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Wii U General Discussion


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Wow, do Nintendo know that the free game downloads with the MK8 promotion also give you Nintendo Network Premium points to the full value of the game even though you didn't pay for it.


I just got an email telling me I had a 5 euro voucher ready which I thought was odd as I not bought anything lately. When I checked I got like 420 points for getting Sonic Lost World for free, and only 88 more points till my next 5euro back :D

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Nintendo and EA need to sort themselves out... Irritating.


I think overall Nintendo did well, but I'm with Zechs, they needed one big game. A better reveal for Starfox would've helped, but they fucked that up beyond belief. I also feel they needed one more game for this year, one big game, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta and Smash isn't good enough in my eyes. If X, or Starfox, or something else was coming that was more substantial then it would've been just perfect.


2015 looks ridiculous. Surely one or two of them could've been released!!


I'll wager there will be a late summer Nintendo Direct that will show at least a new game for late this year. That Pokemon U game or something Poke is still out there, GC VC, a Zelda remake to fill for the main... Quiet pøssibly IMO.

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I must admit, today I'm starting to think "where's Waverace, 1080, F-Zero etc." so many games that the system needs right now to give it's line up more diversity. Today I'm not as excited for Nintendo... mainly because it feels like just a repeat of yesterday and nothing new. Imagine how amazing it would've been for another Digital Event to have been today and then the Treehouse focuses on that line-up of software.

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I must admit, today I'm starting to think "where's Waverace, 1080, F-Zero etc." so many games that the system needs right now to give it's line up more diversity. Today I'm not as excited for Nintendo... mainly because it feels like just a repeat of yesterday and nothing new. Imagine how amazing it would've been for another Digital Event to have been today and then the Treehouse focuses on that line-up of software.


While we're at it, let's have a Digital Event every week of the year with brand new game announcements in each and every one!!!!

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I must admit, today I'm starting to think "where's Waverace, 1080, F-Zero etc." so many games that the system needs right now to give it's line up more diversity. Today I'm not as excited for Nintendo... mainly because it feels like just a repeat of yesterday and nothing new. Imagine how amazing it would've been for another Digital Event to have been today and then the Treehouse focuses on that line-up of software.


Where are the "where's Starfox?" gifs when you need 'em?

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While we're at it, let's have a Digital Event every week of the year with brand new game announcements in each and every one!!!!


Haha, whereas I do love the sound of that, lets just leave it for E3. ;)

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The list floating about that leaked a lot of correct games also had sunshine/Blue storm and FZero GX HD remakes. Also had Pokken fighters. I think we will see those announced at a later date. Silence on VC is strange. And YET AGAIN the relevant journalists haven't asked them about this. What about DS N64 on VC too? Just bizarre but I'm sure the info will come.

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The list floating about that leaked a lot of correct games also had sunshine/Blue storm and FZero GX HD remakes. Also had Pokken fighters. I think we will see those announced at a later date. Silence on VC is strange. And YET AGAIN the relevant journalists haven't asked them about this. What about DS N64 on VC too? Just bizarre but I'm sure the info will come.


What list? Did someone have Yoshi, Kirby, Mario Maker, Mario Party etc?!

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What list? Did someone have Yoshi, Kirby, Mario Maker, Mario Party etc?!

Obviously some (all (?) release dates) of this were wrong...pinch of salt and all that.



If Metroid for 3DS Gets unveiled Ill probably believe it a little more lol

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Tbf, it does say third party games for WiiU. Should have seen that before. :) also - Red logo is wrong colour.

Still - when a lot of similar content was shown, I remembered such a list.

Since then I've been more inclined to believe we'd get some launch GCN games for the VC.


I'm more concerned as to why we're seeing handheld re-releases as opposed to N64/GCN.

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Tbf, it does say third party games for WiiU. Should have seen that before. :) also - Red logo is wrong colour.

Still - when a lot of similar content was shown, I remembered such a list.

Since then I've been more inclined to believe we'd get some launch GCN games for the VC.


I'm more concerned as to why we're seeing handheld re-releases as opposed to N64/GCN.


Every single date is wrong, the only stuff that is there was obvious, with the exception of starfox but it was a common guess. Loads of stuff plain wrong - presenters, sm x fire emblem, Gc VC, Pokemon fighters, Metroid but that could be shown tonight. But also this say sits the digital event list...


This list isn't even close to being right or believable :)


Though I would love wave race :)

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Why would you presume Wii is Wii U? Wii is...Wii. Pretty sure the game won't be coming to the Wii U, again.


I doubt PES will either. I would give anything for a Wiimote controlled PES on Wii U.


Anyone who thinks it is coming to Wii U is setting themselves up for disappointment.


Not a chance FIFA 15 is gonna be released on Wii U. Don't think PES will either.

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Anyone who thinks it is coming to Wii U is setting themselves up for disappointment.


Not a chance FIFA 15 is gonna be released on Wii U. Don't think PES will either.


I kinda feel the success of the show for Nintendo has probably turned a few heads - theres still a marketplace for third parties on Wii U after all.

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I kinda feel the success of the show for Nintendo has probably turned a few heads - theres still a marketplace for third parties on Wii U after all.


This won't be the case unless the WiiU starts selling.

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I kinda feel the success of the show for Nintendo has probably turned a few heads - theres still a marketplace for third parties on Wii U after all.


I feel that Nintendo's E3 performance has been blown way out of proportion. What they showed was that they are the kings at making platformers and your typical Nintendo games. Yoshi, Kirby, Zelda, Mario (Maker). Aside from Splatoon, there's not enough diversity to draw in big crowds.


It may turn one or two heads, but the fact of the matter is that huuuuge games won't be coming to the system. Games that Nintendo can't account for on their own system or make up in any way themselves. Fifa won't be coming for starters, neither will the new Tomb Raider, the Witcher most certainly won't be. Then there's the likes of Destiny, Alien: Isolation, Metal Gear Solid, don't think Assassin's Creed Unity is announced for it, either? No Man's Sky won't be coming, no Arkham Knight (big, big miss), no Far Cry 4, no Mortal Kombat. That's just the beginning. (before anybody chimes in with "grey shooters" or "fps bah don't like eet" - you're missing the point)


There's nothing that I've seen at E3 from Nintendo that convinces me that they can win back developers. At the very most, the Wii U is going to be the go-to system for platformers and your typical Nintendo titles. If we keep that in mind, it should be a good system. But, let's not kid ourselves any further and suggest that third parties will be flocking back. Many are gone and the fact that these titles I listed were shown off without any single mention of Nintendo suggests this, too.


I'm content with that, as I've got another system, although I would find it a very bitter pill to swallow if I was single-system only again. What does excite me in a way is that it almost forces Nintendo to pull all the stops out themselves and not rely on others, so we may see them taking more risks (hopefully) and just creating stuff for the fans. Splatoon is a start.

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Do Sony or Microsoft do other announcements throughout the week? Or is it just the one conference?


Also I don't think Nintendo's efforts have been "blown out of proportion" at all. Nintendo was never going to announce Wave Race, F-Zero et al at one event. I don't know what people were expecting. All the games announced were exclusive to the console which compared to Sony and Microsoft's 1st party efforts are impressive.


You might not like the games announced but that's all personal preference. This is Nintendo of today and likely to be Nintendo of the future.


Also again Nintendo gets some positive feedback, people on here don't like it. Nintendo will not please everyone and probably not the majority on this forum.


I came into the whole thing with zero expectations and zero hype. I came out content with what Nintendo will be offering next year. Together with a second console I think we are in for a good ride.

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