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Should Nintendo go 3rd party?!


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Haha, well yes, me too, I love it actually. But I mean getting more people thinking it's a great machine. There's (clearly) too much to complain about, if they sort online, have a great digital library (retro and new) and start releasing a steady release of games, what is there to complain about? :)


Nothing. It's whether or not they can and will do these things that's the issue. :D

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I am probably wrong, but is the Wii U the first console nintendo has sold at a loss per unit (pre-price cuts, for previous generations) for a long time? The Xbox strategy was to lose money first gen in order to build up a user base, then use the user base to grow money with 2nd gen. What is it that nintendo has done differently with teh Wii U compared to the Wii? Well I would imagine that introducing a massive new market to the gaming world works wonders for a short while... but how many people that bought a wii to use wii fit used it for more than 6 months? More than 3? Can the same poeple then go out and spend £300 again, now that they know they gave up so easily on the last gen? The last gen's market should not be looked at based on units sold. I'm sure someone will fetch a stat (please do), but if you compared units sold vs total units sold you'd probably see that, compared to the competitors, the wii sells less games per units.


When you bring out a new console that is nowhere near as revolutionary, that doesn't draw NEW people in, you're going to encounter difficulty. Which is why microsoft burned their first gen in order to build a gamer user base. Many would argue that nintendo has failed to address the 'hardcore' gamer last gen, and may be paying for it this gen.


At this point I've realised that I may well be regurgitating arguments oft heard 'round here, so I'll shh.




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Fine I apologise, but I believe I am owed apologies from various people here who have turned it into personal attacks, just because I disagree with them. Perhaps subconsciously my wording has become hostile because that's the environment we're in here at the moment.


Seriously, it feels to me, and I know it is seen that way by many others here, that I am constantly being mistreated and insulted here just because I believe Nintendo aren't doomed.


You do realise that it was a tongue-in-cheek statement initially. It was a joke based upon the fact there was no support. Hence the emoticon. You appear to be over-reacting.


But fine, I'll just remember this for the future.


Way to go at showing a fine example of when an apology is not an apology! You should work for EA! :idea:


Also @Ashley you need to watch yourself don't forget your a staff member and are held up to those standards. Your views represent those of N-Europe I expect more professionalism from you.

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I don't want Nintendo to go 3rd party, I would just like them to embrace the 21st Century and do something that will blow us away in the next few years : peace:


As unlikely as it is to happen, I'd LOVE a Nintendo Phone, similar in many ways to the picture below :love:




I'd be able to get rid of my BlackBerry and take my Nintendo gaming EVERYWHERE.. it would be AWESOME :yay:


Downloadable 3DS, DS, GBA, GB, N64, SNES and NES games amongst a myriad of Nintendo Apps, as well as the potential to provide the optional second (and third.. :indeed:) screen display to accompany any future home Nintendo console or device!


I'd pay a lot of money for something like that..

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I don't want Nintendo to go 3rd party, I would just like them to embrace the 21st Century and do something that will blow us away in the next few years : peace:


As unlikely as it is to happen, I'd LOVE a Nintendo Phone, similar in many ways to the picture below :love:




I'd be able to get rid of my BlackBerry and take my Nintendo gaming EVERYWHERE.. it would be AWESOME :yay:


Downloadable 3DS, DS, GBA, GB, N64, SNES and NES games amongst a myriad of Nintendo Apps, as well as the potential to provide the optional second (and third.. :indeed:) screen display to accompany any future home Nintendo console or device!


I'd pay a lot of money for something like that..


Wow now that really would be something BUT how do you see it in light of the Playstation Experia flopping? That was a playstation device that purely played older games. Would Nintendo's vast past library be enough?

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Probably a redundant question for me to be asking, but how many games to people here buy as an average? I ask just to get an idea of what a steady stream might be...


And maybe to get some on topicness into it, How many more Nintendo games do multiplatform owners imagine they might bepurchaseing, were Nintendo to be 3rd party this gen?

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Wow now that really would be something BUT how do you see it in light of the Playstation Experia flopping? That was a playstation device that purely played older games. Would Nintendo's vast past library be enough?


It wouldn't just be limited to older games though as it would basically be their next handheld which they would release new games for..


It would be amazing :grin:

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I don't want Nintendo to go 3rd party, I would just like them to embrace the 21st Century and do something that will blow us away in the next few years : peace:


As unlikely as it is to happen, I'd LOVE a Nintendo Phone, similar in many ways to the picture below :love:




I'd be able to get rid of my BlackBerry and take my Nintendo gaming EVERYWHERE.. it would be AWESOME :yay:


Downloadable 3DS, DS, GBA, GB, N64, SNES and NES games amongst a myriad of Nintendo Apps, as well as the potential to provide the optional second (and third.. :indeed:) screen display to accompany any future home Nintendo console or device!


