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Pokemon Wii U Rumour


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Here's a crazy idea for a home console Pokemon: Shiny HD upgrade, similar game mechanics, EVERY region is in... ALL Pokemon available. Proper challenge early on with powerful random encounters right off. Carry more than 6 Poke balls. .. Choose to be a breeder run a nursery, a gym leader and buy/run a gym, join/start a badguy Team.


So many things can be done... possibilities are endless.

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I appreciate this whole discussion and even Serebii's input.


But at the end of the day the want of seeing a decent stab at a Pokemon adventure on a home console is clear to see.

LOTS of people want it - and as much I respect tradition and the want for an original idea to stay true to its original conception, at the end of the day, its us - the consumer - who dictates whether the product is a success and can go on.


Its just ultimately bizarre that such an opportunity hasn't been taken advantage of... Its this lack of sense that puts Nintendo in its current state concerning the Wii U.

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The social aspect of trading Pokemon face to face is dead outside Japan. Sticking to a tradition that has become pretty much obsolete as a result of the internet makes no sense.


Also having an online console game means that proper regulation on cheating could be enforced. At the moment there is no point to the GTS since it is full of easy to hack Pokemon. It's all a bit of a farce, really.

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That wasn't part of my argument at all. My argument regarding handheld has always been the fact that Game Freak has said repeatedly that the idea of it is to take it with you.


It actually was in another discussion, along with a few others.


Especially with the upcoming software update for a faster boot-up, the Wii U gamepad is very Pokemon 'handheld' friendly.


Finally, the notion of carrying your Pokemon with you is really now just a relic in the face of the internet. If that really is the driving force behind Pokemon, then why make it online? Why not just stick with link cables?


If Serebii is right, and this is the enduring opinion of Gamefreak/Nintendo - then they are just simply dillusional.

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Guys, let me expand on Serebii's arguments here:


Pokémon always was a very social game. If I couldn't trade with my friends, there was no point to following the franchise (see Fused King's Ruby&Sapphire thread).


Online doesn't really change the fact that kids will still use Pokémon they got in trades to battle their friends, and it really doesn't change the fact that those close friends provide more reliable, trustworthy trades than anyone they may have met online.


And to those harping on about public transportation, and how cellphones provide better portable entertainment for those dull moments... Kids play Pokémon during recess, you short-sighted grown-ups! :heh:


Do kids play more on their cellphones? Yes. Are those social games? No.


For recess, Pokémon is really the most fulfilling game that kids can play. Sure, they might get into the franchise due to the cartoon (still airing!), but the games ensure they'll love the franchise.


More importantly: if a kid or two gets into Pokémon, their entire group of friends will want in on it. I can't think of any other game that could cause this reaction.



But enough talking about why portability is great for kids (and therefore sales), let's talk grown-ups and home consoles.


So, what does a home console bring to the table? In this thread, Cube was the only one to bring a decent, concrete suggestion to the table, other than "Pokémon should totes be on the Wii U, would revitalize console/franchise*".

(*Pokémon X/Y is one of the franchise's strongest iterations yet, by the way)


It does beg the question, though, if it is just like the portable version, there's no point in making it. But if it's going to be its own thing, with its own mechanics, it will inevitably be called a spin-off. Especially if it's done by another company (which it will, no way Game Freak would make a 3D RPG themselves). It really would have to follow its own set of rules, even if it does involve catching, training and trading 'dem beasts.


I'd be up for it being made, simply because I believe Pokémon Spin-offs (and all the perspectives they bring to the table) are good for the franchise. Who knows what kind of systems they could bring to the table.


One tiny point about this: such a game would not be bigger in scope. Handheld Pokémon games have TONS (and I mean TONS) of content and wonderful details, made possible by the "chibi" scale of its presentation. An RPG in the vein of Monster Hunter, Skyrim or Ni No Kuni could not have the same density of sheer content and lovely details that each game has that makes us love the franchise. The presentation would be immense, maybe there would be sprawling scenery to see... but not nearly as much to find.

(Mainly because someone said that a home console would allow the franchise to be bigger in scope. Perhaps the box would be larger, but it would be an emptier box, no doubt.)


Do today's kids really take it to school, battle and trade? and not just play games on their phones?


Yes. I've met plenty of kids throughout the years that got portables just to play Pokémon, main games and spinoffs alike.


Can't speak for the 3DS, that's the only one where I haven't seen the newer generation play Pokémon. Yet.


But I really don't buy any of this bullshit that Serebii is parroting, no offence to you Serebii.


Dude, are you purposely being an idiot?


...Real classy.

Serebii might be a bit too blunt about the points that he makes, but he's not hostile about it, you know.

Edited by Jonnas
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...Real classy.

Serebii might be a bit too blunt about the points that he makes, but he's not hostile about it, you know.


