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Job woes/wins


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edit: I don't get paid enough for this shit.


So update time.


Apparently my new manager has been paying attention to myself and my fellow colleagues, which getting into too much detail, we're a small team of six and one is leaving.


This apparently prompted a little while ago a 'thing' into how much we were each being paid and whatnot. Given my manager is new he wanted to see how we were doing given for the last 18 months our workload is for 10-15 people and is only going to increase.


Skip forward to Friday, I spoke to my lead in the pub and explained how much money I was on, it was a random turn of events mostly. She was pretty appalled thinking I was on 4-6k more than I was on, which led to some interesting questions of how newer starters (well just one person) ended up being paid more than me with much less experience. I am currently matching that 'newbie' but it took me over a year to get that.


Low and behold on Monday I sucked it up and for the first time ever I ''demanded'' (again sidenote: Basically our workload to pay ratio is shit and my manager is worried about any more of us leaving. So I was able to be a bit more forceful here) a payrsie with my manager. Mostly a 'look I need this because x, y and z.'


His response:


You're already getting one for October because I knew this was coming and you're absolutely 100% right. You're very underpaid.




Due to budget it's not as high as we both want, so it'll happen again in April. But it's a step, so now my pay is now (hopefully) going to match the work that I do for the team/company.


I'm pleased that given the last couple of months being an absolute pain in the arse, that my manager (who has only been here since April) has a really level head and seems to want the best for me and my team.


My only concern as it were is to make sure this doesn't happen again, I was the only person who was so underpaid and it raises questions as to why.





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Did you negotiate when you started? Did you come from a lower salary elsewhere?


I was previously on 3k less than what I started on.


As for negotiating, no, I didn't and I fell into that trap of 'you get what you're given.' Because I was so underpaid in my previous job (and badly treated) I took what I could get at the time.


Nowadays I realise just how much of a mistake that was on my part. I should have asked for much more. But I was typically quite desperate to leave my 7 day a week job for something more stable.


Its been the last 8-9 months that I've come to realise just how valued I am here at my company and how my workload to pay ratio was completely off. I'm thankful that my new manager agrees and has tried to find out why this was the case.


As it is, I won employee of the quarter last night, so bagged £500. So something is in the water/grapevine.

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I was previously on 3k less than what I started on.


As for negotiating, no, I didn't and I fell into that trap of 'you get what you're given.' Because I was so underpaid in my previous job (and badly treated) I took what I could get at the time.


Nowadays I realise just how much of a mistake that was on my part. I should have asked for much more. But I was typically quite desperate to leave my 7 day a week job for something more stable.


That's always the issue. People (and I include myself here) are wanting to move so much they don't want to risk negotiating the salary. It's a really tough situation to be in. When I moved to Morgan Stanley I tried to negotiate but they pretty much said that their offer was the best they could do. When I made a counter-offer they asked if I was willing to proceed at the rate they offered or not. I ended up accepting it.


Where I am now I made such a big jump I didn't feel the need to negotiate but I found out recently the agency who placed me here take a 20% cut!

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GUYS, I HAVE A NEW JOB! It's a 30 hour supervisor position in a shoe shop. All I will be doing is moving the shop round and that's it. It's my friend's old job and he told me everything I need to do and he even said to me "You'll do a lot less than you will now, everyone there has been there for years and they're happy where they are, they always get along and the job is easy". The thing is that they want 2 weeks' notice and I was honest and said my other job wanted 4 weeks. The manager even said "I admire that, it shows you're a man of your word but I can only take someone on who'll give 2 weeks notice" so I said "I'll totally do it" and accepted the job.


My nightmare job didn't like it. The assistant manager just congratulated me and said I needed to write a notice for 4 weeks. Said I could only do 2 and he was okay with it. I just quickly wrote down on paper that it's a letter of resignation starting from the date and that I'd only do 2 weeks and signed and dated it. That night, unfortunately (and this is the truth and it's graphic so beware) I come down with this sickness where my temperature changed dramatically, I was throwing up everywhere, my eyesight was going out of focus sometimes, my head and stomach were hurting...I phoned up all the management and nobody would cover so I said I'd phone the regional to get permission to shut the shop early and I did.


I'm getting better now though but I still can't really eat anything but crackers and I can't drink anything but water otherwise my stomach just goes weird. Apparently, it's a sickness bug that's been spreading around.


