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@Golfer yeah the 3 month pay rise might not happen, but there's a chance it will. Whereas at your current place it definitely won't.


Sounds like a no brainer to me; more money, shorter hours, chance to progress, probably better management, with the downside of 20 minutes extra commute.

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Whooo, result! After pestering my boss a bit more, he finally replied, and I am getting a 6% pay rise! :D


It's not the full amount I asked for, but then I knew what I was asking for might have been a bit much heh. Will be getting the increase from May, basically once I've been working there for 3 years. Finally! :)

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I got a formal job offer from the new place, which I have responded to with a couple of questions. First was just about some holidays I have booked and the second was about the 3 month review. I basically asked what criteria I would have to meet in the trial period and what the scope would be for salary renegotiation, to ensure I could meet expectations and that neither of us would be disappointed after the 3 months.


Now, I wait...


Also, a bit of total schadenfreude for me, a colleague has handed his 1 week notice in today (he was fresh out of his apprenticeship, but has been doing the work of a full time employee since he started), which has totally thrown a spanner in the works for our department. Everyone was stressing out and saying how screwed everything is. Can't wait to see what the reaction is when/if I hand my notice in, which will most likely be this week. The department is totally screwed, with every single person either leaving or planning to and it's all their fault for treating people like shit (one of the owners literally said to 3 of us "You're nothing but money to me"). If I hand my notice in, there will be 1 person left, whereas a month ago we had 5.

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Booked Tuesday off for a funeral (missus' grandma), on the Monday I walked out with 3.5 hours left as I'd finished all my work for the day. Felt like a dick in retrospective. Came in yesterday, worked all day then they sacked me right at the end. Sent an email of appeal in, but the lady is not happy. So gotta hit the job sites hard.


Although a sacking seems a bit harsh, I've never heard of anyone who walks out of their job for the day because they've finished what they were doing....

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Although a sacking seems a bit harsh, I've never heard of anyone who walks out of their job for the day because they've finished what they were doing....

Likewise, however my appeal was "denied by the directors", my personal reason set aside and the only argument given was regards to my mentioning that I wasn't aware of the company disciplinary/grievance procedure due to their lack of giving us a contract after 2 months of employment - their response (from my supervisor) was that she gave us some booklet in the first week which apparently negated it.


I later sent her an email asking for the directors contact details so I could deal with them personally, no reply. I later heard they asked the worker sitting behind me for a full statement about my leaving. Rang up yesterday (whilst on speaker with my mic recording) chasing it up, she told me she had forwarded it to the directors and is not authorised to give out their contact details. Told her to provide with me in writing (by the end of the day - didn't get it) the reason why they denied my appeal and that I would be taking it to the CAB.


Companies House has only one director of the company, and if his email is in the same format as the other workers of the firm then I have it. Plan on a multi assault: Calling the main hotline for the company, which also deals with unfair dismissal, explain my story (without saying where I was dismissed from) and record them - hopefully - saying I have a basis for a claim, then fire off an email to everyone at the company who's email I can remember asking for the directors details (even though I may technically have it) attaching my appeal, some shots of the "contract" and explaining I have recordings of all my calls, which I will be taking to the CAB, SRA and legal ombudsman. See what response I get.

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Likewise, however my appeal was "denied by the directors", my personal reason set aside and the only argument given was regards to my mentioning that I wasn't aware of the company disciplinary/grievance procedure due to their lack of giving us a contract after 2 months of employment - their response (from my supervisor) was that she gave us some booklet in the first week which apparently negated it.


I later sent her an email asking for the directors contact details so I could deal with them personally, no reply. I later heard they asked the worker sitting behind me for a full statement about my leaving. Rang up yesterday (whilst on speaker with my mic recording) chasing it up, she told me she had forwarded it to the directors and is not authorised to give out their contact details. Told her to provide with me in writing (by the end of the day - didn't get it) the reason why they denied my appeal and that I would be taking it to the CAB.


Companies House has only one director of the company, and if his email is in the same format as the other workers of the firm then I have it. Plan on a multi assault: Calling the main hotline for the company, which also deals with unfair dismissal, explain my story (without saying where I was dismissed from) and record them - hopefully - saying I have a basis for a claim, then fire off an email to everyone at the company who's email I can remember asking for the directors details (even though I may technically have it) attaching my appeal, some shots of the "contract" and explaining I have recordings of all my calls, which I will be taking to the CAB, SRA and legal ombudsman. See what response I get.


So you didn't walk out early?

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Whooo, result! After pestering my boss a bit more, he finally replied, and I am getting a 6% pay rise! :D


It's not the full amount I asked for, but then I knew what I was asking for might have been a bit much heh. Will be getting the increase from May, basically once I've been working there for 3 years. Finally! :)


Oh thank bloody christ, I had secretly wondered how this was going but didn't want to prod incase it was bad news.