Admittedly, poor choice of words on my part and I shouldn't have called Serebii an idiot. However, I do think I was fair enough to call his points out as bullshit, because I really did believe his logic was based on nothing.


But I agreed to disagree, and left it there. But just going to throw out an apology to Serebii here for my choice of words, you know I don't mean any harm!

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One tiny point about this: such a game would not be bigger in scope. Handheld Pokémon games have TONS (and I mean TONS) of content and wonderful details, made possible by the "chibi" scale of its presentation. An RPG in the vein of Monster Hunter, Skyrim or Ni No Kuni could not have the same density of sheer content and lovely details that each game has that makes us love the franchise. The presentation would be immense, maybe there would be sprawling scenery to see... but not nearly as much to find.

(Mainly because someone said that a home console would allow the franchise to be bigger in scope. Perhaps the box would be larger, but it would be an emptier box, no doubt.)

I don't agree.


In games like Skyrim and Fallout, GTAV there are so many things tucked away, so many little secrets hidden, so many side quests to find and take part in that people spend the vast majority of the game doing them instead.


In an open world Pokemon for example you wouldn't want a pokemon to bump into every 5 seconds anyway, of course the game would have to change in it's design.


Or alternatively if the game was given an JRPG like map overworld like Skies/NiNoKuni where you bump into Pokemon then it would be a similar experience and the towns and secret areas could be packed full of character.


Yes. I've met plenty of kids throughout the years that got portables just to play Pokémon, main games and spinoffs alike.


Can't speak for the 3DS, that's the only one where I haven't seen the newer generation play Pokémon. Yet.

Well that misses my point then which was, are today's children doing it i.e. are the modern generation interested in the traditional pokemon concept, or would the series be better served changing itself anyway.


I know children have done it, because years back I was one of them.

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I don't agree.


In games like Skyrim and Fallout, GTAV there are so many things tucked away, so many little secrets hidden, so many side quests to find and take part in that people spend the vast majority of the game doing them instead.


In an open world Pokemon for example you wouldn't want a pokemon to bump into every 5 seconds anyway, of course the game would have to change in it's design.


Or alternatively if the game was given an JRPG like map overworld like Skies/NiNoKuni where you bump into Pokemon then it would be a similar experience and the towns and secret areas could be packed full of character.


Well that misses my point then which was, are today's children doing it i.e. are the modern generation interested in the traditional pokemon concept, or would the series be better served changing itself anyway.


I know children have done it, because years back I was one of them.

Children are still doing it, of that I can promise you

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Children are still doing it, of that I can promise you


Yeah obviously :indeed: Thanks for that pointless 10 word reply, I'll mull it over.


Once again, it was whether this was something that was diminishing.


Tbh @Serebii I wouldn't mind you stamping all over a discussion if you actually took part in a proper discussion... counter pointing others and actually making it appear like you've read and are interested in what they are saying.


Your answers are always the same and read as if they've come from a word document you have prepared for such events, only ever vaguely referring to or answering that which you've chosen to quote. You seem to just completely ignore or gloss over the interesting, excited ideas, or thought out parts of posts.

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I appreciate Serebii's input* in the thread too, i see he (as most of us can) is perhaps wording things perhaps too formally and too bluntly which comes off as wrong


I think the distinction between spin off and main game are also becoming a problem, i know when i think of a NiNoKuni clone i think of a spin off done by Level 5 and whom ever currently does the anime


as for level of Detail....Skyrim has lots of little hidden details as does the like of GTA and NiNoKuni so i certainly think they could have similar in a console RPG




*Is it wierd that as i typed I appreciate yourSerebii's input that the bloodhound gang song bad touch poped in?

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Pokémon would be an excellent launch title for both their next handheld and homeconsole which will interact with one another heavily.


Maybe the game could be similar on both the handheld and the home console, except that the homeconsole might offer some extra single-player content.

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I don't agree.


In games like Skyrim and Fallout, GTAV there are so many things tucked away, so many little secrets hidden, so many side quests to find and take part in that people spend the vast majority of the game doing them instead.


In an open world Pokemon for example you wouldn't want a pokemon to bump into every 5 seconds anyway, of course the game would have to change in it's design.


Or alternatively if the game was given an JRPG like map overworld like Skies/NiNoKuni where you bump into Pokemon then it would be a similar experience and the towns and secret areas could be packed full of character.


Okay, let me talk a bit of what I think of these 3 main suggestions people seem to bring to the table.


Skyrim: I think this might be the worst approach of the three. In Skyrim, you can walk for minutes before you see anything appears while Pokémon has Rattatas and Zubats popping at every chance. How would you include all of that vivid wildlife without random encounters, just have dozens of them pop at your feet? How would you go on about searching for a rare Pokémon, turn around in circle until it spawns? Pokémon has caves that house dozens of Golbats, Rhyhorns, Gravelers and 9-meter-long Onixes, how would you manage to render that and make it workable?

