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If anyone DOES get bored enough to sell I might be willing to beat any trade-in values for cash...


(CEX have 4.5k copies available online and are still trying to sell at £42!)

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I thought i wouldn't get bored, i loved the game, but after i discovered in another system an almost carbon copy of what i called "planet of the blobs" (i posted screen shots) it instantly made me think of how much repetition I'd already encountered, and once i started to notice the repeated elements it took the shine off.

Its not that i hate the game or even dislike it, but the finished product in no way lives up to my expectations based on all the trailers and interviews - the key disappointments for me are i've yet to see Dinosaurs,giant rhino's rampaging or sand snakes shown in those e3 trailers, its weird the idea of faction wars initially mentioned spoke to me no end and that certainly is absent


Like Ronnie said its a 6/10 game for me and i feel like I've paid over the odds

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If anyone DOES get bored enough to sell I might be willing to beat any trade-in values for cash...


(CEX have 4.5k copies available online and are still trying to sell at £42!)


Grrr effing hate CEX.

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the key disappointments for me are i've yet to see Dinosaurs,giant rhino's rampaging or sand snakes


I've seen the first two. Like with the real universe, you have to explore to find the really good stuff. I understand not everyone has the time nor the will. But if they gave everything to you on your 10th planet, there'd be no reason to keep exploring.


I would love giant graboids though - of which I've seen some aquatic versions, though nothing to the degree of that early trailer.


But for me, as a sci-fi fanatic, every planet or moon is a possibility. And as I said, and reiterate, I'm still seeing new stuff.

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I've seen the first two. Like with the real universe, you have to explore to find the really good stuff. I understand not everyone has the time nor the will. But if they gave everything to you on your 10th planet, there'd be no reason to keep exploring.


I would love giant graboids though - of which I've seen some aquatic versions, though nothing to the degree of that early trailer.


But for me, as a sci-fi fanatic, every planet or moon is a possibility. And as I said, and reiterate, I'm still seeing new stuff.


I must be really unlucky then, you see from my earlier posts i was loving the game posting screen shots and the lot, i 100%'d most planets i came across in the 4 systems i went through but by the 4th system it seemed very samey and i just gave up for a while.


Its not as if i'll sell the game, its digital, and i'm not perusing a refund after 60 hours of game play (its longer than a lot of games i own) - i think i'm going to wait for an update and my memory and expectation to fade.


In reality my main issue is this was the Elite i'd always wanted from its marketing, in reality its star tours, which whilst fun isn't what i'd expected.


Still going to monitor this thread extensively as the screen shot you all post look amazing and make me think i've got stuck in the Neutral Empire's in offensive samey galaxy whilst you all have fun

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Yeah it seems as though you my just have been unlucky. Although, just so you know I've warped over 200 times. Granted I didn't always set foot on a planet.


Here's some pictures on an irradiated, boiling planet that I was on for ages. So many photo opportunities:





















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How are you getting the screenshots without the HUD on it? Would love to know!


I have been playing this for a bit over the last few days. I wasn't as hyped about this as most other people, as I could see this being a game that you could get tired of easily. I think people just expected too much from it for some reason. To me, it was clear from the start that this wouldn't be a game with a big story, but would simply be based around exploration. And that won't be everyone's cup of tea. I think some of the people disappointed by this, are the ones who asked after the game was revealed what you actually do in the game.


For me, this seems like the perfect game to put on after a long day of work, and to just spend a few hours exploring a planet, mining for resources and upgrading your stuff. Why? Just because you can. Doesn't really need a backstory or anything (that would be nice, but oh well). If you can't find anything interesting on the planet you're on, travel to the next one.


I've had some decent planets so far, no massive creatures or anything (biggest one I saw was 5 metres), but that's not really the point either. I'm just enjoying the visuals and trying to find all the creatures (which can be challenging, only done 100% on one planet). :)


Any tips on how to find creatures more easily are very much appreciated! :P

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It's not completely HUD-less but as close as we can get on PS4 at the moment. Basically you just have to make sure your shields are full, and your thermal/radiation/toxic protection is also full. Then your HUD will fade away until you either need to refill something or press left on the d-pad. Also helps if you don't have a full bag, as if you do there'll be a "full inventory" icon on the bottom right.


With regards to animals they seem to be organised:






So you can mostly work out which one(s) you're missing. Some also only appear at certain times of day. I had a bird that only seemed to appear at dawn. The best way to find them all is really just to find a planet you don't mind exploring for a few hours, and just find them as you go!

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I think if you tap the Options button right after the share button, the HUD disappears briefly.


Also, if you just hold the scanner button down as you wander around, animals in the vicinity will pop up as red dots, so keep an eye out.

Edited by 130131301364

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If anyone DOES get bored enough to sell I might be willing to beat any trade-in values for cash...


(CEX have 4.5k copies available online and are still trying to sell at £42!)

Why not get yo' anus to the Steams?

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From Sean and the gang:



Over the last few weeks since No Man’s Sky released we’ve been inundated with feedback and discussion about No Man’s Sky.