I phoned my old place up again today and said I wasn't coming in but all I got was attitude. She said "Well, when will you be better?" and I said "I don't know, I could be better tomorrow for all I know" and she said "Well, I NEED cover" so I said "Okay, write me off for a week then" and she said "So you're not going to come in tomorrow?" and I said "Well, I can't tell you if I'll be better and fit for work tomorrow or not so no, I won't come in and risk it" and she said "Okay but I still need your written notice". I told her I wrote one and left it in the office and she 'can't find it'. I just said "Well, I did write it and I did leave it in there" and she said "So you were dying with this illness and you found time to write this?" and I said "You know I was feeling decent at the start of my shift, which was when I quickly wrote it, as I'm sure you figured out" and she was like "Right" and put the phone down. Oh and someone who has access to the office phone has saved my number under "Fat Idiot" on the address book on the phone so I've taken pictures and I'm going to send them to the regional.


I can't wait to start my new job, guys! Everyone seems nice and my friend said it's wicked to work for and he was there for about a year. I'm just excited right now. I'M FINALLY OUT OF THAT SHITHOUSE! :D

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That's always the issue. People (and I include myself here) are wanting to move so much they don't want to risk negotiating the salary. It's a really tough situation to be in. When I moved to Morgan Stanley I tried to negotiate but they pretty much said that their offer was the best they could do. When I made a counter-offer they asked if I was willing to proceed at the rate they offered or not. I ended up accepting it.


Where I am now I made such a big jump I didn't feel the need to negotiate but I found out recently the agency who placed me here take a 20% cut!


Thankfully in this situation my manager came in (3 months ago now) and immediately wanted to change:


The salary

The workload


Which right now is completely in the 'salary is too low and workload is too high'.


So not just a pay rise but to have a manager who knows his stuff and wants us to have a decent work/balance life is great.

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Bit of a nightmare at work right now. People seem to be arguing a lot / gossiping about each other and it's making work not a nice place to be right now. It's a shame cause up until a few months ago I loved my job.


Kinda hard to look forward to work each day when you've lost respect for half of the senior management.


But saying that I passed the last diploma that I did :) so I'm a bit more qualified to start looking elsewhere for jobs!

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Not doing any work for the people who fucked you over is awesome!


As you all know, I have a new job and for the duration of my notice, I've just done fuck all but sit on my arse and do a tad of work. I plan to fuck them over! I need to do a delivery shift tomorrow and it just so happens I'm related to Raven from That's So Raven and I can predict the future. I'm pretty sure the driver is going to be two hours late and we'll be behind on delivery but it's all good because I go at midday! :D

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Not doing any work for the people who fucked you over is awesome!


As you all know, I have a new job and for the duration of my notice, I've just done fuck all but sit on my arse and do a tad of work. I plan to fuck them over! I need to do a delivery shift tomorrow and it just so happens I'm related to Raven from That's So Raven and I can predict the future. I'm pretty sure the driver is going to be two hours late and we'll be behind on delivery but it's all good because I go at midday! :D


Great work ethic!

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Hey, I've been working part time for City Facilities at my local Asda for over 4 years now, I tell you what it's been a rocky last few years what with the almost revolving door of Managers, staff shortages, equipment shortages and revamping of the way we clean the store which meant a major decrease in hours available. But I can finally say goodbye to it, I've gotten my first full time job at my local Screwfix Warehouse and Depot for Wincanton logistics, 35 hours a week on shift work at £7 for the first 13 weeks rising to £7.20 thereafter. It's a 6 month contract but I hope to be able to prove to them I'm worth keeping on in the long term. I don't start till Thursday due to my obligatory leave period but I have my induction on Monday, here's hoping it all comes together.

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You had your chance to do that with some accident at work action but you didn't think an official note from a registered medical professional about your injury was somehow insufficient :blank:


So - most dubious claim there.


I get that. I was a bit scared because there was no CCTV at the time and all of them were saying I did it. Obviously I said I didn't and I showed the texts and shit and he got a warning and stuff. However, I got another load of texts and I also e-mailed the name on the phone and along with a few others who have come forward, they plan to investigate him. It could happen a lot sooner but something's being done, I guess. I was an idiot to not do it but I was scared at the same time. I guess you can't understand my fear unless you're in my head.


Great work ethic!


To be fair, I have great work ethic. I really do.


