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Come on people Wii U is the Next Gen console from Nintendo it is a video game console from Nintendo and the successor to the Wii #WiiU



Edited by canand
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I think you're in quite a unique situation having never played the Pikmin series, Wind Waker, to a lesser extent Revelation, and not being tired of NSMB.


I have played Revelations. 4 times to be precise. I am also not tired of NSMB.

I was tired of the handheld games, but NSMBU and NSLU are the best in the series so far, in my opinion. But if you haven't played it, which I'm guessing you haven't, and all you have to go on is screen shots and the fact you think it is exactly like the others, then that's up to you.


Also, those who played Pikmin all had nothing but praise for it - the fact it's the first game in the series for me personally doesn't mean anything.

Same with Wind Waker to an extent. No one can deny the quality of that game. I was definitely lucky to have not experienced it before, but I think it would have been nice for all those people who had played it on the GC to then enjoy it all over again. Especially when it plays and looks like it does. :awesome:


So yeah, all in all, a good year.

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I think it's been an amazing first year for the Wii U. I have SIXTEEN retail games already and there's still stuff out there I want to buy!


Nintendo Land

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

New Super Mario Bros. U


Batman: Arkham City

Mass Effect 3

Monster hunter 3 Ultimate

Pikmin 3

New Super Luigi

Assassin's Creed 3

Need For Speed Most Wanted

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Resident Evil Revelations

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razors Edge

Splinter Cell Blacklist


Post launch it was a little slow, but has really picked up! I love my Wii U and think the software library is pretty strong for a first year. I also own a load of digital games from the VC.


When the Wii U came out people complained about games already being available on the PS3/360 and Nintendo Land and NSMB not being big enough draws. Well the PS4 has launched with a load of games already available on the PS3/360 a half decent shooter and a sub par beat-em-up - so exactly the same could be said for it.


However the PS4 sold like hot cakes and the Wii U like dog shit. Basically, it boils down to price and promotion - if it was all about the games the PS4's uptake would not have been the record breaking affair it has been!

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Yeah as much as the WiiU is struggling mainly down to lack of parity titles with PS360, and/or delayed third party titles, i've loved the console and as with others have more games in its first year than any other console.


Assassin's Creed 3

Darksiders 2

Deus Ex HR : DC

Batman Arkham City

Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker

Lego City

New Super Mario Bros U

New Super Luigi U

Nintendo Land

Pikmin 3

Trine 2

Zombie U


pretty good for a first year for me, i'm lucky if i bought 1 every 6 months with the 360 or PS3


I've gotten to the point with Games where i'm just not buying anymore unless its a special edition or likely to sell out, as my backlog is/was huge

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Yeah as much as the WiiU is struggling mainly down to lack of parity titles with PS360, and/or delayed third party titles, i've loved the console and as with others have more games in its first year than any other console.


Assassin's Creed 3

Darksiders 2

Deus Ex HR : DC

Batman Arkham City

Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker

Lego City

New Super Mario Bros U

New Super Luigi U

Nintendo Land

Pikmin 3

Trine 2

Zombie U


pretty good for a first year for me, i'm lucky if i bought 1 every 6 months with the 360 or PS3


I've gotten to the point with Games where i'm just not buying anymore unless its a special edition or likely to sell out, as my backlog is/was huge

It isn't just delayed third party titles that cause issues, it's the gimped third party games. Due to the Wii U "not selling", most third parties just don't put the effort in to optimise the games for the system. As such, you'll see frame rate issues like with Arkham Origins, missing features like with Arkham Origins, and even missing DLC such as with Assassin's Creed 4.


It makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Console doesn't sell. Third parties say they support the console. Third parties don't put full features into their games. People don't buy them. Third parties complain their games don't sell.


Hell, it happened with EA (even though they clearly ditched the Wii U before launch) with their late, gimped, ports such as Mass Effect 3 (at full price...same price as the trilogy on the 360/PS3) which then didn't sell and caused them to say that there wasn't a market for them. With NFS which wasn't a rushed port, they undershipped it.

Edited by Serebii
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You can hardly blame third parties for this. Nintendo chose their path in gimping the specs of their console. Future titles that release on X1 and PS4 won't be able to run on the Wii U without making a separate watered down version. And why bother going to such efforts to create an inferior version that will sell far less copies?

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When the Wii U came out people complained about games already being available on the PS3/360 and Nintendo Land and NSMB not being big enough draws. Well the PS4 has launched with a load of games already available on the PS3/360 a half decent shooter and a sub par beat-em-up - so exactly the same could be said for it.


