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Nintendo and Online Gaming. What's The Deal?


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In the same way the music industry is all about One Direction and Lady Gaga I assume? No, there's plenty of variety, certainly more than the handful of Wii U releases we've had this year. To claim it's all shooters and realistic action games is idiotic.


And I'm not saying Nintendo don't make great titles because they do, and most of my favourites are by them, but I'm saying they're not immune to your statement as they've also released plenty of rubbish too - Pokemon spinoff titles such as Pokemon channel and Pokepark seem to have barely any quality control or regard for the series they're representing. Wii Music didn't do wonders for the Wii brand either.


And add Mario Party 10 and Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars to that list.

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In the same way the music industry is all about One Direction and Lady Gaga I assume? No, there's plenty of variety, certainly more than the handful of Wii U releases we've had this year. To claim it's all shooters and realistic action games is idiotic.


And I'm not saying Nintendo don't make great titles because they do, and most of my favourites are by them, but I'm saying they're not immune to your statement as they've also released plenty of rubbish too - Pokemon spinoff titles such as Pokemon channel and Pokepark seem to have barely any quality control or regard for the series they're representing. Wii Music didn't do wonders for the Wii brand either.

Did you just badmouth PokéPark???????????????????




And add Mario Party 10 and Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars to that list.

Tipping Stars is good. It's not amazing, or the pinnacle of entertainment, but it's good fun. Stop trashing games you've never played.


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Tipping Stars is great, really enjoying it. Didn't it get better reviews than The Order? A rare PS4 exclusive that took how many years and how much money to make?


Is this really how you wish to spend your time?


This is a thread about Nintendo and online. Is The Order a Nintendo game? No. Is it an online game? No. What relevance does it have to this conversation? None.


Does it concern you so damn much that people have different views from you? Just hopping around this board tonight and all I see you is basically saying "Yeah but...look at them!" as if finding fault with others somehow dissolves fault with Nintendo. It's relentless and is killing conversation.


I know in your eyes you're just arguing a case for Nintendo but it's not coming across like that to anyone but yourself.

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@Serebii as it happens I did like some of the minigames, it was just the inbetween parts I couldn't stand :p I've always thought a Pokémon party game would be great, and there's so many Pokemon the possibilities for games are endless, I cant think of the hours poured into the Minigames on Stadium 1 and 2.


@RedShell I actually really hope for a Wii Music 2. It got so many things right but wasn't executed well, I loved being able to layer songs with different instruments and the controls were actually super responsive but Nintendo were SO cheap with the licensing. The songs were garbage. And the instruments all sounded pretty poor so every song, no matter how much effort, sounded like it was recorded on a cheap organ :(


Back onto online though, that's something Wii Music was quite good at, it was pretty fun being able to send and recieve songs. If we did ever get a sequel I'd hope for a straight to YouTube option and it'd be pretty fun to have jam sessions online.

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Tipping Stars is good. It's not amazing, or the pinnacle of entertainment, but it's good fun. Stop trashing games you've never played.



The whole point of reviews is to tell you whether a game is worth playing or not. The reviews would suggest no it's not. We've been down this well trodden path before. As I've said before I've not played Superman 64, thank you reviewers for the heads up. Never have, never will as most people haven't, doesn't stop the game being slated on a daily basis.


Any other analogy can be used. You've never been to space so how do you know the world is round?

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The whole point of reviews is to tell you whether a game is worth playing or not. The reviews would suggest no it's not. We've been down this well trodden path before. As I've said before I've not played Superman 64, thank you reviewers for the heads up. Never have, never will as most people haven't, doesn't stop the game being slated on a daily basis.


Any other analogy can be used. You've never been to space so how do you know the world is round?

The reviews have said that it is good, not amazing, but good.


Though I question your statement seeing as you continually go on about "Captain Turd" being rubbish despite high reviews and praise and you never having played it.

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The reviews have said that it is good, not amazing, but good.


