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Job woes/wins


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So they finally got around to posting that job! I forgot how tedious updating your CV and writing a cover letter is.


Also, as its at my currently place they remembered my previous application and apparently I put that I was Muslim...

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Also, as its at my currently place they remembered my previous application and apparently I put that I was Muslim...


Asalam Alaiykum to you, brother. See you at the mosque tomorrow, brah.


I've told Ine to go for the job OR ELSE SHE WILL DIE. The plan will either be to supplement that job with either moar freelance or another part-time job, if successful.

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Can they prove that you aren't?


No and obviously its not an issue (as apparently its kept confidential anyway), but just strange I put that.


Asalam Alaiykum to you, brother. See you at the mosque tomorrow, brah.


I've told Ine to go for the job OR ELSE SHE WILL DIE. The plan will either be to supplement that job with either moar freelance or another part-time job, if successful.


Or you can sell your body. Want me to give my mother a ring?

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I've got an interview for a property litigation lawyer position for a commercial law firm in Leeds on Tuesday!


If I got the job it would mean moving out of legal aid but after being made redundant twice in 9 months I just don't think it's worth the stress of the uncertainty of it all.


If I don't get it then the search continues...

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I've got an interview for a property litigation lawyer position for a commercial law firm in Leeds on Tuesday!


If I got the job it would mean moving out of legal aid but after being made redundant twice in 9 months I just don't think it's worth the stress of the uncertainty of it all.


If I don't get it then the search continues...


What were you in before each of the redundancies? Same thing? I forget how mad it is lacking job security despite the fact I can actually be sacked with literally 13 hours notice(zero hours and that). The strangest thing is that despite knowing that on paper, I'm fairly certain it isn't ever likely to happen in reality unless there's some super extreme circumstances. Greatest risk is health/sickness for me, as I won't get sick pay.

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Greatest risk is health/sickness for me, as I won't get sick pay.


And holidays?


I do think this 0 hour malarkey gets sorted. It's become the new temp. I think it needs to be adjusted so that you get holiday/sick pay based on your average hours worked over the last x weeks.

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And holidays?


I do think this 0 hour malarkey gets sorted. It's become the new temp. I think it needs to be adjusted so that you get holiday/sick pay based on your average hours worked over the last x weeks.


I don't really know enough about it to comment properly but I heard that some people actually like it because it means they don't have the commitment every single week. Some people, such as parents (mothers in particular) find it flexible.

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And holidays?


I do think this 0 hour malarkey gets sorted. It's become the new temp. I think it needs to be adjusted so that you get holiday/sick pay based on your average hours worked over the last x weeks.


Above as Charlie said. I'm on a NHS zero hours - and it's my choice(I asked about contracts when starting to look at houses last year, my boss was happy for me to have one if I wrote my Job Description - I started looking into it and for my own reasons opted to stay ad-hoc). Regarding holidays - I'm actually pro-rata'd something in line with the WTD or something regarding holiday entitlement - so essentially I get it accounted for. Obv when I take holiday I get paid nothing; but I've technically had the pay already elsewhere, if that makes sense. That's actually better than when I worked for LAME when I was 17 - they had me on a 4 hour contract working much more than that - meaning when I took holiday I only got 4 hours pay! I assume sickness would have been the same. I understand it changed later to pro-rata the last 12 weeks or so, though.


I can't speak for others on zero hours contracts, but I'm happy with mine and am on it by choice. I know/have known a few nurses and HCAs on the wards who are solely bank(what we call zero hours/ad hoc) - they get enough work to get their living. I understand many out there might not be under the same terms or conditions, though.

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I may have just managed to blag my way into an interview haha.


Applied for a job as a Digital Marketing Assistant for a hotel thinking it sounded interesting and I had nothing to lose anyway. May have bigged up my skills quite a bit in my cover letter and am now having a face to face talk with someone on Sunday. I don't even know if I can do half of the stuff they would want me to do, oops. This will be interesting. =P

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I may have just managed to blag my way into an interview haha.


Applied for a job as a Digital Marketing Assistant for a hotel thinking it sounded interesting and I had nothing to lose anyway. May have bigged up my skills quite a bit in my cover letter and am now having a face to face talk with someone on Sunday. I don't even know if I can do half of the stuff they would want me to do, oops. This will be interesting. =P


Half the time it doesn't even matter if you can't do the skills they require as long as you show a willingness to learn. Read up on all these skills so you can talk knowledgeably about them at the interview.

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Yay Eenuh!



So several days after applying for that promotion, I've found another job I'm applying for (administrative, but in the gaming industry) and my friend has just been in touch about a potential job as well.



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To be honest I'm not even sure if it is a proper interview or just a chat, as she said she wanted to just speak on the phone or face to face. Decided to go for face to face (on a Sunday, as that is when she is available). We'll see what happens!


Though now my mind is already going like "what if I apply for the part-time job as well and I am offered both, what should I go for?". I haven't even applied for that one yet brain, shut up.

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Half the time it doesn't even matter if you can't do the skills they require as long as you show a willingness to learn. Read up on all these skills so you can talk knowledgeably about them at the interview.


Totally agree. I had little to no practical idea what I was doing in any of the aspects I started doing in my job(audit, database management, research) - I was actually worried for a while at first that they hadn't realised they got the wrong guy for the job. Just went at it as it came and learnt while doing it. The worst that really will happen is you get the job, start doing it and are completely incompetent - really that's unlikely though; you'll probably pick up what you need to do quite quickly! Is it in addition to the illustration work or instead of, @Eenuh?

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Totally agree. I had little to no practical idea what I was doing in any of the aspects I started doing in my job(audit, database management, research) - I was actually worried for a while at first that they hadn't realised they got the wrong guy for the job. Just went at it as it came and learnt while doing it. The worst that really will happen is you get the job, start doing it and are completely incompetent - really that's unlikely though; you'll probably pick up what you need to do quite quickly! Is it in addition to the illustration work or instead of, @Eenuh?


Well the job application says "This role can be either full-time (42.5 hours per week) or part-time (20+ hours per week). There is some flexibility on working hours."


So I don't know. :P

I would love to get the other part-time job for the whiteboard animation company, and then get this one as well (part-time), but not sure if that is really an option.

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Having some system issues in work, the majority of staff can't access the necessary systems to do their jobs................except me and a few others. 94 people in the queue, with only 5 people being able to actually answer the calls and do something with them is not fair. Not a happy bunny today.

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PM me her number, Broseph.

I take it you will be making the annual trip down to Bournemouth this summer? ;)


I don't think its annual on my family's part, but I plan to see your face this summer.



Last night I went for a chatterview with a friend of a friend. He is the co-founder of a company that live-streams e-games and we spoke about a production/business role.


We said I'll freelance for a bit to see if its a fit, but if it is the role would become full-time.


The problem is the pay. He asked me how much I'd like/need and I'm not sure. Done the maths (with no help from my accountant @Ellmeister I might add!) and have an idea, but not sure if its too much/little. Going to pester my creative friends for their advice, but just wanted to yammer on here!


Also, not sure what it means for the promotion in my current job. I think I'll still go for it, as its not like I've been offered a new job outright, but part of me will feel guilty if I quit so quickly. Although, in fairness, I've done it twice already so they know I'm a flight risk :heh:

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