Fierce_LiNk Posted April 18, 2016 Posted April 18, 2016 @Eenuh has just destroyed Cleric Beast! She threw loads of Molotovs at it and did loads of damage to the fucker. Dodging, rolling around, getting the hits in and healing in between. Am proud.
drahkon Posted April 18, 2016 Posted April 18, 2016 RedShell said: Guess I'll try leveling up some more... Levelling up is for pussies :p Hero-of-Time said: My mate was saying I'm right near the end, so I think I'll just concentrate on the DLC stuff before taking on the final boss. If you don't want to complete the whole game three times for the Platinum you should check the interwebs for "cheating" the ending trophies if that's still possible...haven't looked it up since I used the "easy way out" aaaages ago Fierce_LiNk said: @Eenuh has just destroyed Cleric Beast! Proper wife-material there. Eenuh, not the Cleric Beast. You should close the dea...oh wait.
RedShell Posted April 18, 2016 Posted April 18, 2016 drahkon said: Levelling up is for pussies :pAnd?
drahkon Posted April 18, 2016 Posted April 18, 2016 RedShell said: And? Now I know your true self. pussy :p
Hero-of-Time Posted April 18, 2016 Posted April 18, 2016 RedShell said: And? Play how you want to, mate. As long as you enjoy it.
Fierce_LiNk Posted April 18, 2016 Posted April 18, 2016 Central Yharnam is an absolute fucking maze. It really is a baptism by fire, this game. Cleric Beast wasn't that much of a pushover either, thinking about it. Urge to buy Dark Souls III rising...
Eenuh Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 As Jim has said, I defeated the Cleric Beast yesterday, whooo! I had leveled up a bit and upgraded my armour/clothes, and after stocking up on about 10 molotovs, decided to face him again (this was the 3rd or 4th time, 1st time doesn't really count as I stumbled upon him with no vials left haha). I was so happy I brought along those molotovs, as they really helped! It's basically a case of dodge, dodge, dodge, slash slash slash, dodge again, heal, throw molotov etc. I managed to do it on this try, yay! Heart was beating so fast haha. After that, I spent more time exploring the area, and actually found a lot of doors I could open! Yes! Shortcuts! I'm also stronger now and can handle the guys in the bonfire street, at least if they don't gang up on me. It's just a case of luring them out one by one and killing them. Had some scary moments, with enemies appearing from behind corners (or from above me, in the case of those ugly birds dropping down in the sewer/canal). But the funniest was trying to cross a bridge and having 6 or so guys coming towards me. I threw a molotov at them but then decided to run to a safer distance... only to have a flaming boulder pass right next to me. Scared the shit out of me haha. Will be playing more tonight, see if I can find the second boss and some more shortcuts.
Nolan Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Eenuh said: I managed to do it on this try, yay! Heart was beating so fast haha That right there is what makes it so good. A rush of adrenaline, heart pounding, nerves on edge, BAM victory and it feels so satisfying. A very hard game but so rewarding as you get better.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I started the DLC earlier and have just finished taking down the first two bosses. The second one ( First Vicar ) was stupidly close at the end. I ran out of vials and one more hit and I was dead. Vicar probably needed another couple of hits before it died. I went for it and got the kill! Felt great!
RedShell Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: Play how you want to, mate. As long as you enjoy it.Indeed. Well I'm certainly starting to enjoy it more again, now that the BSB is out of the way and I can finally move on to exploring some new areas. Hero-of-Time said: I started the DLC earlier and have just finished taking down the first two bosses. The second one ( First Vicar ) was stupidly close at the end. I ran out of vials and one more hit and I was dead. Vicar probably needed another couple of hits before it died. I went for it and got the kill! Felt great! Nice! :awesome: guessing you've pretty much finished the main game then?
Hero-of-Time Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 RedShell said: Indeed. Well I'm certainly starting to enjoy it more again, now that the BSB is out of the way and I can finally move on to exploring some new areas. Nice! :awesome: guessing you've pretty much finished the main game then? Good to hear! Yeah, I'm pretty much at the end but wanted to tackle the DLC stuff before finishing the game off.
Fierce_LiNk Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 How have you found the DLC, @Hero\-of\-Time? How do you access it exactly? I've finished the game, so I don't even know if I can get back into my previous file to access the DLC or if I have to start NG+.
Eenuh Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 My poor heart, please calm down. Reveal hidden contents I just managed to defeat Father Gascoigne, and my heart was pumping again! Dear god was that difficult! I think it took me about 8 tries or something to actually defeat him (with some leveling up in between)... the sad thing is that I actually almost managed to beat him on my first try! I got him all the way to his Werewolf form with just a fraction of health left, before he killed me. The tries after that I didn't do too well. I think I depended too much on the music box and got too distracted with things. Sometimes I even forgot the buttons I had to use for certain attacks haha. Stupid. The last battle where I did defeat him, I almost died as well. He was in his wolf form and I had managed to get his health down to the last bit, one hit away from victory. However he cornered me and just kept kicking/slashing, with my health going down quickly. My heart was racing like crazy and I could feel Jim getting all nervous watching me play. I somehow managed to roll away, heal a bit and get the final hit in! Whooo! Jim let out a loud "Yessssss!", while I just let out a massive sigh of relief haha.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 Fierce_LiNk said: How have you found the DLC, @Hero\-of\-Time? How do you access it exactly? I've finished the game, so I don't even know if I can get back into my previous file to access the DLC or if I have to start NG+. I'm really enjoying it. I'm finding the main areas more challenging than the main game due to the amount of hunters kicking about the place. I handle them like I do in the main game, by trying to find a cliff to knock them off. To access the DLC you need to defeat Vicar Amelia, so you'll have to either start a new game or go with NG+.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 Took down another DLC boss last night. I was checking your progress last night, @RedShell and see you have taken down Vicar Amelia! Nice going.
