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I thought this was funny:


I'm too out of shape for virtual reality


For the first time in my life, video games are about to enact a positive change on my lifestyle. If I want to experience fast-paced action in standing, full-body VR of the kind I saw at Valve's SteamVR showcase, I'm going to need to get into better shape. As an inherently lazy man, I'm not happy about that -- but it's a reality I'm going to have to accept. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go for a run. Because I want to play video games later. Man, the future is weird.
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oi @Happenstance hit me back - Samsung s6s are going for £260 sim free on the samsung refurb store and i'm considering an upgrade that I don't particularly need, partly for vr. Has the novelty worn off? How much are you using it?


Or anyone else who has samsung vr I guess.


On an off topic note, any feedback on the s6 much appreciated..

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oi @Happenstance hit me back - Samsung s6s are going for £260 sim free on the samsung refurb store and i'm considering an upgrade that I don't particularly need, partly for vr. Has the novelty worn off? How much are you using it?


Or anyone else who has samsung vr I guess.


On an off topic note, any feedback on the s6 much appreciated..


Sorry about that dan, your message basically came at the worst of times for me so I ended up forgetting to reply.


I have to admit I havent used the Gear VR too much since Christmas but I cant really tell you how much of that is because the novelty had infact worn off or just because of the various issues my family has been dealing with throughout January. I never even got around to trying some proper games on it.


I have found a couple of sideloading apps though which let me get an actual Youtube app and link the headset to my PC but I didnt have time to test them out properly.


The S6 itself (I have an S6 Edge but still basically the same phone) is pretty awesome. I'd recommend that just if you wanted a new phone. The only thing though is that the S7 should be out in a month or so. I dont know if that would be compatible with this headset but you would hope so!

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Sorry about that dan, your message basically came at the worst of times for me so I ended up forgetting to reply.


I have to admit I havent used the Gear VR too much since Christmas but I cant really tell you how much of that is because the novelty had infact worn off or just because of the various issues my family has been dealing with throughout January. I never even got around to trying some proper games on it.


I have found a couple of sideloading apps though which let me get an actual Youtube app and link the headset to my PC but I didnt have time to test them out properly.


The S6 itself (I have an S6 Edge but still basically the same phone) is pretty awesome. I'd recommend that just if you wanted a new phone. The only thing though is that the S7 should be out in a month or so. I dont know if that would be compatible with this headset but you would hope so!


Oh man, read the first line and then instantly remembered one of your posts in the bad stuff thread.. I feel like a dick! Apologies - Thanks for getting back to me anyway, appreciated : peace: hope you're doing aright.


Good advice on the s6 - sounds like a no brainer for the price, having researched a bit. I was too slow off the mark on that refurb deal (265 sim free!) so I'll have to keep an eye out if it goes back on their store.. And yeah, good point re the s7, though I always tend to buy outdated phones once the price knocks down a touch so I'm not tooo fussed, for now

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based on the above - seems a good time to post. I picked up an s6 and samsung VR for bargain basement price what with the s7 launch.


It's great!! First few moments are actually kind of disappointing - the pixels are really clear at times and the video quality can be truely shoddy in some cases. Slightly discourages me from the first gen headsets given the resolutions are similar to the s6 screen.


Nonetheless, when you sift through the rubbish, some of the 'experiences' are truely amazing. The 3d Assassins Creed trailer / short movie is AMAZING. Similarly, there's a live action one called Catatonic where you get pushed through this horror style old hospital in a wheelchair, as things jump out at you. Edited really well, great to watch people try it given all of the jump scares.


Occulus cinema is also fantastic, particularly the screen that you can reorient - I lay down in bed looking up at the biggest screen I've seen. It's great!


Seems to me the phone is a pretty good for direction for VR to go. Why spend hundreds of pounds on two high res 5 inch screen devices when you could use the same one for both? Clearly rift and Vive have advantages right now - positional tracking most obviously - but I could see the industry shifting toward phones if they can add in features and power through a pc.


Also strikes me from watching the 3d movie content that there's no way this won't be a huge thing in the future of filmmaking. The immersion already on something like sonar is incredible - when this has had a few years to develop, artistically and technologically... going to be great.


Will b investigating some of the..other features soon enough

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I'm quite shocked by VR's pricing, for something they want to be main stream, those price points and relative lack of content are going to make this be the 3D of the 70's/80's - ignored for over a decade


I'll wait to see what Morpheus is like, but i'm suspecting i won't be getting any VR any time soon

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Get with the times Gibbs its not called Morpheus anymore :p


Anyway, I think these will drop in price over time, like when brand new types of TV come out, remember how expensive 3D TVs and 4k TVs were? They're all available competitively priced now.


Also if it does succeed, I think we'll be laughing in a few years about how hilariously bulky the first few mainstream models were. Future VR will probably look like a pair of sleek sports sunglasses, switch flawlessly from VR to transparent mode so you don't feel like a plonker when someone walks in on you using it.

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Get with the times Gibbs its not called Morpheus anymore :p


Anyway, I think these will drop in price over time, like when brand new types of TV come out, remember how expensive 3D TVs and 4k TVs were? They're all available competitively priced now.


Also if it does succeed, I think we'll be laughing in a few years about how hilariously bulky the first few mainstream models were. Future VR will probably look like a pair of sleek sports sunglasses, switch flawlessly from VR to transparent mode so you don't feel like a plonker when someone walks in on you using it.


