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Further to my telephone conversation with Nintendo earlier today I have received an email...





My opinion of their repair service?




Danny Smith is a very English name. You could appear on Coronation Street with a name like that.


Let them have it, I reckon. They've given you an opportunity to let them know how you feel, so take it. It might even get things moving a bit quicker, possibly.

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Danny Smith is a very English name. You could appear on Coronation Street with a name like that.


Let them have it, I reckon. They've given you an opportunity to let them know how you feel, so take it. It might even get things moving a bit quicker, possibly.


Haha I intend too!


Yeah i'm common as muck. Not just the name either.

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The service you're going through is atrocious @Blade, I can't even state just how angry I'd be if it was happening to me.


It goes to show that Nintendo's account system is tripe of the highest order! Nintendo consoles are far too poor these last couple generations (not the game, just talking about the consoles). Having had a 360 and now the PS4 go to show it all the more.


Miiverse is a nice idea, the layout and look of the OS is very clean and nice and I prefer it to the PS4's visually speaking, but the speed of it is absolutely paltry when compared to the PS4. Then there's the lack of party-chat and poor features regarding online. That the WiiU still isn't up to speed with a console that released in 2005 is simply tragic!


They still do very good games though... it's just that some of those games would be more fun if online/have voice-chat too. I hope Smash Bros does, I can't wait for XCX and no doubt Zelda will be the dogs dangly bits!


Anyhoo, I do hope you get your account, saves, purchases and Wii transfer stuff all back Blade!

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Called Nintendo again.


Had to explain the situation again.


Got told again that it should be working. Basically a repeat of the last conversation...except I have a development.


"Thank you for explaining the situation to me. There appears to be a problem"


No shit.

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Not only that...I paid for the repair on the 25th July and they took a week to even look at it as they were "busy".


Wank company.


That's pretty standard practise to be honest and certainly nothing to throw a hissy fit over. Companies don't start repairing the instant they receive an item, especially if it's a particularly busy period for them.

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Just received a call from Nintendo and everything should now be working!


I will check it out this evening when I get home from work. Although later tonight as im in Sale (Alrincham County Court) all day.


That's pretty standard practise to be honest and certainly nothing to throw a hissy fit over. Companies don't start repairing the instant they receive an item, especially if it's a particularly busy period for them.


They do when they actually say it will take 3-7 days for you to have it back "guaranteed".

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Automerged Doublepost
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Just received a call from Nintendo and everything should now be working!


I will check it out this evening when I get home from work.




They do when they actually say it will take 3-7 days for you to have it back "guaranteed".


Speaking of cunty service, yesterday I ordered a printer to pick up today from Tesco Direct, and used a £10 off promotional code that had been circulating around the net.


Product got sent according to tracking, then arrived at a depot this morning, then the most recent update said "product delayed - contact customer service".


I rang them, and apparently a load of orders that have used promotional codes have been deliberately delayed! What fuckers! So apparently they don't want people using these codes (I'm guessing people were saving too much from them), so they decided to take people's money for orders then hold them up part way. Why not just cancel the codes?? I rang up and the guy seemed more than happy to cancel it (told him I needed a printer today to print some boarding passes), then I went and got it from Argos.


Makes me a bit worried, maybe could apply to @Shorty too, as I have paid up front for a Destiny LE edition since I used a £15 off voucher.

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This is awful, but to be fair their customer service is usually excellent and incredibly fast. But this shows up their account system, we know they want to become and account system run service, but how long will it take!?!?

Their next console & handheld :)

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Do people who only own a Wii U think they've time travelled into the distant future when they see someone log into any Xbox One or PS4 and play their own games?


It's not just the Xbone/PS4, think about if they saw a PS3 or 360 too!!


On a serious note though @Blade that sounds majorly shit. On the whole, I've had good experiences when Nintendo repaired my 3DS(admittedly 3/4 times now, but each time gave 12 month warranty), and had a quick turnaround. Only faults would be one time they tried to cry bullshit on some 'new' cosmetic damage(present and unmentioned at previous repair), and twice they're flashed the system/OS and I've lost ALL my streetpass data and friends etc as a result - think it ends up giving me a new console code. That may in fact explain the issues with the NNID tying; the system OS determines the link rather than the console hardware/serial? I recall when my 3DS got fixed last year, I tried to send my Mii back from my Wii U - only because it was originally on my previously-unfixed-3DS I couldn't edit it on either my WiiU or my 'new' 3DS(it's not new, the OS was reinstalled...unless they recased a new system). In the end I had to make a new Mii from scratch/copy to use with my 3DS, which was annoying as I couldn't get him exactly the same again :(

Other issue is that since the last repair this year they didn't actually fix the second issue of a dodgy shoulder button, and I still need to resend for that. I'm wondering if I might get problems doing so now though(tbh macking out on the 12 month warranty dealie until I feel I urgently need the thing).

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Anyone who makes derogatory remarks regarding other people needs to grow up


You said in another thread that smartphone gaming is "shallow and inaccurate". That's derogatory to the people of a whole industry. You said a while ago therapy doesn't work, that's derogatory to the people of a whole career and people that rely on them. You constantly insult and belittle the work of many third party companies.


While what Daft said may have been childish, you're hardly one to start commenting on other people.

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No saves? oh shit did you back up? can you back up? i might start saving everything to the hard drive.....


its not so bad redownloading things (well it is but its just time consuming) but save games....man.....i'd be sending strongly worded emails now demanding recompense

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