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Variety of Nintendo Games

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I've moved the posts from the previous thread yesterday, which were wildly off topic. You can carry on with the discussion here, but please keep it civilised. Any flaming posts or the like will be deleted.


- Fierce_LiNk

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Nothing, but variety is the spice of life and when you're pretty much single handedly propping up a console anything less just doesn't cut it.

Nintendo is providing variety. Just because they aren't ultra violent shooters does not mean they're not diverse.


I saw someone say the same thing on GAF the other day. Said Nintendo didn't have a robust lineup and then listed off just realistic racers, FPS and TPS games.


Both Microsoft and Sony have three tiers of SKU (and Sony only introduced the basic 12Gb one recently). How is that at least a dozen?


I can't tell if you're joking about Mario. Dillon's Rolling Western couldn't look any more anime styled if it tried - it doesn't even look that dissimilar to Okami - and I've never heard of Steel Diver, and while it may be a good game...but I'd hardly call it a big title nor, correct me if I'm wrong, is it on the Wii U.


I said a dozen within the life of a console. I wasn't talking simultaneously. Also, I'm not joking.

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Nintendo is providing variety. Just because they aren't ultra violent shooters does not mean they're not diverse.


Yes, because the industry is comprised of only two types of games; what Nintendo churns out and ultra violent shooters.

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As for the games? How is Mario "acutely Japanese"? Or Dillon's Rolling Western? Or Steel Diver? Or a craptonne of other games they make


You are purposefully misunderstanding what he's saying and it's a poor excuse for not being able to argue against his point properly. daft is being reasonable, level headed and discussing point by point.


You are already attempting to belittle his opinion by suggesting that his concept of all western games are FPS murder simulators. He clearly doesn't. Making that claim only makes you sound childish and biased.


The clear truth is that the Wii U is the perfect platform to bringing some conventionally strong genres from PC back onto console. Why are the likes of Portal 2, Age of Empires, World of Warcraft, Total War and Football Manager not being dragged onto the platform?

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You are purposefully misunderstanding what he's saying and it's a poor excuse for not being able to argue against his point properly. daft is being reasonable, level headed and discussing point by point.


You are already attempting to belittle his opinion by suggesting that his concept of all western games are FPS murder simulators. He clearly doesn't. Making that claim only makes you sound childish and biased.


The clear truth is that the Wii U is the perfect platform to bringing some conventionally strong genres from PC back onto console. Why are the likes of Portal 2, Age of Empires, World of Warcraft, Total War and Football Manager not being dragged onto the platform?


I would have totally bought Football Manager for the console when I still had my Wii U!

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Nintendo is providing variety. Just because they aren't ultra violent shooters does not mean they're not diverse.
Sorry Serebii, but you must realise this is an absolute joke of a comment!


I don't really like FPS, and even less so violence in video games... and yet there are loads of games on the PS3 for me.

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Sorry Serebii, but you must realise this is an absolute joke of a comment!


I don't really like FPS, and even less so violence in video games... and yet there are loads of games on the PS3 for me.


You call out moronic comments on GAF... but umm, hello!


I wouldn't be surprised if someone on GAF just started a thread called, 'You won't believe what I just read on N-Europe!'

No, I'm not saying all the other consoles have are that. I'm saying that all the Wii U doesn't have (console genre wise) is that, and even then it's getting CoD.

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No, I'm not saying all the other consoles have are that. I'm saying that all the Wii U doesn't have (console genre wise) is that, and even then it's getting CoD.


I think that the story driven IPs that have been very popular on PS3 would beg to differ. I would also classify Mass Effect in with this because releasing it so late by comparison essentially means that it doesn't count.


In short, games aimed at an adult (not man-child) Western audience.

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Yes, because the industry is comprised of only two types of games; what Nintendo churns out and ultra violent shooters.


To be fair, based on release lists, you'd be hard pressed to not get that impression. The majority of games revealed and released these days are like this, and you can't deny it. I mean hell, publishers are requesting focus on the box-arts of games of guns, because that's what sells


Why is drawing more power be a big issue?

Maybe if the console was bigger people would realise the WiiU was a new console and not a tablet accessory:p


It's not, but Nintendo are trying to be as energy efficient as possible, and have made some questionable hardware choices to do it. Take their GPU. On paper, it seems weaker to the PS3 and 360 ones due to its requirements. However, it's actually capable of more than the others when used efficiently.