However the PS4 sold like hot cakes and the Wii U like dog shit. Basically, it boils down to price and promotion - if it was all about the games the PS4's uptake would not have been the record breaking affair it has been!


Plus people are hungry for next gen. I don’t think it can be stressed enough how long this generation has been and fatigue set in.


Personally even the some of the games released on the 360 in the last year I passed on simply because I’m at the stage where I want a next gen console.


Of course it helped that Sony launched a very powerful console at a great price but even the Xbone should do well. It won’t sell 1 mil in a day but it will still do good numbers.


I think that new Wii u ad is better and something they should of used at launch rather than those awful ads we saw this time last year. Those US versions with the dubstep music were torture.


I still don’t see why they wont just come out and say ‘this is a new console’. Not really understanding why they feel the need to stress it’s an upgrade.

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Of course it helped that Sony launched a very powerful console at a great price but even the Xbone should do well. It won’t sell 1 mil in a day but it will still do good numbers.


It helped? Sony absolutely nailed it with the price, the advertising and the overall public relations. Those are the things that matter. Nintendo nailed those things with the Wii - and threw in a must have piece of software as well.


The Wii U failed because the price was far too high for what the system offers and the advertising was non-existent so no one knew it existed. What's more, Nintendo are not very good at reacting to negative press - Sony have been excellent at doing so.


The PS4 launch has been a phenomenal success - the most successful console launch of all time. However the exclusive software has been mediocre, the vast majority of software is already available elsewhere and there have been a lot of reports of failing units and problems with the DS4 thumb sticks being easily damaged. However none of that has held back Sony's momentum because they got the two key issues right - price and advertising.

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The PS4 launch has been a phenomenal success - the most successful console launch of all time. However the exclusive software has been mediocre, the vast majority of software is already available elsewhere and there have been a lot of reports of failing units and problems with the DS4 thumb sticks being easily damaged. However none of that has held back Sony's momentum because they got the two key issues right - price and advertising.


It pretty much mirrors the 360 launch, apart from the super high sales. The 360 had a pretty shoddy launch lineup and the console had a terrible failure rate, yet this didn't stop Microsoft from having a successful launch. It was a decent price, Live was evolving and they got their message across to the customer.

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I've got Wind Waker, Wii Fit (which isn't really a game), LEGO City and Lost World. The only other game I want is Pikmin 3 (when it gets cheaper) then I'm done until sometime next year.
Really?! You bought a Wii U this year just to play those 4 titles?

No interest in Nintendo Land, ZombiU, Monster Hunter, The Wonderful 101 or Super Mario 3D World?! :blank:


Mind you I can't exactly talk, I bought a PS3 just to play GTA V. :heh:


I'm just surprised that someone would buy a Wii U at the moment, without being into most of its best games. ::shrug:

Edited by RedShell
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Much like you guys, I think the Wii U is a brilliant console and I have far too many games.

The consoles failure at retail has actually been a blessing for owners as all the games and extra controllers etc have all been available at crazy prices.

With the games I have and releases between now and Easter, I am set for a long time.

I don't think I'll ever purchase a console again that does not have a tablet style controller as I get so much more game time whilst the wife and kids are watching tv. People can say what that want about the gamepad but for me it's a stroke of pure genius. Playing local multiplayer games using splitscreen just seems wrong once you have experienced tv/gamepad multiplayer.

So all in all, thank you Nintendo for once again creating a new experience in gaming.

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It helped? Sony absolutely nailed it with the price, the advertising and the overall public relations. Those are the things that matter. Nintendo nailed those things with the Wii - and threw in a must have piece of software as well.


The Wii U failed because the price was far too high for what the system offers and the advertising was non-existent so no one knew it existed. What's more, Nintendo are not very good at reacting to negative press - Sony have been excellent at doing so.


The PS4 launch has been a phenomenal success - the most successful console launch of all time. However the exclusive software has been mediocre, the vast majority of software is already available elsewhere and there have been a lot of reports of failing units and problems with the DS4 thumb sticks being easily damaged. However none of that has held back Sony's momentum because they got the two key issues right - price and advertising.


Sony did nail it but like I said one could argue the Xbone is too expensive but I still think it will sell well without doing PS4 launch numbers. If anything both consoles will show that the market isn’t doomed and people are prepared to spend that kind of money on game consoles considering in the space of two weeks both consoles are launching which is rare.


When the Wii U wasn’t selling so soon after launch some people argued that it was down to economy and people don’t want to spend £300 on a console anymore even though the sales of Ipads and Tablets showed people will spend money on a product they deem as desirable.


