But let's just lol at that. Edited June 10, 2014 by Daft
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