I can see us all wearing those morph suits like motion capture, with the lenses built into that but also sensory equipment through out for the full body sensations in game! feel the wind, the rain and the pain


The innovation will obviously have been brought about by the porn industry who designed it for pleasure


Can't say i'd blame em, i'm just waiting to fight in medievil times, challenge the kings best knight for the prize of a night with the queen, i'll bring my cheat book -steedcheat and chasticheat are a must!


Gonna stick away from VR pride and prejudice (and tanks though)



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Based on the above - seems a good time to post. I picked up an s6 and samsung VR for bargain basement price what with the s7 launch.


It's great!! First few moments are actually kind of disappointing - the pixels are really clear at times and the video quality can be truely shoddy in some cases. Slightly discourages me from the first gen headsets given the resolutions are similar to the s6 screen.


I had a go on this yesterday since my brother bought one. Played a thing that was like the film Gravity. It was really impressive considering how...simple, the whole setup feels. It made me think if a phone can be used to make something this immersive then I absolutely cannot wait to get a PSVR headset this Xmas.


Hopefully the screen will be a little better as I also noticed the pixels are noticeable, although having said that I forgot about them pretty quickly.

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It was really impressive considering how...simple, the whole setup feels. It made me think if a phone can be used to make something this immersive then I absolutely cannot wait to get a PSVR headset this Xmas.


Hopefully the screen will be a little better as I also noticed the pixels are noticeable, although having said that I forgot about them pretty quickly.


The thing that worries me with PS VR is that the screen is actually lower res than the S6 - 1920x1080 compared to 2560x1440 on the s6.


But yeah, I stopped noticing too much after a while so hopefully it won't be too much of an issue. Refresh rate and obviously the processor are both considerably better on ps. Interested to see what software they come out with - still yet to be convinced that the console version of vr won't end up next in the line of eye toy, move etc. But as you said a few pages back, No Mans Sky would be an awesome start if that gets sorted...


Anyway, I think these will drop in price over time, like when brand new types of TV come out, remember how expensive 3D TVs and 4k TVs were? They're all available competitively priced now.


Also if it does succeed, I think we'll be laughing in a few years about how hilariously bulky the first few mainstream models were. Future VR will probably look like a pair of sleek sports sunglasses, switch flawlessly from VR to transparent mode so you don't feel like a plonker when someone walks in on you using it.


Definitely. I also feel like we, trying out vr for the first time and cowering in fear, moving out the way of things that fly out at us, etc (a couple of my friends ripped off the headset at the scary bits of Catatonic) might be akin to that often told story of the first showing of a train moving toward the camera in a cinema, where (supposedly) moviegoers ran out of the screening in fear. I wonder if people will get used to VR in the same way.


In some ways I think the 'mainstream' might have it best - anyone who manages to hold off on trying any VR until screen door comes right down and pixel density and graphics go right up, in the next few years, will totally lose their shit. As many have said these first iterations do feel more like an (amazing) 'glimpse' of the future rather than the full whack.


In other news... tried out some vr.. adult content. It's incredible. In some ways the most convincing vr content I've tried, to the extent that it totally has the potential to be kind of, too immersive? Kind of creepily dystopic. Like something right out of Black Mirror. I can't imagine what it'll be like for teenagers growing up in the next couple of decades. Serious case of skewed preconceptions. Not sure I want to go there again... slippery slope.


Anyway. Finding new mad things to do with it every day. Love it

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The thing that worries me with PS VR is that the screen is actually lower res than the S6 - 1920x1080 compared to 2560x1440 on the s6.


But yeah, I stopped noticing too much after a while so hopefully it won't be too much of an issue. Refresh rate and obviously the processor are both considerably better on ps. Interested to see what software they come out with - still yet to be convinced that the console version of vr won't end up next in the line of eye toy, move etc. But as you said a few pages back, No Mans Sky would be an awesome start if that gets sorted...


As PSVR is my only option, I think I can deal with that. It has its upsides, like a faster refresh rate and a wider field of view. It'll be interesting to see what Sony conclude as the sweet point between tech, usability and price.


I'm excited.

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Yeah, I think PSVR (I thought it was still called Morpheus too) is my only option. Can't wait for it personally. Even tempted to buy a pC for the first time in 10+ years and get Rift, but hopefully I can hold out!!


is it definitely out for christmas?


PSVR? Almost certainly.


I'm expecting a big push at E3 and Gamescom from Sony, with the VR unit then getting a release close to Christmas.


From what i've read/heard, the hardware is pretty much done and dusted but they are waiting for the software to be finished off so they have a solid launch.

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I'm tempted to go for that, but after the price announcements for Vive/Oculus, I wonder if they might end up going higher now...


I wouldn't be surprised if they can undercut the competition if they can. There's going to be a few on the market, so getting any advantage they can is going to be a key in winning people over to your headset.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they can undercut the competition if they can. There's going to be a few on the market, so getting any advantage they can is going to be a key in winning people over to your headset.


Oh no, I'm sure they will undercut them I have no doubt about that...


The question is, just how much will undercut them by?


$449.99 seems like the most I could see them pricing it if they want to appeal to the mass market, but I wonder if they might just go ahead and aim for a high price to squeeze more out of early adopters...

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