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No Man's Sky


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People on Gaf have said that yes, the PS4 version is 60fps.


These were horrible horrible lies. It's 30. Some people need new eyes. That said, enjoying it loads. Still on first planet! Have all the materials I need but currently exploring it and continually finding new things. Got a nice new mining laser, figured out you can SWITCH firing modes so no need to dismantle upgrades like an idiot.


Found more but don't want to spoil. Going in blind is definitely best way to play.


Will say explore planets. You find so much you wouldn't be expecting.

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These were horrible horrible lies. It's 30. Some people need new eyes. That said, enjoying it loads. Still on first planet! Have all the materials I need but currently exploring it and continually finding new things. Got a nice new mining laser, figured out you can SWITCH firing modes so no need to dismantle upgrades like an idiot.


Found more but don't want to spoil. Going in blind is definitely best way to play.


Will say explore planets. You find so much you wouldn't be expecting.


It appears the people on Gaf were very confused! (Which is where I got my info).


I can't tell the difference. lol

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From the impressions I've read elsewhere, this game gets old really fast, which is what I feared. Is anybody getting fatigued with it yet?


Nope. I didn't finish playing until gone 4 o'clock yesterday...maybe even closer to 5. I spent most of that time searching for anti-matter. I'm still in my first system and am just about to leave.


There's plenty in there to see, experience and do. The vast majority of opinions I've been reading on Reddit seem to give the impression that they're loving it. It's a great game, in my opinion.

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Managed to play about 4 hours of this myself yesterday, on and off through the day, and I'm definitely amongst those who're loving it so far.


It's exactly the kind of game I'd hoped it would be, and taps into the explorer in me; being on the edge of the frontier and searching out new worlds, discovering them and what's there is just great fun so far and I don't really see that changing any time soon.


I've been to 4 planets and every one of them has been different. The first one I started on was mountainous and would have toxic showers every now and then, the second a sprawling green landscape with some hills and valleys but much more friendly, the third was a planet with the first body of water I'd seen, and the one I'm currently stationed on is a frigid wasteland with temperatures dropping to minus 77 degrees at night. Each one has presented different challenges/hazards to circumvent and been very diverse in the plant and animal life that I've encountered.


Made the jump to my second system/cluster yesterday afternoon but think I'll be holding off jumping further along as there are 5 planets to explore and even though I'm unlikely to hit more than 5% of them all, the pull and desire to see what life is there is a really strong one and I think that's really more about what the game is than the survival aspect or getting to the centre. It's like the games you'd play in your background as a kid, pretending to be explorers and taps right into that vein. Sure, the mining and stuff can get a bit repetitive but I've upgraded my mining beam enough that it's pretty quick and I'm back off exploring in seconds.


The sheer scale of everything though, I was loosely wrapping my head around it prior to release just purely on the numbers but playing it is a whole different kettle of fish. When I left my first planet and saw how long it would take to get to the others in the system, my mind was boggled at the size of it all. It really is an incredible feat. Just flying through space or around the planets and soaking it all in, with that killer 65daysofstatic soundtrack, is a great experience.


Can't wait to be done with work to get back on with things. I'm working from home today and the draw to just jump on for a little bit is really distracting so hopefully I can finish up my stuff before too long and get exploring :grin:

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That video of Sean Murray mentioning multi-player numerous times is brutal. He needs to clarify ASAP as it simply looks like straight up lying.


The game certainly looks huge in scale but looking at different videos I just see different planets that look very similar with different colors.


Am quite surprised Sony got behind this so big by making it one of there E3 major titles.

Edited by liger05
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I can see how people don't like the game. I do think, however, that NMS is not a game for the majority of those (based on criticism I've read today).


It's a game about exploration and survival. In my first 5 hours with the game which were spent entirely on the starting planet I've explored maybe 5% of the planet, mined resources, survived, discovered plants, discovered animals, discovered caves, discovered ruins, learned more words for the alien language...it's all a bit samey but for me this isn't a criticism with NMS.


You can compare it to (vanilla) Minecraft: After a couple of hours you've seen everything there is but due to the procedurally generated world it's always a little bit different. Most importantly, though, the way you play makes every moment special. (With Minecraft the building aspect is huge, obviously. Hopefully NMS can deliver something like this, too.)

I feel it's the same with NMS. If you don't like an experience similar to this you shouldn't have bought No Man's Sky. I think it was clear for a few months now that this is a game about exploration and discovery.


The criticism I've read the most: "I've played this for 30 hours and feel like I've seen everything."

Well, of course...you've played this for fucking 30 hours :laughing:


Anyway, tl;dr: I can understand the criticism but I'd say the game is only for gamers who enjoy discovery. NMS is wonderful and is definitely a game that defines this generation.



A couple of things I'd like to see in the future:


- Some kind of mapping. Simply being able to set waypoints which are visible on your HUD would be a great help (actually, I can't believe how the devs didn't think of that...).