Nintendo launched a product which wasn’t too dissimilar to the consoles people already owned and then charged more for it. They gambled on the gamepad making the difference and the cost of the product was more down to that than anything else. I’m still not convinced its solely about price though as it didn’t take long after launch where we saw discounted deals and it didn’t change much.


They didn’t need to release a PS4 but I still believe if they would of produced a future proof console which was clearly a healthy jump up from the PS3/360 they would be in a better position. Not saying it would of sold gangbusters but I think it would have performed way ahead of how the Wii U has and I don’t think even Nintendo fans would of sat on the fence like they have done with the Wii U.


Oh and yes I do think your right that Nintendo are not great at responding to negative PR


Just about all launch software (Wii sports being a notable exception) is usually pretty mediocre. I wouldn't consider Zelda TP in this reckoning purely because it was a gamecube ported over. PS4 can hardly be criticised for this...


Dreamcast western launch will never be beaten.

Edited by liger05
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You can hardly blame third parties for this. Nintendo chose their path in gimping the specs of their console. Future titles that release on X1 and PS4 won't be able to run on the Wii U without making a separate watered down version. And why bother going to such efforts to create an inferior version that will sell far less copies?

That's the thing though. Developers who have fully commited themselves to Wii U development all agree that the specs aren't gimped or inferior, you just need to optimise for it and it'll produce a superior experience, as seen with NFSMWU

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It helped? Sony absolutely nailed it with the price, the advertising and the overall public relations. Those are the things that matter. Nintendo nailed those things with the Wii - and threw in a must have piece of software as well.


The Wii U failed because the price was far too high for what the system offers and the advertising was non-existent so no one knew it existed. What's more, Nintendo are not very good at reacting to negative press - Sony have been excellent at doing so.


The PS4 launch has been a phenomenal success - the most successful console launch of all time. However the exclusive software has been mediocre, the vast majority of software is already available elsewhere and there have been a lot of reports of failing units and problems with the DS4 thumb sticks being easily damaged. However none of that has held back Sony's momentum because they got the two key issues right - price and advertising.


How much is the PS4? I thought it was like £100 more expensive than Wii U. How was the Wii U overpriced compared to the PS4? A system that comes bundled with a tablet controller and a pro controller and backwards compatibility with games and controllers and free online. When you add all this up the PS4 is actually £100's more expensive. I was intrigued to watch the demo for the PS4 with the robots, which is only playable if you spend another £60 for the eyetoy. As much as Microsoft has been lambasted for it's launch, they have at least been honest. Sony have been quite sneaky/clever in not revealing a lot of stuff.

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Really?! You bought a Wii U this year just to play those 4 titles?

No interest in Nintendo Land, ZombiU, Monster Hunter, The Wonderful 101 or Super Mario 3D World?! :blank:


Yup. Those four games and future ones. I was definitely getting a Wii U at some point, and £200 with a game was the price I set for one. It just came earlier than expected.


I tried the ZombiU demo and I just can't play the "hoard zombie" genre since Left 4 Dead (very different games like The Last for Us and The Walking Dead are fine), I don't tend to play local multiplayer so NintendoLand doesn't interest me, I hated Monster Hunter on the Wii, and I don't like the 2D Mario game style (3D Land and 3D World feel like the 2D style). W101 I need to look at properly, but the trailers don't impress me.

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How much is the PS4? I thought it was like £100 more expensive than Wii U. How was the Wii U overpriced compared to the PS4? A system that comes bundled with a tablet controller and a pro controller and backwards compatibility with games and controllers and free online. When you add all this up the PS4 is actually £100's more expensive. I was intrigued to watch the demo for the PS4 with the robots, which is only playable if you spend another £60 for the eyetoy. As much as Microsoft has been lambasted for it's launch, they have at least been honest. Sony have been quite sneaky/clever in not revealing a lot of stuff.

Yeah, let's look at it objectively


Wii U: £250. Contains: Wii U, Wii U GamePad, At least one full game. Free online

PS4: £350. Contains: PS4, One DS4, access to a few small games and apps on PSN. Further £40 a year needed for online.


I'd say the Wii U is better value, for sure, if you're a general consumer who doesn't care about specs. The Wii U is getting too much crap about its price. Yes, it's "underpowered", but come on. It's clearly worth that price, hence it being sold at a loss.

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W101 I need to look at properly, but the trailers don't impress me.
You should definitely give the demo of W101 a try. Do not try to "get" that game from reviews or videos, it's one of those games that has to be played to be properly understood. Great game though, if you can get into it. :)
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