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Nintendo: The Road To E3


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Wow! E3 2007 was far more dreadful than I had remembered! :o


Screw 2008, 2007 was by far their worst showing! Almost nothing new that we hadn't previously heard about was actually announced there! (I think it was the first time we actually saw Wii Fit in action, but that's about it)


2008 by comparison saw the likes of Wii Sports Resort, Wii Music (don't even bother hitting back at me on this one or I'll sick Redshell on you :p ), Rhythm Heaven DS (announced after the actual conference but it was still announced here), Animal Crossing City Folk (disappointing as it was, but still), GTA Chinatown Wars and I think there are a couple of others I'm forgetting as well...


2007 was the true stinker. Yeah yeah we all know that the 2008 conference itself was a dismal failure, but if you compare it to 2007, the event as a whole was actually much better and brought a lot more goods to the table than its predecessor!


Speaking of predecessors...


2005 was actually one of their better ones. It always goes forgotten outside of a few choice quotes ("you will say wow"), but it was actually a pretty great show. Lots of new games announced, megatons dropped (Virtual Console - my personal Holy Grail at the time. I was psyched for the Revolution not even for the promised revolutionary controller, but just to be able to get my hands on all the games I missed. That alone was enough to get me hyped for the rest of the year! :D ). GB Micro was also a real out-of-nowhere surprise too!


I also loved how their show was very much "gonzo" focused. Giving such a spotlight to something as niche and innovative as Electroplankton took balls of steel. Their conference that year was just such a contrast to MS and Sony (Which were your typical bombastic events focused at the typical 10-25 male audience with blood, guns and tits galore), I'll never forget it.


2006 was a real killer though, pretty much pitch perfect. Jokes were on point, the right games were demoed and demoed well and they really hammered home the message they wanted with the console (and that famous video of the crowd stampeding though the booths is proof enough of that). My only real complaint, and it is significant enough to hold it back from the same tier as the likes of E3 2004, is the fact that the DS' lineup looked kinda lackluster in comparison to previous years (the only real OMGWTFBBQ announcement for DS there was Elite Beat Agents); hell I was even more excited for the out-of-nowhere GCN games that got announced (yeah of course they all got pushed back to the Wii eventually, but the likes of Super Paper Mario were indeed announced and shown as GCN games first here at E3 2006).


Still, probably nothing will ever top E3 2004 though (though 2010 came close). Absolute perfection :D

Edited by Dcubed
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Wow! E3 2007 was far more dreadful than I had remembered! :o


Screw 2008, 2007 was by far their worst showing! Almost nothing new that we hadn't previously heard about was actually announced there! (I think it was the first time we actually saw Wii Fit in action, but that's about it)


2008 by comparison saw the likes of Wii Sports Resort, Wii Music (don't even bother hitting back at me on this one or I'll sick Redshell on you :p ), Rhythm Heaven DS (announced after the actual conference but it was still announced here), Animal Crossing City Folk (disappointing as it was, but still), GTA Chinatown Wars and I think there are a couple of others I'm forgetting as well...


2007 was the true stinker. Yeah yeah we all know that the 2008 conference itself was a dismal failure, but if you compare it to 2007, the event as a whole was actually much better and brought a lot more goods to the table than its predecessor!


Yeah, I was quite surprised just how bad 2007 was. The lack of trailers for games was absolutely shocking. The whole thing was essentially PR talk and news reports. I couldn't remember anything about this conference apart from the Wii Fit demo and it's easy to see why.

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Yeah, I was quite surprised just how bad 2007 was. The lack of trailers for games was absolutely shocking. The whole thing was essentially PR talk and news reports. I couldn't remember anything about this conference apart from the Wii Fit demo and it's easy to see why.


Ironically, it's probably that lack of things to remember that actually spares it from the same ridicule that 2008 got :laughing:

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Wii Music (don't even bother hitting back at me on this one or I'll sick Redshell on you :p )
Even I hated the 2008 conference, including the section on Wii Music. Nintendo single-handedly ruined the perception of the game with that car crash of a showcase. :shakehead

It was terrible.


This should've been their E3 presentation of Wii Music:



Anyway, looking forward to H-o-T's recap of 2008. :hehe:

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Even I hated the 2008 conference, including the section on Wii Music. Nintendo single-handedly ruined the perception of the game with that car crash of a showcase. :shakehead

It was terrible.


This should've been their E3 presentation of Wii Music:



Anyway, looking forward to H-o-T's recap of 2008. :hehe:

There were redeeming factors to the 2008 conference. It did show some decent titles, but it was utterly dire.


All conferences have turned to utter dross in the last 5 years. You can see why Nintendo have shifted.

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Even I hated the 2008 conference, including the section on Wii Music. Nintendo single-handedly ruined the perception of the game with that car crash of a showcase. :shakehead

It was terrible.


This should've been their E3 presentation of Wii Music:



Anyway, looking forward to H-o-T's recap of 2008. :hehe:


I genuinely want to put Wii Music on now after watching that :hehe: It's just a shame that we can no longer share our creations..

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Time for Cammie 2008.



