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You know, when I quit Uni one of the things I hoped never to have to do was to quote my sources.

As a it's not a pass fail scenario I don't really care so much. I read a few articles, and through process of elimination I could get a vague idea on numbers.

I found one article fairly easily:



It doesn't tell you the numbers out right, but it gives a ball park figure, looking at the language used indicates sales are in the region of 15k upto, but not above, 20k.

Another site indicated the sales gap between the PS4 and Wii U, another site gave a similar statement regarding PS4 sales. several sites agree on certain points, all the points don't conflict etc.

All said and done various sources gave me a general consensus of PS4 sales being somewhere between 12k and 10k, Wii U being within the 15-20k range, and the Wii U having sold about 1.5 times the sales of PS4. Those facts leave a possible range of PS4 10,000 sales, Wii U 15000, and PS4 selling 12000 and Wii U selling 18000.

I assumed the lower value for the Wii U, although tbh I would interpret the source above suggests a number closer to 20k than 15k due to their choice of words, so I believe the Wii U numbers are more likely to be around 17.5 - 18k personally.


I appreciate quotes are needed to validate, as well as to ensure I haven't misinterpreted the information I found, but tbh, even if I had collected all the sources I had used along the way AND they were deemed sufficiently reliable, I don't believe that would have been acceptable for the wanna be Uni professors round here.

Those numbers were intended for people wanting a general idea of the numbers involved. Hard numbers were requested, and to the best of my understanding those are broadly speaking correct.

I avoided stating specific numbers to indicate that I don't have access to hard and confirmed numbers (such as from media create), But is there anything in particular amongst what I have written that stands out to you as implausible, according to your own sources?

It's not just University where you should give sources. :p


As a general rule, it's good to give sources for figures unless they're so obvious or well known already that they don't need them. Seeing as it doesn't take much effort to list the URL I don't think liger was being unreasonable asking for it.

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Surely the NFC game should be a Pokemon game?! That'd sell best would it not, the game and the figurines..?


Probably not, because




I don't think they'd do another Pokémon game with NFC figures that quickly.



(Thanks to Serebii for the picture) :)

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But on numerous occasions you've pedestalised Nintendo for being a more fuzzy and caring company as if they care more about their employees and put relations before business. At the end of the day they're all alike and layoffs will happen when things get tough.


It just feels like you're quick to stick the boot in about other companies and yet downplay it when it happens to Nintendo.


Console wars, man! Where ya been?! Nintendo = perfect, Sega = evil.

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- Yep I agree with them that we'll see some form of new hardware at E3, whether it be a redesigned Gamepad, or a new version of the 3DS. What was a good point, is Smash on 3DS. I think everyone has wondered how that version will play with either the circle pad or d-pad for a while. Although said jokingly (although with some wishful thinking behind it), some sort of Gamecube controller integration into a Smash Bros 3DS redesign could be important for that game to be taken seriously.


- Personally I don't think Nintendo Quality of Life will be at E3.


- Have to say I'd also noticed about Third Parties falling away from 3DS somewhat (whist everyone focuses on Wii U). What big Third Party games (apart from Monster Hunter) have been out on it recently/are scheduled for it? Wonder if we'll see a sequel to Revelations or anything at E3?


- Apps. I wish Nintendo supported mobile more, with endless runner games, like a NES Mario Bros level, DK Mine Kart etc...


- The statistic that the WatchDogs App has been downloaded 1million times, a 1 in 4 attach rate is huge! Nintendo CANNOT ignore this anymore.


- The idea that Nintendo could try and target the Western market with more games like Brain Training etc... is a depressing one. I really hope Nintendo just realise that market doesn't care about the Wii U, and if they're going to try it again, at least wait until you have a successful launch and a successful message with their next console.


- I think Nintendo do just have to look at the Wii U as a box for their hardcore fans now. NFC might be their way to expand outside of this, but other than that. I really miss the deals Nintendo were even able to strike with Third Parties during the Gamecube era, especially SEGA with Monkey Ball, Billy Hatcher, and Capcom with Viewtiful Joe, Resi 4 etc...


- I was thinking the other day Nintendo could really do with surprising everyone with a FPS, but they'd need serious help with it! Particularly the online, so actually maybe best to just stay away and leave it up to a deal with another developer. Has to be something more mass market appealing than Geist though, which barely even appealed to the hardcore.


