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Job woes/wins


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I'm extremely pissed off at work and I'm also bemused at the whole situation.


Last year, I taught Year 5. The class are a tricky bunch and there are quite a few difficult kids in there. Overall, I did a good job with them but was nervous about them moving up because we do Year 6 a bit strangely in our place. They effectively have a different teacher for each subject, so quite a change to the system. Another teacher at the school (S) offered to drop from being a Secondary English teacher to Year 5 if I fancied making the change to Year 6. I agreed to it, as I knew that the class would cause lots of problems if there wasn't someone there to look after them all the time. I knew I'd basically have to redo everything, but I agreed to it because it seemed like the right thing to do. The Head Teacher said he was quite happy about having a "strong male in the upper end of the Junior School". My Head of Junior School said it would be a good move for me and it could potentially lead to other things in the future.


Fast forward a week and that same Head of Junior School tells me that she's leaving. Our school was bought out as part of a group and one of the other Junior Heads is coming over once or twice a week to oversee things. The kicker is that my colleague © has been told that he's "the one to go to if there's a problem when the HoJ is not around"...effectively making him acting Junior Head for 3 days a week.


I'm pissed off because I wasn't offered this role and, from the looks of it, not even considered. I've always put myself out there and offered to help out in a number of areas, including managing the school library...which isn't even in my contract! I only do it because the person in charge of it is lazy and isn't interested. I'm also fucked off because C is infamous for not turning up to staff meetings. He hasn't been to the breaktime meetings (they happen twice a week) in at least 18 months, closer to 2 years. His relationship with the last Junior Head and the one before it were disastrous and he's known for being lazy. He's the type that leaves dead on the bell and doesn't offer to help out in any other sort of way. For the past two years, I've been one of the only full time members of staff in the Junior School and I've sorted out tons of things, including organising school plays, etc.


I'm also annoyed because, as a result of switching year groups, I had to swap rooms with the languages department, who then had to move rooms. It's created a chain reaction and so that's been a mess. I went into work during the summer holidays and I couldn't get into the cupboards because they had the keys. They had left all of the display work up, tons of blutack on the walls and just a right ol' fucking mess. I went in several times over the summer (a few times to help S with the changeover, a few times/a week for the library, a few days to sort out as much of my new room as I could) and I STILL couldn't get everything done. The cupboard doors were still locked today...until at noon today, when the teacher turned up whilst I was having a meeting in that same room, unlocked the cupboards...then proceeded to write me a note saying, "Jim, can't sort out cupboards today, Sorry!" before leaving.


I'm so utterly pissed off and can't believe how I ended up in this situation. I went in the most over the summer out of our entire team of teachers to sort out a library that wasn't mine, to work around the mess that others have made and creating resources and booklets because nothing had been left for me, yet I still ended up getting through the door at 7 o'clock with even more to do. To top all of that off, I've been overlooked for a major opportunity that I have more than earned the right to be considered for.


There's other stuff too and other people pissing me off, but I can't be fucked to talk about that now!


I've arranged a meeting with the Head tomorrow to at least understand some of the reasoning behind this. I've had tons of support from colleagues and friends at work who can see that I've been screwed over, but it doesn't really change anything. I'm completely demotivated and the last two days for training have been completely fucking terrible.



Seems like you've landed in the "Too Important To Promote Category" - it's the working equivalent of "The Friend Zone". All of the responsibilities, none of the benefits.

Edited by Iun
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I don't know what it is with bosses not realising something is our fault, yet hammering home that we need to do our job.


We all got dragged into a meeting where were shown some reports showing some routines we were doing were 0% (ie we weren't doing anything) yet we had the paperwork which showed that we were doing the job. So the system was to blame but he didn't seem to grasp the message. We also got commanded to leave our group Whatsapp chat group* as he felt some things weren't appropriate, namely the various pictures of Shia. Then says how we should be communicating to each other more effectively.


