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Wii U General Discussion


Recommended Posts

Valiant Hearts: The Great War


LEGO Batman 3

The Crew

Alien Isolation


Shadow of Mordor


The Evil Within

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Elder Scrolls Online


Assassins Creed Unity


For some reason I keep forgetting about Destiny.


Destiny, Alien and Evil Within are must haves for me, as is Sunset Overdrive and whatever Halo ends up coming out.

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Valiant Hearts: The Great War


LEGO Batman 3

The Crew

Alien Isolation


Shadow of Mordor


The Evil Within

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Far Cry 4

Elder Scrolls Online


Assassins Creed Unity


More Indie games than you can shake a stick at. Transistor has just come out...


(And that's not including The Last of Us, Metro Redux, potentially the Mass Effect Trilogy)


I know it's fun to have a popshot at the competition, but that's a good line-up, with plenty of games waiting in 2015 (always nice to know what games are on the horizon).


Couldn't agree more. PS4's first year will put the Wii U to shame, I think. It also had AC4 Black Flag, which only came a month later and ran considerably better than the other versions. Absolutely loving this game at the moment.

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Spot on. I need my folders something FIERCE! I'm already up to 9 pages worth of downloaded stuff and I'm getting really sick of having to scroll through all of those screens!


9?! :eek: I haven't even filled 2 pages and a lot of what I have are those 30p games from that Famicom promotion last year, several of which I don't even want :heh:


Valiant Hearts: The Great War


LEGO Batman 3

The Crew

Alien Isolation


Shadow of Mordor


The Evil Within

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Far Cry 4

Elder Scrolls Online


Assassins Creed Unity


..but this list is exactly the reason why I'm only interested in the Wii U this generation. Nothing there stands out to me and I'm sure Nintendo will have at least one or two games for me at E3 to keep me ticking over nicely :smile:

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9?! :eek: I haven't even filled 2 pages and a lot of what I have are those 30p games from that Famicom promotion last year, several of which I don't even want :heh:




..but this list is exactly the reason why I'm only interested in the Wii U this generation. Nothing there stands out to me and I'm sure Nintendo will have at least one or two games for me at E3 to keep me ticking over nicely :smile:


Fair enough if that line up doesn't appeal to you, but for people to say that the PS4 line up is poor is ridiculous, particularly when those games listed really do appeal to a Western audience. It will also get every 3rd party title under the sun.People like us are in the severe minority and aren't representative of 90% of the market.


That said, the Wii U is going to have a killer line up this winter and I think the hardcore Nintendo fans will be very happy. It's going to be a great Christmas :)

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..but this list is exactly the reason why I'm only interested in the Wii U this generation. Nothing there stands out to me and I'm sure Nintendo will have at least one or two games for me at E3 to keep me ticking over nicely :smile:

That's cool, but for the vast majority of PS4 owners I bet there's 3-4 must have games there, and that's all you can ask for.


Also, I bet you Rime does? ;)http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42304

Edited by Retro_Link
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Valiant Hearts: The Great War


LEGO Batman 3

The Crew

Alien Isolation


Shadow of Mordor


The Evil Within

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Far Cry 4

Elder Scrolls Online


Assassins Creed Unity


More Indie games than you can shake a stick at. Transistor has just come out...


(And that's not including The Last of Us, Metro Redux, potentially the Mass Effect Trilogy)


I know it's fun to have a popshot at the competition, but that's a good line-up, with plenty of games waiting in 2015 (always nice to know what games are on the horizon).


It wasn't having a go at those machines, I think the software for the console is poor currently, and everything seemed to be getting canceled to next year. And I did say "in my opinion". Bar Alien and bar maybe evil within (though previews haven't been glowing) there's nothing that demands getting a ps4 for (and they're both multiplatform)


As for puts Wii u to shame... Really? For me there isn't a game close to 3D world or Pikmin 3 in that lot. But it's all about tastes.


Still think Xbox one had better software and that lists proves it, aren't they pretty much all 3rd parties? Xbox seems to have more exclusives this year though... But obviously, e3 could paint a whole different picture for all three consoles.


Funny though, all the infinite amount of negativity and bashings Wii u gets, one slight against ps4... Which is more of a positive look at Wii u then a ps4 bashing,that actually, Wii u could get have the best software! Again! It's a unique console, one and ps4 are so so so similar. One of them and a Wii u seems the perfect combo!


That's cool, but for the vast majority of PS4 owners I bet there's 3-4 must have games there, and that's all you can ask for.


Also, I bet you Rime does? ;)http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42304


Agree completely, but the same could be said for Wii u and it didn't stop people saying it's got no games, so to some people they really do need more. I. Personally surprised at how little there is on the console of absolute quality that makes want the machine, I buy every console at launch, this gen, I just don't have the desire to, it's so weird not having a one or ps4... Granted, being in Paris has made that easier, but for the first time nothings biting me past the new console buzz.

