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Wii U General Discussion


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Surely they should have told you that in advance... Bet you're gutted you can't play anything...


They will check it first. If there is no charge they'll repair it; if there is a charge they'll write out and ask for payment prior to repairing. If you choose not to repair, they'll sent it back to you.


Being that the console is less than a year old, it really should be covered under warranty and I would argue that with them should they try and charge you a stupid amount of money.


Your warranty will not cover you for accidental damage. In my experience Nintendo are very, very good with repairs though - even covering out of warranty faults.

Edited by david.dakota
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Thing is I cant even get into my Wii U because its password protected and you need the gamepad to input the password!!


Fuck me!!


Otherwise I still could access the Wii U and play the games such as CoD using the wii mote.


I dont know in real life a soul in Sheffield who owns a Wii U that could come down to mine with a gamepad and unlock it for me. Luckily Zechs has kindly offered (the absolute legend! x) to drive down from Leeds after work tomorrow to mine and unlock my Wii U!!

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Haha! Zechs asked me this whilst laughing.


Its cos incase it gets nicked int it. It got pointed out to me that why would they want my Pikmin 3 file? Lol.


I can understand passcode protecting a phone, but a home console?? What difference does it make if it was protected or not? And would a Wii U really be top priority for a burglar?

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You so punched it @Blade


There is no way it 'fell' off the table.


Firstly, the last thing we heard was a series of swears and a rage fit during a very bad game of Call of Duty, then the pad mysteriously 'committed suicide'.


Secondly, we are talking about the same guy who head butted his 3DS and broke the screen on that!


Imagine being in court on the jury in a case where a man was accused of pushing his bird down the stairs. The last thing his neighbours heard was him screaming at her and he also has a previous conviction for pushing his ex down the stairs. "But, but, she fell - honest!!!" Guilty verdict incoming!!!

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Your warranty will not cover you for accidental damage. In my experience Nintendo are very, very good with repairs though - even covering out of warranty faults.


Been getting a bit worse recently; my OS stopped booting properly(black screens, or a hang at the 'Home' transition screen if I tried to power off then return to home etc) back just before AC was out. Had a 'warranty' from repairs they'd done last year. My console's been in exactly the same condition since, but this time they tried to refuse it due to a tiny scratch on the touch screen(a burr on or something caught under stylus) and a ding on the outside and some rubbing of the paint from much pocket walking - all of which had been there at the last repair! I politely explained both this, and the fact that far pre-existing cosmetic damage surely could not be linked to a failing within the os software(I neglected to remind them the previous repair was for a dodgy shoulder button and that might have held some weight then, ofc!). They then said they'd 'review the footage' from the previous repair and get back to me(apparently they record video of the console when it comes into them?!). It all sounded a bit bizarre to me, but nonetheles they said they'd do the repair for free.

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Im getting bored of this.


Yeah you are right it did not fall.


I dropped it. I did not punch it. I dropped it onto the table which in turn caused it to break.


I have punched it/threw before due to rage which caused cracks in the screen but on this particular occasion I dropped it which became the fatal blow. It appears that it was a series of abuse that caused it to break rather than a particular act.


I accept that its completely my fault though. Its no accident. I shouldnt have battered it previously and taken more care. For that I will be paying for it to get fixed.

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Yeah, I'm guessing the previous abuse hasn't helped your poor GamePad :P


The only time I got really mad was on a level of Super Monkey Ball 2. I threw the controller on the floor before I even realised I was doing it because of that fucking level in the boiling pot world where you have to get shot up the thing in the middle. I tried so many fucking times and got so close. The one time I actually landed on top of the middle thing, was just about to drop into the goal and the time ran out. Couldn't fucking believe it.


Anyway, I slowly approached it, heart pounding, turned it over... and my lord, it was okay.


But y'know, that was a GameCube controller. They're made of stern stuff. You can't go smacking around something that has a screen. God damnit, man.

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When are we due a Nintendo Direct next? Soon?


Next month, so theoretically it could be as early as next Tuesday (though NDs typically take place during the middle of the month, it doesn't have a set date pattern and NDs have happened in the first week of a month before...)


Either way, the next one will be a "major" ND. Those (except for one time when it was late and Iwata apologized for it) always happen every two months and the last one was in August.

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