  • The shows starts with a video of various people ( families, mums, dads, children, celebrities ) playing on the Wii and DS and generally having a good time with the Nintendo products. It ends with the words " We promise to keep the world smiling ". I love the tune that is playing during this video as well.
  • Cammie time! This is gonna be good as I can't remember much about her apart from that she was absolutely awful to watch.:shakehead
  • Man, she is far too over the top. It's hilarious. A freaking mothers day card at a gaming conference?! Why is she telling us about her snowboarding trip? The crowd give her zero reaction and quite rightly so. I wonder if Reggie set her up? :D
  • Shaun White Snowboarding is demoed by Shaun himself using the Wii Balance Board. Cammies neck looks like a tortoises neck. She's a freaking Koopa Trooper! Jump on her head, Iwata! Seriously, when shes talking to Shaun it looks as if her head is trying to detach itself from her shoulders and her neck looks really stretched. Strange thing to point out, I know. Moving on...
  • Cammie Koopa tries her hand at the Snowboarding game. Haha her facial reactions are brilliant/cringe worthy while shes playing the game. "Alright! Woooo!" No, Cammie. Just no.
  • Just mentions her wrist again before saying bye to Shaun and then welcomes Iwata on to the stage.
  • He talks about how in 2003 it was a dark time for Nintendo and that even Nintendo employees wouldn't have believe in 5 years time that they would have sold millions of bathroom scales ( balance boards ) around the world.
  • He discuss the paradigm shift in the industry and ho Nintendo can sell games that continue to sell for a long period of time. He explain that games such as Nintendogs and Mario Kart DS are evergreen titles.
  • He says that he doesn't believe that it's common now that players only seek new titles with gorgeous graphics and more sophisticated content. He admits though that there are lots of gamers who do demand these things. He says Nintendo will continue to support these gamers. On the other hand he says games like Wii Sports show that small games, with small development teams, can catch the audience if they have a great idea.
  • He now talks about the user base and says the common sense view was too limited for the gaming industry. Expanding the user base has caused hardware sales to shift from a seasonal purchase to purchases being made all year round.
  • He talks about how people will eventually get bored of the new form of entertainment, especially when others try to reproduce the changes. He says there is danger for the industry if it stands still.
  • He leaves the stage to make way for a presentation by Katsuya Eguchi. The video shows Animal Crossing and explains how the series became to be. He goes on to talk about City Folk and shows what the game is all about.
  • Wii Speak is announced. That thing was such a piece of junk. Why they didn't just put a headset in the box is beyond me. Wait, it's Nintendo...:heh:
  • "It makes me happy to hear stories about people being able to talk with their friends or even make new ones." Yeah, sure would be nice to be able to talk with people when playing online, wouldn't it?
  • Reggie time. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *throws egg at screen*
  • He starts by talking about sales of the DS and Wii. He says that at Nintendo they want to fill the needs of both the veteran gamer and those who have yet to pick up a pad. He then starts talking sales again.
  • Dude said he would keep this short. He's been waffling on for ages now.
  • Crazy to see that i'm over half an hour in and all i've seen is Shaun White Snowboarding and Animal Crossing: City Folk.
  • Finally, a trailer for games!
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars.....:indeed: Rayman Rabbids TV Party....:blank: Call of Duty World at War. That was it. Half an hour waiting for some decent game footage and that's what I got!
  • Great, freaking Cammie Koopa is back on stage. Look at her neck, man!
  • She is talking about....wait for it.....SALES FIGURES!!!
  • A video is shown for Guitar Hero On Tour Decades and Spore, both for the DS. Kill me. Kill me now.
  • Pokemon Ranger 2 ( love these games ) is quickly announced.
  • Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars is announced and the crowd finally react in an excited manner. That must have woken them up. No trailer. :(
  • Yay, another Cammie story. :shakehead She talks about the DS being used to check baseball scores and checking info at airports. She waffles on about the DS being used as an electronic cookbook. *facepalm at her "jokes"*
  • She sods off again and Reggie comes back.
  • Reggie talks about making the Wii Remote more precise and announces Wii Motion Plus. He announces Wii Sports Resort. They are going to bundle it with the game and now shows the game off.
  • Bill, Cammie and Reggie show the game off. Cammie talks about her wrist again and Reggie gets a quick remark about it in there. Poor Bill is trying to sell the product and she just keeps going on about her wrist. "Reggie, you have to admit. Is that not the most adorable game you've ever seen?" For the love of all that is good, please shut the hell up!
  • As much as I dislike Reggie at least he isn't as fake as Cammie. He goes on to show the jet ski game.
  • " I like the puppy. You guys like the puppy, right? The puppy is cute, right? " Crowd gave her sod all reaction. Good.
  • Battle of the bad PR people. Cammie Vs Reggie in a sword battle. SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR FREAKING WRISTS!!!!!
  • Reggie announces a new game for the holiday season. Wii Music time. Dat drummer. :D I love it when Miyamoto shows up in these conferences. He always lightens the mood. I love his t-shirt and shirt.
  • He explains what the idea behind Wii Music is and how it's different to other music games that were out at the time. The key thing being that it was being developed to be accessible.
  • He plays a tune from F-Zero. F-Zero for Wii incoming!!!!.....or not. :(
  • Miyamoto and his crew decide to put on a performance for us. Sooooooo bad and cringe worthy. Just....I dunno....i'm lost for words really. It's kinda like the Mario tune but not. :wtf:
  • Reggie closes the conference by saying that the Wii isn't a fad and that the only way to preserve your advantage in the market is to create new advantages. The next challenge is to disrupt their own way of thinking moving forward.
  • I don't get this way of thinking. You don't have to constantly try to create something new or disrupt the market. They hit it big with the Wii with their control method and pricing model. If they had just refined this, rather than going the route they did with the Wii, I think they would have been in a better position now.
  • And that's the end.