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I'm a new PS4 owner as it quickly became evident that the Wii U wouldn't be getting the third party games that I wanted. No Alien: Isolation was the last straw.


I think I'll actually appreciate the Wii U a bit more as a result of this, because now it'll be my pure Nintendo machine. I won't need to feel angry about not getting the third party games because I can now get the best version on a different system, not some gimped Wii U edition. So, if Nintendo can look after themselves and get out their quality games, I'll be fine.


One last thing, getting a PS4 has made me realise just how much a wasted opportunity and a potential piece of garbage that the Wii U GamePad is. Trying the DualShock4, I don't miss having a touchscreen or a second screen at all. It's not integral to the gameplay. I'll be using the Pro Controller as much as I can from here on in, starting with Mario Kart. Nintendo have lost me on that one.

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I think I'll actually appreciate the Wii U a bit more as a result of this, because now it'll be my pure Nintendo machine. I won't need to feel angry about not getting the third party games because I can now get the best version on a different system, not some gimped Wii U edition. So, if Nintendo can look after themselves and get out their quality games, I'll be fine.



If I had the money this is what I would exactly do. Just use the Wii U as the Nintendo and any other exclusive games console. Then just enjoy the other.


Best of both worlds


Don't get me wrong, we shouldn't have to buy two consoles but unfortunately that is the way things are and we can't do anything about it apart from buy another console.

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If I had the money this is what I would exactly do. Just use the Wii U as the Nintendo and any other exclusive games console. Then just enjoy the other.


Best of both worlds


Don't get me wrong, we shouldn't have to buy two consoles but unfortunately that is the way things are and we can't do anything about it apart from buy another console.


I think if anybody is really not happy with Nintendo's output or the lack of third party games...or even having diverse enough games, they should consider looking at an additional system. For future proofing more than anything. The PS4 and One may not have the games right now, but they'll be kicking about for the next 5 or so years and the games will get better in quality.


It is sad and I did feel a strange sense of disappointment when I made my order. But, there's also excitement. I LOVE the DualShock4 and the system just feels great. I'm excited to actually have a powerful system and suddenly all of these games that I didn't care about before seem more appealing.


Nintendo will be Nintendo. They'll frustrate, but occasionally there will be that game that comes around which makes you realise why you liked them in the first place. Sadly, they're not the same as they once were, they haven't improved in a lot of ways. It's going to be strange watching E3 this year as it'll be the first time that I'm more excited about the Sony conference than Nintendo's.

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For me it's the combo Wii U - PC - 3DS - iPad :)

With those I have absolutely no time to spend on other consoles/games actually.


My younger brother has a 360 and is planning on buying a PS4 so I can check lot's of games out that aren't coming to any of my four systems (wich aren't that much...)

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Fair enough if that line up doesn't appeal to you, but for people to say that the PS4 line up is poor is ridiculous, particularly when those games listed really do appeal to a Western audience.


Just to be clear, I definitely didn't say that : peace: Everyone has different tastes and the XBOX One and PS4 hold absolutely no appeal to me right now, even though I'm sure others feel differently about those consoles. Equally, there are many of us that have plenty to enjoy on Wii U that others don't necessarily find interesting.


I basically had the same feelings last generation where the Wii provided some great gaming experiences for me that I just wasn't receiving elsewhere, something that was particularly evident during my year of owning an XBOX 360. I didn't feel attached to it in the same way I have Nintendo consoles over the years, and the PS3 that currently resides below my TV in the living room is probably used more as a DVD player than anything else..

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If there were two IP's that I wish would come to Wii U, they would be be Patapon and Locoroco. Man, I loved those on PSP and they would be great as eshop games for Wii U. :love:

These are both examples that games with that typical Nintendoish magic can also be found on other manufacturers devices.

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I'm a new PS4 owner as it quickly became evident that the Wii U wouldn't be getting the third party games that I wanted. No Alien: Isolation was the last straw.


I think I'll actually appreciate the Wii U a bit more as a result of this, because now it'll be my pure Nintendo machine. I won't need to feel angry about not getting the third party games because I can now get the best version on a different system, not some gimped Wii U edition. So, if Nintendo can look after themselves and get out their quality games, I'll be fine.


One last thing, getting a PS4 has made me realise just how much a wasted opportunity and a potential piece of garbage that the Wii U GamePad is. Trying the DualShock4, I don't miss having a touchscreen or a second screen at all. It's not integral to the gameplay. I'll be using the Pro Controller as much as I can from here on in, starting with Mario Kart. Nintendo have lost me on that one.