How is refreshing your lineup of SKUs every 12 months a bad business practice? With the 360 you got more value for money as instead of reducing the price they included things like Wifi, bigger hard drive, Kinect etc. The Wii had 3 SKU's over time, each one having less features than the last.


Well in some ways it can be good, seen as a relaunch of sorts. However, it's just them refreshing it to try and keep the same bottom line which is a bit silly. The way Nintendo is doing it means it will continually get cheaper and cheaper to produce.


Including a HDD is more important for it's accessibility as opposed to the price. Yes, it might be possible to do research for an external HDD but the general public may not be able to grasp doing so as they may not be as technologically minded as your average forum poster. There's (albeit anecdotal) stories about people buying WiiU titles thinking it'll play on their Wii or even one of the Layton 3DS games being given 1 star reviews on Amazon because customers thought that it would work on their DS. If it's included in the package then there is no confusion. At the same time, Nintendo are pushing hard on their eShop and digital downloads but there is a big barrier for many as 8-32GB is filled up so quickly.


Please don't think I'm trying to attack/bash you. I am just genuinely curious:).


Yeah, I do agree in parts due to the recognition. However, this is better for the consumer in the long-run. The Wii U manual and everything references augmenting with an external USB drive. eShop does, as well, so if you're downloading stuff, you'll see it so the knowledge of it is not that much of an issue in the long-run.


I think that the story driven IPs that have been very popular on PS3 would beg to differ. I would also classify Mass Effect in with this because releasing it so late by comparison essentially means that it doesn't count.


In short, games aimed at an adult (not man-child) Western audience.


Well I'm of the belief that most story driven games would have been better released as movies. I played The Last of Us. Beautiful game, great story but mediocre-at-best gameplay. This seems to be an issue with games in general these days. Too much focus on graphics and narratives, and not as much on gameplay.


I don't know about you lot, but I play games to play games, and for it to be stopped for more than a minute for cutscenes and exposition frustrates me Work a way to incorporate it in the gameplay like Half-Life did, or do not have it at all.

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I've moved the posts from the previous thread yesterday, which were wildly off topic. You can carry on with the discussion here, but please keep it civilised. Any flaming posts or the like will be deleted.


You are purposefully misunderstanding what he's saying and it's a poor excuse for not being able to argue against his point properly. daft is being reasonable, level headed and discussing point by point.


You are already attempting to belittle his opinion by suggesting that his concept of all western games are FPS murder simulators. He clearly doesn't. Making that claim only makes you sound childish and biased.


The clear truth is that the Wii U is the perfect platform to bringing some conventionally strong genres from PC back onto console. Why are the likes of Portal 2, Age of Empires, World of Warcraft, Total War and Football Manager not being dragged onto the platform?


I would have totally bought Football Manager for the console when I still had my Wii U!


A football manager game on either the 3DS or Wii U would be sweet. There were aspects of it in the Fifa for Wii U, but I want a proper one.


I can't believe there wasn't one for the DS actually!

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I think for me Nintendo have an alrighty variety of games but dont do enough with them to change things up from one to the next. Everytime I played one of their games it just felt like an experience that I'd already had to some extent. The New Super Mario Bros games are a perfect example I think.


Not to derail but I feel this is where story and narrative comes in on the other consoles. Nintendo focus so much on gameplay that without a worthwhile story the games start feeling a bit hollow and I start wondering why I am paying full price for the same basic experiences over and over again.

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No, I'm not saying all the other consoles have are that. I'm saying that all the Wii U doesn't have (console genre wise) is that, and even then it's getting CoD.
I'm not sure about that...


Of the top of my head there are other area's that Nintendo has spaces to fill genre wise...


What do Nintendo owners have to fill the Tomb Raider/Uncharted hole for example?


The Wii U has had Need For Speed... but there are other racers like Grid and Dirt, and what about the upcoming NFS, will that see a Wii U release? and Nintendo still don't have their own answer to GT/Forza... not that they necessarily need to.


How about the sandbox games like GTA5 and Saints Row IV.


It also doesn't have anything to fill the Skyrim/Fallout/Borderlands RGP void.


Sports games?... if the Wii U still missing out on Fifa and other such games?


