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They need to hurry up and release that extended battery for the GamePad. Now there are more games actually worth playing it's becoming so much more annoying that it needs charging up so often.


Also those Mario & Luigi Wii Remotes which I have absolutely no need for, but want all the same, need to go up for pre-order :D

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They need to hurry up and release that extended battery for the GamePad. Now there are more games actually worth playing it's becoming so much more annoying that it needs charging up so often.


Can you not play it whilst it's plugged in (to the console) like the PS3 controller? If not that's crazy.

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What did we all want from Wii U?

We wanted to play the great Nintendo games from Wii in HD, which we got or are getting. A console will have a 5 year life span, so whilst we all want to play Mario Kart and Smash Bros etc right now a little patience is required, it's not like they are not coming.


Yeah, because I'm falling over games like Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime, Sin and Punishment. They might come, they might not - we don't know. Personally, I feel Nintendo are probably not in a position to risk title profitability and will invest money in smaller and cheaper projects.


We wanted straight ports of the best 3rd party releases and not dumbed down versions. We got this at launch and we are getting most of the big games this Christmas. FIFA and Tiger Woods is a disappointment to me, but we were never getting GTA5. There has always been a trade off with a Nintendo console in that for all the great Nintendo games, we will miss out on a few other franchises, but that's the same for Playstation and Xbox.


Not really, Playstation and Xbox miss out on first party exclusives; very, very few third party games are not developed for both. Third parties have much dropped WiiU and any change is likely to come after Mario Kart and Smash Bros - assuming they're able to change the machines fortunes - that's probably a full two years after its launch and at a time when developers and publishers will be ramping up next generation development. Furthermore, theresno ambition coming from Nintendo right now and very little innovation - no-one is missing titles exclusive to WiiU.


The game pad argument is plain stupid in my opinion. Nintendo has always launched a console with a new controller, the game pad has some great features, none more so than off screen play. Yes it's made the console more expensive, but it's still cheap in the grand scheme of things and certainly a lot cheaper than PS4 and XB1 are going to be. Seriously, did we really want to just see Nintendo just bring out the same controller again like Sony & Microsoft do with every console?


How on earth is the argument 'stupid'? The argument is that Nintendo have failed to actually use the GamePad in any meaningful way and no one on this planet can honestly say that its been used in a way to justify its existence. And seriously everyone expected Nintendo to launch a new controller but everyone also expected Nintendo use it properly.


Sorry to raise Micheal Pachter here but his initial views on the Gamepad ('a solution looking for a problem') isn't that far off my view on the Gamepad at the moment.

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How on earth is the argument 'stupid'? The argument is that Nintendo have failed to actually use the GamePad in any meaningful way and no one on this planet can honestly say that its been used in a way to justify its existence. And seriously everyone expected Nintendo to launch a new controller but everyone also expected Nintendo use it properly.


I think Ubisoft have been the best developer so far in terms of using the Gamepad. Both ZombiU ( really must start and finish this game ) and Rayman have some genius additions that really add to the game. I know a lot of people were put off by the Murphy levels but the way they used the touch screen and motion controls was fantastic.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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If only for not having to pause the game for Batman, LEGO city, NFS, ZombiU etc. just to see the map/items, then this fully justifies the gamepad for me... I now hate playing games on my PC purely for that reason!


Do you not find this breaks the immersion? I do. In less atmospheric games it works but I'd rather have some clever HUD and item select rather than having to look away from my main screen.


Again it was never a problem, developers were working on great ideas for HUD etc (eg, Dead Space). HUDs and options were becoming far less intrusive well before Wii U. Pachter raises his head and whispers "a solution in search of a problem".

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Do you not find this breaks the immersion? I do. In less atmospheric games it works but I'd rather have some clever HUD and item select rather than having to look away from my main screen.


Again it was never a problem, developers were working on great ideas for HUD etc (eg, Dead Space). HUDs and options were becoming far less intrusive well before Wii U. Pachter raises his head and whispers "a solution in search of a problem".


Nope, it's not even a problem, come on we're long-term gamers having quick reactions such as those required for selecting options on another screen while also concentrating on the main screen should be second-nature!