- Aliens don't feel like a true "living thing". There are no cities, you only see one specimen at a time and they are basically just traders. It works fine for now but I think there need to be alien races that feel like a civilization.


- Being able to build stuff. But we're getting that so...awesome :D


- flying should be reworked. You should be able to fly much more freely, i.e. not be locked at a certain altitude above ground. Let me try and land everywhere myself, let me boost through the air 50m above ground, let me risk crashing my ship.



Still, I freaking love No Man's Sky. It has it's flaws but it certainly is a game that will be amongst my favourites forever.


I mean, there's something wonderful about looking at the horizon and seeing 3 planets in the sky and knowing you can fly there if you want to.

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Click on the picture will take you to my tumblr filled with screenshots of my journey.


Just spent 10 hours on the game without break lol. Around 5 mins later after I started the game and I already enraged the sentinels whilst mining some resources. They sent a walker after me but I managed to escaped into a cave. :laughing:


The starter planet got plenty of rare resources which is nice. Then I eventually leave it about 3 hours later to check out the other planets in the system. Probably spent about 1-2 hours exploring the other planets before I picked up the warp cell to leave the system towards the Atlas interface.


Found a crashed ship with one more slot than my starter ship and I named it "Spacehog". It was terrible in the combat but I managed to find a better crashed ship with good firepower called Itachizu S45. It wrecked alot of ships with mining phasers.


So far, I made over a million units, upgraded my suit to 26 slots and Itachizu got 17 slots. Found a great system which I'm gonna spent my time mining all those rare material without get in trouble with Sentinels. My current plan is mining and sell until I have enough money to buy a ship with 25+ slots if possible.

Edited by DriftKaiser
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There are definitely lots of ways they could improve it. But it's pretty much everything I wanted and that was promised.



A couple of things I'd like to see in the future:


- Some kind of mapping. Simply being able to set waypoints which are visible on your HUD would be a great help (actually, I can't believe how the devs didn't think of that...).


There are icons that appear at the top of the screen when on a planet? They're not waypoints set by the player though.


They purposefully didn't include a minimap or the like because, well, no ones been there before. Can't have a map for an uncharted planet. :D



- Aliens don't feel like a true "living thing". There are no cities, you only see one specimen at a time and they are basically just traders. It works fine for now but I think there need to be alien races that feel like a civilization.


Yeah that'd be good and something I reckon they'd try if they can.



- Being able to build stuff. But we're getting that so...awesome :D


And the ability to fly freighters!

- flying should be reworked. You should be able to fly much more freely, i.e. not be locked at a certain altitude above ground. Let me try and land everywhere myself, let me boost through the air 50m above ground, let me risk crashing my ship.


It can be a bit weird and difficult at times. I've had the bug where I take off and got launched right up into space. It's kinda funny.




Still, I freaking love No Man's Sky. It has it's flaws but it certainly is a game that will be amongst my favourites forever.
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There are icons that appear at the top of the screen when on a planet? They're not waypoints set by the player though.


I was thinking of waypoints that could help you to find your way out of a huge cave or to remind of a certain facility that you need to explore.


They purposefully didn't include a minimap or the like because, well, no ones been there before. Can't have a map for an uncharted planet. :D


But what about a device which maps out the planet or preferably a small area around you?



I think I'll delete my save and start from scratch. It was my plan all along. Play for a day to get used to everything and then begin again "for real". It's not like the knowledge I have now will give me big advantave on my new save. There's no real reason for this approach, it's just something I've decided on a couple of days ago :D Also: Apparently I still got the Atlas Guidance even though I declined it ::shrug: Hope this doesn't happen again.


Edit: Save deleted :D I have to eat now, though...Playing this makes me forget everything...


I hope that I'll remember taking more screenshots now that I know what I have to expect in the beginning.

Edited by drahkon
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Oh god, I'd love a photo mode. Wouldn't play anything else ever again!


I'm excited for the future of this game. For some reason, I had myself down as an explorer beforehand, but I actually enjoy being a trader. I've been mining for Emeril since I noticed you can get good prices for that. It's quite fun playing it that way. It'll be awesome to have bigger freighters in the future! Curious to see how the bases will work.

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I was thinking of waypoints that could help you to find your way out of a huge cave or to remind of a certain facility that you need to explore.



But what about a device which maps out the planet or preferably a small area around you?



I think I'll delete my save and start from scratch. It was my plan all along. Play for a day to get used to everything and then begin again "for real". It's not like the knowledge I have now will give me big advantave on my new save. There's no real reason for this approach, it's just something I've decided on a couple of days ago :D Also: Apparently I still got the Atlas Guidance even though I declined it ::shrug: Hope this doesn't happen again.


Edit: Save deleted :D I have to eat now, though...Playing this makes me forget everything...


I hope that I'll remember taking more screenshots now that I know what I have to expect in the beginning.

When you delete your game, I wonder if you're discovered stuff gets deleted too?