I mean, this is a game where the wildlife is the soul of the game, much more important than the size and detail of the map: it's the monsters that need to be detailed. Does Skyrim have 150 different enemies?

Roaming legendary Pokémon would probably work really well, though.


Monster Hunter: Hell yeah, this could work! Groups trainers, coming together to capture the most elusive (and dangerous) Pokémon of all, here, Eusine shall be your tutorial. It would be limited in scope (like Pokémon Ranger), with only a few dozen large Pokémon making the cut and a few others being playable (surely you wouldn't use your newly-captured Zapdos on that Gyarados, it would take the fun out of that battle) but has the potential to be really fun, and work really well.


Ni No Kuni: A nice idea in theory, but it seems that NNK's presentation is all that people want from such a potential Pokémon game.

In substance, it's not really that different from Pokémon X/Y, other than the fact that it features real time battles. Those, I think, would be hard to pull off while trying to make each Pokémon feel unique and well designed (I mean, Diglett clearly wasn't designed with real time battles in mind), but I suppose it could be done, with a handful of them.


I don't think anyone except Serebii is bothered about if it would be classified as a main title or spin off. Just that something could be made.


I dunno. I've seen people outright dismiss certain Pokémon titles because they weren't part of the "main series". Nerd elitism at its finest, but I suppose it is a minority (You, King V and Retro Link certainly don't seem to care).


A point should be made of the fact that spin-offs aren't extensively interactive with the main games (except for Stadium), so a spin-off would, by definition, be its own thing more than anything else, in other words, compatibility with the main games would be irrelevant. Something we all want, I believe.


Well that misses my point then which was, are today's children doing it i.e. are the modern generation interested in the traditional pokemon concept, or would the series be better served changing itself anyway.


I know children have done it, because years back I was one of them.


To be more specific, the last time I saw a kid going on about Pokémon was when one got glued to my Silver copy, this past New Year's Eve (so that's both 2013 AND 2014 :heh:). He brought a tablet to play, but he liked Silver more :grin: Before that, a couple of years ago, a group of kids playing Platinum at a friend's house. I've also seen various kids playing outdated generations on the subway (including a GBA, not too long ago).


I can't promise you that they're playing the newest versions, but they're playing. And when I say "throughout the years", I do include this one.


But really, the proof that kids still care about Pokémon lies in the fact that the show is still airing, and merchandise is still selling.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Said the farmer, before opening the golden-egg chicken :heh:[/devil's advocate, I get your point, can't say I disagree]

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All Nintendo would have to do is release a free bit of software on the 3DS that allows you to transfer your pokemon from the Wii U pokemon game to the 3DS and you could trade with people in the same way you can on the handheld games. This would solve problem of the Wii U pokemon game not having a social aspect.

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Skyrim: I think this might be the worst approach of the three. In Skyrim, you can walk for minutes before you see anything appears while Pokémon has Rattatas and Zubats popping at every chance. How would you include all of that vivid wildlife without random encounters, just have dozens of them pop at your feet? How would you go on about searching for a rare Pokémon, turn around in circle until it spawns? Pokémon has caves that house dozens of Golbats, Rhyhorns, Gravelers and 9-meter-long Onixes, how would you manage to render that and make it workable?

I mean, this is a game where the wildlife is the soul of the game, much more important than the size and detail of the map: it's the monsters that need to be detailed. Does Skyrim have 150 different enemies?

Roaming legendary Pokémon would probably work really well, though.


Skyrim has around 140 different enemies/creatures. Although nowhere near as varied as Pokémon. Also, Pokémon in a game like this would simply be roaming the environment. They wouldn't simply spawn. They could have their own habits - they eat food, drink water and act like animals. While Skyrim doesn't do this, there are mods, made by individual people, which add a ton of extra creatures and gives them all habits so they all continue acting behind the scenes (which works really well with hunting mods). The Pokémon would simply be a lot more common than creatures in Skyrim (which is empty because of the setting), but not as common as in the Pokémon games.


Finding rare Pokémon would be about figuring out where it would be in the world at the right time of the day/year.


I dunno. I've seen people outright dismiss certain Pokémon titles because they weren't part of the "main series". Nerd elitism at its finest, but I suppose it is a minority (You, King V and Retro Link certainly don't seem to care).


To be fair, I haven't played a main series Pokémon in around 14 years, but I still like the designs and stuff like that (well, the first 151). Which is probably why I'm more open about a very different Pokémon game.

