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To be fair, neither would Prime 4. Maybe to a few "core" players. A new IP could go either way, it would have to be the most amazing thing since sliced bread to make the Wii U reach "printing money" level of sales.
Yeah, I believe Donkey Kong Country Returns sold more than all of the Metroid Prime games combined.


So in terms of trying to achieve sales, DKCTF is absolutely the right decision for Nintendo/Retro Studios.

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To be fair, neither would Prime 4. Maybe to a few "core" players. A new IP could go either way, it would have to be the most amazing thing since sliced bread to make the Wii U reach "printing money" level of sales.

At this point, Wii scale success is completely ruled out. But an HD 3D Metroid could be part of moving sales from "armageddon" to "mediocre". It could be the first game to convince the core that the Wii U can push some more than decent graphics.


As I've said before, what the Wii U needs is variety. If you replace a 2D platformer with a 3D sci-fi FPS, then you've increased your variety, making your console more appealing. Then replace a minigame compilation with a jetski arcade racing game, and you've got even more variety. Then replace the third 2D-platformer with a prologue to a Gran Turismo-style racing "simulator", and you've reduced the perceived software drought.

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I'm happy with them doing DK:TF its looks an awesome game, they don't deserve hate at all, Nintendo do! If retro choze to do DK over something like Metroid, then its up to Nintendo to ensure their line up is robust enough and fills the percieved genre gaps....



but we all know they aren't doing it, they have resigned themselves to companion console and its depressing, they have th potential to be market leader, but don't dare risk the loss......which they have anyway

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Yeah, I believe Donkey Kong Country Returns sold more than all of the Metroid Prime games combined.


So in terms of trying to achieve sales, DKCTF is absolutely the right decision for Nintendo/Retro Studios.


I just don't think it's that simple and this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo have made. Wii Fit, Wii Party and Wii Sports all sold a bazillion copies and they've all bombed on the Wii U (actually don't think wii party has). The Wii was the family console, the kids console, it had HUGE numbers; of course Donkey Kong sold well. The Wii U isn't this, the only way the Wii U could do well is to claw back gamers by releasing a range of software, and games more suited to "gamers tastes". Metroid Prime is infinitely more needed than Donkey Kong at this time.


I'll love them both personally. But I am slightly platformed out. And just think DK is the last thing the wii u needs...

Edited by dazzybee
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I just don't think it's that simple and this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo have made. Wii Fit, Wii Party and Wii Sports all sounds bazillion copies and they've all bombed on the Wii U (actually don't think wii party has). The Wii was the family console, the kids console, it had HUGE numbers; of course Donkey Kong sold well. The Wii U isn't this, the only way the Wii U could do well is to claw back gamers by releasing a range of software, and games more suited to "gamers tastes". Metroid Prime is infinitely more needed than Donkey Kong at this time.


I'll love them both personally. But I am slightly platformed out. And just think DK is the last thing the wii u needs...

That's taking into account Metroid Prime 3, which was on the Wii and still sold way less than the original Metroid Prime on GCN.

Fact is, DK and Mario have always outsold Metroid in the past, and continue to have the best chance of doing so now.


Metroid is infinitely more needed at the moment for us, but as far as Nintendo is concerned it's the last thing they need. Why spend the time/money producing a Metroid game that's essentially guaranteed to give a miniscule return compared to a Mario or DK platformer? ::shrug:


It's the same story with F-Zero. That franchise has sold around 6 million in total, but compare that to Mario Kart, which has sold almost 100 million, and it's pretty clear why Nintendo choose to focus on MK and ignore F-Zero.

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But F-Zero and Metroid would actually sell me a Wii U (+1 sale)... DKCTF doesn't do that.


I love the look of it but I don't feel I need to have it. If I already had a Wii U I'd buy it.


More people with a SNES or Wii may have bought DK, but I wonder how many people bought a SNES or Wii for DK.


At this point I think Metroid and F-Zero stand a greater chance of attaching people to the console, and then they can pick up DK.

