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I think regardless of sales Ubisoft are gone. These batch of games are their swan song on the current platforms before switching over to PS4/XBOX1. Yes Rayman sold better on Wii U in week 1 but quickly disappeared from the charts. The 360 version charted for longer in the top 40 and I'd say has sold more.


Rayman Legends and Sonic Racing Transformed are the only 2 games I can think of off the top of my head that were released at the same time as the other versions and were the better than the others. Everything else has been botched in some way or other.

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Splinter cell sales were shocking and I don't expect Assassins Creed or watchdogs to do much better. Rayman did as well as expected, those games always bomb but I think the sales of Rayman show there is an audience for certain games on wii u.


Last week Rayman still had the highest percentage of sales on wii u. Considering the far lower install base it's done decent.

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I think regardless of sales Ubisoft are gone. These batch of games are their swan song on the current platforms before switching over to PS4/XBOX1. Yes Rayman sold better on Wii U in week 1 but quickly disappeared from the charts. The 360 version charted for longer in the top 40 and I'd say has sold more.


Rayman Legends and Sonic Racing Transformed are the only 2 games I can think of off the top of my head that were released at the same time as the other versions and were the better than the others. Everything else has been botched in some way or other.

Regardless of sales? Is that not contrary to what is being said?

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Regardless of sales? Is that not contrary to what is being said?


As I said regardless of sales I believe they'll be gone. I don't think sales will be good anyway and that's going to be their excuse to move on to pastures new. This is just the transition phase.

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I'd say there's a very select market for 3rd party games on NINTENDO systems.


NINTENDO should just create their own 3rd Parties, because most of those that exist today have their succes on the Playstation or the XBox.


Said this for ages. Nintendo have to purchase studios or get into agreements with studios to develop games for them. Many third party games failed commercially on wii and now wii u and I think it's down to Nintendo to cultivate the Nintendo audience so they start seeing beyond games which have Mario, zelda or donkey Kong in them.


They have to start getting the Nintendo audience accustomed to a different genre of game that Nintendo typically develop.


Under 5k for splinter cell in the US is so bad. Pretty unbelievable that it sold so few.

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5000? Holy shit.


I thought we'd never go lower than the Gamecube days but this really is something. All year I kept thinking Nintendo would have a dramatic 3DS-like turn around but it's going to take a LOT to save the Wii U.


And I don't buy the advertising thing. Nintendo had plenty of launch titles they could have advertised all year, Nintendo Land and NSMU for example, and could have pushed Pikmin 3 and 101 in the Summer. It really does feel as though they're not even trying anymore.

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Yeah, I got it from Dick Smith when they were doing their fire sale.


And man, Splinter Cell did 5000 in the US? Suddenly getting flash backs from 3rd party Wii game sales. Ugh.


Australia is even worse than the UK then considering they are not restocking wii u products.

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5000? Holy shit.


I thought we'd never go lower than the Gamecube days but this really is something. All year I kept thinking Nintendo would have a dramatic 3DS-like turn around but it's going to take a LOT to save the Wii U.


And I don't buy the advertising thing. Nintendo had plenty of launch titles they could have advertised all year, Nintendo Land and NSMU for example, and could have pushed Pikmin 3 and 101 in the Summer. It really does feel as though they're not even trying anymore.


In the UK particularly, the people that did such a good job of advertising the Wii and the DS aren't involved anymore. Plus I remember reading somewhere that Nintendo was saving it's budget for Xmas where it will be used more effectively (read drowned out by xb1 and ps4 noise).

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Grain of salt time, Em1ly Rogers is back.


From what I hear there is a firmware update for Wii U this week. Most likely Monday. I don't know everything in update so don't overhype it.


— Emily Rogers (@Emi1yRogers) September 29, 2013

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So I played rock band the other night and the microphone seemed not to work properly, I remembered hearing about this at launch, but wondered what the situation is. Do they simply not work on the Wii u and I have to get a new mic? In mild urgency as karaoke is coming out this week.

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So I played rock band the other night and the microphone seemed not to work properly, I remembered hearing about this at launch, but wondered what the situation is. Do they simply not work on the Wii u and I have to get a new mic? In mild urgency as karaoke is coming out this week.


No idea about Rock Band but you can use the Wii U Gamepad for Karaoke

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Not that the word of Emily Rogers makes this any more or less likely (she misses as much as she hits really - still waiting on YouTube 3DS!), but I do reckon that the big Autumn system update is indeed due this week.


All the signs point towards it (extended maintainence, Nintendo Direct due any time from this week onwards - bolstered further by the mysterious appearance of the specially themed Mario AR Photo App eShop cards on Amazon last week, Wind Waker HD's retail release happening this week in the US and EU) and they did actually say that the update would be due around the end of September/early October, so it would actually be right on schedule if it indeed happened this week...

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Is this system update something big? Does it add more things other than some speed improvements?


Nothing else has been officially announced but it'll almost certainly include the Wii U system transfer feature that they said would be coming in a future update. Folders are also pretty likely (considering how hard they're pushing digital) and it'll almost certainly herald the start of N64 & GBA VC games (as the Spring update began the NES & SNES VC lineup).


But nothing is set in stone other than a speed improvement. Those are just educated guesses (and lord knows if anything else is planned for this one...)

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