- Luigi's Creed! :D


- That's a good point. There really is no incentive for any Third Party studio other than SEGA to really pair up with Nintendo anymore; they get too much success with their franchises on the other consoles to take resources off those projects. 3DS probably has more of a chance of it, hence the occasional exclusive like Revelations. I would love Resi 7 to be a Wii U exclusive though :p


- Yep I think we'll get a 1min Conan music Zelda reveal trailer, nothing more.


- Can totally see Animal Crossing Wii U happening, especially after the Animal Crossing Plaza, seems a bit like how they practiced Zelda with Wind Waker. And yep can see it being one of their NFC projects and tying other Nintendo characters in with it through themes etc...


- The Balance Board was also something that was meant to work across multiple games surely and didn't really. Nintendo always do this. So yeah they need a much bigger plan for NFC. Don't just start something and leave it up to everyone else to finish like always, because third parties are no longer there to do that.


- It is about time for another Mario Party :p


- Smash could be used to launch a new Wii U Megaman game!


- The secret 3DS game wont be Advance Wars because everyone already knows how that game plays. Not to say a new Advance Wars wont get announced. Why isn't their a Wii U Battalion Wars!! using the Gamepad for strategy!


- Majora's Mask. "You don't know what he meant".

I'm with Brian though, I don't really get the big deal with that game :p


Thanks for your thoughts.


-Yeah, a Smash 3DS seems like a good shout for hardware.


-I agree with Jose and think that this E3 will be about the Wii U and why that hardware is relevant. The QoL stuff will come later in the year.


-The apps topic is one Nintendo could do with addressing. The Xbox One and PS4 apps are great as you can see what your friends are doing online and send them messages. I could be wrong but didn't the Playstation app get updated to have push notifications to your phone when a friend sends you a message? Thats the kind of thing Nintendo should be doing.


-Yeah, 3rd parties get A LOT of success from the other 2 platforms, so you can easily see why they don't care for the Wii U and why the effort isn't worth it.


-Animal Crossing Wii U was one of my predictions in our prediction thread. I also agree with it using the NFC in some way.


-I loved how they pointed out how Nintendo always create this accessory that has one or two games and then is left. This whole thing went crazy during the Wii era, with wheels, boards, guns and other bits of plastic rubbish that was under used.


-The Megaman thing is something I predicted/spoke about to one of my mates over a month ago. Nintendo could really do something special with the franchise and his home really is on a Nintendo console.


-I think the 3DS game is either Majora's Mask, Metroid Dread or Advance Wars. I think all 3 of these warrant a good discussion and could easily fill a 90 min segment. Watch it be Nintenducks. :D


Surely the NFC game should be a Pokemon game?! That'd sell best would it not, the game and the figurines..?


Well, there's that rumoured Pokemon Fighting game......


Probably not, because




I don't think they'd do another Pokémon game with NFC figures that quickly.



(Thanks to Serebii for the picture) :)


Problem with that game was that it was just an eShop game, wasn't heavily promoted and the figures were in blind bags so people couldn't even see what they were buying.

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Nintendo have no one to blame but themselves.


They have made so many stupid decisions it's unbelievable. From the idiotic gamepad and the overpriced console right through to games with non-existent or piss poor online modes - this is the fruit of their moronic choices and refusal to look at the world around them and learn from it.


The apps topic is one Nintendo could do with addressing. The Xbox One and PS4 apps are great as you can see what your friends are doing online and send them messages. I could be wrong but didn't the Playstation app get updated to have push notifications to your phone when a friend sends you a message? Thats the kind of thing Nintendo should be doing.




You can't even see who is online when you're playing Nintendo games online. How on earth they're going to create an app to see this when their online system doesn't allow you to see who's signing in or message them easily is beyond me.


I'd rather they fixed their shitty online before they start looking at apps.

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You can't even see who is online when you're playing Nintendo games online. How on earth they're going to create an app to see this when their online system doesn't allow you to see who's signing in or message them easily is beyond me.


I'd rather they fixed their shitty online before they start looking at apps.


Crazy/hilarious/sad, isn't it? They are so far behind it really does baffle me. What's worse is that they clearly think what they are doing is more than adequate.

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Crazy/hilarious/sad, isn't it? They are so far behind it really does baffle me. What's worse is that they clearly think what they are doing is more than adequate.