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I'm not much of a Metroid fan (and I am even less of a DK fan) but I also agree bringing in a Metroid game (or any non-cartoony, non-platform, realistic-looking, sharp HD game) will automatically create the variety that the console really needs.


Couple this with a console package, or maybe even a special edition Metroid inspired Red, Orange and Green Gamepad - then you'll have sales!


I think Wii's Donkey Kong is still quiet ' fresh' - they could have just re-released it on Wii U in a 'New Way To Play' style deal, psuedo-filling up droughts and given more exposure for a future DK release, after the cool Metroid one that is needed NOW.

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I just don't think it's that simple and this is one of the biggest mistakes Nintendo have made. Wii Fit, Wii Party and Wii Sports all sounds bazillion copies and they've all bombed on the Wii U (actually don't think wii party has). The Wii was the family console, the kids console, it had HUGE numbers; of course Donkey Kong sold well. The Wii U isn't this, the only way the Wii U could do well is to claw back gamers by releasing a range of software, and games more suited to "gamers tastes". Metroid Prime is infinitely more needed than Donkey Kong at this time.


I'll love them both personally. But I am slightly platformed out. And just think DK is the last thing the wii u needs...




The real concern for me is Nintendo see titles which sold well on the wii thinking wii u versions are required. Its really not as simple as that as they have found with the numerous wii blockbusters which have bombed on the wii u.


The console needs varity, new IP's and new versions of older IP which we havent seen for many a year.

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Going back to Retro I think one of the big reasons why everyone was pissed at them for doing another DK was because everyone was expecting them to do something that would visually push the system. A lot of people including myself got into there head that they would be working on something other than DK and Metroid that when shown for the first time would knock your socks off. Its why I generally try not to get hyped about anything anymore especially when it comes to Nintendo and announcements.


Also right now if anyone asked about what console they should get I would not recommend a Wii U over either the PS4 or Xbone. Whilst the Wii does in FACT have better exclusives right now I just don't see that being true for very long and then on top of that the PS4 and Bone will actually have a variety of third party support for the next 6 or so years. I never buy a console just for what's available right now but for what the future will bring.


ps - Can I buy any old chat headset and plug it into the gamepad and have it work?

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There was an interview where they implied they were a two game company now, so it wouldn't surprise me if their next isn't THAT far away! And it'll blatantly be Metroid Prime 4. I'd be gobsmacked if it wasn't!
Wasn't it that they were just helping out on Mario Kart too?


Of course I'd love a new Retro Metroid, but I'm also conscious that maybe it might not be the best thing for the team... franchise fatigue and all. I can imagine it's something all teams like that experience, like the Gears team... and why people end up leaving and starting their own studios and projects.


Therefore I think it might be best for everyone to either allow them to create their own game, or to give them a different Nintendo franchise.

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If Nintendo simply keep releasing sequels to Wii titles that had more sales, it's not going to work. As some of you have pointed out, the 'Wii' branded games are pretty dead in the water now. Wii Party did surprisingly well though, even if it was because of the included remote. Don't quote me on this, because it's just a GAF estimate, but apparently Wii Fit U sold less than 20,000 in January in the US. Wasn't that its opening month over there?


These titles sold well on Wii because, for the most part, everyone already had a Wii for Wii Sports at that point. Right now, Nintendo need variety to reel people in. Not to mention, the new Donkey Kong faces exactly the same problem that Wii Fit U, New Super Mario Bros U and the Wii U itself all faced - It looks nearly identical to the Wii counterpart.


Sure, we can see that it looks miles better and appreciate the beautiful fur on DK, but to the average consumer, it really doesn't look very different at all.


I don't even particularly like Metroid, but I really think, despite what past sales have told us, it would help out the Wii U as a console far more than DK right now. And with the original Returns hitting in 2010, with the 3DS port last year, DK has gone from resurrected classic to yet another over-used Nintendo mascot.

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ps - Can I buy any old chat headset and plug it into the gamepad and have it work?


