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Dude. You panicked me for a second there. Jaden is the How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real perma-scowling son of Jada and Will Smith.


The mob guy was Carmine Falcone. He's in the comics as well as Batman Begins.


I was close...


And my knowledge of the mythology is patchy and I won't watch the trilogy until sometime dubs Batman with a better voice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know a lot about DC but accidentally had this on in the background for the past hour(debut on C5). Not paid enough attention to the plot to know what's going on but I'm actually quite intrigued, might watch it proper. Didn't even realise that was Jada Pinkett neither, she is looking fiiine! Seems very good/interesting if I bloody knew more of who's who(looking it up as I went along tho).

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  • 11 months later...

Gotham really picked up half way through the first season. Similar to SHIELD, a lot of people missed out on a good show because of a weak start. Not caught up with Season 2 yet but looking forward to it. May wait til all the big premieres of the season are out so I can have a mega binge :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Good God, I hate Barbara and her role on this. She's such a whiny character "Buhu, my boyfriend is not telling me about his SECRET POLICEWORK, I want to break up with him. Oh, and I was a lesbian before I met you, big boy!" It's so boring and meaningless. I hate it that I know she's an important character in the Batman universe, I wish she'd die in the show.


Four or five episodes in, not really feeling it much but I see that it picks up around episode 10 or such? So just.. hang in there... right?

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  • 1 year later...
So did this show continue to get better? I need something new to watch and always meant to go back and give it another try.


I wouldn't say it "got better" but it got... less worse? The highlights are Cameron Murnaghan as "Definitely Not The Joker" and Ed Nygma's transition into The Riddler.


What I like about Gotham is that it's really easy to understand, so Mrs Iun can watch it without me having to pause and explain complex plot points.


But yeah, the acting is atrocious, they're basically recycling the same plots over again and the third season lacked a "Good" big bad.

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