RedShell Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: Took down another DLC boss last night. Awesome. Quote I was checking your progress last night, @RedShell and see you have taken down Vicar Amelia! Nice going. Cheers. Yeah, wasn't anywhere near as difficult as the BSB! Defeated this one on the 4th or 5th attempt, which makes a nice change. Looking forward to exploring the next area. Had a quick run about in it last night, and it reminded me of Resi 4 a bit. I also really love how everywhere has got darker since beating Vicar Amelia. The moonlit Central Yharnam is particularly rad. Anyway, something pretty weird/funny also happened in the game yesterday, I was wandering around, randomly rolling into stuff (as you do ) when I suddenly got stuck!: As you can see above, nothing could get me out of there. Running, rolling, jumping, attacking... In the end I decided to leave a note: "fear tight spot" And then used the Hunter's Mark to get free. Funny thing is, I don't think that note is actually effective as a warning to other players, I get the feeling some people might be rolling into that area to read it, and then also getting trapped! It already had a few "Foul" ratings when I checked it later on. Whoops.
Hero-of-Time Posted April 21, 2016 Posted April 21, 2016 The DLC is done! Man, that last boss was a toughie! I think I died about 10 times on the sucker but I refused to give up. During the second phase of Kos, I started to see that I may actually beat him on this run. At that point my heart was getting faster and faster and when I dealt the final blow I was a nervous wreck. My hands are still shaking as I type this. Back to the main game I go...
bob Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 What's the difference between this, Dark Souls and Demons' Souls? I feel like all of them came out in a flood these past few years, but they all seem very similar...
Hero-of-Time Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Dr. bob said: What's the difference between this, Dark Souls and Demons' Souls? I feel like all of them came out in a flood these past few years, but they all seem very similar... It's the same guys who make them. From what I can tell, Bloodborne is more fast paced and you don't have a shield. The opposite is true for Demon/Dark Souls. The lads who've played all them can probably give you a more fleshed out explanation. As seen in the Gaming Diary thread, I finished the main game last night. Fantastic experience and one that I'm very happy to have had. It's not over yet as I still need to finish off a few chalice dungeons and then beat the final boss again.
Guy Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 We recently got a PS4 with this game. Have only seen the other half playing for a bit but damn, it looks mega stylish. I gotta get in on the action this weekend for sure. I'm prepared to die.
Sheikah Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: It's the same guys who make them. From what I can tell, Bloodborne is more fast paced and you don't have a shield. The opposite is true for Demon/Dark Souls. The lads who've played all them can probably give you a more fleshed out explanation. As seen in the Gaming Diary thread, I finished the main game last night. Fantastic experience and one that I'm very happy to have had. It's not over yet as I still need to finish off a few chalice dungeons and then beat the final boss again. Yeah, pretty much - in Souls you have a shield and it's a lot more careful advancing, whereas Bloodborne is a lot more reflex dodging and rolling, as well a using a gun to stagger and riposte. Bloodborne was really a lot of fun in that it shook the formula up quite a bit. A lot of things that happen in the Souls games happen again in the sequel (as is the case with sequels), like turning in boss souls for upgrades, and the general feel of the series and NPC interactions/covenants. They are both amazing and you can't go wrong with either. The gameplay is king.
bob Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Ok but what's the deal with Demon and Dark Souls? Are they direct sequels? It seems like they came out at the same time?
Sheikah Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Dr. bob said: Ok but what's the deal with Demon and Dark Souls? Are they direct sequels? It seems like they came out at the same time? Demon's Souls was a PS3 exclusive and the first game. It came out in Europe quite a bit later than when it was originally released in Japan (Feb 2009 vs Jun 2010). Dark Souls came out a year later in Oct 2011 in EU on other systems too. They're not direct sequels; in fact, Dark Souls establishes a fair bit of its own lore and Dark Souls 3 if anything feels more like a sequel to it than Dark Souls 2 did. It's fair to say that Dark Souls had a much bigger impact and broader appeal and really made the series take off. That said, Demon's Souls is brilliant and was extremely exciting what with it being the first game of its type.
bob Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Ok thanks. I thought they came out later than that, bit they didn't really come up on my radar until Bloodborne and by that point they all coagulated into an amorphous blob of 'game'.
RedShell Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Hero-of-Time said: I finished the main game last night. Fantastic experience and one that I'm very happy to have had. It's not over yet as I still need to finish off a few chalice dungeons and then beat the final boss again.Congrats. You planning to play the older souls games now, or jump straight to DSIII? I discovered and defeated another boss last night: Reveal hidden contents This freaky invisible witch (that there actually turned out to be 2 of ) who could summon these other freaks to gang up you. Just like the last boss I took on though, this one wasn't too much trouble. I do wonder if I should try experimenting with some different gear/weapons though, as I've just stuck with the axe from the start of the game so far. Did the same thing when I played through DSII, just used the same weapon for pretty much the entire thing. I'm also certain that I didn't make proper use of a lot of the items in that game, as my inventory was jam packed with stuff that I didn't even know what the hell it was for.
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