I bought this; http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Popular-PC-Headset-to-Smart-Phone-Adapter-3-5mm-2-Female-to-Male-Splitter-Cable-/221304870881?pt=AU_Television_Accessories&hash=item3386cc57e1&_uhb=1 or another rendition of this, which allows you to plug in any PC headset. Now I can pick up a cheap headset for like a fiver, and it all works perfectly OK.

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I think a more fitting question is why on earth Nintendo themselves have prioritised Yarn Yoshi ahead of all their other yet to be released franchises?


There's a 2D Yoshi coming to the 3DS this year, why on earth do we need a second? One of them shouldn't have been made.


And this is an example of the very strange thinking at Nintendo.


Haha what? I genuinely thought that the new Yoshi(Island 2 is it?) was actually a project that Yoshi Yarn turned into! Yarn'll probably flop with there being another title in the same year, plus due to being on Wii U and all too :p


As for Kirby in @Ike's point - Kirby's 'Epic' Yarn wasn't all that Kirbyish, really. It'd have been better placed as a title under its original IP, rather than tacked onto Kirby. Nightmare in Dreamland WAS Kirby, and whilst mass attack was too it had a unique central mechanic that essentially made it feel like a very different game to the usual Kirby fare(although the usual Kirby fare HAS been taking a new mechanic for a number of titles).


If they anounce NSMBU2 i'll personally fly to Japan and slap Iwata with a wet kipper saying "NO just NO"


I'll remmeber this...just in case...;)

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Yeah I think we all understand why Kirby was put into Epic Yarn, but really it was a cowardly decision by Nintendo to not start a new franchise with it.


We'd be getting the sequel to it later this year, and maybe we'd all be looking forward to that a lot more than we might Yarn Yoshi (which of course could be great) as it'd be a character and a world still new to us (who will the enemy be, what adventure and worlds will we experience)... instead of being able to predict already how and what Yarn Yoshi will be.

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As long as the game is good, I don't see why it's bad putting a popular character in it. I loved epic Yarn, and the new style was great, as well as breathing new life into the KIRBY franchise.


And this is going back a bit but Starfox Adventures was amazing. I know a lot of people hate it because it was an actual evolution of the series instead of being the same old shit (see DKC Returns for that) but I was a huge fan. I'd be happy if this happened more often to be honest.

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As long as the game is good, I don't see why it's bad putting a popular character in it. I loved epic Yarn, and the new style was great, as well as breathing new life into the KIRBY franchise.


And this is going back a bit but Starfox Adventures was amazing. I know a lot of people hate it because it was an actual evolution of the series instead of being the same old shit (see DKC Returns for that) but I was a huge fan. I'd be happy if this happened more often to be honest.


cant believe you like starfox adventures dude


Thats game was absolute drivel. Probably the most boring game I have ever played.

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You must have been playing a different game, man.



This game was full of LIFE. The music, the characters and the world were amazing. Not to mention that, at the time, the graphics were just incredible. RARE expanded the Starfox universe more than Nintendo ever could. This game alone was such an evolution in the series and it just pains me that Nintendo let them go.


What have Nintendo done with the series since? They let Namco have a pop, and did a 3D remake of the N64 game. They don't give a crap about the Starfox franchise, and when they DO release a new game, it seems like a half-arsed attempt at pleasing desperate fans.


Starfox Adventures felt so... next-gen. Like a true evolution of a classic Nintendo series. I'd love to see a sequel, but obviously that will not happen now. Because one, RARE are gone and two, Nintendo fans proved long ago that they don't care about evolution or change, they just want the same old crap year after year. Instead of loads of Mario Galaxy iterations, we get New Super Mario Bros. 17. and instead of a true sequel to DK64 we get Donkey Kong Country Returns again in yet another 2D side-scroller.


But I'm rambling, I should just accept that, along with Monkey Ball and Viewtiful Joe, all things have to come to a bitter end and sadly, Nintendo is one of those things.

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