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Franchise Fatigue


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Fans have been begging for a new F-Zero, Metroid etc for a long time now and yet we keep getting Mario and Zelda.


I understand why (they sell big numbers and Nintendo need that right now), but I can't help but feel a bit tired of them. Even though they are mixing things up and trying new things (3D World and Link Between prove that), and the results are always stellar, I would personally be happy to not see another Mario and Zelda title for five years.


What about you guys? Are there certain franchises that you feel are being overplayed? What would you like to see getting more love instead?



Again, we're putting aside the business reasons why Nintendo keep releasing these titles. This is one of those "wouldn't it be nice" kind of ideas, rather than "NINTENDO NEED TO DO THIS BECAUSE I WANT IT!" ones.

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Fans have been begging for a new F-Zero, Metroid etc for a long time now and yet we keep getting Mario and Zelda.


I understand why (they sell big numbers and Nintendo need that right now), but I can't help but feel a bit tired of them. Even though they are mixing things up and trying new things (3D World and Link Between prove that), and the results are always stellar, I would personally be happy to not see another Mario and Zelda title for five years.


What about you guys? Are there certain franchises that you feel are being overplayed? What would you like to see getting more love instead?



Again, we're putting aside the business reasons why Nintendo keep releasing these titles. This is one of those "wouldn't it be nice" kind of ideas, rather than "NINTENDO NEED TO DO THIS BECAUSE I WANT IT!" ones.


I can't believe I'm saying this but the thought of playing another game with 'Mario' is just....eugh, no. I love Mario, don't me wrong, but I need something that at least tries to be new. It's the same for Zelda, although it doesn't help that I've been playing A Link To The Past recently too.


I think the best example of franchise fatigue for me is the Pokemon franchise. I've purchased each new game day 1 but I didn't even complete Heart Gold, B&W2 and Pokemon X. I probably won't buy one again.


Thankfully, it's let me pursue new games and franchises on steam and PS3. I'm excited for games like Dark Souls 2 and South Park, which will be completely new experiences for me. I just can't be bothered with the same games again and again anymore.

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Now that we've been banding around the potential of a new Ice Climbers I'd like to see that! :D


It has a lot of potential for a reboot. It doesn't have to be all cute and cuddly as the Ice Climbers appear in Smash, it only need be Ice Climbers in name and gameplay concept only; recognisable but not repetitive. Like Metroid was reinvented for the Gamecube.


Nintendo have done a good job in Metroid and Kid Icarus lately in reinventing some of their franchises, but I think there's a lot of potential to go even further with it! And Ice Climbers in the style of Journey could be sublime.


I'd love them to try new genre's, maybe even shorter more experimental games with their franchises.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I honestly do not think that Zelda is a series that is suffering from fatigue.


The last new console one was on the Wii and we have recently had a new handheld game last year but that has come late in the 3DS life.


Mario and Zelda? What about the yearly cycle of Fifa, CoD and Assassins Creed?


Don't get me wrong I would like Nintendo to utilise it's other franchises on a regular basis.

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The problem for me is that Nintendo doesn't make many games like Zelda. I'd be more comfortable with the idea of less Zelda titles if I thought we were actually going to get a lot more games full of 3D exploration, but I don't think we would.


As @Retro_Link says, people have been suggesting fantastic ideas for a new Ice Climber game that isn't similar to the original, but is more about exploring a snowy mountain. That sounds great, but the way Nintendo is at the moment, I can't imagine it happening. In a similar way, Kid Icarus could have been reinvented as an exploration game.


Basically, I wish Nintendo would sort its resources out and be able to offer an immersive game like this every year. Maybe if they made one graphics engine and shared assets for Metroid/Zelda/Kid Icarus/Ice Climber etc?

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Now that we've been banding around the potential of a new Ice Climbers I'd like to see that! :D


It has a lot of potential for a reboot. It doesn't have to be all cute and cuddly as the Ice Climbers appear in Smash, it only need be Ice Climbers in name and gameplay concept only; recognisable but not repetitive. Like Metroid was reinvented for the Gamecube.


Nintendo have done a good job in Metroid and Kid Icarus lately in reinventing some of their franchises, but I think there's a lot of potential to go even further with it! And Ice Climbers in the style of Journey could be sublime.


I'd love them to try new genre's, maybe even shorter more experimental games with their franchises.


I feel that Ice Climber, due to the two characters, could use the GamePad and asymmetric gaming in a great way but not quite sure how... Thinking two player and either different abilities based on your controller or the two of you using either side of the GamePad.


I honestly do not think that Zelda is a series that is suffering from fatigue.


The last new console one was on the Wii and we have recently had a new handheld game last year but that has come late in the 3DS life.


Mario and Zelda? What about the yearly cycle of Fifa, CoD and Assassins Creed?


Don't get me wrong I would like Nintendo to utilise it's other franchises on a regular basis.