Warehouse is a complete shit tip because of the student return, we can't move because of the sheer number of cages with bedding, dish drainers and bins is fucking ridiculous. But we're still expected to deliver all our routines by way of... he never really got round to do our job with all these obstacles.


*Naturally I'll be making a new one, but the whole process of telling us to get our phones out and direct us to the leave group button...

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Seems like you've landed in the "Too Important To Promote Category" - it's the working equivalent of "The Friend Zone". All of the responsibilities, none of the benefits.


I had my meeting and explained everything, including how I felt. The Head essentially agreed with everything that I said and when asked about why I wasn't chosen for it, it was an answer along the lines of, "well, you could have done this role, but I'm looking at another role for you". Something more along the lines of transition or that area.


The problem with that is that there's no time-frame, whereas the other one was an immediate position. I didn't get very far in my meeting and didn't gain anything except knowing that the Head thinks that I'm great. It's bizarre the more I think on it and I think he could sense that it was a difficult one even for him to explain. He knew this meeting was coming and said that he completely understood why I'm feeling the way I am.


Severely pissed off.

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Are letters of resignation still really used these days? I have mine more or less ready but still havent pulled the trigger yet due to no job to go to. People seem split between a talk and an email will do or going the full resignation letter route.


I could have punched our Head's PA today. She was jokily talking about my new role in Marketing (which she knows I never wanted) and I was just getting more and more angry. Its mostly her fault that I'm there because she could handle being Head's PA and Registrar (because she's crap at her job, the last women did it just fine) so they split her job and I ended up with double the roles and no pay changes at either end!

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So it's my first day back at work and my manager has decided to tell me that my job has been advertised without my knowledge and she doesn't know what is happening with it. She also mentioned that she doesn't know if I will be fired or if there is a transfer. I asked if it was a joke and she was basically saying that it was because I didn't turn up on the Sunday when I was lying in a hospital bed struggling to move and running a high fever. I also told her that not only did I inform her that I wouldn't cover her for the Sunday for being ill on Friday and expecting me to miraculously recover (yeah, that was an actual thing) but also I am not rota'd to do Sundays in the first place.


Apparently it was because my Dad, who is my next of kin, had informed her and I didn't, bearing in mind that I wasn't able to do a lot properly and my Dad had also provided my manager with medical documents such as SSP notes and a Fitness for Work Statement from the date I was sick to the date I would be back (which was today). Also, she said my job was advertised two weeks ago which was way after I handed in my notes. She also tried to say it was because I left the office doors open twice (which were not written warnings and were not officiated anyway). She also said it was because I did not call her every single day to tell her I would not be in even though she was given documentation stating I would not be in from one date to the other. She said for all she knew, I could be in Spain. I said "SERIOUSLY?! How could you think I would be in Spain when I have given you numerous hospital documents?" and she was like "That was a slight exaggeration" and I said "You think!"


On top of that, she said that I did not follow correct procedure. I let rip and questioned her if it was correct procedure for me to be working by myself with no security from 4 until 8? If it was correct procedure for her to leave two hours before her shift ends? (which she claims is because she doesn't get paid for it...but then NEITHER DO I!), whether it was correct procedure to do many things but yet the company doesn't follow them unless they feel like it. I also pointed out that the amount of times I have done over-time, have missed many social activities due to working there until 9pm or through doing 13 hour shifts, etc, only for them to not even have the good grace and manners to tell me they were planning on not keeping me anymore because I was ill?


Pffft, nah. I've written out an e-mail to the managing director of the company and have also attached medical documents with signatures and dates. I've never had sick days before. More stuff happened but I'm stressed and I'm fuming. UUUUGGGGGH!

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Sent my e-mail along with documents of my SSP note, my Statement of Fitness for Work note and screengrabs of my job being advertised on 2 different sites as well as it coming up on a Google search. My manager texted me and said the regional manager will be having a discussion about transferring me to another store as well as a demotion. I texted her and asked her "Why am I being moved and demoted for being ill? Why am I being punished for being ill?" and all she said was that it was something I would have to discuss with the regional manager, who was meant to have phoned me in the morning.