This is why I bought a PS3 during the Wii era...when the price dropped significantly enough and there was content that appealed to me. May be the same with the PS4 and although the PS3 ended up being a FIFA/PES and Journey/Flower machine - I'm still not sure if it was worth the price of admission. Although Heavy Rain & Uncharted 1/2 were experiences I adored. :bowdown:

Think this gen I'll wait until the end and pick up an XBone or PS4 cheap and catch up on their exclusives. At least then I'll have content to play while Nintendo have their usual slow launch!

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Think this gen I'll wait until the end and pick up an XBone or PS4 cheap and catch up on their exclusives. At least then I'll have content to play while Nintendo have their usual slow launch!
That's what I did this gen with the PS3, and will likely repeat it with the PS4 in a few years.

That's the plan at least, but obviously if Nintendo go and have another disastrous drought on Wii U then I might have to get one sooner. Will know for sure next week I guess. ;)

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Miiverse update.


New Miiverse update: as said earlier, Activity feed now shows Yeahs given by people you follow. Click 'More Yeahs' to see them all.


New Miiverse update : your activity feed now shows up to 50 notifications. In the future, you'll be able to deactivate Yeahs notifications.


New Miiverse update: character limit is now 400 for both posts and comments.


New Miiverse update: waiting time between each comment is now down to 2 minutes.


Happy with both the time limit being cut down a bit and the increase in character limit.

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You can't really factor in the cost of the games, as you'd have to pay that anyway if it was released on Wii U. In terms of 'added cost' on top of what you would pay if it was released on Wii U, it's £80 less than that.


I also know you've often said how you got cheap bargains on the Wii U and games for under a tenner. Well, in the interest of balance, you should do the same here. If you've done the same for the Wii U, you shouldn't list full RRP games if you can wait a couple of months and get half price (especially since FIFA games plummet rapidly). Similarly, PS Plus is often cheaper than that in various deals. It honestly seems like you're deliberately trying to make the cost seem as high as possible. You're also getting the ability to play every FIFA/whatever for at least the next 6 years, so it won't be 'just 2 games'.


I can't get over the fact that you would literally only value those 2 games on the system. You would have the most powerful games console on the market and support from just about every third party developer there is. And you only want those two games? Why not try explore other games out there? With the PS Plus subscription you will get many games to try without paying any extra on top. Try it out!.


... sure it's £80 less than £460. How am I making it look expensive. The PS4 is £349 at retail so I've already quoted that as much cheaper plus I have not factored in the cost of a move at £24.99 and subscription charges going forward. I know I can play more than two games, but my point was these are the only two games I want to play that are not on Wii U (although having now checked TW is not out on PS4 either yet)

It truly is pathetic how you constantly try and argue how great the PS4 is. I was actually having a dig at Nintendo because they have failed to get FIFA and TW onto Wii U and you take this as a slant against PS4 because I am saying I might have to buy one because of Nintendo's failings. Take your blinkers off.


And can we once and for all stop this nonsense of "free games" with PS Plus. They are not free they are £40 per year. I would rather have the choice of what old games I buy on the cheap, not be told you have to pay this and we'll tell you what games you can have.

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They play with the waiting time every update. Do t know why it's there anyway.


I'm looking forward to the update - can now send and receive messages in 3ds and miiverse. And obviously, on screen notifications will be displayed when sent a PM and when a post is tagged GAME INVITE

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I'm a new PS4 owner as it quickly became evident that the Wii U wouldn't be getting the third party games that I wanted. No Alien: Isolation was the last straw.


I think I'll actually appreciate the Wii U a bit more as a result of this, because now it'll be my pure Nintendo machine. I won't need to feel angry about not getting the third party games because I can now get the best version on a different system, not some gimped Wii U edition. So, if Nintendo can look after themselves and get out their quality games, I'll be fine.


One last thing, getting a PS4 has made me realise just how much a wasted opportunity and a potential piece of garbage that the Wii U GamePad is. Trying the DualShock4, I don't miss having a touchscreen or a second screen at all. It's not integral to the gameplay. I'll be using the Pro Controller as much as I can from here on in, starting with Mario Kart. Nintendo have lost me on that one.


I was going to thank this, but then wondered how it'd look in a sense - the biggest thing that rings with me about the post is just the sort of sadness of it. What happened that it's come to this for some of us? Lifelong and/or very dedicated Nintendo fans. How has Nintendo lost us? It was about for a bit last gen too, with the whole Wii60 thing when the PS3 was coming along, but it's such a shame that it's actually a reality now.


Still for me, both my gaming time and finances are down; whilst the PS4U solution would probably curb a number of my frustrations, I'd probably still find it not viable investing that much in a system, and would rather this isn't going to be the future of all Nintendo's ventures.

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