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So my section leader messed around with my remaining holiday hours before the April so I'm doing my contracted hour + 7 hours overtime this weekend behind my back. I'm supposed to be off between 18th and 27th March which she approved it two months ago.


She pulled the same bullshit with my colleague last month btw.

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So my section leader messed around with my remaining holiday hours before the April so I'm doing my contracted hour + 7 hours overtime this weekend behind my back. I'm supposed to be off between 18th and 27th March which she approved it two months ago.


She pulled the same bullshit with my colleague last month btw.

If there is a signed record of her authorising it there's little she can do, let alone put you down for overtime surely?

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If there is a signed record of her authorising it there's little she can do, let alone put you down for overtime surely?


Yeah the holiday request form with her signatures on it and there are a holiday planner which she erased my name between 18th and 27th. It's too late to fix it since I just found out about at the last minute.


The other section leader told me that I don't have to do the overtime which is great but it also mean more money to spend on new games this year tho. Probably got me to doing the seasonal aisle for the Mother's Day or getting it ready to change to Easter. :|

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Some of you may remember that I had been overlooked for a role at work that was given to a colleague of mine. I then went for two job interviews, got offered them both and turned them down to stay, on the promise that more responsibilities are given to me.


Well, the colleague hasn't really impressed all that much and has actually been for a job interview himself - which he has been offered and has accepted!


After a chat with the headteacher, it looks like I'll be getting the role I deserve after all! We're meeting at some point next term to go over the full details and to talk about the plans for the future. There are going to be changes at work as three of our teaching staff are leaving, so it could be a good time to stamp my authority on things.


I'm looking forward to it. We'll see how this goes!

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If there is a signed record of her authorising it there's little she can do, let alone put you down for overtime surely?


Actually they can cancel holidays if they give suffienct notice, usually the length of time booked off. So if you have 2 weeks holiday booked off they have to cancel more than 2 weeks in advance. You are protected though, if you have to cancel a holiday they should refund you and you can sue for constructive dismissal.

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Handed my notice in today. My manager and the general manager took it well. Still haven't spoken to the company owner yet, so we'll see how that goes.


The single remaining person in the department is also now looking for another job and I'm fairly certain he's got one lined up. Interesting times.

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Getting so sick of work again at the moment. My boss is just a mess. She forgets to ask you to do things and then comes back weeks later asking if they've been done. She doesnt understand all the systems in place for contacting parents and insists I have to get her lists manually so she can email them (then complains when it includes email addresses she doesnt recognise). Everything has to be done right that second and in a massive rush so we keep making mistakes and when I talk to her about that she just brushes it off.


Its one of those places where the other staff just laugh it off saying how quirky and like a whirlwind she is but of course they dont have to work with her.


I'm still looking for work elsewhere but no luck so far.

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I'm not sure... I was thinking 5 pages myself. Might have to go for 6 instead:

2 pages about you mentioning how much you love your new job

1 pages bitching about a manager at your new job

2 pages continuous bitching whilst looking for a new job

1 new job accepted.


I think it's possible.


Let's do this. :p

I'm so sorry, dude, but it's been six months and nothing to bitch about. The manager and I get along amazingly. There's been a couple of times where staff and I have had words and customers continue to argue sometimes about the most silliest things but apart from that, the job is going great.


My only two problems are that I now have to work Sundays until a new person is hired and the amount of shop moves in a short space of time is stupid, especially when they keep changing their minds!


Other than that, it's going well. We've beaten sales targets in our region, got second place and won £60 in a competition. Not too bad.

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I think I made my point :blank:

No job is perfect but in seriousness, I'm happy here right now. As far as jobs go, this has been the best one so far.


She's even said she'd support me in going for my fitness course and is willing to swap the rota to fit it as long as I meet my contracted hours.

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I'm contracted at my current place (where I worked until last February and came back a year later) until end of August.


My old boss informed me the other day that one of my colleagues is pregnant and my new boss (who is currently on leave) was supposed to ask me before my recent holiday if I want to do maternity cover. I'll obviously wait until I hear officially but I'm leaning towards no. I don't really want to be there for another year, especially not full-time. If they perhaps offer different terms (namely part-time and greater working from home flexibility to factor in my increasing desire to move abroad) perhaps, but...I wish I'd stop getting offered jobs in an industry I don't want to be in :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So my boss did eventually speak to me (in the HR waiting area because we both happened to be there) and I spoke to my line manager (who I've known for years and has always been my sounding board) about it.


Still in two minds about it, but at least they've confirmed I can carry on doing part-time. Seem less keen for me to do it abroad though so there's that.


I just wish I could get a job in an area I want though. I seem to keep getting offers in an area I don't want and feeling very this:




(I know I shouldn't complain)

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