I'd pay a lot of money for something like that..


If the bottom screen was bigger ;)


That could be possible if perhaps Nintendo licensed ds technology for example to a phone maker, but I think it would be most likely if it happened at the start of their next handhelds lifetime.

A phone With DS technology and access to the vc shop. Possibly strip out the cartridge ports and replace them with on board memory.

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It wouldn't just be limited to older games though as it would basically be their next handheld which they would release new games for..


It would be amazing :grin:


My problem would be that with it being my phone, I'd never want to play any games on while I'm out so I didn't run the battery down.

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Probably a redundant question for me to be asking, but how many games to people here buy as an average? I ask just to get an idea of what a steady stream might be...


And maybe to get some on topicness into it, How many more Nintendo games do multiplatform owners imagine they might bepurchaseing, were Nintendo to be 3rd party this gen?


I bought 98 new games last year be it full console releases, downloadable console games and steam purchases. Not a single one was on a Nintendo home console. I would say if Nintendo were publishing games on other consoles the number would obviously be higher!

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Wow now that really would be something BUT how do you see it in light of the Playstation Experia flopping? That was a playstation device that purely played older games. Would Nintendo's vast past library be enough?


Look at how Windows is getting on with there own OS. They have about 4% of the market. Launching a phone with there own OS would be suicide and like you pointed out the Expria flopped and how many people do you see with a controller add on for there phone?


The vast majority of people who use phones to game dont care about a dpad and buttons. The ones that do most likely already have a 3DS or Vita.

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Nintendo aren't going third party here is the DS FUSION:




Took this post from Giant Bomb:



“Before I go into the detail on the Softwear and OS features I overheard, I will like to do a upgraded recap on the specs of both machines. The codename is now “FUSION” and many the R&D want to keep that name for the main console release. The Handheld unit is called the “FUSION DS” while the home unit is called “FUSION TERMINAL.”




CPU: ARMv8-A Cortex-A53 GPU: Custom Adreno 420-based AMD GPU




>2 130 mm DVGA (960 x 640) Capacitive Touchscreen


>Slide Out Design with Custom Swivel Tilt Hinge


>Upper Screen made of Gorilla Glass, Comes with Magnetic Cover


>Low End Vibration for Gameplay and App Alerts


>2 Motorized Circle Pads for Haptic Feedback


>Thumbprint Security Scanner with Pulse Sensing Feedback


>2 1mp Stereoptic Cameras


>Multi-Array Microphone


>A, B, X, Y, D-Pad, L, R, 1, 2 Buttons


>3 Axis Tuning Fork Gyroscope, 3 Axis Accelerometer, Magnetometer


>NFC Reader


>3G Chip with GPS Location


>Bluetooth v4.0 BLE Command Node used to Interface with Bluetooth Devices such as Cell Phones, Tablets


>16 Gigabytes of Internal Flash Storage (Possible Future Unit With 32 Gigbytes)


>Nintendo 3DS Cart Slot


>SDHC “Holographic Enhanced” Card Slot up to 128 Gigabyte Limit


>Mini USB I/O


>3300 mAh Li-Ion battery




GPGPU: Custom Radeon HD RX 200 GPU CODENAME LADY (2816 shaders @ 960 MHz, 4.60 TFLOP/s, Fillrates: 60.6 Gpixel/s, 170 Gtexel/s)


CPU: IBM 64-Bit Custom POWER 8-Based IBM 8-Core Processor CODENAME JUMPMAN (2.2 GHz, Shared 6 MB L4 cache)


Co-CPU: IBM PowerPC 750-based 1.24 GHz Tri-Core Co-Processor CODENAME HAMMER


MEMORY: 4 Gigabytes of Unified DDR4 SDRAM CODENAME KONG, 2 GB DDR3 RAM @ 1600 MHz (12.8 GB/s) On Die CODENAMED BARREL


>802.11 b/g/n Wireless


>Bluetooth v4.0 BLE


>2 USB 3.0


>1 Coaxial Cable Input


>1 CableCARD Slot


>4 Custom Stream-Interface Nodes up to 4 Wii U GamePads or 4 DSc


>Versions with Disk Drive play Wii U Optical Disk (4 Layers Maximum), FUSION Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) and Nintendo 3DS Card Slot.


>1 HDMI 2.0 1080p/4K Port


>Dolby TrueHD 5.1 or 7.1 Surround Sound


>Inductive Charging Surface for up to 4 FUSION DS or IC-Wii Remote Plus Controllers


>Two versions: Disk Slot Version with 60 Gigs of Internal Flash Storage and Diskless Version with 300 Gigs of Internal Flash Storage.