There are certainly more third party deals Nintendo needs to get done, or otherwise they need to start diversifying into new genre's themselves.

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I think for me Nintendo have an alrighty variety of games but dont do enough with them to change things up from one to the next. Everytime I played one of their games it just felt like an experience that I'd already had to some extent. The New Super Mario Bros games are a perfect example I think.


Not to derail but I feel this is where story and narrative comes in on the other consoles. Nintendo focus so much on gameplay that without a worthwhile story the games start feeling a bit hollow and I start wondering why I am paying full price for the same basic experiences over and over again.


What annoys me is that they do have the potential to do something amazing. Pikmin 3 is proof of that. It's different, we don't get one every so often but they've put a lot of love into it, tons of polish and now we have this beautiful game to play.


They've got tons of games in reserves. The Wii badly needed another racer, so why no F Zero? An F Zero for the Wii U launch would have been a real signal of intent that they meant business. It annoys me because I can't help but feel at times that if they were on the PS3 or 360, they would get all these modes, online features and they would definitely see the light of day. There's a few too many ifs and buts when they're on Nintendo machines. We're not guaranteed ANYTHING.


It's annoying, because we know they can do it. I look at Pikmin 3 and stuff like Luigi's Mansion 2 and I'm glad they can create impressive games like that. But...it's not as often as it should be.

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I'm not happy with either nintendo or Sony's* variety of games really. All suffer from an over abundance of certain types of games, or have, Sony and Ninty are trying to get a more evenly distribute ctalogue.


only counting first party games

nintendo don't really have any first party FPS thats certainly one area thats lacking.


I honestly can't think of an genre that is missing for Sony...well.... brawlers/fighters, i can't in good concience consider Superstar whatever it was called, as its really Smash Bro's with character skin mods.



So whats the issue then?.............Media perception, the media tells us nintendo only do Mario, the media only pubicise FPS and sports games on Ps3/SportsBox** , and unfortunately try as we might the media will effect our perceptions of this.


*I'm discounting MS since its 3rd Party box, with what 3 unique IP's -Fable, Halo, Gears, and you could argue two of those aren't unique

**Therin lies a problem


Gonna let the forum automerge these


I'm not sure about that...


Of the top of my head there are other area's that Nintendo has spaces to fill genre wise...


What do Nintendo owners have to fill the Tomb Raider/Uncharted hole for example?.


Good point.....we don't have anything like that this or even last generation


The Wii U has had Need For Speed... but there are other racers like Grid and Dirt, and what about the upcoming NFS, will that see a Wii U release? and Nintendo still don't have their own answer to GT/Forza... not that they necessarily need to.



Wasn't there that Driving game demo'd before....where did that go.....


How about the sandbox games of GTA5 and Saints Row IV.



Lego City is a lego GTA....but it hardly dispells the media kiddy image...we could do with a more grown up game in this genre


It also doesn't have anything to fill the Skyrim/Fallout/Borderlands/Mass Effect RGP void.



You certainly have me there and i'm not happy about this, Mass Effect 3 is an insult on WiiU and why bethsada won't work on WiiU is beyond me, the console is made for a pipboy


Sports games?... if the Wii U still missing out on Fifa and other such games?


There are certainly more third party deals Nintendo needs to get done, or otherwise they need to start diversifying into new genre's themselves.


Yeah sports... something tells me until we get a larger userbase we'll only get mario -strikers -Tennis -golf , Again this goes back to media perception of kiddie/Mario only console

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Nintendo is providing variety. Just because they aren't ultra violent shooters does not mean they're not diverse.


I saw someone say the same thing on GAF the other day. Said Nintendo didn't have a robust lineup and then listed off just realistic racers, FPS and TPS games.

While you're right in saying that most "chav gamers" like to play the same thing over and over.

However, Nintendo have been lacking stuff for ages. An exclusive, realistic-ish FPS would help the Wii U out a lot. A modern equivalen to Goldeneye would kick ass.

And it's frankly embarrasing that Gran Turismo is going to have its 15th anniversary this year and Nintendo consoles STILL have nothing like it.


Look at the Wii U lineup. Why the hell have three side-scrolling platformers in the first year of the consoles life? Why is the 3D Mario a lazy port of a 3DS-game? Why is the only Zelda we know anything about a remake? (Note: I am not complaining, I've never played Wind Waker, so I'll enjoy this second chance to play it. Althouth I won't buy it if Nintendo make the REAL Wii U Zelda in toon).