Please understand... We don't want you joining your friends on Mario Kart, or talking to them, or even seeing when they're playing it!


Nintendo Land, Pikmin 3 both missing online. Mario Kart a total travesty. What next? I await Smash Bros. with baited breath...


It would actually be funny if it wasn't so tragic.


I remember playing Mario Kart Wii with my friends (it had more options and was better online than 8). We all loved it. We used to chat on Skype and we all forgave Nintendo for no voice chat. I remember at the time we all loved the game and said "It's cool, we can chat on Skype, this is Nintendo's first online home console, the online will only improve from here." How wrong could we have been???

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"[Online gaming is] like the air we breathe these days as gamers. We're going to give you tons of that air. Don't worry."


*proceeds to slowly choke the fans to death*


Mario Kart 8 is out! We can finally breathe again!


*resumes choking for the next few months*




I can't wait for E3!



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If you're after the full online gaming experience, then the Wii U really isn't for you. Nintendo aren't skilled enough in this area and I don't think they're showing any signs that they will ever be truly able to compete with Microsoft and Sony in this regard. For every one step they take forward, there is always a catch and they will still lag behind the competition in some way.


It's sad because I don't think we'll ever get the 32player F ZERO experience with full voice-chat options that many of us have dreamt about for so long. I don't think Nintendo are capable of it and I can't see them changing any time soon.


They will continue to differentiate themselves from the competition whilst Iwata is in charge because, in their eyes, this is the only way in which they can compete. They can't go toe-to-toe with the others because they would get eaten alive, so they have to look at alternative methods. This "finding the casuals" strategy was one of the ways in which they achieved this. They won't create a console or system with all the fully loaded options that you'd get with the other machines because...Nintendo, they have to do things differently. :p


Maybe things will change when Iwata eventually steps down, who knows. But, in their current state, this is how things are. Mario Kart is really as good as it's going to get with online. Smash Bros may have a few extra options or something, but then that's it.

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There's actually an interview with a gamespy dude somewhere online and he talks about the first meeting they had with Nintendo regarding the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection for Mario Kart DS. The guys making the game wanted players to be able to join friends online at will and talk to each other, whilst also not having a 'friend code' system.


Apparently the next 30 minutes of the meeting was a shouting match between the software guys and some other guys from Nintendo, who basically just argued in Japanese across the table whilst the Gamespy people just sat there awkwardly :D


The online system is poor on Wii U; there's no other way around it. I can see my friend list but I can't (unless I'm being stupid) start a chat with them from the moment I turn my Wii U on or whilst we play different games. Having to organise matches by whatsapp with @Zell is laughable. Xbox live back in 2007 was better than this by a long way, and that was on a system with much less ram to actually run things.

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If you're after the full online gaming experience, then the Wii U really isn't for you. Nintendo aren't skilled enough in this area and I don't think they're showing any signs that they will ever be truly able to compete with Microsoft and Sony in this regard. For every one step they take forward, there is always a catch and they will still lag behind the competition in some way.


It's sad because I don't think we'll ever get the 32player F ZERO experience with full voice-chat options that many of us have dreamt about for so long. I don't think Nintendo are capable of it and I can't see them changing any time soon.


They will continue to differentiate themselves from the competition whilst Iwata is in charge because, in their eyes, this is the only way in which they can compete. They can't go toe-to-toe with the others because they would get eaten alive, so they have to look at alternative methods. This "finding the casuals" strategy was one of the ways in which they achieved this. They won't create a console or system with all the fully loaded options that you'd get with the other machines because...Nintendo, they have to do things differently. :p


Maybe things will change when Iwata eventually steps down, who knows. But, in their current state, this is how things are. Mario Kart is really as good as it's going to get with online. Smash Bros may have a few extra options or something, but then that's it.

It has nothing to do with Iwata. Stop blaming him for everything

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It has nothing to do with Iwata. Stop blaming him for everything


Where did I blame him? I said, "Maybe things will change when Iwata eventually steps down, who knows." Maybe things will change when somebody else comes in and decides that they want to change a few things here or there, maybe somebody who is much more ruthless, who knows. Stop being so defensive, brah.

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Seriously, anyone saying Nintendo is lacking online, go play Mario Golf, or Pokémon X/Y etc. Even Mario Kart 8, while having a couple of flaws with online, is fantastic online.