It is now half 2 and I have still heard nothing back. This is the second day that she has let me down on this occasion about something that is sensitive.


I'm just seriously upset about it all and to be honest, fucked off. The manager was supposed to be a friend and I know there's acting professional and then being a friend and they are two different things, which I was fine with, but the way that I've been treated is fucking abysmal.

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Thought the interview went well earlier today, just received the email saying I won't be going back for a second interview. Anus.


Expanding on this, her reply was:


"In terms of feedback, please see below:


· It would not be beneficial to yourself to have a placement with us for the time you specified as this would not give you enough time to develop and learn. We look to offer placements of 2/3 days a week (or more) as this will enable both parties to gain from the placement.


· We also cannot offer a paid role at this current moment, and we cannot comment on the ability of a placement to turn into a paid role.


· You came across well in the interview, but your thirst and desire for a career in the legal world did not come across."


Then applied some, what I think was, hardcore beatdown:


"Thank you for your feedback, although I find it most troubling. I did offer 2-3 days as a minimum placement, was it full days you were after? If so this does concern me if other firms feel that way as I wouldn't be able to obtain any placements with my current working hours. I was aware that it was unpaid and in no way expected to be offered a definite position in the future, that was just wishful thinking.


The fact you also didn't feel my passion for a career in law also puts me at unease. I thought my rushing home from work and knocking at your door in under an hour was attestation enough, as well as the qualifications I've attained in my own time and expense. The only reason I can put this down to is nerves, this was the first legal career based interview I have had in several months and I did not want to come on too strong.


Regardless of my concerns, I do appreciate your getting back to me and I shall try to work on these factors for future applications."


Never got a reply back, which I'm not expecting any time soon.

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Really don't know what my take is on this, got an email earlier:


"Hi there

You have logged in to Reed in the past week and at some point in your cv you have "bar"

Please call me if you are interested in working at Nottingham Forest FC or Nottingham Trent uni on a casual basis. I have a lot of bar and hospitality work especially in the coming few months."


Now, a little suspicious as this seemed, certainly did check some shit out on Reed and I do have bar in my CV, it appears more legit than the commission shit. It's just the casualness which concerned me. So I ask:


"Could you please be more specific on what you mean by casual?"



The response:


"Give me a call better than playing email tennis mate "



I may call him, for now I'm just... keeping it casual.


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I read through that and are you still working there now or have they told you to not return?

They haven't said a thing to me. I'm on my week's holiday and apparently, the regional manager was meant to contact me on Saturday. She hasn't.


I don't even know if I've a job to go back to or not. It's just a joke!

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They haven't said a thing to me. I'm on my week's holiday and apparently, the regional manager was meant to contact me on Saturday. She hasn't.



So i'm right in thinking that your employment has not been terminated? How long have you worked there for?

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A certain supermarket are once again going balls deep. Project Atlantis, a mythical concept only spoken about in hushed whispers, has now hit Beeston.


Basically it's the decimation of 24 hour opening times and the shafting over of many a night staff. Some of them have told me they'll have to reapply for the new positions which will be made available in the day, none of them will be full time and many will just have to take redundancy as they can't afford the pay cut. If there is no one filling overnight, things are going to be mega shitty. It's gonna fuck up our stock control routines as well.

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Really don't know what my take is on this, got an email earlier:


"Hi there

You have logged in to Reed in the past week and at some point in your cv you have "bar"

Please call me if you are interested in working at Nottingham Forest FC or Nottingham Trent uni on a casual basis. I have a lot of bar and hospitality work especially in the coming few months."


Now, a little suspicious as this seemed, certainly did check some shit out on Reed and I do have bar in my CV, it appears more legit than the commission shit. It's just the casualness which concerned me. So I ask:


"Could you please be more specific on what you mean by casual?"