I've worked too hard. Stupidly hard. It got to the point where I added it up and I found myself working 30-35 hours a month unpaid. I double-checked everything. That's staying over to get shit done or coming in early because they were understaffed and overworked. I know what everyone will say and they'll call me an idiot for doing it but I genuinely did care about a career there at one point. The past few months haven't been easy for me and it's took that to make me realise it's a dead end job. The amount of management who have come in, telling me how they were with the company for 15 years before being made supervisor or manager...it's stupid. I don't want to grind myself and worry myself for that long. I'm not talking of promotions straight away but 15 years is far too long. You could do amazing work and you're really not appreciated. If anything, they just put you down. It's shit.

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My deputy head and I been revamping our entire school library. We spent every day this week taking all the books off the shelves, cleaning the shelves, labeling the books, scanning their codes into the computer system, editing the records and placing them back into their newly designated spaces, all in wonderful alphabetical order.


It's taken fucking forever! We've both been having a laugh all week and it's not so bad with the radio on. But, fuark, I basically suggested this would be a good thing to do because our old library was shit, wasn't really used and it was really disorganised. Although it's not finished completely, we've put the vast majority of the books back onto the shelves. It looks a billion times better and should hopefully kickstart some of the ideas we've both got into improving things around the place.


One thing that did piss me off is that we had a member of staff (head of English, no less) come in on GCSE results day and told the deputy head that we were wasting our time. Couldn't fucking believe it! I'm pretty relaxed in work, but I would have given her hell had she said that to me. Surprised the deputy didn't tear her a new one...what an ungrateful cow! The real kick in the teeth is that she (head of English) is meant to be in charge of the fucking library that we were sorting out! I can't stand ungrateful people.

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Due to some recent departures in the business, I've been approached to join the Financial Accounting department. Normally these roles are quite sought after and generate a lot of interest, and then a lot of internal bickering when someone does or doesn't get it. But because of my experience with the systems, my old manager who now works in there recommended me to the head of the function and from then onwards, it was just a matter of when - I didn't even have to sit for an interview. Salary details are still being worked out but it should be a minimum jump of 20% if not more. I'm not able to move until my replacement comes in though, and we've done a hand over, which will be the start of the next month but in a few more weeks time, I'll no longer be a manager - thank heavens for that.

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Some arsehole broken into my locker at the work cos they mistook my fire alarm pager (I'm deaf so I need one) for a phone. The pager still have the time and date from the recently test for the fire alarm pager system so the security will review the footage of the locker room. Hope they caught the bastard and sacking him!

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Well, the owner of the company I work for almost got someone killed on Friday.


We're moving premises and we needed to move an enormous table from the upper floor of our factory area to the new site. It's worth noting this table is about the same size as a small car and hand built, so not exactly the sturdiest, despite being fucking heavy. We started dismantling it so that it could be taken down in parts, but apparently the boss didn't like this and voiced his opinion quite angrily. So due to this tantrum, we (about 6 people) ended up essentially dropping the table over a railing (his suggestion, as he was "leading" the move), whilst people on the ground floor caught it. It got so bad that rather than trying to position myself to be able to hold the weight of the table, I was positioning myself in a place that wouldn't kill me if/when the table dropped.


I am legitimately surprised someone wasn't seriously hurt or even killed. The weight of the table could easily have crushed someone. In fact, at one point we were carrying the table on it's side and the group decided to turn it so that it was upside down to get it on the lorry. The only problem was, I was carrying it like this, so as the table rotated, a hell of a lot of the weight was on the side of my neck and pushing my head to the side. It hurt a lot at the time and hasn't really felt right since.


Insane really.

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That guy needs a good kick up the arse. I can only imagine there isn't anyone to report him too? (as in outside of the company).


Thing is, he's as spiteful as he is insane. He can be nasty too*. So even if he couldn't legally fire me for complaining to someone official, he could make my working life miserable to the point of me quitting, which is essentially the same outcome.


*One of the hardest working guys in our office once asked for a pay rise (he was/is on piss poor pay), only to be told that there are plenty of people out there who could do his job, so he wasn't worth a pay rise. He's also the reason why the previous manager of our department (who is awesome) left.


He just treats everyone who isn't a salesman like absolute dirt or a resource to be exploited (both in and out of work). Fortunately, our jobs don't cross paths very often and I tend to give him a wide berth, so I'm pretty fortunate. I think if he spoke to me like he speaks to other people, I'd have quit on the spot or worse.

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