God, I am so sick of the rampant negativity here, and how it snowballs out of control.


Yes, some games don't have online? So what. They don't necessarily need it and would have added to development time. I maintain NintendoLand is designed specifically not to have online and it wouldn't work well on it


Also, yes the Wii U games sometimes disconnect online. That also happens on other platforms. If you're telling me that you have never had a connection error while playing CoD or Halo or GTA then you're a damned liar

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Seriously, anyone saying Nintendo is lacking online, go play Mario Golf, or Pokémon X/Y etc. Even Mario Kart 8, while having a couple of flaws with online, is fantastic online.


God, I am so sick of the rampant negativity here, and how it snowballs out of control.


It's okay Serebii, I'm still here.


Games complement my life and I feel very little need to bitch and moan about them unless the game in question is Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

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To be fair @Serebii people have the right to be pissed if online failings are persistant.


Such frustrations remind me of the friend code era - I honestly can't believe we all put in that amount of effort just to add a friend, and even then the online infastructure wasn't consistent.


I wonder what really is the issue with just... making it better..? Are Nintendo just being tight with improving servers etc? or are the people running the shop really are just...moronic?


X/Ys online was awesome though.

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Seriously, anyone saying Nintendo is lacking online, go play Mario Golf, or Pokémon X/Y etc. Even Mario Kart 8, while having a couple of flaws with online, is fantastic online.


God, I am so sick of the rampant negativity here, and how it snowballs out of control.


Yes, some games don't have online? So what. They don't necessarily need it and would have added to development time. I maintain NintendoLand is designed specifically not to have online and it wouldn't work well on it


Also, yes the Wii U games sometimes disconnect online. That also happens on other platforms. If you're telling me that you have never had a connection error while playing CoD or Halo or GTA then you're a damned liar


I love how you deliberately ignore the valid points people make lol.

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I love how you deliberately ignore the valid points people make lol.

Maybe if they had valid points...


Edit: I apologise, that was rather short of me. However, even though there are a couple of valid points, the amount of vapid negativity and bitching here is getting out of hand again.

Edited by Serebii
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Whether a "Wii 2" (motion control) would have been successful, I don't know, but I'm glad they didn't do it. I wouldn't say the Wii U is the opposite of the Wii though - more like in the middle - and that's exactly the problem. To put it simply, it's not as "casual" as the Wii or quite as "hardcore" as the GameCube, thus only the most devoted fans have bought it.


In fact, I'd say the stumbled start came from trying to keep hold of the Wii so much. Look at Nintendoland... one player uses the GamePad, the others use the Wii remotes. I'm sorry, but I can't be bothered with all that. The Wii remotes were for the Wii and I'd rather leave them there. It could be argued the Wii U is gaining slightly more success the more traditional it's becoming, as games start to drop motion control and GamePad-specific usage, and start to pretty much resemble what would have happened if the GameCube philosophy had been continued.


Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. I'm happy with mine. It's a good machine with great graphics, decent controls and the potential for some amazing games until Nintendo decides what its next console will be like.


I agreed the whole thing has been massively confused. The console doesn't drag (for want of a better word) 'core' gamers in because of its relative lack of power and inadequate online capability. The Gamepad doesn't appeal to casuals because of all the buttons. Who were they aiming it at?


They'd have been better off filling that barren first year with quick and easy HD ports of games like Xenoblade, Skyward Sword, Pandoras tower, The Last Story, Sin and Punishment 2. The Wii games that might be interesting to PS3/360 owners put off by SD Graphics and waggle.

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I agreed the whole thing has been massively confused. The console doesn't drag (for want of a better word) 'core' gamers in because of its relative lack of power and inadequate online capability. The Gamepad doesn't appeal to casuals because of all the buttons. Who were they aiming it at?


They'd have been better off filling that barren first year with quick and easy HD ports of games like Xenoblade, Skyward Sword, Pandoras tower, The Last Story, Sin and Punishment 2. The Wii games that might be interesting to PS3/360 owners put off by SD Graphics and waggle.


Wouldn't mind a HD, waggle-free SS at all. Feel it needed the power for better visuals, and hated the unnecessarily forced precision swordplay.

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For what it's worth, I still feel like the online in Mario Kart 8 is fantastic even though it's slightly lacking and could do with a few tweaks but once you're in a race all of the negativity disappears as the game plays like a dream. : peace:

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