The response:


"Give me a call better than playing email tennis mate "



I may call him, for now I'm just... keeping it casual.


That's a really odd offer...I would steer clear of him.

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That's a really odd offer...I would steer clear of him.

Yeah, I know in the world of job hunting you have to do some chasing, but I'm ringing someone up because he's too lazy to have an email conversation with me. Especially when he's demanding I ring him.



During my post-work nap my phone went off, the number being one I don't recognise, the location saying Stoke, so I cancelled it and attempted sleep once again. My Dick Masterson text alert went off and I could tell whoever it was left a voice mail. Too tired to care at that moment, sleep continued. Shortly after waking up it went off again, text message:


"Teleperformance: We have tried to contact you regarding available vacancies, interested? Call us on [number] to discuss this further. Stuart Aird."


With a name like Teleperformance, my confidence wasn't instilled. Then came a following email:


Dear Derek,


I tried to contact you today regarding roles within our company that you have applied for. Unfortunately I have been unable to get a hold of you. If you are still interested in vacancies within Teleperformance please give us a call on 0800 100 180 to discuss vacancies and arrange a telephone interview.


** The call you received would have been from the number 0800 100 180 as this is our main recruitment number for the UK




Stuart Aird


Teleperformance Recruitment Team


The voicemail said practically the same thing. https://www.teleperformance.com/ if anyone is interested in a career in "a leading global outsourcing company providing omnichannel experiences to consumers."


Make of that what you will.


As bullshit as this opportunity clearly is, I'm amazed that they've gone after me firing on all cylinders. Normally it's just a phone call or email. Not phone/voicemail, text and email at the same time. I'm clearly a catch.

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They tried again earlier, another person leaving a voicemail and email... These guys are persistent.


On the supermarket front I've gotten myself into more trouble it seems. After mentioning Atlantis and that our store may not be 24 hours anymore meant I got a summons earlier today about an "invitation to investigation" regarding "posting something inappropriate about that supermarket" tomorrow morning, which I assume was my latest status, as I haven't bitched about my job in ages ¬_¬. Whilst fishing for information what it might be about, I think the general reasoning is a combination of the following:

A] Nights don't know that their jobs are going,

B] I beat them to it.


A I know is 99% untrue, as it was them who told me, I texted my cousin who works on nights today to double check they all were told and she said they were on Monday, then went on to say that they had also been told by their managers not to tell anyone for fear of da press getting wind of it. I wasn't informed of this gag order. There may be a slim chance that some members of nights may not have been aware but I feel the numbers (is any) may be negligible.


It also didn't help that the managers in the day weren't aware of it happening either, but if communication is crappy between management that isn't my problem, if there is going to be such a shake up you'd think they'd be amongst the first to know. The union rep who is available doesn't seem to share my views on how badass I am. My usual rep, who I managed to speak to about this also but is off all week agrees with my badassitude so I'm gonna ask the meeting be adjourned until Monday when she is available to represent me.

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Bit of a fuck up at work today that I just cant figure out how it happened.


Got a call from my new boss tonight saying that the Newsletter we sent out today went to the school's prospective parents and not the current ones. I figured I just messed up when I made the list but I just cant figure out how those emails got into it. In our prospective database we have about 900 emails, in the current parents we have about 300. The newsletter got sent to around 300 people and I just have no idea how they got onto the list but everyone else didnt and why was the number so similar to the correct current parents amount :S

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So i'm right in thinking that your employment has not been terminated? How long have you worked there for?


If you any union reps at work, now be the time to contact them.

I've checked with Citizens Advice to find that they can basically do whatever they like. In order for me to do something, I'd have had to have worked there for 2 years and over and I've only been there for under a year. It just doesn't seem fair at all...and I STILL haven't heard from the regional manager at all. All I got is the manager saying she's going to call me and she hasn't called me throughout the entire week. Not only that but she said she's going to talk to me on Monday. Yeah, right.