No matter what feedback you gave us, you have been heard and we are listening carefully. Thank you.


Here’s what we’ve been busy with over the 2-3 weeks since release:

• A community/support management team has been brought on board.

• Support issues raised are been categorised by that team, and we are fixing them in order of priority.

• We’ve released 4 patches for PC and 4 patches for PS4.

• We’ve written up patch notes for all those patches. You can find them here.


What matters now, as always, is what we do rather than what we say. We’re developers, and our focus is first on resolving any issues people have with the game as it is, then on future free updates which will improve, expand and build on the No Man’s Sky universe.


This is a labour of love for us, and it’s just the beginning.


If you have suggestions please mail [email protected]


I'll probably end up sending a few suggestions. It's hard to know exactly what to suggest when I'm not entirely sure what can be changed or added, considering the way the game is built/generated. I'm guessing they may be able to update any planet/system not yet discovered but old ones may stay the same?


I think my main suggestions would be:


- ringed planets

- proper desert planets

- fewer buildings on planets

- make some planets devoid of any buildings except ruins

- make ruins more variable

- increase creature variety

- more stuff to do in space

- instead of having space littered with asteroids, have belts. (though there should be one or two asteroids every so often, incase one runs out of fuel)

- more zoom functions in the galactic map. Fully zoomed out so you can see the whole galaxy, and where your friends are. And a star system zoom, so you can see where planets are in relation to the star.


Anyone got anything else?

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Why not get yo' anus to the Steams?


Don't PC game due to crap computers and generally just using a linux laptop - I'd be getting it on ze PS4s!

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I've had a nice few hours on this today. Paid a few million for a 23 slot ship and then found a 24 slot crashed one a few minutes later. D'oh!


My suggestions for the future:


- Land pirates/bandits. We already have them in space, why not on land, too? We've got the ability to upgrade our weapons and we need more dangers to be able to use them against.


- More slots available for the multi-tool, ship and suit. As well as more upgrades. What about a thermal imaging scan? X-ray scan?


- The ability to ride certain animals after taming them.


- Animals will fight for you if you've got them to a certain happiness level.


- More dangerous predators, including flying ones that try to lift you into the sky.


- Settlements/small towns or cities would be nice. Just more civilisation on certain planets. It would be cool. Even if they were extremely rare.


- Some kind of quest board. What if we could become hunters? Hunt certain ships or animals to get rewards, etc.


- A log that tells us which words we've learned for which language - including the original word. I want Gek to become something like Klingon; a living, breathing language.

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I've had a nice few hours on this today. Paid a few million for a 23 slot ship and then found a 24 slot crashed one a few minutes later. D'oh!



Crashed ships are always 1 slot larger than the one you currently have. It's a cheap way of getting many slots if you are prepared to continually swap like a hermit crab.

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Crashed ships are always 1 slot larger than the one you currently have. It's a cheap way of getting many slots if you are prepared to continually swap like a hermit crab.


Not sure that always applies, as @Fierce_LiNk found 2 or 3 crashed ships on one planet, and they were all small than the ship he was using at the time. It's the main reason why he ended up buying a ship I think. :P


I'm having the same issue with my multi-tool, the ones I keep finding are always smaller than the one I'm currently using!

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Oh, my bad. Maybe they're 'within 1 slot' or something either way? I swapped ship two or three times on my last planet to up my slot count, and just thought they all were like that!

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I've had a nice few hours on this today. Paid a few million for a 23 slot ship and then found a 24 slot crashed one a few minutes later. D'oh!


My suggestions for the future:


- Land pirates/bandits. We already have them in space, why not on land, too? We've got the ability to upgrade our weapons and we need more dangers to be able to use them against.


- More slots available for the multi-tool, ship and suit. As well as more upgrades. What about a thermal imaging scan? X-ray scan?


- The ability to ride certain animals after taming them.


- Animals will fight for you if you've got them to a certain happiness level.


- More dangerous predators, including flying ones that try to lift you into the sky.


- Settlements/small towns or cities would be nice. Just more civilisation on certain planets. It would be cool. Even if they were extremely rare.


- Some kind of quest board. What if we could become hunters? Hunt certain ships or animals to get rewards, etc.


- A log that tells us which words we've learned for which language - including the original word. I want Gek to become something like Klingon; a living, breathing language.


Not much then! :P

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I bought a 33 slot ship for a few million, then went from transmission tower to transmission tower hunting crashed ships. Apart from a couple of exceptions, each one I found had 1 slot more than the one I was using. A few hours later and I'd upgraded to a 48 slot ship.

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I recently discovered that you can actually dig down!


I thought that you could, but when I tried mining with my laser, it didn't work. I thought that maybe it was a feature they had removed. When I got the plasma grenade, I just assumed it worked the same as the laser, and would only work on named materials. (I never fired it at anything else)


It was really annoying, because I have been avoiding caves as I kept getting lost and trapped in them.


Now I can dig my way out!

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