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To be fair to Ronnie (and I don't know if this is exactly the truth), if they can only physically manufacture these things so quick based on their current setup then his argument kinda makes sense. We could probably argue that they could have prepared better for making amiibos but that ship has sailed.


The problem is that we don't know if this is the truth, yet people keep acting and talking like it is and people keep arguing it away as if it's some hard fact. We can plug anything into the same argument presented, but it's a little circular. Even 'They want to make money' can(and has) been argued to death around here about whether it's really the case.


Wii's brought up the relevant point I was going to move onto though - Gamecube adatpers...FIVE MONTHS down the line, there's still been little to no UK stock seen from what I can find(asking in local shops, in SmashUK etc). Have they adapted(alol) in any way to this demand? The market doesn't seem to suggest so. What, exactly, is the bottleneck holding them up in terms of production(for adapters and amiibo)? There must be a limit on resources somewhere - what is it? Nintendo's money to invest? Reluctance to invest? Have they tied up every single possible manufacturing avenue/are they tied up elsewhere?


I realise this question will address bigger companies but it was also a bigger demand scale too - how long were some of the old crazes out of stock/low on supply for? Things like Furbies, Tamagotchis, YoYos etc from the 90s? I recall all of those being huuuuge, and yet I'm sure they were still met much better and faster than this was. Aanother more relevant example may be that of the PS2 slims roughly 10-11 years ago, which were super high in demand and super short in stock...but even that wasn't as bad as this.

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Rumor- More amiibo shipments coming this summer?


This comes from Bjorn, who recently contacted Nintendo with his frustrations with the amiibo sellout situation. The response they gave seems to indicate that more amiibo shipments seem to be coming this summer, at least in Europe.


I just got a reply from Nintendo confirming they will re-release all the Amiibo this summer! I send them an email regarding my frustration about the Amiibo sellouts. On day one of the Amiibo release they are all sold out, and the people who have got them sell them directly on ebay for double the price. This is really shit for the real collectors! So, now I got an email from Nintendo stating:


Beste Bjorn,


We vinden het vervelend voor je hoe alles is verlopen. Helaas ben je

niet de enige die tegen dit probleem is aangelopen. Nintendo heeft

wereldwijd de vraag naar Amiibo's onderschat en daardoor te weinig

Amiibo's kunnen aanleveren. Onze excuses hiervoor. Echter hebben we goed

nieuws voor je. De Amiibo's worden allemaal in de zomer van 2015 opnieuw

op de markt gebracht in grotere getallen dan voorheen. Nogmaals onze

excuses hiervoor.



Met vriendelijke groet,

Het Nintendo Team




Dear Bjorn,


We're sorry for how everything went. Unfortunately you are

not alone with this problem. Nintendo has underestimated the worldwide demand for Amiibo and therefore delivered not enough Amiibo. Our apologies. But we have good news for you. The Amiibo are all back on the market in the summer of 2015 in larger numbers than before. Once again our apologies.



The Nintendo Team




That's great for ye if true but isn't it goalpost shifting?

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My friend is in Japan, I've asked him to hunt me missing amiibo. Do japan still have plenty of stock or not at all?!


They should have loads. They've been flogging Westerners with them, have they not? They have.

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He hasn't added me to his ignore list. He says he has but he hasn't. I do agree this arguing is pretty pointless though, back to amiibo....


Why do you keep insisting on this, Ronnie?


EDIT: Decided to have a cleanup instead. Feel free to make the salient points again, but try and be a little nice and indeed concise at the same time.

Edited by Rummy
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Villager hasn't had so much an improvement in production, it's more like he's undergone major facial plastic surgery. I can spot 3 major differencesright off the bat.

Yeah. Now Villager's eyes are far closer to the source material

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What on earth happened to his forehead, though? Hopefully it's just a bad camera angle, cause that looks just as bad as the old one. :P


What d'you mean, the fact that he now has one? But actually you're right. The one on the left is more accurate compared to his in game image while the one on the right has his nose and mouth placement correct.

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I must say, with the exception on Diddy Kong, mine have been perfect. My biggest complaint remains the terrible supports of Fox, Falcon and Link.


Amiibo have been getting better and better, the most recent batch look incredible and Slatoon amiibo sublime (it's still possible they pull a first wave on them though).

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We appreciate the enthusiasm that our fans continue to show toward amiibo. Sales for the product have exceeded our expectations. We understand how frustrating it can be at times if consumers are unable to find certain figures, and we apologize for that.

We’re trying to meet the demands of our fans and consumers by increasing the amount of amiibo we manufacture and ship to retail. We may continue to see consumer demand outpace supply levels for certain characters at times, but we will do our best to prevent that from happening.


As our library of amiibo continues to grow, some figures will be easier to find than others. We are constantly looking for the opportunity to reissue amiibo and are already making plans to bring back some currently out-of-stock amiibo figures. Stay tuned for details.


Nintendo plans to make it easier for consumers to know when new amiibo are on the way, through Nintendo press announcements, timely updates on our social media channels and working closely with retailers.


We remain committed to keeping amiibo affordable and easy to access as a platform to enhance game-play experiences. These plans include Animal Crossing amiibo cards that will become available by the end of 2015, and a free-to-download app for Wii U called amiibo tap: Nintendo’s Greatest Bits that launched on April 30, 2015, that lets consumers enjoy playable scenes from certain NES and Super NES games with amiibo.



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For the last wave I ended up having to pay ebay prices for Ness, Robin and Lucina. While searching for them I found a guy who was selling called ThompsonV7...yup, it was our very own Shadow! I decided to just buy them off him as I may as well give my money to a former N-E member. :D


I bought/preordered a Japanese Little Mac from an ebay seller for £20. If that comes through then that will take care of the one I can open. I still need to hunt down a UK version to keep sealed though. I'm hoping we get some reprints of him and Shulk soon...

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