Though I question your statement seeing as you continually go on about "Captain Turd" being rubbish despite high reviews and praise and you never having played it.


His name is Capper Turd. ;)

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They've lost a sale of Splatoon


At least 2 right now, and I'm sure maybe for a couple more folks on here. Now, we may not be right in the middle of the scale of representation, but I think we're a valid demographic that isn't at one completely extreme end of the scale so I imagine it's actually going to be quite a number of sales for folks feeling similar. I *may* bite in future if it gets to sub-£20/£15.




The 360 came out nearly 10 years ago and let's you chat with any of your online friends in any game.


Iirc it was actually even possible with the original Xbox too.


Meh. I don't think the very loud minority of people complaining about no voice chat impacts their bottom line. Their brand is far too important to them and that's fair enough IMO. Obviously I'd rather more people were happy but I can understand their reasoning.


I'd say tell that to the relatively quite poor sales of the WiiU and its titles.

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In this interview the Nintendo Treehouse guy is directly asked:



He says it was a design decision.


So we have had:

- Mario Kart - Ehh we just didn't (*)

- Smash - It would cause lag.

- Splatoon - It was design decision.


(* They may have given a reason, please enlighten me if they did)


The latest reason just seems stupid. They rolled out the same stupidity about the game not needing it but were never pressed about what the real reason behind it is (also the reasons specified also kind of only apply to Turf War). In fact, looking at the journalists doing the interview I think they knew they were on dodgy ground.


To be honest,I will probably still get it because I am weak. I don't want to, in order to protest the decision, but I probably will.

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To be honest it pointless them even asking the question because it will get either dodged or they will be given a non answer. The RFN guys tried asking this stuff last year at E3 and this is exactly what happened to them.


It's Nintendo just being Nintendo and I don't see their stance changing until the old guard dies off/retires/leaves.

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Personally, I'm fine without 12 year olds telling me that they have done my mother.


More ignorance. Yay!


Anyone who has played a game like Destiny knows that it's not like that, and definitely not if you play with just your friends. Unless you keep really shitty friends.

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Personally, I'm fine without 12 year olds telling me that they have done my mother.


As many have said COUNTLESS times on here, it's not about speaking to randoms but about the ability ( or lack thereof ) to speak to people on your friends list. It's such a narrow minded view that all people want to do in voice chat is trash talk.

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To be honest it pointless them even asking the question because it will get either dodged or they will be given a non answer. The RFN guys tried asking this stuff last year at E3 and this is exactly what happened to them.


It's Nintendo just being Nintendo and I don't see their stance changing until the old guard dies off/retires/leaves.


Them! That's where I heard the same, it was the RFN guys on a small room interview and that it just got completely dodged and then iirc shutdown as they wrapped up the interview?


Slags. God it's so frustrating!!

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Them! That's where I heard the same, it was the RFN guys on a small room interview and that it just got completely dodged and then iirc shutdown as they wrapped up the interview?


Slags. God it's so frustrating!!


Yup, I remember Jonny getting real frustrated with it all.

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As many have said COUNTLESS times on here, it's not about speaking to randoms but about the ability ( or lack thereof ) to speak to people on your friends list. It's such a narrow minded view that all people want to do in voice chat is trash talk.

Just based off my experience with voice chat :p


Also happened in party chat with my friends, but some of them are immature :p

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Personally, I'm fine without 12 year olds telling me that they have done my mother.




Sorry for the size/caps but I'm just sick of seeing this most retarded of reasons for a lack of voice chat being a good thing.

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Just based off my experience with voice chat :p


Also happened in party chat with my friends, but some of them are immature :p

Again you're ignoring the point/laughing it off just a suitable amount to be able to continue this blinkered view another time down the road.
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Sorry then @Serebii


When people do use that reason it just dumbfounds me.

The easy option would be as you go into the online part of the game you had three options


1. Use voice chat

2. Use voice chat with friends only

3. Do not use voice chat


Three simple options that you could choose from before you actually start gaming.

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