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Skyrim has around 140 different enemies/creatures. Although nowhere near as varied as Pokémon. Also, Pokémon in a game like this would simply be roaming the environment. They wouldn't simply spawn. They could have their own habits - they eat food, drink water and act like animals. While Skyrim doesn't do this, there are mods, made by individual people, which add a ton of extra creatures and gives them all habits so they all continue acting behind the scenes (which works really well with hunting mods). The Pokémon would simply be a lot more common than creatures in Skyrim (which is empty because of the setting), but not as common as in the Pokémon games.


Finding rare Pokémon would be about figuring out where it would be in the world at the right time of the day/year.




To be fair, I haven't played a main series Pokémon in around 14 years, but I still like the designs and stuff like that (well, the first 151). Which is probably why I'm more open about a very different Pokémon game.

You should give X & Y a go :)

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With the recent trend of making handheld and console counterparts of the same game, ala Smash Bros, why not just add the main Pokemon series to the Wii U? Controversial, but I don't see how that will take away any social aspects from anything. Surely, all that would serve to do is broaden the exposure of the series?


Pokemon Plus & Minus - Wii U and 3DS - cross-connectivety, bundle packages, mass marketing etc.


Everyone is happy, all needs are suited, Wii U sales pick up - can it not be that simple?

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With the recent trend of making handheld and console counterparts of the same game, ala Smash Bros, why not just add the main Pokemon series to the Wii U? Controversial, but I don't see how that will take away any social aspects from anything. Surely, all that would serve to do is broaden the exposure of the series?


Pokemon Plus & Minus - Wii U and 3DS - cross-connectivety, bundle packages, mass marketing etc.


Everyone is happy, all needs are suited, Wii U sales pick up - can it not be that simple?

You would think wouldn't you, however you will be told it can't be.


Another alternative would be to have for example Pokemon X & Pokemon Y on the handhelds as usual, so you can still trade between them, and then release Pokemon Z on the home console as story driven RPG which once completed you can upload your XY pokemon into for New Game Plus, or something like that.

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If I'm being honest, I don't think Pokémon games have an 'immense scale' like has been implied. Most of the scenery is fairly basic and often constructed of repeating tiles or objects. I think the whole 'it would have less stuff/more spread out content in it on home console' is just a weird thing to say. The games aren't really packed to begin with.


You can also look at 2D to 3D transitions (which would be one of the major impacts of handheld to console) with games like Dragon Quest VIII. Having it on console worked wonders in terms of immersion. It was top class.

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I think, that after Pokemon/region have been introduced on the handheld version, they become "readily available" to the home console. Of course, as stated on another topic, a Wii U Pokemon game premiering a few new Pokemon first would sure sell units, and SHOULD be done RIGHT NOW, even if it's just a Stadium game.


HOWEVER, it's become increasingly clear Nintendo doesn't have resources to manage two consoles, and it's a very real possibility that next gen's home console will be both the portable (main feature) that is able to send its signal to the TV (home console, reverse Wii U) and will be mega powerful. The Wii U is almost there, just done the wrong way around. Which, obviously means that gen's Pokemon game would be both portable AND home console.


But saying that, a huge expansive home console Pokemon game with all the regions (and new ones), set as such huge massive world, that could be ever expanded, as quick as yearly (new region/Pokemon each year) would be excellent. As well as a main story, your avatar would be permanent (with all things that let you change appearance etc.), the story being basically what is now, about those you meet rather than yourself.


Region you start in is choosable and determines your home base. Each time you get 8 badges you get to go to the Elite 4, which is ever-changing (which an E4 constantly being challenged WOULD BE) with all the E4 members ever and new ones. Your badge box would be able to fit every badge ever. Each time you do 8 badges/E4 the game would upgrade somehow, with things getting harder and harder. It'd obviously need some restructuring issues in regards to levels/stats/AI and such.


Regions would be VERY Pokemon specific, with no dumping random huge amounts of Pokemon from other regions in places they have no reason being.


If connected online, you can easily bump into others going on journeys.


Throughout the game,as well as main stories, would be "Episodes" with each region being home to dozens of story episodes, with unique little stories (think of mini stories set in the world like the anime) that are optional. So basically RPG Optional Quests.


Design wise, sort of something like slightly top down/third person type thing in HD.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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You would think wouldn't you, however you will be told it can't be.


Another alternative would be to have for example Pokemon X & Pokemon Y on the handhelds as usual, so you can still trade between them, and then release Pokemon Z on the home console as story driven RPG which once completed you can upload your XY pokemon into for New Game Plus, or something like that.


That is a freaking great idea... Makes commercial sense and lures people into buying the home console. Could have easily been done with Pokemon Yellow, Crystal, Emerald etc.


Does anyone know how well the likes of Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum and B&W2 sold in comparison to the 'main' ones (Red/Blue, Gold/Silver etc)?

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