“Nintendo has already begin making demo software for the targeted prototype hardware in efforts to curb the Wii U mistake in the software pipeline (they started creating software after prototyping and were unable to give major software push the first two years as a result). Nintendo plans to make most of the software prototypes into games and applications around the launch of the unit.”






I'm not sure where these rumors are coming from but I found the original article here: http://gaminrealm.com/2014/01/21/nintendo-next-gen-system-specs/


Would this even remotely make sense for Nintendo to launch yet another console even if the WiiU has been sort of a fumbled mess up until this point?

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Jesus @flameboy don't post that blatant troll topic on here! it got to 4 pages on neogaf (all people laughing) before the thread was locked


Hahaha....I didn't actually post any writing to give my post some context. However there is a reason I posted it. It's clearly fake and ridiculous it's like a kitchen sink of everything and is clearly not going to happen in that form! However Nintendo cannot survive with the Wii U selling such small numbers. They aren't going to go 3rd party (that's a "fact") so what do they do hardware wise? If the Wii U can't be rebranded, remarketed and made more appealing to the masses what direction do they take next time round? What features from this fake console could be true innovations?

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I couldn't see this posted anywhere, sorry if I just missed it.


Nintendo Must Reinvent Itself - OPINION: Dismal Wii U Sales are just a by-product of deeper problems


Unsurprisingly I agree pretty massively with it. Nintendo are too conservative and too Japan-centric. I think to remain in the home console business that would have to change, they would have to take more risks with genre types. Or, to maintain their heritage, they should go third party.


Either way, it'll be exciting to see what Nintendo do.

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I don't want Nintendo to go 3rd party, I would just like them to embrace the 21st Century and do something that will blow us away in the next few years : peace:


As unlikely as it is to happen, I'd LOVE a Nintendo Phone, similar in many ways to the picture below :love:




I'd be able to get rid of my BlackBerry and take my Nintendo gaming EVERYWHERE.. it would be AWESOME :yay:


Downloadable 3DS, DS, GBA, GB, N64, SNES and NES games amongst a myriad of Nintendo Apps, as well as the potential to provide the optional second (and third.. :indeed:) screen display to accompany any future home Nintendo console or device!


I'd pay a lot of money for something like that..

Yeah good luck with that... Given the rate they're releasing them on the Wii U VC, the world would have probably moved on to Heads Up Displays as phones or something by the time Nintendo get them out :p Edited by Retro_Link
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That phone idea would be a complete disaster, more so than the Wii u :p Nintendo wouldn't provide enough/frequent content and hell, we've seen it all before, phones are fine, handhelds are fine, but whenever you mix the two like the N-gage and that play station phone, it never takes off.

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I couldn't see this posted anywhere, sorry if I just missed it.


Nintendo Must Reinvent Itself - OPINION: Dismal Wii U Sales are just a by-product of deeper problems


Unsurprisingly I agree pretty massively with it. Nintendo are too conservative and too Japan-centric. I think to remain in the home console business that would have to change, they would have to take more risks with genre types. Or, to maintain their heritage, they should go third party.


Either way, it'll be exciting to see what Nintendo do.


Good article that points to many of the problems that Nintendo are facing.


The Sony comparison is a great one. The way they turned the PS3 around was nothing short of amazing. Getting a westerner in for the creation of the PS4 has so far paid off. It's this fresh perspective that Nintendo needs. The old guard still have their place in Nintendo but they need someone who didn't grow up in the company to offer a different solution to the problems they are facing.


I like how it also states how the console market power has shifted from the East to the West, something that many of us already knew, yet Nintendo seemed oblivious to it.

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I couldn't see this posted anywhere, sorry if I just missed it.


Nintendo Must Reinvent Itself - OPINION: Dismal Wii U Sales are just a by-product of deeper problems


Unsurprisingly I agree pretty massively with it. Nintendo are too conservative and too Japan-centric. I think to remain in the home console business that would have to change, they would have to take more risks with genre types. Or, to maintain their heritage, they should go third party.


Either way, it'll be exciting to see what Nintendo do.


This is a very good read. I agree, it'll be interesting to see what path they take.

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Good article that points to many of the problems that Nintendo are facing.


The Sony comparison is a great one. The way they turned the PS3 around was nothing short of amazing. Getting a westerner in for the creation of the PS4 has so far paid off. It's this fresh perspective that Nintendo needs. The old guard still have their place in Nintendo but they need someone who didn't grow up in the company to offer a different solution to the problems they are facing.


I like how it also states how the console market power has shifted from the East to the West, something that many of us already knew, yet Nintendo seemed oblivious to it.


Yep real change will require many steps to be taken and a willingness and acceptance that the company needs to adapt to what is happening around them.

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