I know it is for me at least. :p


I do like the fact that Wind Waker gives you the option of either selecting things on-the-fly or reverting back to the old pause menu though.

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Do you not find this breaks the immersion? I do. In less atmospheric games it works but I'd rather have some clever HUD and item select rather than having to look away from my main screen.


Again it was never a problem, developers were working on great ideas for HUD etc (eg, Dead Space). HUDs and options were becoming far less intrusive well before Wii U. Pachter raises his head and whispers "a solution in search of a problem".


No what breaks the immersion is pausing to check out a map. I played Arkham City (WiiU) then bough Arkham Asylum (PC) after. Again NFSMW:U first then Burnout Paradise (PC) after.


Maybe it's my shocking directional skills, but I find I'm pausing every few minutes to check where I'm going... not fun.


Also console gaming menus are shocking, no matter how innovative. Being a PC/Wii/WiiU gamer makes me shake my head when 360 controller PC gaming on games.

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How on earth is the argument 'stupid'? The argument is that Nintendo have failed to actually use the GamePad in any meaningful way and no one on this planet can honestly say that its been used in a way to justify its existence. And seriously everyone expected Nintendo to launch a new controller but everyone also expected Nintendo use it properly.


Not loving the gamepad ISNT stupid and to say it hasn't been used to its full potential isn't stupid. but to say no one can justify its existence IS stupid. Just because YOU don't like off tv play, it is an incredibly great thing for a lot of people here, me personally, and also to families, anecdotally my brother and his nephews for example. Trust me, it justifies it's existence being able to watch football and play Runner 2 at the same time!


And just because YOU don't think maps and inventories are that good, again, a lot of people do. Batman Arkham City is SO much better on the wii u purely because of this, it annoyed me so much pausing for the map, put markers down etc etc. It streamlines it brilliantly. And even Fifa, I'm playing fifa 14 ps3 and not being able to look down and see the fitness of my players, and make subs is really annoying now. The gamepad has made some small changes which improve the expeirnece.


Also, have you seen the artwork on miiverse. The touchscreen is worth it for that alone :D


Thing is, you don't like it, we've chatted many times, but it has some great stuff, many people love it so you can't dismiss it completely.


But to agree with you, yes, more should be done. But Mario, Nintendoland, ZOmbu U, even Bumpie's party and a few others use it really well. But I'm even loving the basic uses.

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Not loving the gamepad ISNT stupid and to say it hasn't been used to its full potential isn't stupid. but to say no one can justify its existence IS stupid.


I agree with the positive points you're raising about the pad and I personally think it has been used well in a small amount of games. However I think using those positives to justify the fact that the Wii U is vastly more expensive than current gen consoles which deliver:

1) Greater variety of experiences

2) Strong release schedule

3) Service that are much more attractive (PSN+ particularly)


I understand why that is the case but when Nintendo were designing the Wii U as a product, they would have known this was the case. They would have seen what the costs were and they could have designed a product were the value proposition justified the price. Nintendo have gambled big and are losing (potential income) hard.


The market is speaking, very loudly, about whether the pad is justified at the moment. Whether you or d.d like it or not really makes no difference.

Edited by Jamba
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They need to hurry up and release that extended battery for the GamePad. Now there are more games actually worth playing it's becoming so much more annoying that it needs charging up so often.


Also those Mario & Luigi Wii Remotes which I have absolutely no need for, but want all the same, need to go up for pre-order :D


Base have the M&L Wii Remotes here;



37.99 each with an 8th November release date.

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A good use for the gamepad would be communicating with friends during games e.g. have the main gameplay on the top screen and be able to open up the Wii U home menu whenever you want on the touch screen while still playing the game and use the touch screen to write messages, send game invites, record voice messages etc. without disrupting gameplay unlike on Playstation and Xbox where you have to open up a slow clunky home menu to do any of that. Of course this wouldn't work for the few games that try to use the touch screen for gameplay but for the majority of games it'd be a much better implementation of the gamepad, however since this is Nintendo we're talking about this will never happen.

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What did we all want from Wii U?