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It's been really interesting reading people's impressions on numerous forums over the last couple of days. I think I've seen a split of about 60-40 in terms of positive vs negative. Some people have become really engrossed in it, as Flink, Drahkon & Somme etc have, but some people have found it tedious. The main point of contention that has stood out to me so far has been the inventory management and survival aspects, some saying that it's too cumbersome and has you fiddling about too much, others saying it gets less frequent as you progress. To me it sounds like an interesting mechanic, making you work before you can really explore.


The most fascinating thing has been the 'You can't see other players' controversy, the reaction has been hilarious from both sides. Amazing how quickly critics have jumped on things Sean Murray said previously, and then there are the people who are staunchly defending Hello Games like everything they say is gospel. Its great being in the middle of it and being able to see that both camps are wrong to a certain extent.

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I can see how people don't like the game. I do think, however, that NMS is not a game for the majority of those (based on criticism I've read today).


It's a game about exploration and survival. In my first 5 hours with the game which were spent entirely on the starting planet I've explored maybe 5% of the planet, mined resources, survived, discovered plants, discovered animals, discovered caves, discovered ruins, learned more words for the alien language...it's all a bit samey but for me this isn't a criticism with NMS.


You can compare it to (vanilla) Minecraft: After a couple of hours you've seen everything there is but due to the procedurally generated world it's always a little bit different. Most importantly, though, the way you play makes every moment special. (With Minecraft the building aspect is huge, obviously. Hopefully NMS can deliver something like this, too.)

I feel it's the same with NMS. If you don't like an experience similar to this you shouldn't have bought No Man's Sky. I think it was clear for a few months now that this is a game about exploration and discovery.


The criticism I've read the most: "I've played this for 30 hours and feel like I've seen everything."

Well, of course...you've played this for fucking 30 hours :laughing:


Anyway, tl;dr: I can understand the criticism but I'd say the game is only for gamers who enjoy discovery. NMS is wonderful and is definitely a game that defines this generation.



A couple of things I'd like to see in the future:


- Some kind of mapping. Simply being able to set waypoints which are visible on your HUD would be a great help (actually, I can't believe how the devs didn't think of that...).


- Aliens don't feel like a true "living thing". There are no cities, you only see one specimen at a time and they are basically just traders. It works fine for now but I think there need to be alien races that feel like a civilization.


- Being able to build stuff. But we're getting that so...awesome :D


- flying should be reworked. You should be able to fly much more freely, i.e. not be locked at a certain altitude above ground. Let me try and land everywhere myself, let me boost through the air 50m above ground, let me risk crashing my ship.



Still, I freaking love No Man's Sky. It has it's flaws but it certainly is a game that will be amongst my favourites forever.


I mean, there's something wonderful about looking at the horizon and seeing 3 planets in the sky and knowing you can fly there if you want to.


Think i agree with that, the biggest annoyance for me is the inventory, which i find is a bit too small and easy to fill - which wouldn't be so bad if you could easily get back to your ship to fly of and sell stuff

Watch someone tell me you can fast travel back to your ship and i didn't know


I personally feel you should be able to stack more up the 250 to 500 with your suit and 500 to 2000 in your ship and some items really need to let you stack full stop like the low level crafting items and some of the unique items you sell - it wouldn't be so bad if you could drop them and find them later,you can only discard them.

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The inventory management has certainly gotten easier, but at the cost of me saving money for a new ship. So even then there's sacrifices. I will get a better ship soon I hope!


Day two:


I absolutely love this lifeless rock, which I'm still on. It has a great atmosphere (not literally of course) and the sentinels couldn't give two shits what I do. :D




Found a weird create that reminded me of Dugtrio:




Was great to find some space that wasn't completely colourful:










And this thing was pure evil:



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New save, let's see...


Definitely cold...




...but beautiful.




Discovered this little fella.




And this crazy son of a bitch...





I wanted to stop playing 2 hours ago...but one more "?"...found a transmission tower that sent me to a ruin. On my way there I found a drop pod and a monolith. After that I reached the ruin and thought: "Well, one more "?""...



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I've got a question to those of you who have played it a lot. I've read a lot of comments from people who are on the fence about getting it and the general reaction seems to be mixed, do you think a demo is a possibility? I'm just curious if you think it's something that could be done, rather than something that would be done.


I'm thinking it would be possible if the demo consisting of an entirely separate universe, limited only to a single planet or moon that generates differently for every player rather than giving people an opportunity to try it out in the real universe and cordon things off. A demo that just shows off the games mechanics on a smaller scale rather than throwing you into the games 'real' universe.

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A demo of a solar system could work maybe? But it would take out the "what's out there?" factor, which a lot of us enjoy.


Are you on the fence then? If so what are you reservations? Although I like it a lot it's certainly not a game for everyone, though everyone and his mother seems to feel personally slighted a niche sci-fi survival game hasn't been geared towards them specifically, but hey, that's the Internet.

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