I mean, it's not like Nintendo have a lack of IP to choose from. Waverace, 1080, Stafox, Pilotwings, Excitebike, F-Zero, Eternal Darkness and so on and so on. All games with potential to graphically blow everything else out of the water.

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I would love to see Nintendo become more like Sega was where there was such a wide variety of Sega developed and Sega Published games on their platforms.


Just looking at some of the Sega developed/published games on the Dreamcast and you see a bit of everything.


18: Wheeler America Pro Trucker


Virtual On



Fighting Vipers 2

Giant Gram: All Japan Pro-wrestling 2 & 3


Sega Bass Fishing

Sega GT

Sega Rally 2

Shenmue 1 & 2

Space Channel 5

Virtua Cop 2

Virtua Striker

Virtua Tennis

Virtual Fighter 3TB

Crazy Taxi


Grandia 2


Jet Set Radio

Metropolis Street Racer

NBA 2K series

NFL 2K series

NHL 2k series

Phantasy Star Online

Quake 3


Samba De Amigo

Sonic Adventure

Skies of Arcadia

The house of the Dead 2

The Typing of the Dead


Nintendo for me need to start following trends more!!

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I feel like there's a lack of variety of games, and a variety of gameplay. Going by the post-E3 thingy Nintendo did a while ago the games on offer were:



DKC Tropical Freeze

Mario 3D World


Sonic Lost World



Mario & Sonic

Mario Kart 8



Bayonetta 2

Wonderful 101

Disney Infinity (kind of)

Wind Waker


That leaves Pikmin 3 (which I'd be inclined to put into action, but suppose it kind of crosses others) and Wii Party U. The above titles are mostly iterative updates (DK, all three Marios) or remakes (DuckTales and Wind Waker). They may be adding new aspects, but it feels like they're playing it too safe. Yeah I know that there is some merit to playing it safe when you're trying to build the console up, but at the same time look at the early days of the DS and Wii. We had Brain Training, Wii Fit, Nintendogs etc. There's been no experimentation on the Wii U (although W101 is unique) and very little variety.


I know it's not a scientific approach, but look at Game's listing of Wii U games:


Action/Advent… (26)

Activity (4)

Beat 'em up (2)

Fitness (2)

Horror (1)

Music & Dance (2)

Puzzle (2)

Racing (1)

Role Playing (1)

Shooter (3)

Sport (4)

Strategy (2)


I know they're obviously not all Nintendo, but presuming we're talking about Nintendo here as both a pub/dev and hardware manufacturer.

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As a counter argument to this lack of 'variety', the reason I buy a Nintendo console is for these type of games. Because you sure as hell can't get them anywhere else. I mean, Sony desperately try and rip them off (they even tried motion control, bless them) and always fail miserably, so I for one am not particularly bothered that there is nothing other than what I expect from Ninty.


I always look forward to new franchises and games and that's evidenced in my extreme hype levels for The Wonderful 101. The game looks absolutely amazing.


When people say they want variety I'm not really sure what to think. It's obviously all personal, but everyone knows Nintendo do their own thing and have a different take on the industry than the other companies. And I for one like that. Not one game announced at E3 disappointed me and I literally have them all preordered or intend to buy them. And that's because I want them and I look forward to them. And those games can't be found elsewhere and they appeal to my gaming needs. So whilst others may want variety, I personally still feel like Nintendo needs familiarity in this tricky patch they've got themselves in. No ones goin to buy a Wii U if the core games aren't there that people expect from Nintendo.


I mean, as much as people keep banging on about F Zero, do you really think if that was announces over Mario Kart the general gaming public outside of game centric forums would buy the console to play it? I think not.

So I welcome the familiarity as I know it's what they need right now, and it's also what I need to satisfy my gaming needs, coz Christ knows I won't get it anywhere else.

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As a counter argument to this lack of 'variety', the reason I buy a Nintendo console is for these type of games. Because you sure as hell can't get them anywhere else. I mean, Sony desperately try and rip them off (they even tried motion control, bless them) and always fail miserably, so I for one am not particularly bothered that there is nothing other than what I expect from Ninty.


Personally I think that Puppeteer is the most promising platform game out this year.


Each their own though :)

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