We wanted to play the great Nintendo games from Wii in HD, which we got or are getting. A console will have a 5 year life span, so whilst we all want to play Mario Kart and Smash Bros etc right now a little patience is required, it's not like they are not coming.


Not sure about just HD. I would of preferred something more powerful than xbox/PS3. Why should patience be required when Nintendo said after the 3DS drought that they learnt their lesson and wont allow the same thing to happen again. Also expected some more 3rd party support as Nintendo talked about how the Wii didnt provide the ecosystem for third parties to be successful.


We wanted straight ports of the best 3rd party releases and not dumbed down versions. We got this at launch and we are getting most of the big games this Christmas. FIFA and Tiger Woods is a disappointment to me, but we were never getting GTA5. There has always been a trade off with a Nintendo console in that for all the great Nintendo games, we will miss out on a few other franchises, but that's the same for Playstation and Xbox.


I would say its more of a concern that the big third party titles like Fifa, Madden, GTA5, Tiger Woods, NBA2K14, Battlefield 4 are not coming when they are on every other console.


The game pad argument is plain stupid in my opinion. Nintendo has always launched a console with a new controller, the game pad has some great features, none more so than off screen play. Yes it's made the console more expensive, but it's still cheap in the grand scheme of things and certainly a lot cheaper than PS4 and XB1 are going to be. Seriously, did we really want to just see Nintendo just bring out the same controller again like Sony & Microsoft do with every console?


Its not much cheaper than the PS4 at all. Also the market doesnt think its cheap as they are not buying it. They dont think it's value for money.


Are the PS4 and Xbone pads the same as PS3 and Xbox?

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What did we all want from Wii U?

We wanted to play the great Nintendo games from Wii in HD, which we got or are getting. A console will have a 5 year life span, so whilst we all want to play Mario Kart and Smash Bros etc right now a little patience is required, it's not like they are not coming


Not me unfortunately. I feel really burnt out on those Nintendo franchises having grown up with them. Yup they're enjoyable and will probably be highly rated but I just have that 'been there done that' feeling. The troubling thing for me personally is I don't know what I want from Nintendo these days. They used to be so good at coming up with a vision and game idea that you couldn't even imagine existing, but once you play it you can't imagine how games were before it was released. I miss that.

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Back on the subject of the GamePad, people may say that it is the laziest thing ever, but having the map on the GamePad, and inventory on the GamePad, able to be checked and altered without the seconds for the menu is absolutely fantastic. It has streamlined and perfected gaming for me.


When I went to GTA two weeks ago, it felt so cumbersome to bring the map up and change weapons compared to games I've been playing on the Wii U and I wanted to kill myself whenever I had to open the map to place a marker and it always taking a few seconds. It was just painful.

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When I went to GTA two weeks ago, it felt so cumbersome to bring the map up and change weapons compared to games I've been playing on the Wii U and I wanted to kill myself whenever I had to open the map to place a marker and it always taking a few seconds. It was just painful.


Agreed. This type of gameplay has always been tiresome. Going back to the 360 from the Wii U only made it feel even worse.

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Agreed. This type of gameplay has always been tiresome. Going back to the 360 from the Wii U only made it feel even worse.

It's the minor things. Sure, they could use the GamePad as all these weird and wonderful ways, but the true innovation is this. It's simple, it's easy for the developer, and it truly enhances the experience.


The second screen aspect has also been a hit with the developers to the point they're making companion apps for their games on other consoles.

Edited by Serebii
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I personally love off screen play, even more so than features Ubisoft have brought to the table. If every game supported off screen play I would be a happy man. Hell, I don't even need it as I don't have to fight for the TV but being able to sit and watch the footy while playing a console game is heaven. Even more so since the update allowed Wii games to be played.


I've been playing this most of the weekend ( shakes angry fist at Shopto and Royal Mail ), while sitting watching Sky Sports. Looks great on the pad. :D




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I enjoyed off screen play while I had it but things like menus being on the tablet was never a really big draw for me. It never bothers me to have to pause games to do stuff like that.


Yeah, I'm the same. I would rather just press start and have it pop up on the TV rather than looking down on the screen. Each to their own and all that.

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