I think it's all the remakes that make it appear worse, or at least like Nintendo is relying on those as filler. To me, obviously.

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I honestly do not think that Zelda is a series that is suffering from fatigue.


The last new console one was on the Wii and we have recently had a new handheld game last year but that has come late in the 3DS life.


Mario and Zelda? What about the yearly cycle of Fifa, CoD and Assassins Creed?


Don't get me wrong I would like Nintendo to utilise it's other franchises on a regular basis.


FIFA is a bit different, but yeah CoD and Assassin's are the definition of franchise fatigue for me. Never touching those games again.

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I for one thoroughly enjoy Assassin's Creed's yearly releases. It's really the only games I play right now. Haven't bought a Mario game since Galaxy 2 and haven't felt compelled to get the new 3DS one.


And this is basically what I'd like Nintendo to do more - utilise what they've already built in order to get more games out, even if they're similar to the last one in some ways. Majora's Mask, Metroid Prime 2 etc. It'd speed thing up so much, and we'd have many more games to play.

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I actually think Ice Climbers could work as a new, downloadable, exploration-adventure series for Nintendo!


Ice Climbers as a name would just come to mean the two adventurers, and the series could take them all over the world on different expeditions.


Like Journey each downloadable adventure need only be 2 hrs long, with one having them scaling a snowy mountain, the other having them venturing into a Peruvian jungle and temple. Like Nintendo's own episodic Uncharted/Indiana Jones style series.






I feel that Ice Climber, due to the two characters, could use the GamePad and asymmetric gaming in a great way but not quite sure how... Thinking two player and either different abilities based on your controller or the two of you using either side of the GamePad.
If Nintendo were brave, in single player it could control like Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, with each side of the controller being responsible for a different character.


In two player, whether players shared a controller or each had their own, with the two characters being tethered together with a length of rope I think a lot of the fun would just come from having to talk to each other throughout the game, it would be a brilliant co-op experience.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Mario yeah, definately getting a sense of too much Mario at the mo, give the plumber a year off and then surprise us with a proper new "3D" Mario title.

Zelda... I don't think I could ever get fatigued of Zelda :D One Handheld and One Console game in the last year (Link Between Worlds and Wind Waker Definative Version!) equals a hell of a year of gaming for me :D


I'd take the next "new" Zelda tomorrow if I could have it.... hoping it gets revealed at E3 and is released in time for Xmas :D



But anyway back to the main point.

Other Nintendo franchises, just focusing on franchises Nintendo already have but have been absent the last while


For me top of the list are

1080 and Wave Race both games that Nintendo had used to pull off some stunning visuals on the consoles they had the games on (N64 and GC) what could they pull off on the Wii U would be something to see. Add in the tight controls of each and using the Pro COntroller both could play like total dreams.


Then I'd love to see a new Metroid, maybe the start of a new trilogy? And something that takes place after Fusion.

Starfox and F-Zero of course would also love to see return, I mean when it comes to Smash, characters like Fox and Captian Falcon (and Samus) are ones that you know are certain to be included and would never be dropped in a new Smash game, yet their actual games we need to beg for? :mad:

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I have to say, and this might not be popular, I'm really fatigued by Mario Kart. I don't know if I have the desire to do all the cups and 3 star it all again, even with a new game mechanic. Nothing about the trailer inspired me last night :(


But then we haven't had a Mario Golf for ages and I couldn't be more excited about the new one!! :)

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Mario is feeling a little tired for me, i'm still yet to buy 3dworld, i've got too large a backlog but i'm not hyped enough to buy it, hell i've still not finished new super luigi that i bought!



Zelda on the other hand not so much, they are quite few and far between, Wind Waker HD i don't count as a new entry to the series, so its been quite a while since Skyward Sword


Handheld Zelda is qually as different since we had the 3d remake of Oot which again i don't count its a remake, ALBW is the newest handheld zelda since the DS ones


remakes feel like nostalgia trips and something i can buy to replace me digging out old consoles to replay them when i get the urge


but generally i think Oxygen waste got it spot on its genre fatigue, god damn i'm getting sick of very similar platformers! as a whole the platformer is getting a resurgance, but my god the Wiiu is littered with them, i think thats why certain ips are feeling so tired, because they symbolise the genre, and potentially are being overshaddowed by others

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I just started wondering...maybe this is because Nintendo feel the pressure to make more games? Since the 3rd party support simply isn't there anymore, all the weight on filling the Wii U catalogue is on Nintendo now. Seems like they are in a panic mode of sorts where they just wanna get something out there, like Mario / Kirby / Yoshi on both platforms etc. Same with Nes Remix, just rehashing old games must be a tad quicker to make than just making a brand new game. Just add the problems of the HD and the only route is making safe, simpler games. Too bad it's taking a toll on the creative side, but they really don't have the luxury of 3rd party support anymore...

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