So, after saying in previous years that the core were their bread and butter and saying that games are what's most important, we had 1 hour and 5 mins of essentially PR talk and sales figures. Shockingly bad, like really, REALLY bad.


Just look at what they showed during this conference: Shaun White, Animal Crossing, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Music, Rock Band DS, Spore, Call of Duty WaW, Rayman Raving Rabbids Party and Star Wars. You can easily see why the core/veteran gamer became annoyed and disconnected with Nintendo during this era.


Awful conference, probably the worst yet. At least the previous years had the Wii Fit stuff on it that was humerous. My score can be summed up by this quote from the awesome Billy Madison.


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2008 was damn dreadful, but it at least brought us some unforgettably terrible (read: hilarious!) moments ;)


It also brought some pretty damn good games to the table too (even if the presentation was lousy - and in some cases, bafflingly absent until AFTER the presentation - I'm looking at YOU Rhythm Heaven!)


I still say 2008>>>2007 myself. 2008 might be the legendary one, but 2007 was forgotten for a damn good reason...


At the end of the day, 2008 brought us this...



While 2007 brought us...



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Gametrailers: Top 10 worst E3 moments :p Awkward.




I watched that last night and found it hilarious. The Skyward Sword demo was tragic. I wonder if this is why they don't want to do pressers anymore? That disney conference was cringe worthy, as was Ubisofts laser tag thingy.

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What the hell was that Ubisoft thing? Was that the game itself?


People could probably argue that's a reason for Nintendo not doing press conferences, but really their problems/awkward moments only arose on the Wii and using wiimotes, which they don't really support as much anymore.


They owe us some next-gen press conference failures :p... That Battlefield one was horrible!

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That Wii Music moment was far, far, faaaaar worse than the Skyward Sword one. At least the rest of what they showed about Skyward Sword was decent, even if the game did end up being cack. Wii Music's showing was a disaster in its entirety, from start to finish. Far worse. Faaaaaaaaaar.

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That Wii Music moment was far, far, faaaaar worse than the Skyward Sword one. At least the rest of what they showed about Skyward Sword was decent, even if the game did end up being cack. Wii Music's showing was a disaster in its entirety, from start to finish. Far worse. Faaaaaaaaaar.


I suppose. I mean SS genuinely broke on stage but with Wii Music they seriously thought they were putting on a good show.


I like how during the SS demo Miyamoto tries to make light of the situation, when in reality if was probably wanting to kick off. Hide those tea tables!

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I like how during the SS demo Miyamoto tries to make light of the situation, when in reality if was probably wanting to kick off. Hide those tea tables!
I have a feeling that whilst the translator said 'turn off your Wi-Fi' lightheartedly, Miyamoto was 100% serious :p



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I suppose. I mean SS genuinely broke on stage but with Wii Music they seriously thought they were putting on a good show.


I like how during the SS demo Miyamoto tries to make light of the situation, when in reality if was probably wanting to kick off. Hide those tea tables!


Skyward Sword's fuck up was sad because it looked very interesting at the time. It was what many of us were waiting to see, Zelda using Motion Controls. It should have been a moment of triumph, but it ended up falling a bit flat for that moment. I think the rest of their E3 was good, can't quite recall it all.


Wii Music was just something else. The plan was executed successfully. There were no fuck ups. It could have been avoided, but only months ago in the board room or in some office somewhere. It's an "obvious" idea and execution; we have a music game, let's have our heroes demonstrate this on stage. In theory, it could have been fantastic IF the game was fantastic. If they were demonstrating how to play Lylat Wars, for example, it would have been something else entirely. Instead, we had that.

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The plan was executed successfully. There were no fuck ups.
It was actually full of fuck ups but never mind. :blank:


Have a listen to this:


What do you think of the E3 version now?


The E3 rendition was always going to be a disaster because you basically have a couple of people who probably hadn't played the game much at all (not to mention have questionable rhythm :heh:) doing a live performance.


Anyone that has spent significant time with Wii Music will be able to tell you that pulling off something like that is incredibly difficult/borderline impossible. It can take hours of practice and overdubbing before you get results similar to those in the vid I posted above.


People like to view Wii Music as this super simplistic piece of piss game, but the reality is it's an incredibly challenging and deep title.

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