Fuck it. I had a job interview today. I don't want to feel like I'm going to be punished for being ill.

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Fuck it. I had a job interview today. I don't want to feel like I'm going to be punished for being ill.

Stop getting interviews dammit! There are people out there who want to get a job and be miserable for years without employed people like you fapping between jobs like a game of musical chairs :p

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Stop getting interviews dammit! There are people out there who want to get a job and be miserable for years without employed people like you fapping between jobs like a game of musical chairs :p

Best time to get a job, haha. I put up with the job I had two jobs ago being so miserable and taking abuse and promised I wouldn't put up with it so I'm not. I had enough misery last year to realise that life is way too short to spend it being unhappy.


Anyway, this is temporary until I'm qualified to be a PT. Then my life will really begin! I've never been this determined in my life. I said last year that I wanted to help and care for people...this is how.

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So got the call today. Got the job. Would've had any one (multiple were going). Writing my notice with pleasure right now.

*sigh* you and yo' job whoring. Nice one dude.



Thinking of starting a pool as too how many pages into this topic until Animal gets a new job, any takers? :bouncy:



Hopefully we'll be finding out tomorrow how the shafting of nights is going to affect our routines. Normally each day we'd scan the gaps and then look for them, cunningly entitled... Gapscan. Apparently this will be pushed to just twice a week, which may lead to a reduction in hours unless they expect us to do more of other things (one of which I sincerely hope they don't, as it's boring enough the amount I do of it already), so things are looking so uncertain for basically anyone who isn't checkouts/specialist department.


Since the secretarial route isn't giving me any shred of results jobwise, I've had to go back to looking at local hospitality things. The Mecca Bingo down the road from me was looking for someone so I applied for that, got an email saying they think I would be a good start and now it's time to see how the club/customers are like (as if I've never been before) and to call/email to arrange a free visit. I emailed them saying that I wanted to be straight up and that I was already member and already liked what I saw. They rang me back still offering a free visit, which gave me a bit of optimism. So free visit on Friday, gotta be on best behaviour. Gonna seek out the boss for personal handshake and appreciation of him offering me the visit.


Not sure how to approach the job thing after though, do I bring it up when I meet him? Email says:

"Like what you see? Once you've experienced being a customer, and believe you have the passion to deliver great service and would add value to our team, we'll then contact you for a further chat and team try-out."

I doubt they're gonna be watching me throughout the whole of my time there so wondering how they're going to gauge me.

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*sigh* you and yo' job whoring. Nice one dude.



Thinking of starting a pool as too how many pages into this topic until Animal gets a new job, any takers? :bouncy:



Hopefully we'll be finding out tomorrow how the shafting of nights is going to affect our routines. Normally each day we'd scan the gaps and then look for them, cunningly entitled... Gapscan. Apparently this will be pushed to just twice a week, which may lead to a reduction in hours unless they expect us to do more of other things (one of which I sincerely hope they don't, as it's boring enough the amount I do of it already), so things are looking so uncertain for basically anyone who isn't checkouts/specialist department.


Since the secretarial route isn't giving me any shred of results jobwise, I've had to go back to looking at local hospitality things. The Mecca Bingo down the road from me was looking for someone so I applied for that, got an email saying they think I would be a good start and now it's time to see how the club/customers are like (as if I've never been before) and to call/email to arrange a free visit. I emailed them saying that I wanted to be straight up and that I was already member and already liked what I saw. They rang me back still offering a free visit, which gave me a bit of optimism. So free visit on Friday, gotta be on best behaviour. Gonna seek out the boss for personal handshake and appreciation of him offering me the visit.


Not sure how to approach the job thing after though, do I bring it up when I meet him? Email says:

"Like what you see? Once you've experienced being a customer, and believe you have the passion to deliver great service and would add value to our team, we'll then contact you for a further chat and team try-out."

I doubt they're gonna be watching me throughout the whole of my time there so wondering how they're going to gauge me.

Can I join? I'm thinking 5 pages?


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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